Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #19

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If she does, it will be the hardest thing, IMO, she'll ever have to do. He will obviously try and twist not only his story, but her perception of it as well. Having been success in the past, it will be tremendously hard for Anita to put her emotions aside and stay focused on her own recovery (coming to light of the facts).

I really don't think she should visit him or continue to have contact with him at all on any level. It would be an extremely unhealthy risk for her to take. She is definitely doing the right thing by staying away. It would be wise for her to completely disengage as far as having contact with his lawyers and being invested in any particular outcome here.

He's a threat. His violence is not limited to physical violence, he is an emotional abuser as well, and we can see this from the way he tormented (and still torments) the families of his victims. And remember we only have it from Joran's own word that Paulus was involved in the disposal of Natalee's body - I assume that is a lie, is that not emotional abuse aimed at his own family?
I used to be opposed to the paying for interviews practice but I have changed my mind over the last year or so. I no longer have any problem with it at all. Unless of course, the interviewee lies. Kinda of like Joran has done in the past.

ABC licensing Melody's diary, means they have bought exclusive rights to do with it as they please. Unsaid in all of that is that it also included an interview with Melody to talk about her experiences with Joran.

FOXnews paid a licensing fee for that 'chip' that Joran says was his father and himself talking about Natalee.

In this case, the Anita interview licensing, the money probably gets paid directly to the lawyer, from the production company. Or, to an escrow account, perhaps.

Its not a crime to send your son some shirts and pants.

Everybody makes money in a case like this. Why should only the networks make the money? Anita did say in her Telegraaf interview that she wanted to start a foundation (sounds familiar?) to help Joran in prison plus other prisoners in Peruvian jails. For Melody, it was winning the lottery. Most people in her position would not turn that down. As for Anita, she is looking at huge legal expenses. I doubt , if the case will make her rich.
Sending some shirts and pants to Joran is perfectly natural for a mother, no matter how heinous his crimes are..

JeanC: HCorpus decision not until sometime next week

JeanC:2 bros charged>they did NOT show up to court
- reset for July 5 and 6th (2 bros)
As horrible as this is gonna sound.....I think it would be harder to be her, the mother of an alledged double murderer than the mother of a murder victim.

The victim's mother has tons of support and fond memorys of their beloved child. What does she have? A lifetime to blame herself, second guess every decison she ever made while rasing him, the guilt & heartsickness, loss of her first born son, embarrasment, pain..........

The mother of a killer walks a very long, dark path for the rest of her life; carrying the very heavy burden of what her child has done.

I keep in mind what the Flores' family stated: "they don't blame Joran's mother". If only the world could view Joran's mother the same way as the Flores' family see her.
Hmmm... I've been wondering if it was the norm in Peru to use 'hooded judges' as I've seen referred to a few times here. This is what I've found:

On Lori Berenson's wikipedia page, it explains that her first trial in 1996 was "...conducted by a hooded military judge who spoke through a voice distortion apparatus (judges often concealed their identities to protect themselves from killings). "...publicly-known judges had been killed by the MRTA in the past. [The MRTA is] "an organization which had committed numerous attacks in attempting to overthrow the government."

So, I don't believe this is the norm, nor will Joran's judges be 'hooded'....if and when this ever gets to the trial stage.

But, boy, so far I've read of a prison warden being murdered and now judges...seems like a pretty tough legal system down there!!

I haven't read the link yet [sorry]. Is MRTA the group "Shining Path" that Griffith talks about all the time?

NewsWeek Magazine had an article about South American countries creating museums that will acknowledge their past human rights violations. "Lugar de la Memoiria" is the name of Peru's museum. I haven't read this article yet either. It was in an April 2010 edition.

Oh... I hope Nancy Grace had a bad day today..!!!...!! I'd LOVE to hear what she thinks of todays turn of events... :D :D :D

The two most interesting things in this article are the following, IMO.

MA: Habeas corpus means to return the body. Court applies that when it has violated the right person gets the resource, causing all return to the stage at the beginning of the violation of this right.

MA: It is a fundamental issue to achieve, because in this second statement he will say things as they have happened.

Joran wants a 'do-over'. He wants to keep trying out different scenarios - just like he did with Natalee - hoping something will stick.

He's not dealing with dirty Aruban cops or family to cover his tracks this time. I don't think the Peruvians are going to play his games.

HC, of course, is an old latin term that literally means "You have the body," and figuratively means "bring the [body of] this person to court". An attorney petitions the court/judge to issue the writ of HC (which the court may or may not do). An issued writ directs LE to bring the person to court for a hearing. A judge will only issue the writ if the petition alleges facts that, if true, would entitle the defendant to "relief." If they don't, the petition will be dismissed without the writ of HC ever being issued.

