Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #2

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Which conclusively shows for those who asked...Joran WAS in Thailand.

There is a card with Thai writing stamped in the passport. I didn't look closely enough to see if it was a visa or just an entry exit one that required paperwork that stays stapled in your passport (I've had both in paper forms for various places - as well as stamped forms of both for other places - so it could be either)

But in either clearly shows he traveled to Thailand!

ETA, it was at least two cards indicating they were Thai departure cards used by immigration - so there are, elsewhere, two stamps for his entry in Thailand, as well. And those are just the pages we see...could be more.

So now it's MULTIPLE trips to Thailand.
If that is the case, I would be really upset with the person(s) who wired that money to him if I were Stephany's relatives.

I sincerely doubt the person who wired the money to him expected anything of the sort to result from it. By the way that person was allegedly extorted, so why blame the alleged victim?
According to his friends, he was already in bad shape, desperate for money, depressed, suicidal, out of control. Traveling to Peru didn't cause him to allegedly murder Stephany, he may have done the same thing in Aruba if he hadn't gotten the extortion money.

That's my point "if he didn't get the extortion money, he might have had to leave Peru and there wouldn't have been the murder of Stephany.

Of course, he could have killed someone else after leaving Peru, however I am focusing only on the fact that the $15,000.00 gave him the opportunity to be in Peru, play Poker, meet Stephany, murder her and take her $5,000.00

Before we knew about the extortion money, we were wondering how he managed to get money, etc., etc. Now that we know he got 15 G's .... that kept him there.
For all we know, it might not have been Beth at all. I guess we will have to wait and see what Greta reports on her show. I just found it odd, that no one in the media picked up on what Greta reported.
I don't know who else would pay this guy for information, other than the family who is so desperate for answers. But, yes we don't know for sure that this is Beth.
Wow--that is really warped. I guess, indirectly, her money did lead to justice for Natalee.

Just a request, can we chill on the Aruba bashing? You may not like their handling of the case, but anyone who followed it at the time will remember they turned that island inside out--and used, I think half-a-year's budget, looking for her. At the same time, a woman disappeared in B'ham--the sister-in-law of a WS poster--and LE there did exactly nothing--although it was obvious her gf killed her.

I agree. I live within two blocks of a New York vacant lot that where a young woman's body was found in a suitcase several years ago. As far as I have been able to determine, the case essentially remains where it was the week she was found.

On the basis of the evidence uncovered, it's difficult to imagine charges brought against Joran. Of course, in American jurisdictions, he could have lawyered up on the first day and we would know even less.
LBloom: that doesn't sound like extortion to me
JVM: nothing will happen w/the NH case
TM: what do we mean reopen? this case has never really been open in Aruba
I do believe it was a sting operation and that the FBI was involved from the get-go.

As for Greta putting out Beth's name - I didn't like that. However, I do know they became very good friends while in Aruba. Not sure that is still the case today. So, I don't know if Beth gave her permission or an inside scoop...

I just would highly doubt it, if I trust my gut instinct.

BBM. She's using hyperbole to play for ratings, like they all do. We all know it takes time to put together a federal case and it likely would have been months from now before they actually charged him. He'd been running around free for five years - they had no way of knowing he would do something like this now.

I believe the only reason they charged him today is so they are next in line to extradite him if things fall through over there. I doubt they were truly ready to proceed at this early juncture and this new murder forced their hands.

Of course you're right, CharlestonGal. beach2yall is right, too - they could have charged him before but they couldn't possibly foresee what would happen.

With regards to the bold above, I think there may be a second reason as well and that would be to cover their a$$.
Did JVM just say a close cousin was going to get him (VDS) on extortion?

Anyone else hear that?
I just have to put this out there because this is what I am thinking at the moment. IF this $15,000.00 wasn't wired to Joran, of which "allegedly" arrived on May 14th, then perhaps Joran would not have been able to be at the Poker Tournament, etc., etc.

Patty, have you read anything about Stephanie having had $5,000 taken from her?

Word is he was having trouble getting money, trying to borrow from friends who said no. If Joran got wind Stephanie had $5,000, maybe he was setting her up to steal it from her. She did go home, talked to her dad and then went back to the casino. Maybe she got the money when she was home after dropping off her friends, went back and met Joran, went to his hotel room and after giving him the money she realized he had been scammed and told him off.

