Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #21

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it seems to me that jvds wants to be "notorious" ... dont know whether that is due to a mental condition or if he just wants people to think he is big and bad and powerful... a powerful jet-setting wealthy winning gambler that is successful with the ladies... blah blah blah.... like a character out of a movie or history like james bond or al capone.... i worry that if he wriggles out of any of this it will have only served to give him some "street cred" in his own mind...

"No worries" NN, he is nothing but a small time, stupid wanna be, who was lucky enough to have parents to support his story and irresponsible lifestyle. I'm sure all the people close to him knew the score and his highest one was the BS Tally. A very small immature, ranting angry boy, with money and ties, locked in a very large and overpowering body with a warped mind. Let's not forget, with the exception of NH and SF's families and his own family, he was taken for a ride the media and people close to him. They gave him a huge inch and he took the mile to hang himself. I really doubt that reality will sink in anytime soon. His game still continues. JMO

I was watching the Richard Rameriz story earlier today and no one ever told him or got through to him that the devil is the deceiver. Even tho he worshipped Satan, Satan deceived him too....the irony of it all.....the devil was only being himself. Same with JVS, he's still deceiving himself too.
"No worries" NN, he is nothing but a small time, stupid wanna be, who was lucky enough to have parents to support his story and irresponsible lifestyle. I'm sure all the people close to him knew the score and his highest one was the BS Tally. A very small immature, ranting angry boy, with money and ties, locked in a very large and overpowering body with a warped mind. Let's not forget, with the exception of NH and SF's families and his own family, he was taken for a ride the media and people close to him. They gave him a huge inch and he took the mile to hang himself. I really doubt that reality will sink in anytime soon. His game still continues. JMO

I was watching the Richard Rameriz story earlier today and no one ever told him or got through to him that the devil is the deceiver. Even tho he worshipped Satan, Satan deceived him too....the irony of it all.....the devil was only being himself. Same with JVS, he's still deceiving himself too.

yeah - i agree. he really blunders things and it would be sorta laughable if only there werent one girl missing and one girl dead in his wake.... hopefully one of the REAL bad guys will get a hold of him in castro castro. i had forgotten how BIG jvds is...was watching the thailand sex trade vid earlier - and he just towers over all of them...
Really? Headlines from Aruba not appearing in neighboring countries or in Spanish language news? I think we saw coverage in Spanish language media when we were in PR, but maybe it's an exception. I also wouldn't be surprised if she used English search engines as well as Spanish language ones. But who knows?

Oh, 16 year olds don't have to look for crime/news stories at all, the stories normally just pop up on search engine sites. And this story has been in the news throughout these 5 years, not just back in 2005. But maybe it's true, maybe somehow Peru never had any wind of the case.

Very hard to believe it is five years. I guess he was only 17 then IIRC, right?

Even as an adult in the US, I heard of the NH case, but never followed it closely. So, before this incident in Peru, if I had heard the name Joran Van Der Sloot without it being said in connection with Natalee Holloway, I wouldn't have known who he was.
"Joran isn't a monster and isn't a serial killer," his cousin, Natalia den Boer, told the AP. "I think that Joran needs help. Because something is bad in his head."

So now a cousin is saying Joran is sick in his head. I guess perhaps this is the official family theory on Joran???????? Even if it's true, it doesn't excuse Joran's actions.

Another thing I noticed............very shortly after the murder Anita said her other sons wanted her to "let Joran go", I thought it was strange that the brothers were so anxious for her to dump Joran so soon. If one of my siblings were accused of murder I would want a huge amount of research & information before I just decided to write them off. The fact that Joran's brothers were ready to let him go was because they knew of many many other problems he had caused other than Natalee's disapperance. Evidently Joran has been into so much all his life they consider him unsalvageable.
Yes didn't the boys ask Anita to let him 'go' because he drags her down (or words to that effect) I thought when I read it they were telling her this because they were witness to his influence on her, and were concerned about her welfare. I'm glad she appears to have taken their advice.
Whew! Finally getting caught up on my reading in here LOL. Whoever asked about SIM cards in phones earlier---NO, the phone will not work without a SIM. The SIM is the brains of the phone. It tells the network who is making the call and where it is going. SIM stands for Subscriber Information Module. The SIM is what picks up the signal from the tower--not the phone itself. I have worked for a phone company for 25 years and we had a cellular company as well. Just passing the info on..........
Whew! Finally getting caught up on my reading in here LOL. Whoever asked about SIM cards in phones earlier---NO, the phone will not work without a SIM. The SIM is the brains of the phone. It tells the network who is making the call and where it is going. SIM stands for Subscriber Information Module. The SIM is what picks up the signal from the tower--not the phone itself. I have worked for a phone company for 25 years and we had a cellular company as well. Just passing the info on..........

