Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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For those of you who don't understand the woods of Florida, here is an illustration.

I live in a suburban golf course community. This picture was taken from my driveway:


This wooded lot has not been touched in the 12 years I've lived in my house. It is 80 feet deep and there is a home on the back side of it. That tree just right of center is about 5 feet into the scrub. There is not enough money in the world that anyone could give me to walk through that scrub and touch that tree.

Here is a closeup picture


Keep in mind, that scrub there is dried out now because it's winter. When it's green and lush it's impossible to see in there. A small bird or lizard bumping up against palmetto fronds can sound like bigfoot.

I have seen pygmy rattlesnakes come out of those woods. I have seen eastern diamondback rattlesnakes come out of those woods. There are scorpions living in those woods. There are banana spiders and black widows living in those woods. I have seen all of these creatures there. And a few weeks ago I found a water moccasin in my front yard. Gee, I wonder where he came from.

And this area is much more hospitable than the area where Caylee was found because it is not low lying and does not retain water and become swampy.

I hope this helps people to understand that five feet into the woods of Florida is much different- and significantly more dangerous than five feet into the woods of New York or Ohio.

No way I would go walking in that mess! Im REALLY suprised Casey had the nerve to venture in to dump Caylee off where she did, wish she would have been bitten by a snake!!! {Casey that is!} I know, thats not very nice to say that, but Casey is NOT a nice person!!:mad:
There were NO false positives - that was another of CA's LIES. They have lied so much, it is hard to sort the truth out even here. Fortunately WS have been on the case since the beginning and know most of the truth.

In my humble opinion, I do not believe they have intentionally lied. I think they have been in severe denial of what their daughter was capable of. I am not a fan of this family, but I do not believe they had anything to do with this murder.

As a fellow member of WS's, I try to look at a case and try to remove, at my best, emotional involvement so not to lose perspective. If anything, it actually helps a case. Yes, most do know the truth here at WS's. KC murdered her daughter.

Given the time of year in FLorida, I do not doubt the overgrowth in that area. Also, having been there, been bitten by "something" several times (ended up on drugs, fer crying out loud!), I do not blame anyone for not wandering into overgrowth.
That's exactly what it was, a dump site. Poor sweet little Caylee. Please let there be justice in this world, by making her @*&% mother pay for taking that precious child's life.
I agree with SuziQ about posting the pictures in the Meter Reader thread. They are very helpful. If KC was driving the car around with Caylee's body in the trunk for a few days, I would think the dogs would have been too confused to pick up the scent from the last day, but then I have never really understood how those dogs work - and I have researched it. Regarding the negative energy at the crime scene - I strongly believe that Angels were there to greet Caylee and carry her to Heaven as soon as she died - probably before she died. I believe when murders like these happen, the evil that caused the murder leaves behind negative energy and it in no way can continue to harm or hurt the innocent soul who is now safe. I also do not believe that being near or in the presence of that evil can harm someone who is strong and good - and I would place everyone here at WS's in the strong and good category. It isn't easy reading this stuff, and I can't tell you the number of nights I have sat crying at my computer over SO many sad, horrible storeis. But the fact that we care, is more powerful at producing good energy than all of the neagtive energy in the world. It wouldn't hurt to sprinkle or burn some sage (maybe there is a candle??) in the area, just to reinforce how much we care.
Thanks to those who posted descriptions of the area. Makes it easier to visualize. Easier to understand why the MR was able to get in there to look in December whereas in August he wouldn't have been able to.
No way I would go walking in that mess! Im REALLY suprised Casey had the nerve to venture in to dump Caylee off where she did, wish she would have been bitten by a snake!!! {Casey that is!} I know, thats not very nice to say that, but Casey is NOT a nice person!!:mad:

KC didn't venture into those woods at all. Little Caylee's body was found practically along the roadside, literally just feet from the road. She could have just stood along the roadside and tossed the bag.
It's called White Sage, and it comes in a "bunch", still on the stem, with hemp rope wrapped around it. The only place I've ever been able to find it around Central Florida is at the Super Flea on I-95 South, at the Eau Galle Exit.

I'm in the Volusia/Flagler area and I know of a place near me where I can get white sage. Would it do me any good to shred & scatter it there since I can't burn it?

And I've seen speculation about entering the woods all over this board. Should I start a thread and post those pictures?
I'm in the Volusia/Flagler area and I know of a place near me where I can get white sage. Would it do me any good to shred & scatter it there since I can't burn it?

And I've seen speculation about entering the woods all over this board. Should I start a thread and post those pictures?

Pirate: Why not go ahead and scatter some sage in the area. It certainly couldn't hurt and just may help. If nothing else, the scent of the sage as you are scattering might help you too! While I am sure there are certain steps to follow in any rite or ritual, I think the intent of doing good is enough to outweigh any errors in how it is done. Good intentions count and I think both you and the area would benefit from a little sage release.
When I went to the site I thought the same thing, this is not an acre. Even counting the cleared out area and then the more wooded area that has been cleared. At least cleared at ground level to the right. I guess I was thinking there must be an area towards the back that was cleared in the path the bones were found.

Does anyone have any photos of the area before and after that can be a reference to where she was found? In the photos from the air you can see the persons fence not too far from where you see the blue canopy just inside the woods. At the site a good bit of area from the fence to the woods was stripped away. (no way an acre) I was trying to tell if they totally cleared the area she was found or just the area to the right of it. Was the area that is cleared the way the water took the bones away from the bag? Or the other way around? Just curious.

