Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #19

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I haven't read the link yet [sorry]. Is MRTA the group "Shining Path" that Griffith talks about all the time?

NewsWeek Magazine had an article about South American countries creating museums that will acknowledge their past human rights violations. "Lugar de la Memoiria" is the name of Peru's museum. I haven't read this article yet either. It was in an April 2010 edition.


Sorry, I don't really know anything about Lori Berenson, the MRTA or the Shining Path, other than what I just read on wikipedia.
The Flores family feelings about Joran's mother may be becoming more skeptical. At the end of this ABC video, Anita expresses her sympathy for NH's and SF's families and says she would like to give them a big hug. But then John K., the reporter, says he spoke to the Flores family about her interview and they said that, although they are appreciative of Anita's sentiments, they are concerned that this is all part of a plan to get an insanity plea for Joran. (paraphrased)

The Flores family not blaming the mother is one thing; however their feelings about the instanity plea is different.

They didn't seem to take back their statement though that they didn't blame the mother.
- hand photo - looks scarred and in struggle
- foot photo
- showing photos of Steph w/family and friends

PatB: hand photo (w/ring) - could be decomposition
feet photo - she's not a fully dressed woman

Caller: what lang was computer in?
Caller's Theory: He pulled up NatH story to show Steph HE WOULD KILL her if she did not do as she was told!
PatB: don't believe for a minute VDS's computer story
I don't hate ADVS for anything. I'm truly trying to find a way to forgive her for her non-action in the past, the choices she made in disciplining her child. Especially being a teacher and undoubtedly seeing her child's behavior in deep doo doo. I also pray her other children will seek counselling...they need it...having gone through all the upheaval in the family caused by their big brother.

I agree with your post,but I think people are forgetting that AVS
has two other children,what about the effect this is having on
their lives.

As a mother,some times you have to let your child go,especially
when there are other children involved. Imagine at this stage
of their lives what they both are going through socially,mentally
psychologically. If it meant damaging my other kids,I would have
to let JVS go,and let the chips fall where they may. I would remove
myself and my other children from this craziness.

I am only going by what Anita stated in her interview. Who knows, may be it was difficult for even her youngest son to go to school in Aruba. The whole island is not corrupt and many might resent the Van der Sloot's because of the negative publicity.. That said, I am surprised that Anita has not decided to move back to The Netherlands where the rest of her family lives.

I've often wondered if Natalee's body is buried on the Vandersloot property. The property has never been searched to this day. There was also some speculation back then about her being put in a well that's on the property. IF there's any truth to this, that may be what ties the VDS's to Aruba. Of course, this is just my own personal *possible* theory.

OT (maybe), but does anyone remember the monkey cage just outside their property? Greta and her staff would go feed the monkey which looked like it didn't get much attention at the time.
I guess that all depends on how deep you think his psychopathy goes....anyway different opinions, its all good.

I don't have a clue how deep his pshchopathy goes. I would think he may be worse today than he was 5 years ago. But who knows...
JLucich, Crim Invest- killer is used to killing the second time around; calm and collected
If Anita starts talking like they are the reason for her son being in the trouble he is in, I'm sure they will see her differently. So Far Anita has been very compassionate toward them. She just blames Beth Twitty for suspecting her son in Natalee's dissappearance thus turning him into a killer. I don't have a problem with Anita and how she raised her son. I just have a problem with her blaming the victim's mother for the downfall of her son.

Actually in her first Telegraaf interview with John van den Heuvel , she really lashed out against Peter R de Vries for not leaving Joran alone and even following him to Thailand. Considered him Jorans' nemesis , not Beth Holloway.
I don't have a clue how deep his pshchopathy goes. I would think he may be worse today than he was 5 years ago. But who knows...

I'm guessing deeper than 5 years ago - has likely already killed once before, and gotten away with it.
I agree with your post,but I think people are forgetting that AVS
has two other children,what about the effect this is having on
their lives.

As a mother,some times you have to let your child go,especially
when there are other children involved. Imagine at this stage
of their lives what they both are going through socially,mentally
psychologically. If it meant damaging my other kids,I would have
to let JVS go,and let the chips fall where they may. I would remove
myself and my other children from this craziness.


I think she could still have contact with him and not put her or her other children in his craziness. She could talk on the phone to him and no one would know. She just shouldn't give interviews if she wants to fade into the background. Joran has continued to stay in the spotlight and I think she may be falling into that same trap.JMO
If Anita starts talking like they are the reason for her son being in the trouble he is in, I'm sure they will see her differently. So Far Anita has been very compassionate toward them. She just blames Beth Twitty for suspecting her son in Natalee's dissappearance thus turning him into a killer. I don't have a problem with Anita and how she raised her son. I just have a problem with her blaming the victim's mother for the downfall of her son.

AVS feels the way she does about Beth, and I have said this before, perhaps down the road things will change AVS' thoughts as time progresses forward.

