Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #13

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WHY is he given a choice what he eats? He should be served the same slop as the other prisoners. Why are they being so accomodating to him? They are only obligated to feed him, not to guarantee delicious food. jmo

OT (sorry)... When my daughter was in first grade, she was unhappy with the dinner selection of the evening and wanted something different. After insisting she eat what was already prepared, she told me she was going to report me to the authorities. (Where do they learn this?) I told her the law said I had to feed her, it didn't say she had to like it.
Its my prediction that once the initial fervor dies down he will be transferred to that other prison. Unfortunately, he will then have access to creature comforts that I don't feel he deserves, cell phone, maybe even internet access? He could continue w/ his online gambling and make $ to fund his prison account to buy "luxury items". That ticks me off. Hope I am wrong.


I totally agree. Once again, condoning his bad behavior!!!
Very well said!!!!!!

At first when I viewed the prison video & saw the scared look on Joran's face, I almost felt sorry for him. Then I remembered the crimes he has committed & his cruel attitude & treatment of Beth, his family, the dog, the guy he threw off the bridge & his sex trafficking. This guy is not human: he is an evil monster!

Before I had doubt he really did throw a homeless person off a bridge and thought the translation was bad and it was a stray dog or something. Then I read this

When he was younger, he killed his dog. He also threw his friend through a McDonald's window. He threw a drug dealer friend of his off of a bridge. This was all before any murders. Why didn't his parents stop him then? His mom should be in jail along with him.
OT (sorry)... When my daughter was in first grade, she was unhappy with the dinner selection of the evening and wanted something different. After insisting she eat what was already prepared, she told me she was going to report me to the authorities. (Where do they learn this?) I told her the law said I had to feed her, it didn't say she had to like it.

LOL thanks for the good laugh :)
OT (sorry)... When my daughter was in first grade, she was unhappy with the dinner selection of the evening and wanted something different. After insisting she eat what was already prepared, she told me she was going to report me to the authorities. (Where do they learn this?) I told her the law said I had to feed her, it didn't say she had to like it.

Haha, where do kids come up with this stuff? There's no food police, thank God.
As a single parent my kids ate a lot of hamburger helper, I would have been put UNDER the jail for that if they'de had their way (worse yet, sometimes it was made with turkey burger!!)
They are all grown now and claim to not remember eating hamburger helper 5 nights a week. LOL
Lori, thank you! You've put into words what I've been thinking, and feeling, as I've read .... and read..... and read here these last few days.

If I think of myself as a civilized, law abiding person, and I do, then I must accept the rule of law for those whose actions are horrible and vicious. I believe, my opinion of course, that JVDS is guilty. I want him to have a truly fair trial.... and I, personally, want him convicted and his sentence to be the MAX! I want him to 'pay' for his crimes. Part of that payment should NOT include torture in prison, starvation, threats to his person and to his life.... no matter what his crimes were! Let his conditions be HARSH, but no more.

Okay, this is my first post. I love these boards.... and as I've sat here and read..... and read.... I really feel challenged by the expertise of all of you. I've wondered if I have the ability to participate without humiliating myself, lol. I've also noted and approved the fact that decorum and good behavior is insisted upon. That I truly appreciate. I'm so sick and tired of name calling and contention found on other sites.

cheers all,


Welcome, pattyjo! I agree about the high level of expertise of our outstanding sleuthers here and also felt intimidated to post initially. Especially on a fast moving topic. By the time I've formulated a response, the conversation has already moved in another direction. I also agree with the level of decorum maintained. Bad behavior is not tolerated and makes for a much more civil discussion than I've found on some other forums. Although, I must admit I have to sit on my hands every now and then. ;)
Lori, thank you! You've put into words what I've been thinking, and feeling, as I've read .... and read..... and read here these last few days.

If I think of myself as a civilized, law abiding person, and I do, then I must accept the rule of law for those whose actions are horrible and vicious. I believe, my opinion of course, that JVDS is guilty. I want him to have a truly fair trial.... and I, personally, want him convicted and his sentence to be the MAX! I want him to 'pay' for his crimes. Part of that payment should NOT include torture in prison, starvation, threats to his person and to his life.... no matter what his crimes were! Let his conditions be HARSH, but no more.

Okay, this is my first post. I love these boards.... and as I've sat here and read..... and read.... I really feel challenged by the expertise of all of you. I've wondered if I have the ability to participate without humiliating myself, lol. I've also noted and approved the fact that decorum and good behavior is insisted upon. That I truly appreciate. I'm so sick and tired of name calling and contention found on other sites.

cheers all,


:Welcome-12-june::blowkiss: pattyjo
Before I had doubt he really did throw a homeless person off a bridge and thought the translation was bad and it was a stray dog or something. Then I read this

When he was younger, he killed his dog. He also threw his friend through a McDonald's window. He threw a drug dealer friend of his off of a bridge. This was all before any murders. Why didn't his parents stop him then? His mom should be in jail along with him.

Wow. Being around him was dangerous way before Natalee entered Aruba. Its a wonder his old "friends" don't speak out more about what he was like. Maybe in time we will hear more horror stories, if ever a kid belonged in juvie it was Joran. JMO.

WHY is he given a choice what he eats? He should be served the same slop as the other prisoners. Why are they being so accomodating to him? They are only obligated to feed him, not to guarantee delicious food. jmo

I wonder if Pop Tarts are called Pop Tardos in Peru?
Lori, thank you! You've put into words what I've been thinking, and feeling, as I've read .... and read..... and read here these last few days.