If the writ is issued, a hearing is held. If the defendant prevails, he'll get only the relief he is entitled to, which may or may not be release.

For example, here in the U.S., you could prove your HC facts, but it may be that the only relief you are entitled to on those facts is that you get a new punishment hearing (the guilty verdict stands). So it depends on what the violation of rights were to begin with.

Again, even if the trial court threw out the confession because the process of getting it out of him was improper (violated some fundamental right), the "State" still has enough evidence that the Judge will let the charge stand. He doesn't get to "return" to the street to flee, be re-captured, etc. He would only be released if ALL LE had was a confession. When that's pretty much all LE has, and that goes away, then LE/prosecutor does not have "probable cause" to detain someone.

As we all know, here, defendants have a right to remain silent (which can be waived), a right to counsel, right to terminate questioning... LE cannot use threats to get a statement (otherwise it is "involuntary"), but they can state the law, charges, potential sentence, etc. and can promise to be more lenient or "help" you if you cooperate. If any of his rights during this process were violated, it can be thrown out.

And, if that happens, JVS can tell his "new" facts all day long and the Prosecutor doesn't have to use that statement at trial. The prosecutor can put it in the shredder if he wants, which is probably where any "new" statement by JVS would belong :winko:
I really don't think she should visit him or continue to have contact with him at all on any level. It would be an extremely unhealthy risk for her to take. She is definitely doing the right thing by staying away. It would be wise for her to completely disengage as far as having contact with his lawyers and being invested in any particular outcome here.

He's a threat. His violence is not limited to physical violence, he is an emotional abuser as well, and we can see this from the way he tormented (and still torments) the victims of his families. And remember we only have it from Joran's own word that Paulus was involved in the disposal of Natalee's body - I assume that is a lie, is that not emotional abuse aimed at his own family?

I do believe that his father helped him dispose of Natalee's body. I don't believe that at 17 Joran could have hid her body so well that she was never found. I belive that Anita not seeing or talking to Joran would be emotionally abusive to her. I know I couldn't stand to not ever see or hear from any of my children. I don't care what he has done, he is still her baby. She can hate what he has done and what he has become but she will always love the little boy that he was. JMO
I really don't think she should visit him or continue to have contact with him at all on any level. It would be an extremely unhealthy risk for her to take. She is definitely doing the right thing by staying away. It would be wise for her to completely disengage as far as having contact with his lawyers and being invested in any particular outcome here.

He's a threat. His violence is not limited to physical violence, he is an emotional abuser as well, and we can see this from the way he tormented (and still torments) the victims of his families. And remember we only have it from Joran's own word that Paulus was involved in the disposal of Natalee's body - I assume that is a lie, is that not emotional abuse aimed at his own family?

I agree with you, Mrs. N. I think it would be very unhealthy for her. But I don't believe she's as disengaged as she's portraying herself to be in the media. JMO

Nancy Grace - June 23, 2010

JOHN VAN DEN HEUVEL, REPORTER, DE TELEGRAAF: Well, I (INAUDIBLE) contact with Anita Van Der Sloot a few days or a week ago, and I asked her if she wanted to go and to -- I ask her if she want to give an interview. And I told her maybe it`s OK to give one big interview to a newspaper and for television. So she did for a few reasons. She wants to tell her side of the story and she wants to explain why she thinks Joran is completely sick in his head.

But I was there on Tuesday on Aruba for the interview. And then I asked her, Is it possible to have contact with Joran? And she had Joran several times on the phone. So I ask her, Is it a possibility that I can visit him in Peru? And she said, I cannot guarantee you that, but I can put your name on the visitors list of the Castro Castro prison, so you can try it. So she did. And I flew -- on Saturday, I flew to Peru, and on Sunday I went to the prison. And I went in and my name was on the list.
Joran van der Sloot claims his rights were violated by Peru police


His state-appointed lawyer, Maximo Altez, said he may take the case to the Inter American Court of Human Rights, remarking that there has been a violation to the due process.

Altez says that for the defense it's essential to have this process declared null and start a new one.

However, he admitted that it's very unlikely that van der Sloot can be set free.
Little one is 13, living with mother. If he flew in from US, he must have traveled to US with older brother and then to Arnhem, while Mother perhaps took care of things on her own before funeral.

I am only going by what Anita stated in her interview. Who knows, may be it was difficult for even her youngest son to go to school in Aruba. The whole island is not corrupt and many might resent the Van der Sloot's because of the negative publicity.. That said, I am surprised that Anita has not decided to move back to The Netherlands where the rest of her family lives.
She has her child to see and touch and smell and hug, if she chooses. She can still talk to him and exchange feelings and ideas with him. She can have hope that he may someday turn his life around. She hasn't lost her first born son, he's still alive.
she can do those things for now but if the prison stories we read about are true, for how long? She has to also read how easy it is to be murdered in prison and living a horrible maybe tortured life.

