Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #20

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Off topic but that man is the actor and singer Ruben Blades younger brother. He has many albums out himself. Just wanted to post that because very early on there was some speculation (not on this site, but under articles...etc) that he wanted 15 mins of fame. IMHO he is already famous :)

In the interview with SF's father, he discounts anything said by Roberto Blades. And in I read recently (have no idea where, at this point), it said that the casino has no record of Roberto ever reporting anything about JVDS.

More unusual!! :waitasec:
If she had a club foot, wouldn't one of her shoes have to be bigger or somehow different sized in order to accommodate it ? Her shoes looked matching to me.

No, not necessarily. It would depend on what kind of club foot she had.

Here is a link which shows some famous athletes who had club foot, and two were "treated". (It doesn't say if the rest were, or were not). Mia Hamm is on the list, too...

I was born with my left foot clubbed. I've been very active sportswise all of my life; I did have some corrective shoeing as a baby/child, but never needed lifts, orthopedics, or any specially made shoes...and as I relax of an evening, in my recliner, my left foot still turns in badly. Doesn't affect the way I walk, but it did as a child.

I don't know if she did have one; but she may have...since the ankle wasn't broken per the autopsy report (and it didn't look like it to offense). Just trying to account for the angle of her foot post mortem is all. Like I said in my original post, it's speculative, and I have no way to prove it or confirm it whatsoever.

Herding Cats
The green bruises were old bruises. Fresh bruises on a corpse will not be green. Just from my own experience.

Perhaps these 'old' bruises were what caused her to walk so strangely ...maybe her feet hurt.
If VDS does not know there is a working camera, IMO, there would be no need to stage the hopeless, limp-wristed, half-hearted, foolish, pathetic knocking scene since it would not establish that he left his key inside, got locked out and tried to wake her up, come out of the shower (w/e he planned to say when needed) to answer the door. He wanted to try to establish - for the camera - that she is alive and breathing inside. But, even he knows it's beyond pathetic. It's over. NEXT - Forge forward. What the heck. Recoup. Have to summon the employee to open the door in an attempt to establish her as alive.

I dunno, epiphany... All good points, for sure. But when I watch that video and he's doing the fake knock thing then looks up toward the camera and his wrist goes limp, I think that's his first 'oh ' moment. Looks like he almost deflates for a moment at at his discovery of the camera. He disappears from view for a minute and then peers around the corner, looks directly at the camera to confirm. I think his plan at the time (with the two coffee cups in hand) was to enlist a witness (the hotel worker) to either establish that SF was still alive OR have him discover the body with him standing by in feigned shock. Obviously he didn't have a clear plan as he seems to be so hesitant and unsure of quite what to do when he first exits the room with the cups, turning around a few times, etc. At any rate, I think this was the first time he realized the camera was there.
The green bruises were old bruises. Fresh bruises on a corpse will not be green. Just from my own experience.

ITA healing bruises....a few days old. Someone posted in an earlier thread they look like the bruises her daughter has on her feet from practising soccer....sounds about right to me.
There has been great emphasis placed on Joran "cleaning up" the room before he left, on today's news programs. This begs the question- exactly what was he trying to achieve by doing that? After all, he left the body in the room! Not to mention, his own bloody shirt.

The receptionist who found the body reported that there was blood everywhere. So what did Joran clean?
There has been great emphasis placed on Joran "cleaning up" the room before he left, on today's news programs. This begs the question- exactly what was he trying to achieve by doing that? After all, he left the body in the room! Not to mention, his own bloody shirt.

The receptionist who found the body reported that there was blood everywhere. So what did Joran clean?

Before launching into a new set of questions pertaining to your conspiracy theories, could you possibly go back and answer some of the many questions posed to you from your last visit?
BBM; SNIPPED (Sanny, Post 151)

If VDS does not know there is a working camera, IMO, there would be no need to stage the hopeless, limp-wristed, half-hearted, foolish, pathetic knocking scene since it would not establish that he left his key inside, got locked out and tried to wake her up, come out of the shower (w/e he planned to say when needed) to answer the door. He wanted to try to establish - for the camera - that she is alive and breathing inside. But, even he knows it's beyond pathetic. It's over. NEXT - Forge forward. What the heck. Recoup. Have to summon the employee to open the door in an attempt to establish her as alive.