If I think of myself as a civilized, law abiding person, and I do, then I must accept the rule of law for those whose actions are horrible and vicious. I believe, my opinion of course, that JVDS is guilty. I want him to have a truly fair trial.... and I, personally, want him convicted and his sentence to be the MAX! I want him to 'pay' for his crimes. Part of that payment should NOT include torture in prison, starvation, threats to his person and to his life.... no matter what his crimes were! Let his conditions be HARSH, but no more.

Okay, this is my first post. I love these boards.... and as I've sat here and read..... and read.... I really feel challenged by the expertise of all of you. I've wondered if I have the ability to participate without humiliating myself, lol. I've also noted and approved the fact that decorum and good behavior is insisted upon. That I truly appreciate. I'm so sick and tired of name calling and contention found on other sites.

cheers all,



Welcome PattyJo! I'm a Christian and I shouldn't feel good about seeing all this stuff happening to Joran! I truly believe "Judge not lest ye be judged" and he will get his day in court..Hopefully! I realize he has done some evil things, but the funny thing is when I see him I see a narcisstic, conceited, snide, boastful, pretentious brat who has had the world handed to him on a silver platter and there's no one left to bring him that platter anymore and he is whining BIG TIME! I imagine he is terrified, hungry and wanting his mommy. But I bet Natalie and Stephany were just as terrified. I don't know what would make me happier at this point. Having him down there in a Peruvian prison OR up here with Scott Peterson sitting on his arse all day, waiting 30 years for his death sentence to be carried out in a warm cozy cell..watching TV all day while his Mommy brings him cookies and milk!
Hello, my first post here.

I've been following Natalee's case for all these years, what a horrific ending, my heart goes out to the Holloway, Twitty and Flores families.
Hello, my first post here.

I've been following Natalee's case for all these years, what a horrific ending, my heart goes out to the Holloway, Twitty and Flores families.

Hello Annalia and welcome to WS - horrific end and very sad end indeed
Lori, thank you! You've put into words what I've been thinking, and feeling, as I've read .... and read..... and read here these last few days.

If I think of myself as a civilized, law abiding person, and I do, then I must accept the rule of law for those whose actions are horrible and vicious. I believe, my opinion of course, that JVDS is guilty. I want him to have a truly fair trial.... and I, personally, want him convicted and his sentence to be the MAX! I want him to 'pay' for his crimes. Part of that payment should NOT include torture in prison, starvation, threats to his person and to his life.... no matter what his crimes were! Let his conditions be HARSH, but no more.

Okay, this is my first post. I love these boards.... and as I've sat here and read..... and read.... I really feel challenged by the expertise of all of you. I've wondered if I have the ability to participate without humiliating myself, lol. I've also noted and approved the fact that decorum and good behavior is insisted upon. That I truly appreciate. I'm so sick and tired of name calling and contention found on other sites.

cheers all,


BBM hello pattyjo, I am a newbie too and that is one of the things that brought me here also.
Hello, my first post here.

I've been following Natalee's case for all these years, what a horrific ending, my heart goes out to the Holloway, Twitty and Flores families.

Welcome annalia! It's good to see so many new sleuthers.
Good morning, Sleuthers. Just want to weigh in with MY OPINION. Although I may not agree with how the Peruvian justice system runs its jails, I recognize and respect that Peru is an independent country that has set up its own laws and justice system. JVS made the mistake of getting arrested in Peru and being charged with the very serious crime of the murder of a Peruvian citizen. As others here have stated, he now must suffer the consequences for his actions, and these consequences fall under the laws set by Peru. Sure, going back to Aruba where authorities may have once allowed him to dodge being convicted of killing Natalie would be ideal for him-- but it ain't gonna happen.

He is charged for the crime in Peru-- he now has to suffer the consequences via the Peruvian legal system. Too bad for him-- he should have thought of this before he entered its border. To me-- it's divine justice for his role in Natalie's death. (IMO)
Before I had doubt he really did throw a homeless person off a bridge and thought the translation was bad and it was a stray dog or something. Then I read this

When he was younger, he killed his dog. He also threw his friend through a McDonald's window. He threw a drug dealer friend of his off of a bridge. This was all before any murders. Why didn't his parents stop him then? His mom should be in jail along with him.

This is a link to another discussion forum (and judging from the posts I read, not a very informed one.) There is no evidence that Joran did these horrible things as a youngster.
I've watched the video yet again (!) and I think you may be right as to when Joran notices the camera. He appears to glance up a bit, and then he looks like a stoned sissy with that limp wristed knocking. Weird.

Anyway, if Joran was actually trying to establish an alibi, how did he think it would ever fly?

God only knows! It was a pretty lame idea to begin with that someone else would have entered the room while he was out getting non-existent coffee...especially considering his past. Strange.
Another thing-- I do have a sense of compassion for JVS in that I understand that he is "sick" and that his sickness makes him behave and act in a certain way that is not acceptable to most other human beings. That said, I believe he is very dangerous, and thus needs to be removed from society (either through incarceration or other, more permanent means). I would not want him to hurt another person, especially another vulnerable young woman. He is like a dog who has been participating in dog fights for years and is now considered too dangerous to be adopted out to a family. Animal Rescue organizations usually have them live out their lives in solitary confinement or humanely euthanize them due to the danger they pose to others.
On another note, many prisons in Peru (not sure about this one) you can get luxury items.

NowPublic does report that a prisoner with money can obtain such items as a cell phone, food from the outside, and drugs, so this may offer Joran van der Sloot some encouragement. Joran van der Sloot seems to know how to make money, so he'd likely have such privileges that money can buy.



If he has money, he sure wasn't living like it.
In his statement, he said at the hotel he was staying at he was paying 50 soles per night- $17.50 USD.
If VDS is getting any special treatment (food, protection, etc.), could it only be because the eyes of the world are on Peru due to this?
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