Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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Kio gave a second interview, I believe it was after Caylee was found. It was recorded at OCSD or PD. I only caught a couple seconds of it, when she was talking about pet (birds, hamsters) funerals they did at the scene. It may have been more descriptive then what she talked about the first time. But how could they have hung out in this particular spot? Had picnics and 'frolicked' around? It was too dangerous for a LEO to walk into when he knew a baby was missing from right up the street? Did it change that much in the last few years? Was she talking about an area they can only go to at certain times of the year? Or are they talking about a different area? I realize kids are fearless, but it is beyond ridiculous to think they played in that lot.

Remember way back when, CA said she took the dirty boots out of the car and washed them. She wasn't talking about boots KC went dancing in...

I thought it was pants that were washed, there were boots in the car, but I never read or heard the boots were also washed. Were the boots washed too?
It has been discussed at some point that the spot where Kio spoke of was in the vicinity of this area but up the street or across the street...I remember reading when they first discovered Caylee's body that this was not the place where they hung out (which was by the school)? but close by. maybe someone has this information available I cant remember if I read it here or in a daily update, sorry.
I love to hear Cindy tell the story about the cadaver dogs in the yard.
She thinks the first dog was stupid, so they brought a second dog who was even more stupid.:crazy::crazy:
She didn't have a clue that the second dog was only confirming the first dogs alerts.

Yes, what a liar Cindy is. I believe she called them "inconsistent hits". Total fabrication. :rolleyes:
I thought it was pants that were washed, there were boots in the car, but I never read or heard the boots were also washed. Were the boots washed too?

I never heard that the boots were washed either. I remember clearly at the time that it was reported about the pants being washed that I wondered about the boots and also the shoes that were also in the car.
I thought it was pants that were washed, there were boots in the car, but I never read or heard the boots were also washed. Were the boots washed too?

I may be wrong, but I think the boots were still in the car when LE seized it. I thought I read that.
This was 2 nights ago. I was over on the eastside of Orlando and it was about 9:00 at night. Since I am such a huge follower of the whole Caylee Anthony case, I decided to take Dh with me and go see the memorial site. We drove down Suburban drive and stopped at Hopespring. There was a little memorial set up there. We got out of the car and walked over to it and I was commenting on how nice it was. Someone had wrote a nice message on a posterboard and there were little teddybears and cards. One of the Find Caylee tshirts was also there and alot of people had signed it and wrote messages to her on it. My Dh and were talking and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I then noticed a little farther down the street there looked like there was a bigger memorial. The lights were very dim on the street so we decided to drive down there. We drove down there to where this huge memorial was set up.It was at the site where the body was found. All the trees that were there have been torn down and there is a huge pile of dirt piled up on the side which is what I'm guessing is the dirt that all the investigators where going through. It is very clear from the road, that this empty void between all the trees and shrubbery is where they found her body. So, I told my Dh that I wanted to get out and look at all the little bears and cards and such that were left there. I positioned my car so that I could see everything with my headlights. I got out of the car, walked around, and stepped one foot from the road to the ground where the memorial was set up and I got this feeling that I had experienced several times before in my life. This time it was the worst feeling I have felt in my entire life. The air is so thick in that area that you could cut it with a knife. My chest started to feel heavy and then it started to hurt. I feel like I totally spaced out for a minute and I had the most overwhelming feeling of sadness that I have ever felt in my life. I started to tear up and cry. I was out on the side of the road, with one foot on the road and one foot on the ground that she was found on maybe 20 seconds, but it seemed like hours at that time. I got back in the car and Dh who stayed in the car asked me what was wrong. I remember I just kind of responded, "huh" and then he said I looked white as a sheep.

After experiencing this the other night, I have been doing alot of research on it and from what I have been reading it seems like a residual haunting is actually a residual energy haunting where somewhere where something so horrible happened that it leaves a sort of energy stamp and that's what stays around. This is a good explanation of it. The second paragraph really explains it best to me.