It would be really helpful if we knew what he said to bring the hotel worker with the key. Instead of just saying "I'm locked out" did he say "my girlfriend is sleeping in there and I don't want to wake her?" Then he confirmed this on his way out "Don't disturb the girl." I don't think he wanted the hotel person to discover SF as some have suggested. I think he just wanted to explain why two people went in the room but only one came out. Also he wanted to put as much time and distance between him and SF as possible. The police must have this interview but we haven't heard it.
Before launching into a new set of questions pertaining to your conspiracy theories, could you possibly go back and answer some of the many questions posed to you from your last visit?

Sorry, I must have missed something. I think, though, that much of what I'm being asked here is unknowable. My "conspiracy theory" is based upon what I consider to be glaring oddities in the case. I believe I've noted just about all of them that I question. I recognize that you, and most other posters here, do not agree with me at all.

I don't believe one can relate the specifics of something that one cannot know the specifics of, unless one is involved. I'm obviously not involved in a conspiracy to frame Joran, and the conspirators haven't bothered to let me in on the details, so all I can do is speculate. I've also done plenty of that here.

I remain very skeptical about a murder when, after nearly a month, the most basic "facts" about the crime scene continue to change. Where even the essential aspects- murder weapon, cause of death, position of body, amount of blood, etc.- continually "evolve." This cannot all be attributed to media mistakes, or translation errors. A few weeks ago, we should have known these things conclusively, and they should not have changed again.

That being said, there is an entirely different standard of justice in Peru, and it is almost a certainty that Joran will be convicted. That is, if he lives to go to trail, which is no sure thing.
Sorry, I must have missed something. I think, though, that much of what I'm being asked here is unknowable. My "conspiracy theory" is based upon what I consider to be glaring oddities in the case. I believe I've noted just about all of them that I question. I recognize that you, and most other posters here, do not agree with me at all.

I don't believe one can relate the specifics of something that one cannot know the specifics of, unless one is involved. I'm obviously not involved in a conspiracy to frame Joran, and the conspirators haven't bothered to let me in on the details, so all I can do is speculate. I've also done plenty of that here.

I remain very skeptical about a murder when, after nearly a month, the most basic "facts" about the crime scene continue to change. Where even the essential aspects- murder weapon, cause of death, position of body, amount of blood, etc.- continually "evolve." This cannot all be attributed to media mistakes, or translation errors. A few weeks ago, we should have known these things conclusively, and they should not have changed again.

That being said, there is an entirely different standard of justice in Peru, and it is almost a certainty that Joran will be convicted. That is, if he lives to go to trail, which is no sure thing.

I wasn't trying to be snarky, Unreals. A lot of people have responded to your posts with what I think are very good questions that you don't bother to reply to. You just surge ahead with your theories and disregard the questions.

I can't (or rather, won't) go back to find them for you. But I specifically asked you twice to link to the medical examiner's report where you claim to have seen reference to the tennis racquet and/or baseball bat.

I just think that if you're going to continue with the dialogue, you should pay attention to the questions asked of you and respond as you're able rather than just stating your opinions with disregard to other's input.

And, with all due respect, you do ask our posters and expert sleuthers for many links which they willingly take the time to search out and provide for you. Since you're using this forum for information with which to write your book, I think it's unfair to ask these fine people to do your research for you. My personal opinion.
It would be really helpful if we knew what he said to bring the hotel worker with the key. Instead of just saying "I'm locked out" did he say "my girlfriend is sleeping in there and I don't want to wake her?" Then he confirmed this on his way out "Don't disturb the girl." I don't think he wanted the hotel person to discover SF as some have suggested. I think he just wanted to explain why two people went in the room but only one came out. Also he wanted to put as much time and distance between him and SF as possible. The police must have this interview but we haven't heard it.

My thoughts exactly!

Plus I'm sure there are tons of interviews from the hotel staff and patrons as well as poker players of Joran and SF that we are not privy to at this point!
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