You might want to double-check...I didn't think so either, but when I Googled, it appeared that some of the newer phones will work without a SIM, and that also, you can get a "sham" SIM that isn't registered to your phone (or something like that...I'm completely tech ignorant, trust me on that ;)
Whew! Finally getting caught up on my reading in here LOL. Whoever asked about SIM cards in phones earlier---NO, the phone will not work without a SIM. The SIM is the brains of the phone. It tells the network who is making the call and where it is going. SIM stands for Subscriber Information Module. The SIM is what picks up the signal from the tower--not the phone itself. I have worked for a phone company for 25 years and we had a cellular company as well. Just passing the info on..........

Thanks for the good info, Doobie!! I bet JVS thought that by removing the SIM card they couldn't track his number and know his location. I know that's what I would have thought!
I don't really know if I should post this, but I found it when searching for possible connection of JVDS with missing women in Thailand.

All I can say is...consider the source. :innocent:

"Van der Sloot is terrified that he contracted AIDS during his frequent sex romps with prostitutes in Thailand."*****_aids/celebrity/68900

AIDS is a real sickness with symptoms. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus.

Infection with the HIV virus is initially is symptomless. People at risk get tested frequently and if they test positive for the HIV virus, then will hopefully be treated with the HIV drugs may never get the disease AIDS. (Magic Johnson is living yet without AIDS) A few people carry the HIV virus and never get AIDS. FEW.

(Hospitals formerly routinely tested for HIV virus, but now employ Universal Precautions - meaning treat everyone as if infected with any Blood-Borne Virus - Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are also Blood-Borne)

The most important message is that HIV infection (and MANY have no idea they are HIV positive) is symptomless, thus every sexual partner may carry HIV (or any Blood-Borne virus). THUS, the reason for practicing safe sex. You just may never know.

Many use the word AIDS and HIV interchangeably, but there is the above difference. Anyone who is HIV positive may infect.

AIDS the illness develops when the HIV virus is not treated, but this may be sooner or later or never.

An HIV infected person looks and acts normal. Again, SAFE SEX.

My question then would be - Is HIV testing routine in prisons, in the Peru prison?
the main reasons I can think of are:

when the press describe him as the killer rather than the defendant or suspect or accused.

when the press repeatedly omit the word alleged when discussing the alleged confession released by the Peruvian police, repeatedly calling it "Joran Van der Sloot's confession"...

when the press claim not only that he committed the crime against Stephany but go even a step beyond and continually report that the reason is that he's a Psychopathconditions were not present. And "Psychopath" implies a much more conscious act.)...

when the press, rather than trying to get all the evidence and discuss all the evidence from every possible angle, only discuss select items of alleged evidence from a prosecution viewpoint. For example, we don't hear them
raising any questions about "do the rest of the hours of videotape confirm that no one else entered the room"...First we heard "wrappers from date rape drugs were found in Stephany's car so JVDS drugged her", but no questions asked about why would the wrappers be in her car..No questions asked about "are there prints on the wrappers?" and so many other questions. The alleged evidence for the most part has been presented very selectively and only from a prosecution angle...

I've been thinking about this post since I read it yesterday, which is an indication that it is a good one, indeed. I've snipped for space but tried to leave enough to give seagull's major points. In general, I agree with them, especially the point where the tabloid media (really the only media covering this case in the US) fails to ask the pertinent questions (does the video show anyone else entering the hotel room? Have the date-rape drugs been linked to Joran through forensics or other investigation?) These would be simple questions to ask and get answers to.