The emotional traumatic energy is then transferred to the environment in which the person who experiences it was in at the time of said trauma. It remains in that general area, until somehow another person or people trigger what the experiencer went through or saw. This is the reason that R.H. occurs as if a play back. Many times during R.H. the person(s) experiencing it feel terrified, guilty, anger or overwhelming sadness. These feelings which have been reported are simply the witness of the R.H. empathically experiencing what the person who imprinted the event felt at the time of the event. Though there are just as many cases where there was no odd emotion felt, other than the shock and fear which come with experiencing a "Ghost". Additionally the person views the events as they happened to or were viewed by the person who left the imprint.
I'm not trying to get people to believe or to start an argument, I'm just sharing the feelings that "I" have experienced. I know what I felt was real, I didn't make myself feel it or make it up.
So, has anyone else here experienced anything like this or know someone that does? Any thoughts on the subject?
Lizzie, I was very physically and spiritually affected too when I visited on Sunday. It is now 2.5 days later and I can still recall that sadness and it hits me in the pit of my stomach.

I have never felt so haunted in my life.
I wonder how Casey worked up the nerve to go into the woods. Sociopaths see themselves as the center of the universe, so it's hard for me to see her puttng herself in danger.
Four or five feet in Florida scrub can be deadly. Most people can't even fathom the things which lurk in that type of scrub. (I can put up my snake pictures from there again if anyone thinks it would be easy) Some areas (which I assume this was like) you HAVE to have a machete just to walk through that distance.

And a meter reader would actually pick a place like this to wade through to take a leak???!!! Seems odd...VERY odd. And I can't fathom KC braving that to dump a body, either!
I haven't been to the scene on Suburban yet as I can't quite bring myself to go. I may see if CocoaMom wants to go over next weekend.

When I watched the video of Gail St. J. on You Tube, as soon as she made that right hand turn onto Suburban and the boy in the back seat asked her to pull over because the dog was getting sick, I had this HUGE feeling of nausea that came over me like a wave. DH has often told me over the 20 years we've been married, that I'm psychic. I'm not sure about that, but I have had premonition dreams that have come true, where I've actually told someone about the dream beforehand (freaked them and me out), and I've also had a few "ghostly" experiences over the years, starting when I was about 5 yrs. old. I've often wondered if I should just open my mind to it a bit more and see what happens.

If I make it over there this weekend, I'm going to send up positive prayers of love to Caylee from all of her loved ones here at WS.
Would S/R dogs be able to pick up a live scent if Caylee had already been dead for a month or more? I didn't think so, but I could be wrong. They should have sent cadaver dogs to search those woods, starting from the A's yard and moving outward. I don't think most S/R dogs are trained to look for a deceased person though. I remember some testimony in the SP case where the trainers say that even a dead body will give off a live scent for a short time, but IIRC, it would not be as much as a month or even a week. I am going by memory only. No link.

Cadaver dogs and SAR dogs are not trained to do the same thing although there are SOME that do do both.

All cadaver dogs are not trained to do water seaches.

Info from:Cadaver Dog Handbook: Forensic Training and Tactics for the Recovery of Human Remains by Andrew Rebmann, Edward David


Rudy Drexler
Keeping in mind that I drove past the area before I knew it was relevant - and therefore didnt pay a whole lot of attention - I cant remember seeing anything that would call for a meter reader. That is something that has bugged me since we first heard of him.

He was reaing the meter at the school down the road.

And a meter reader would actually pick a place like this to wade through to take a leak???!!! Seems odd...VERY odd. And I can't fathom KC braving that to dump a body, either!

It was said that he didn't say he was taking a leak. That was conjecture.
o/t OK, I am trying to be opened minded, but why would anyone believe that Caylee was not at complete rest? Why should she not have reached for the stars and headed out to whatever your belief is-heaven, the cosmos, whatever? Why would any tortured murdered baby not just take flight with her last breath? I think she is beyond the emotion that makes those of us left behind feel creeped out at the place where a body has been dumped. jmo.

Thanks to one and all for the physical descriptions of the scrub and the proximity to the Anthony house-it really completed the scene in my mind.