OK, what I really want to know is when the owners of the property there are going to speak up about the history of that section? Were they just totally absent for many, many years?
For those of you who don't understand the woods of Florida, here is an illustration.

I live in a suburban golf course community. This picture was taken from my driveway:


This wooded lot has not been touched in the 12 years I've lived in my house. It is 80 feet deep and there is a home on the back side of it. That tree just right of center is about 5 feet into the scrub. There is not enough money in the world that anyone could give me to walk through that scrub and touch that tree.

Here is a closeup picture


Keep in mind, that scrub there is dried out now because it's winter. When it's green and lush it's impossible to see in there. A small bird or lizard bumping up against palmetto fronds can sound like bigfoot.

I have seen pygmy rattlesnakes come out of those woods. I have seen eastern diamondback rattlesnakes come out of those woods. There are scorpions living in those woods. There are banana spiders and black widows living in those woods. I have seen all of these creatures there. And a few weeks ago I found a water moccasin in my front yard. Gee, I wonder where he came from.

And this area is much more hospitable than the area where Caylee was found because it is not low lying and does not retain water and become swampy.

I hope this helps people to understand that five feet into the woods of Florida is much different- and significantly more dangerous than five feet into the woods of New York or Ohio.
Humor me, I'm not from the area... So, are these areas never developed because there isn't anyone brave enough or willing enough to deal with the creatures??? I've seen developers use bulldozers before.
The area behind the school has lots of trails going all over the place. The woods are dense off of the trails with a good bit of garbage thown in. We found a big 5 gallon bucket that was heavy and we were a little bit nervous to open it. The leader did but it was old paint and roof shingles.

The area when you first enter into the woods has a chain link gate that can be opened and you can drive back into the woods a good bit. We walked in though. The trails wound around the wooded area. We were not the first group to search there. You could tell that because there were already the orange flags in the ground from a previous search team. This area is most likely the area Kio was talking about that they and other teens hung out in. This area was dry on the paths but off in the brush the ground was mushy.

The area where Caylee was found was farther back up the road and almost in someone yard.

The gate the day we were there was open, I don't know if this was because they knew there would be searches or if this is normal. If it was normal KC could have easily gone back there.

Could Casey have carried her there from over the Anthony's fence???
Since it is well known most mom's dispose of their children's bodies very close to home, I wonder why tracking dogs were not used, starting at the home & following them out. I know they did search an area out by the school but I saw LE with dogs in a pretty wide open area with woods on the sides. Why would they not have used dogs from the home to see where they led?

The grandparents refused to give anything with Caylees scent to Tim Miller
for the dogs to follow .
Are there a lot of snakes in the spot where little Caylee was found? My mom said that she heard that it was full of snakes. Does anyone know?

I don't know for sure, but I would bet that is true. I can tell you that ANYWHERE we were close to a water area we saw cottonmouths. I saw some of the biggest ones I had ever seen. I didn't even know they grew as large as I saw down there. I have pictures too, but some here wanted me to take them down. LOL
Could Casey have carried her there from over the Anthony's fence???

I really don't think so because there are homes behind her house now and she would have had to cross a lot of yards IIRC. I know on the maps it shows it an empty area, but it is not now.
Humor me, I'm not from the area... So, are these areas never developed because there isn't anyone brave enough or willing enough to deal with the creatures??? I've seen developers use bulldozers before.

ALL the developed areas there USED to look like that. They just take dozers in there and clear it right out.
Would the land be suitable to build on if the foliage was all razed? Was the whole neighborhood a swamp before it was turned into a housing development? I'm just wondering if the difficulty in making the land suitable, not just snakes and removing foliage but also the land itself as far as drainage, could be why the owner has never done anything with it.

I mean, it's one thing for it to be covered in thick foliage, but it's entirely another if the land is too low-lying and prone to flooding.
OK, what I really want to know is when the owners of the property there are going to speak up about the history of that section? Were they just totally absent for many, many years?

I doubt they were absent. Many people bought land in that area when it first started being developed and are just holding on to it until later. We have a small piece out of Kissimmee which used to be in the middle of no where and now there are subdivisions surrounding it. Developers have tried to buy it for years and we just have no reason to want to sell.
Would the land be suitable to build on if the foliage was all razed? Was the whole neighborhood a swamp before it was turned into a housing development? I'm just wondering if the difficulty in making the land suitable, not just snakes and removing foliage but also the land itself as far as drainage, could be why the owner has never done anything with it.

They would just run drainage culverts under it. No problem. I would guess they just don't want to sell it yet.
You are right, sage is considered to be very cleansing in certain belief systems. If I recall correctly, though, sage is usually burned and waved around an area to cleanse it. Unfortunately, as it is private property, there is no chance of anyone being able to burn sage there or even plant some in and around the site. That's a shame because it might be worth doing and leave a pretty memorial (some sage blooms with tiny purple flowers) at the same time.
First let me say that the first two posts were written very well. Thank you to their authors.

When I went to a Tori Amos concert at The Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, she had sage burning all throughout the building and someone was shaking a container (like the Priests use) with sage all around her piano and organ. I guess it makes for a positive night, clearing all negativity, if any.

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