Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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Great idea posting that. It is hard to explain to people who don't know the area. We ran into a 5-6 ft cotton mouth(water moccasin) within 5 ft of the road when we were there. ANY time there is a swamp area, you risk coming upon very LARGE poisonous snakes. In the summer it is MUCH heavier.

UGH......... I would have pee'd my pants!
Those parts sound good, but I think the Hurricanes, gators, and snakes are enough to keep me away. I'll stick to what I know: Earthquakes.:blowkiss:

Now you are talking about something I am afraid of.............give me the snakes, gators and other critters any day over those.
Whenever anyone questions why the Meter Reader and Law Enforcement hesitated to step into the woods in August, refer them to my pictures. I have been tempted to post this for a couple of weeks now so people would understand the difference.

I grew up in the Northeast and we used to play in the woods as children. When I take vacations, I tend to do the mountains and national parks in other parts of the country. I have never seen woods like we have in Florida. They are not the kind of woods you can play manhunt or hide & seek. You can't even walk three strides into most of the wooded areas in central florida unless they have been cleared of scrub.

It was evident that the area where Caylee was found has not been cleared of scrub and groundcovering in several years, if ever.

How do you think Casey got Caylee in there? I take it she didnt have to go much in the scrub & maybe the bag moved a little farther in due to the rain.
"I loop back around when past the crime scene and get on the opposite side of the road. I study the state of the woods say five meters off the road. The woods start in earnest just two meters off the road and I can see into the woods a good 20 meters in places (now, maybe not in summer). There is loads of trash in the woods; I see the ubiquitous beer bottle, a beach umbrella, some sort of plastic bin, a plastic laundry basket before I lose interest. If there some sort of significance attached to a solitary plastic bag, that is just BS. If I randomly jumped into the woods there and fell over I would probably land on one. "

quoted from first post on thread.
Was the plastic bin that was in the trunk of Casey's car, which allegedly held the gas cans on the 24th ever recovered?
Does anyone know?
I don't think they had a clue that all of this would come down the way it has or they would have. I would guess, they believed the kidnapping story until the next day or so. I do know they had divers in that pond behind their house.

I remember well LE having divers in the pond close to the A home. I also do remember them having dogs out in the area of the school where Kio said they went.
How do you think Casey got Caylee in there? I take it she didnt have to go much in the scrub & maybe the bag moved a little farther in due to the rain.

I think KC was pumped up with adrenaline and just sprinted out and back as quickly as she could. She was very motivated. Water and elements may have moved the bag a bit too but I can certainly picture a desperate person overcoming their fear just long enough to hide a body.

I love to hear Cindy tell the story about the cadaver dogs in the yard.
She thinks the first dog was stupid, so they brought a second dog who was even more stupid.:crazy::crazy:
She didn't have a clue that the second dog was only confirming the first dogs alerts.

LE also testified under oath at the bond hearing about the dogs alerting. I highly doubt LE would have been in the back yard in the Fl heat digging up the yard if there had been no scent.
Ironically, wasn't this the vacant lot the HOA wanted the protesters to move their vigil to? Please do buy up the property and turn it into a memorial site for Caylee.:clap::clap::clap:

If it's marked as Conservation Area and is owned by the HOA, then the HOA probably wouldn't sell it. Even if they did, it would be hard to get a permit to put anything on it, once it's considered "conservation". They typically save those areas for the wildlife (scrubjay birds, and whatever natural critters that are habitating the area).

Albeit with all the trash they found on the property alongside our little Angel, they may reconsider...
ok I'm shocked. It says that it's owned by a guy who lives in Winter Park, so why are they calling it a conservation area. conservation areas are owned either by the Homeowner Association, or by the city. And if it's only worth $100, then maybe I should make an offer on it, so we can then turn it into a memorial park or something...

That price is likely just an old appraisal. It is a conservation area if you look at the link.

Legal Description: View Plat
Now you are talking about something I am afraid of.............give me the snakes, gators and other critters any day over those.

Yep, you can prepare for a hurricane or tornado, and even snakes and gators (if you wear pants and boots when you work in yard, etc.), but you can't prepare for an earthquake. Huge difference in the cost of living too, I think.
I think KC was pumped up with adrenaline and just sprinted out and back as quickly as she could. She was very motivated. Water and elements may have moved the bag a bit too but I can certainly picture a desperate person overcoming their fear just long enough to hide a body.


Particularly with GA on her rear, if that was the 24th like some believe. He even chased her that day, so something was up.
If it's marked as Conservation Area and is owned by the HOA, then the HOA probably wouldn't sell it. Even if they did, it would be hard to get a permit to put anything on it, once it's considered "conservation". They typically save those areas for the wildlife (scrubjay birds, and whatever natural critters that are habitating the area).

Albeit with all the trash they found on the property alongside our little Angel, they may reconsider...

Katz, it could also be a part of a larger development. That is the way I read it. When developers put up their plans with the planning board, they have areas set aside for conservation areas. Those areas are cut out of the development plot for tax purposes. I believe that is what we are looking at here. What needs to be looked at is his property or others surrounding that to see if it is just the tax cut for a major development.
Hi LeLe ;} I know the Budists perform Feng Shui ceremonies to bless the spaces in a building, and so there must also be a blessing for open spaces. I don't even think it matters the faith of the one who gives the blessing. The ceremony lasts about an hour and is commonly done in places from huge high rise buildings to small homes.

Right & I agree it would not matter the religious belief of who does the ceremony. I think all that's important is they have a faith in God. I know wind chimes inside & out can play a part in Feng Shui. I might go take a read in a bit, see what I can google.