I agree...little Caylee is with her Lord and Savior in Heaven, and He would not allow her little soul to feel anything but peace, happiness, and understanding. It states in the bible that there is no sorrow in Heaven. Little Caylee is definitely at peace and surrounded with more love than we can ever comprehend.
I'm unsure if I would go to visit the site where Caylee was found. I'm not sure emotionally I can handle that. I will be in Orlando in a few weeks to mark the 3 years since Jennifer Kesse has been missing, and just think that with all the emotion involved with that, that seeing where poor little Caylee waited for someone to find her just breaks my heart. Jennifer is still out there and we have no answers. At least we all can rest a bit easier knowing that Caylee is with God.
I know that this is a little off topic but will post it anyways in response to the prior posts about the downside of the weather in some areas of the country that people have discussed in this thread.

I live in Western Pennsylvania. We have four distinct seasons. Each season has its own charms. Right now we are in Winter. We are having a rather mild winter this year. So far only a few days/nights where it was what we call "bitter cold' - which would mean anything around or below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Every house here has a central heating system, so being indoors is no problem at all. Everyone owns a "winter coat", scarf, gloves and some sort of a hat. Unless you participate in winter sports, the exposure to cold is minimal - waiting until the interior of the car heats up if you don't have a garage and then getting from your car into the workplace or the grocery store or whatever. Many folks do participate in outdoor winter sports which include ice skating, downhill and cross country skiing, snowmobiling, and for the very adventurous there is even ice climbing. Again, right here in Western Pennsylvania it is not usually bitter cold and if it ever is, it is only for a few days and then it warms up again. Warm enough that there is no snow on the ground here in the city - Pittsburgh - but there is decent downhill skiing within a one hour drive.

Spring is wonderful each year. Crocuses are the first flowers to pop up - often through a little lingering snow. Then come the blooming of the daffodils, the forsythia and the tulips. On the odd year we will still get a snow near Eastertime, but that is unusual and it melts quickly. Along with Spring comes the nicely warming air and along with it that internal feeling of renewal and energy that only Spring weather can bring.

Summers are usually fairly temperate here. There are still lots of folks who do not have air conditioning in their homes. (I have it in mine and am thankful for it when temperatures soar.) But days above 90 degrees are unusual and it almost always cools off at night here. So you can sit out on your porch or your deck in the evening and enjoy the outdoors and the lightening bugs.

Autumn is spectacular. What can I say? The favorite time of year for many around these parts. Summer kind of slides away during September and by the end of that month the evenings are getting quite cool, but the days are still sunny and temperate. October brings cooler days and the crisp nights that cause the trees to turn beautivul colors. November is a "you never know" month. It could be as temperate as October or there could be some snow by Thanksgiving. If there is snow, it is not usually very much - maybe a few inches.

The municipal authorities around here are totally geared up for snow removal. I live on a small cul-de-sac in a suburban area. Main road is always taken care of immediately, then the road into the housing plan and my street within just a few hours. They apply salt here BEFORE it snows. They purchase two differrrent types of salt - one for the really cold temperatures and a different one if it is in the twenties or low thirties.

Any accumulation of snow is promptly removed by large snowplows. The snowplows will be out all night if necessary for roads to be cleared for the morning commute.

People purchase snow tires or all weather radials. Most everyone "knows how to drive in the snow".

We get to buy nice looking boots, great-looking scarves and gloves sets and fashionable winter heqadgear.

Oh, and there aren't a lot of bugs or snakes.

