Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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I want to put this out here for my WS friends, this Saturday, Feb.7 I will be in Orlando for 4-5 hours while my daughter tries out for the UDA dancers to become a UDA teacher. I don't like her driving that far alone even if she is 17 and it is only 2 hours away! So anyways, I will have all that time with no real plans. If anyone is curious of a first hand account or pictures to help solve some of our questions or theories let me know. I should also say that I did go to college in Orlando and spent 4 years of my life there so I am familiar with the town itself, even though it has changed tremendously since I lived there.

I think this would be great. I am mesmerized reading all of these first hand accounts.

I know this is weird, but I would be curious if anyone on the Anthony's street has a For Sale sign up in their yard. The area has become so notorious, do people want to move away and would anyone want to move in? I am also curious about their next door neighboors and those that live across the street from them. Don't know why, just am. They haven't provided much information to the case that I am aware of, other than the guy with the shovel, someone overhearing an argument, someone seeing her back her car into garage. Seems to me, much more information could be gathered here.

I just can't get over that no one saw her dump the body. Unless it was in the dead of night. If it was in the dead of night, did anyone NOT know where she was, if she was supposed to be somewhere sleeping? If it was in daylight, how could she have gone undetected?
I think this would be great. I am mesmerized reading all of these first hand accounts.

I know this is weird, but I would be curious if anyone on the Anthony's street has a For Sale sign up in their yard. The area has become so notorious, do people want to move away and would anyone want to move in? I am also curious about their next door neighboors and those that live across the street from them. Don't know why, just am. They haven't provided much information to the case that I am aware of, other than the guy with the shovel, someone overhearing an argument, someone seeing her back her car into garage. Seems to me, much more information could be gathered here.

I just can't get over that no one saw her dump the body. Unless it was in the dead of night. If it was in the dead of night, did anyone NOT know where she was, if she was supposed to be somewhere sleeping? If it was in daylight, how could she have gone undetected?

I will put this on my list and try to take a photo or 2:)
I also went by the area last week. What surprised me the most was how close the site on Suburban is to the home on Hopespring. For some odd reason I expected there to be more of a distance between the two. There was no media at either place and it was very quiet.
The other thing that surprised me is the location of the elementary school. It literally is right across the street! I couldn't help but wonder how many of the elementary students saw the media and crime scene technicians there and how it may affect them someday.
I saw the memorial that was set up as well. Knowing that Caylee was there and really "close to home" as KC stated gave me chills. I cried as I drove away for our angel who didn't deserve to suffer.
I know exactly what you mean TXL.

Let's see, about two months ago hubby killed about 1.5 ft copperhead in fenced in front yard with .22 rifle, dogs had found it and were going nuts. This past summer he killed a 4-5 ft "chicken snake," outside dogs had found it, and it had a squirrel in its mouth. He had to shoot snake with pistol and then felt pity on the squirrel and killed it too. (HE HATES TO KILL ANIMALS, DOES NOT HUNT, NOT TYPICAL FOR WHERE WE LIVE).

And then in the last month two, a neighbor drove over on his dirtbike (yeah, I know, we are rednecks) and he ran over a 6' rattlesnake coming out of a creekbed and picked it up and was showing it off, only had 1-2 rattles though.

Oh and about 4-5 years ago one of our inside dogs (pitbull baby - now gone over the rainbow bridge) was in our fenced-in yard and got into a standoff with a 6 ft rattlesnake -- the rattler was coiled and striking and our dog was barking ferociously and wanting to attack. My hubby screamed for me, he was holding back the dog, and I screamed SNAKE! SNAKE! SNAKE! and went for my pistol but woke up my then 18ish son who grabbed his 12-gauge and came out and did away with the snake, very scary.

I am not making any of this up, and these incidents are just a few of the most recent and/or most memorable.

As I am fond of saying, "we live in a jungle." We have all the wildlife too TXLady.

I believe you!! I was cleaning up some dead leaves in my flowerbed right by my house a couple years ago, and a baby copperhead crawled out of a pile of leaves where I had just had my hand practically on top of him! I screamed and started running towards my husband and son who were about 50-60 yards away. It had crawled up under the porch, but they managed to rake it out and kill it. We see a lot more copperheads around here than rattlesnakes, but they are around here too. I lost a beautiful orange tabby cat a few years ago, because he got bit by a snake, at least that's what we think.

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