While I'm sure Natalee and Stephany's parents do have fond memories, they also have horrifc visions of how their child died and what they suffered in the process. They can no longer see, touch, smell and hug their child. They're robbed of watching their child grow into adulthood to see what they might have become and possibly marrying and have children of their own. Their children are no longer alive. They have NOTHING but their memories. And the kind of pain that will never, ever go away. she has to live with the thoughts that her kid did these things

Nope, no comparison, IMO. None at all.

Red by me.

None of the families will ever be the same, this will forever be with them - always. I couldn't imagine being able to survive if I were any of them, Anita included. I see no problem with her sending him clothes etc or providing what she can toward legal fees. This does not dishonor the lives of the young women he murdered. Legal representation does not mean she is paying for his release - she wants to see him treated for his mental illness and we know that's not going to happen.
Clearly Anita IS making money off her recent media blitz (licensing fees from ABC News, etc.) Whether that money is being funneled to JVS's attorney is beside the point. (Frankly, I don't care one way or the other.) But to say AVS or her son is not making money from these interviews because the money is going directly to his attorney is misleading, IMO. Semantics.

ABC didn't do the interview, they bought the interview; there is a difference.

I am not misleading anyone when I wrote AVS wasn't making money; the reporter stated this in the article. :banghead:

Until I know otherwise that she is not making any additional money, then I will go with what the reporter indicated in the article.
I am a recovering gambling addict here and the only thing I've ever wanted to kill was an ATM machine when it said "NO FUNDS AVAILABLE"!

Well, you can't take it back now because we are dragging it all over the place, like the dog that's been in the cat litter box.

So funny!!! Spit out my soda!

We all have something that gets our goat, and usually the ATM (or credit card) is involved and says the same danged thing, just out loud to some of us that think we are hearing voices when it happens 'cause we want to scream.
Maybe Cottages or someone with legal knowledge can come in and explain this, but to me, his rights are Primary. In other words, if he wins this or doesn't and they keep appealing, then they can't go forward in the trial. My question, can they go forward with the now investigation by the one judge? I am confused here.

Me too. Judge is on a fact finding mission and appears to wear the hat of a prosecutor in the USA.
JeanC: 3x photos being shown are before body moved
PatB: pants removed before she was killed
JVM: There is no blood on them at all
PatB: no reason to take pants off after death; makes no sense
- removed them>violent assault occurred
- does not mean sexual assault was not attempted
- lured her into room under other pretenses
I do believe that his father helped him dispose of Natalee's body. I don't believe that at 17 Joran could have hid her body so well that she was never found. I belive that Anita not seeing or talking to Joran would be emotionally abusive to her. I know I couldn't stand to not ever see or hear from any of my children. I don't care what he has done, he is still her baby. She can hate what he has done and what he has become but she will always love the little boy that he was. JMO

I guess that all depends on how deep you think his psychopathy goes....anyway different opinions, its all good.
I am only going by what Anita stated in her interview. Who knows, may be it was difficult for even her youngest son to go to school in Aruba. The whole island is not corrupt and many might resent the Van der Sloot's because of the negative publicity.. That said, I am surprised that Anita has not decided to move back to The Netherlands where the rest of her family lives.

If AVS moved to the Netherlands then people would be saying she running out of Aruba because she knows something. AVS is doomed in the public's eye as she gave birth to Joran, a child she brought into this world, loved and cared for etc., etc. who is now a murderer.
The mother of a killer walks a very long, dark path for the rest of her life; carrying the very heavy burden of what her child has done.

I keep in mind what the Flores' family stated: "they don't blame Joran's mother". If only the world could view Joran's mother the same way as the Flores' family see her.

The Flores family feelings about Joran's mother may be becoming more skeptical. At the end of this ABC video, Anita expresses her sympathy for NH's and SF's families and says she would like to give them a big hug. But then John K., the reporter, says he spoke to the Flores family about her interview and they said that, although they are appreciative of Anita's sentiments, they are concerned that this is all part of a plan to get an insanity plea for Joran. (paraphrased)
The mother of a killer walks a very long, dark path for the rest of her life; carrying the very heavy burden of what her child has done.

I keep in mind what the Flores' family stated: "they don't blame Joran's mother". If only the world could view Joran's mother the same way as the Flores' family see her.

If Anita starts talking like they are the reason for her son being in the trouble he is in, I'm sure they will see her differently. So Far Anita has been very compassionate toward them. She just blames Beth Twitty for suspecting her son in Natalee's dissappearance thus turning him into a killer. I don't have a problem with Anita and how she raised her son. I just have a problem with her blaming the victim's mother for the downfall of her son.
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