Come visit someday and check us out.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers
This was 2 nights ago. I was over on the eastside of Orlando and it was about 9:00 at night. Since I am such a huge follower of the whole Caylee Anthony case, I decided to take Dh with me and go see the memorial site. We drove down Suburban drive and stopped at Hopespring. There was a little memorial set up there. We got out of the car and walked over to it and I was commenting on how nice it was. Someone had wrote a nice message on a posterboard and there were little teddybears and cards. One of the Find Caylee tshirts was also there and alot of people had signed it and wrote messages to her on it. My Dh and were talking and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I then noticed a little farther down the street there looked like there was a bigger memorial. The lights were very dim on the street so we decided to drive down there. We drove down there to where this huge memorial was set up.It was at the site where the body was found. All the trees that were there have been torn down and there is a huge pile of dirt piled up on the side which is what I'm guessing is the dirt that all the investigators where going through. It is very clear from the road, that this empty void between all the trees and shrubbery is where they found her body. So, I told my Dh that I wanted to get out and look at all the little bears and cards and such that were left there. I positioned my car so that I could see everything with my headlights. I got out of the car, walked around, and stepped one foot from the road to the ground where the memorial was set up and I got this feeling that I had experienced several times before in my life. This time it was the worst feeling I have felt in my entire life. The air is so thick in that area that you could cut it with a knife. My chest started to feel heavy and then it started to hurt. I feel like I totally spaced out for a minute and I had the most overwhelming feeling of sadness that I have ever felt in my life. I started to tear up and cry. I was out on the side of the road, with one foot on the road and one foot on the ground that she was found on maybe 20 seconds, but it seemed like hours at that time. I got back in the car and Dh who stayed in the car asked me what was wrong. I remember I just kind of responded, "huh" and then he said I looked white as a sheep.

After experiencing this the other night, I have been doing alot of research on it and from what I have been reading it seems like a residual haunting is actually a residual energy haunting where somewhere where something so horrible happened that it leaves a sort of energy stamp and that's what stays around. This is a good explanation of it. The second paragraph really explains it best to me.

The emotional traumatic energy is then transferred to the environment in which the person who experiences it was in at the time of said trauma. It remains in that general area, until somehow another person or people trigger what the experiencer went through or saw. This is the reason that R.H. occurs as if a play back. Many times during R.H. the person(s) experiencing it feel terrified, guilty, anger or overwhelming sadness. These feelings which have been reported are simply the witness of the R.H. empathically experiencing what the person who imprinted the event felt at the time of the event. Though there are just as many cases where there was no odd emotion felt, other than the shock and fear which come with experiencing a "Ghost". Additionally the person views the events as they happened to or were viewed by the person who left the imprint.
I'm not trying to get people to believe or to start an argument, I'm just sharing the feelings that "I" have experienced. I know what I felt was real, I didn't make myself feel it or make it up.
So, has anyone else here experienced anything like this or know someone that does? Any thoughts on the subject?
I'd love to read them, but your links come, page not found.
I know that this is a little off topic but will post it anyways in response to the prior posts about the downside of the weather in some areas of the country that people have discussed in this thread.

I live in Western Pennsylvania. We have four distinct seasons. Each season has its own charms. Right now we are in Winter. We are having a rather mild winter this year. So far only a few days/nights where it was what we call "bitter cold' - which would mean anything around or below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Every house here has a central heating system, so being indoors is no problem at all. Everyone owns a "winter coat", scarf, gloves and some sort of a hat. Unless you participate in winter sports, the exposure to cold is minimal - waiting until the interior of the car heats up if you don't have a garage and then getting from your car into the workplace or the grocery store or whatever. Many folks do participate in outdoor winter sports which include ice skating, downhill and cross country skiing, snowmobiling, and for the very adventurous there is even ice climbing. Again, right here in Western Pennsylvania it is not usually bitter cold and if it ever is, it is only for a few days and then it warms up again. Warm enough that there is no snow on the ground here in the city - Pittsburgh - but there is decent downhill skiing within a one hour drive.

Spring is wonderful each year. Crocuses are the first flowers to pop up - often through a little lingering snow. Then come the blooming of the daffodils, the forsythia and the tulips. On the odd year we will still get a snow near Eastertime, but that is unusual and it melts quickly. Along with Spring comes the nicely warming air and along with it that internal feeling of renewal and energy that only Spring weather can bring.

Summers are usually fairly temperate here. There are still lots of folks who do not have air conditioning in their homes. (I have it in mine and am thankful for it when temperatures soar.) But days above 90 degrees are unusual and it almost always cools off at night here. So you can sit out on your porch or your deck in the evening and enjoy the outdoors and the lightening bugs.