Or maybe she had already given him the money and realized she had lost it to him. Or else if he was scamming her with a possible plan to sell the date rape drug, maybe he dosed her and then killed her . I don't think she had any sexual interest in him as her friend said she was a lesbian and would never have gone into that hotel room alone with him.

OMG, there I go, but if it is true it could give reason for Joran to want her permanently out of the picture. All just MOO
The way this is ending up is truly awful. :(

This explains why Beth's lawyer has been seen in Aruba twice this month. I saw that posted on Greta's blog.

ALSO - IMO Joran was a gambling addict to tie in with all this and this fuelled his desperation/suicidal tendencies. He wasn't suicidal because of Natalee etc - he doesn't care enough about others for that. He is addicted to gambling/living the good life and that is what has spun his life out of control when and this level of desperation to extort/steal and kill for money.

I just feel for Beth so much. :(

"Beth Holloway was extorted. Joran van der Sloot took money from her and used it to finance his trip to South America where it is now believed he murdered.

Beth Holloway wanted to know what happened to her daughter. Joran van der Sloot said he would tell her if she paid him. She brought in the FBI. The events happened in Aruba.

The FBI, as early as May 10, knew they had a case against Joran van der Sloot for wire fraud and extortion but failed to act until today. Had they arrested him when they had the case against him, May 10, he would not have had the money to travel to South America and murder. "

BBM. So now VDS has victimized Beth AGAIN. Can you imagine how she must be feeling knowing it was her money that financed his trip to Peru where he very probably killed another girl???

He preys on the most vulnerable and who is more vulnerable than a mom wanting to know the truth about her dead child. My heart goes out to Beth and all those who love Natalee - it's like he has turned the screwdriver one more time! What a despicable person he is. moo

ETA: Think about it! He used Beth's money to murder another young woman on the very anniversay of Natalee's murder - OMG there are no words to describe his cruelness!
Well IF it was Beth who sent the $15,000.00, I am sure she is having a very difficult time right now because the $15,000.00 kept Joran in Peru.

Have we heard that it was a "sting" operation?

I haven't heard any official call it a "sting". You and I are in agreement that Beth is toooo smart to just send Joran some cash. I think she contacted the U.S Atty. /FBI (proper authorities, etc). That is exactly why I find the amount suspect ($15,000) when he asked for $250,000. I think there are communications yet to be disclosed. I have a feeling they might have been trying to get him on U.S. soil to collect the rest so they COULD arrest him.

I am strictly hypothosizing here, but it is my best guess right now.
Patty, have you read anything about Stephanie having had $5,000 taken from her?

Word is he was having trouble getting money, trying to borrow from friends who said no. If Joran got wind Stephanie had $5,000, maybe he was setting her up to steal it from her. She did go home, talked to her dad and then went back to the casino. Maybe she got the money when she was home after dropping off her friends, went back and met Joran, went to his hotel room and after giving him the money she realized he had been scammed and told him off.

Or maybe she had already given him the money and realized she had lost it to him. Or else if he was scamming her with a possible plan to sell the date rape drug, maybe he dosed her and then killed her . I don't think she had any sexual interest in him as her friend said she was a lesbian and would never have gone into that hotel room alone with him.

OMG, there I go, but if it is true it could give reason for Joran to want her permanently out of the picture. All just MOO
I kinda think, (and this is JMO) that she won the money at the casino. He saw her (or was even sitting with her) when she won it and he saw "opportunity".

From the extortion suit filed just today - we now know he had at least $15K, as it was stated that 15K had already been wired to him as a down payment. He probably went through that - or was working his way through and only had a minimal amount left when he went to this poker tourney (hoping to parley his "little" into "a lot") and when that didn't happen - he met Stephany (or watched her winning).

Opportunity - plain and simple.
Whew!! Tim Miller is fired up tonight!

Yeah, because he knows how much Beth & Dave WANTED to find their daughter and fully cooperated with him. Unlike another family he attempted to help and they threw him out of their house. :rolleyes:
To add - it may not have been Beth's money at all. Rather a front, or sting. She may have only been the frontman. I'm sure there are many agencies out there willing to front that kind of money to catch this (alleged) killer.



Yeah, I agree a sting would make sense. I could see Beth, or whoever he contacted going straight to law enforcement. I just think it had to be Beth or someone on her side of the family he initially contacted because who else in Birmingham would be invested that much in finding her body?
JVM: there are published reports of her ex-girlfriend saying she would never go to hotel alone w/VDS
LBloom: how did he get her into the room? he attempted to do something, and maybe she rebuffed him. did he drug her?
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