WIth the burning of sage, it is the aroma from the smoke that clears the area isnt it? If that's the case, would one have to be on the actual property or could the aroma still be over the area if they were close enough?
It's called White Sage, and it comes in a "bunch", still on the stem, with hemp rope wrapped around it. The only place I've ever been able to find it around Central Florida is at the Super Flea on I-95 South, at the Eau Galle Exit.

OK, so now you're probably wondering how I know about white sage. Right after my mom passed away, a plant that I had brought home from her funeral went flying across my bedroom one morning and I wasn't sure if the cats knocked it over, or if she did it to let me know she was with me. When I got the White Sage, I was told to light it, and then wave it throughout the house, and then from corner to corner of my property. Given we are in "dry season", the sage burning might not be a good idea right now. I wish we could get a priest or minister to go out and bless the property, but that would probably require permission from the land owner.

Maybe Rev Grund could get permission from the owner. We all have little things we believe or do. i know I have hung dream catchers made on the reservations by my childrens beds when they were young & now by my grand childrens beds. I also have a long, very long, country porch. I have all kinds of wind chimes hanging from the ceiling/railing at the top of the porch. I like to collect them from different countries we visit.
Yep, you can prepare for a hurricane or tornado, and even snakes and gators (if you wear pants and boots when you work in yard, etc.), but you can't prepare for an earthquake. Huge difference in the cost of living too, I think.

Yes you can. We strap down our water heaters, entertainment units/large screen TV's, and bookcases. I no longer keep glass or ceramic items on shelves unless they are glued down with "Quake Wax", and no shelves driectly over beds anymore. I've lived through two major quakes. Also many people keep bottled water and canned goods on hand. There is a local store devoted to selling earthquake kits and supplies.
being a local fl resident- i must admit i have not gone to the scene. i have been in the area many times prior to this case, passed by signs on I-4 of the news and poster boards. just have not gone to site or the home of anthonys.
i went to a message center church last sunday--its a spiritual type --they had a xmas tree and said put a tag on it for someone needing prayers as they do healings and have messages from mediums. yes, i believe in this stuff-lol. i put tag on that said caylee anthony. i imagine when the healers saw this tag latter they thought -oh my-- yet i felt the whole vibes needed healing so i placed it on top of tree so everyone could see it first. the place i sometimes go to is called casadaga. its like the john edwards show. mediums who believe death does not stop communications.

i read that maybe someone in germany knew more of this case. funny as my 32 year old step daughter who lives in germany and travels the world of europe for her job, has been visiting me for 3 weeks and said what is this case of little girl about? she seen me cry as i read about case. she said she never heard of caylee case. maybe we should import a panel of jurors from germany-lol.

she said to me--you mean your still reading about that girl from aruba too? tuesday she leaves back to germany. i do not think i can talk my hubby into stopping by hopespring on way back from airport. its about 6o miles from my home. thank you for describing the site. i may just take a ride myself . i am a writer and i love to journal and have written some articles on the case for my own keeping. bless those hurt by life .

I was just in Germany for almost a month to visit our daughter. There was no news on this case unless I happened to catch a quickie blurb on the Armed Forces Network. I kept up on the news via the computer..
In my humble opinion, I do not believe they have intentionally lied. I think they have been in severe denial of what their daughter was capable of. I am not a fan of this family, but I do not believe they had anything to do with this murder.

As a fellow member of WS's, I try to look at a case and try to remove, at my best, emotional involvement so not to lose perspective. If anything, it actually helps a case. Yes, most do know the truth here at WS's. KC murdered her daughter.

Given the time of year in FLorida, I do not doubt the overgrowth in that area. Also, having been there, been bitten by "something" several times (ended up on drugs, fer crying out loud!), I do not blame anyone for not wandering into overgrowth.

I appreciate everyone's ideas & open minds. I do not think nor have i ever thought the Anthony's had a hand in her murder or even moving her. I do think they knew or was at least 99 % sure what had happened & DID lie to mislead LE. I think once they realized Caylee was dead they went into over drive to protect KC & distort the truth. Was it done b/c of grief, I dont know & I doubt we will ever know. I do know they have to live with what they have done & if they did it intentionally they have a much higher power to answer to.
I would do it if I were there.

I would trust God and wear HIGH boots. Trust me, there are lots of snakes.

Was it a pair of shoes, or boots that they found in her car? If boots, I wonder if she was wearing them to protect herself when she left the body in there?
Katz, it could also be a part of a larger development. That is the way I read it. When developers put up their plans with the planning board, they have areas set aside for conservation areas. Those areas are cut out of the development plot for tax purposes. I believe that is what we are looking at here. What needs to be looked at is his property or others surrounding that to see if it is just the tax cut for a major development.

well yes, that too. They also save the areas to keep the neighborhoods separated from other neighborhoods. We have one surrounding our neighborhood and it's supposedly for both. When we had the big brush fire last year, the HOA didn't want to pay to have the area cleared inward away from the homes by 10 ft. (It's a really big conservation area, over 100 acres). Once they were threatened with a lawsuit, they changed their minds.

I'm guessing that this one is owned by the same HOA that rules over the A's neighborhood, and the individual name on the plot is the name of an individual at the company that manages the covenants for the HOA. At least that's how it works where I'm at.
Yes you can. We strap down out water heaters and entertainment units/large screen TV's. I no longer keep glass items on shelves unless they are glued down with "Quake Wax". Also many people keep bottled water and canned goods on hand. There is a local store devoted to selling earthquake kits and supplies.

Earthquake Wax ? Wow, never heard of that ! Well I for one am glad that we all have the ability to prepare in some form or another from the nastyness that mother nature can throw out.

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