If AVS blamed Beth for suspecting her son in Natalie's disappearance, can you imagine how AVS feels know knowing where the $25,000.00 came from?

Respectfully snipped by me Nums so that we don't have too much text of the article showing when I also snip from the article :)

...Altez says the confession Mr van der Sloot made to the Peruvian police was made without the presence of a lawyer.

Mr Altez also claims that when a lawyer was eventually assigned to his client, she was not approved by Mr van der Sloot. He also accuses her of being on friendly terms with the police. In addition, Mr Altez alleges that the arrest warrant was invalid because it was based on fraudulent research.

Mr Altez argues that under habeas corpus law all decisions made after the moment that a suspect’s rights are violated must be reversed...

The next sentence is where Altez states he's going to submit an appeal to the IAC on human rights. (The C in IAC is for commission).

So I looked up what that process was just out of curiosity. Found this brief outline about the Commission.

Petition is forwarded to the Secretariat and reviewed for completeness; if complete, it is registered and is given a case number. This is where the state is notified of the petition.

Petition reviewed for admissibility.

The Commission tries to find a friendly settlement.

If no settlement is found, then briefs are filed by each side on the merits of the case.

The Commission then files a report on the merits, known as an Article 50 report from relevant article of the Convention. This is a basically a ruling by the Commission with recommendations on how to solve the conflict. The Article 50 report is sent to the state. This is a confidential report; the petitioner does not get a full copy of this report.

The state is given two months to comply with the recommendations of the report.

The petitioner then has one month to file a petition asking for the issue to be sent to the Inter-American Court (only applicable if the State in question has recognized the competence of the Inter-American Court). (my comment, IIRC from another article Peru has.

The Commission has three months, from the date the Article 50 report is given to the state, to make either publish the Article 50 report or to send the case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Alternatively, the Commission can also choose to monitor the situation.

IMHO. JVDS isn't going anywhere soon. :D

I get the feeling this is kind of like what we see in our trials here in the USA. The defense attn. will start filing motions left and right to see what sticks and keep the trial from moving forward? KWIM? Bad analogy but I never come up with good ones if you've ever read my posts in the past :)

But I think it would be interesting to pick apart this attn's complaints that he has stated in the article above by all the wonderful posters here.
Actually in her first Telegraaf interview with John van den Heuvel , she really lashed out against Peter R de Vries for not leaving Joran alone and even following him to Thailand. Considered him Jorans' nemesis , not Beth Holloway.

She also talked about him being a suspect at 17 and in the media. Beth Twitty started all that trying to find her daughter. I thought he was a little older when Peter R de Vires was involves.
I do wish someone would find out exactly what language his computer is set too.
Dutch makes sense, except if he follows his own press and what Beth and family are up too, that would be English. Since he was involved in a 250K scam, I would think English.

It bothers me that Anita would like to hug Beth.. I find that insulting to Beth... This poor mother poured her heart and soul into finding her daughter.. and mustarded up more energy to do so than I could have ever done... I agree with a previous poster that if she really wanted to make it right...she should go to the LE of Aruba and talk to them instead of the media...
If AVS moved to the Netherlands then people would be saying she running out of Aruba because she knows something. AVS is doomed in the public's eye as she gave birth to Joran, a child she brought into this world, loved and cared for etc., etc. who is now a murderer.

I can not believe that rational people will doom her for giving birth to Joran.
However, she might want to stay in Aruba to be closer to her two other sons and wait upon completion of their education in the USA.
I know it was stated earlier that the two brothers (am guess the cab drivers) did not show up to court and that a court date has been set for 4th or 5th of July, I wonder if anyone has confirmed if these two brothers are even alive at this time?
AVS feels the way she does about Beth, and I have said this before, perhaps down the road things will change AVS' thoughts as time progresses forward.

If AVS blamed Beth for suspecting her son in Natalie's disappearance, can you imagine how AVS feels know knowing where the $25,000.00 came from?

I can't imagine how I would feel knowing that my child extorted that money. I know people think had Beth not paid that money Stephany would be alive and she may be but someone else would have been dead. Joran would have killed again. Someone some where was going to rub him the wrong way, not give him what he wanted, or said no to him. He was a ticking time bomb. I may could see how she felt at the beginning, protecting the son and all, but when he started selling different versions of what happened, her feelings toward Beth should have changed. IMO I know it sounds like I have no sympathy for Anita but I do. I guess I am just trying to figure out how Anita's mind works.
The Flores family feelings about Joran's mother may be becoming more skeptical. At the end of this ABC video, Anita expresses her sympathy for NH's and SF's families and says she would like to give them a big hug. But then John K., the reporter, says he spoke to the Flores family about her interview and they said that, although they are appreciative of Anita's sentiments, they are concerned that this is all part of a plan to get an insanity plea for Joran. (paraphrased)
Good evening! :seeya: Bless Stephany's family for their insight.
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