Autumn is spectacular. What can I say? The favorite time of year for many around these parts. Summer kind of slides away during September and by the end of that month the evenings are getting quite cool, but the days are still sunny and temperate. October brings cooler days and the crisp nights that cause the trees to turn beautivul colors. November is a "you never know" month. It could be as temperate as October or there could be some snow by Thanksgiving. If there is snow, it is not usually very much - maybe a few inches.

The municipal authorities around here are totally geared up for snow removal. I live on a small cul-de-sac in a suburban area. Main road is always taken care of immediately, then the road into the housing plan and my street within just a few hours. They apply salt here BEFORE it snows. They purchase two differrrent types of salt - one for the really cold temperatures and a different one if it is in the twenties or low thirties.

Any accumulation of snow is promptly removed by large snowplows. The snowplows will be out all night if necessary for roads to be cleared for the morning commute.

People purchase snow tires or all weather radials. Most everyone "knows how to drive in the snow".

We get to buy nice looking boots, great-looking scarves and gloves sets and fashionable winter heqadgear.

Oh, and there aren't a lot of bugs or snakes.

Come visit someday and check us out.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers

You Have successfully made me homesick for the city in which I was born and raised!!!! Except I remember walking to school freezing, all winter long!!:blowkiss::blowkiss:
I agree...little Caylee is with her Lord and Savior in Heaven, and He would not allow her little soul to feel anything but peace, happiness, and understanding. It states in the bible that there is no sorrow in Heaven. Little Caylee is definitely at peace and surrounded with more love than we can ever comprehend.

I agree as well. Caylee's little soul is not feeling pain nor sorrow nor any other negative emotion. The Lord is holding her in His arms and she is free from any suffering. I prefer to not think of the suffering she may have had before she died, it makes me angry and sad all at the same time. I just take comfort knowing that God is watching over her now, and NO ONE will ever be able to hurt her, ever again. But Heaven is a peaceful place, and that is where her soul resides. These bones that are left are not Caylee... Caylee has no use for them now.
I am going by what they actually said. They called the A fam house a "Crime Scene". The investigators do appear to believe she was killed in or around that house. (So do I. I do not think Caylee ever left that house alive after June 15th.)

My reply was in reference to your saying you had a problem with the "dump site" being called a crime scene. I explained that the site the body (or remains) are found IS a crime scene, because dumping a body is a crime.
And wherever they use search procedures to gather evidence is also a crime scene, because they are investigating a crime. But searching for clues and evidence does not necessarily mean they think the death occured there. Casey and Caylee lived in the house... it's not uncommon for LE to search the place of residence to support their case. I'm sure at this point they are considering every possibility.
That is possible. But, I believe that since there was an indention in the ground where the body was found, and since the leaves under the bag were brown...that it had been there for quite some time. IMO, the place where Caylee was found, is where her lying as$ mother put her. I think that she was scared to place her further into the woods, because it was dark...and she had to get rid of the body really fast. I think that she probably would have taken her out of the state to dump her, if she hadn't of ran out of gas. Another thing that just occurred to me, is the fact that KC allowed that car to be towed, instead of someone picking it up for her. That tells me, that most likely Caylee's body was still in that trunk. I also believe that Caylee was in that trunk when KC and her boyfriend rented movies at Blockbuster..(that was the same day that Caylee was last seen alive). I think that she was either dead or dying in that trunk, while KC and her boyfriend were renting videos.

Thinking here :waitasec:, If the leaves underneath the bag were brown, isn't it possible the bag floated from the water and settled there in the Fall? Perhaps the brown leaves underneath are an important clue as to the timing of when that body was put there or moved by somebody. If she was put there in June, wouldn't the leaves underneath still be green since they might have been preserved if the bag containg Caylee's remains laid there since June? Now as far as the indentation, it wouldn't take long to make an indent, not moe than a week or so, when the ground is wet.
I'm sure the botanist may be able to answer this question better. I agree she didn't walk very far as she is too lazy and really didn't care.

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