On the other hand, the word "alleged" is over-valued. Here in Pittsburgh, we had an incident in which a man shot and killed three police officers who came to his mother's home because she had called 911 to get help in removing him from the home. The word "alleged" would be silly in this context, as we are factually certain who killed those officers--the guy in the home who pulled the trigger and was later subdued and arrested. In many cases we know very well who did the crime because the guilty party or parties were essentially caught in the act or in the act of fleeing. (I have the same mistrust for "person of interest"--the person is a suspect. Sometimes we know who did it. Sometimes we aren't sure and the person begins as a suspect.) In all cases, the prosecution is "alleging" that the person charged committed the crime. But it some cases, it isn't hard to see that it is very, very unlikely that the person accused is innocent of the crime.

And then the defense attorney can have some impact by challenging media facts and reporting. Joe Tacopina had some success at this in the Holloway case. In the end, the US system requires the prosecution to show evidence and gives the defense a chance to refute that evidence. In reality, the prosecution, with its tremendous resources and the weight of authority behind it, always has the advantage. Although many people on WS are outraged that certain apparently guilty people are not charged with murder or kidnapping (etc.), and it is maddening to see people apparently get away with horrible crimes, we should be grateful that prosecutors don't go to trial without what they see as enough evidence to convict. It's a tough balance--the rights of the accused vs. justice for the victims vs. the safety of society.

I think Joran's case falls very close to the line where people of common sense can see (with video and the circumstances, including his flight to Chile) that the right person has been arrested for this crime. We aren't required to ignore the facts of the case (it's Joran's room, he took her car, etc.) as we make our judgment, any more than Pittsburghers would have been required to think of the man who shot those police officers as an "alleged killer." Had Joran simply been SEEN with Stephany at the casino and later she had "disappeared" as Natalee did, we would be in a different situation.
I remember that about the phone at the lighthouse, did the VDS turn the phone over to ALE? And there was a lot of confusion surrounding cell phones that night, you're right. Didn't Joran say he had to go pick up his phone from someone?

If Joran threw away his SIM card what phone was he using when Anita said she talked to him, maybe he threw it away after she told him police were after him?

I think Joran had to pick up a phone from his gf's place. Not sure anymore unless I reread the PV's.

He could have thrown the card away after he talked to his mom. The next contact he had was through the embassy I think.
I don't really know if I should post this, but I found it when searching for possible connection of JVDS with missing women in Thailand.

All I can say is...consider the source. :innocent:

"Van der Sloot is terrified that he contracted AIDS during his frequent sex romps with prostitutes in Thailand."*****_aids/celebrity/68900

I too have read that NE report on JVDS and the AIDS he may fear he will get in prison.
No doubt it's completely true because JCasarez mentioned that 50% of the inmates have it.

Whether the NE report is true of not........JC has confirmed that fact to be true.
Yes didn't the boys ask Anita to let him 'go' because he drags her down (or words to that effect) I thought when I read it they were telling her this because they were witness to his influence on her, and were concerned about her welfare. I'm glad she appears to have taken their advice.

She has more fun on facebook anyway; takes her mind off Joran.
Thanks for the good info, Doobie!! I bet JVS thought that by removing the SIM card they couldn't track his number and know his location. I know that's what I would have thought!

Isn't that the same stunt CA pulled with her SIM card? I think so.

'Dump it and they can't trace me'!!!" JVDS's thinking.
Danielabc posted:

About the message that Stephany sent. It was reported in El Comercio a few days after Stephany was found at the hotel (it was the entire second page of the paper) that Stephany dropped off her friend in San Isidro and then went to the casino (this was around 3:20 am). The article says that her friend called her 5 minutes later and Stephany didn't answer, then she sent the text saying that she was going upstairs to her bedroom. The police think that she lied because she knew that her friend disapproved of her casino gambling habit. I think that the message was sent long before she went to the hotel with Joran...
(of course, that article also said that Joran went to Wong to buy the coffee and I think he didn't because we've now seen that the cups are from somewhere else and Wong opens later).

Thanks for the explanation on Stepheny's calls. I tend to agree. Regarding the coffee cups, Joran may have had them from before and just used them for his little scene he tried to create for his alibi. Later he did have a coffee and some biscuits, while sitting next to the body and pondering what he was going to do?
Did Nancy Grace get her story from Enquirer? Then her panel took it a few steps farther? I have no idea how she keeps her job with the way she lies and then treats her panelists like crap. She's as bad as Joran in the lying department. Maybe we ought to analyze her too.
I too have read that NE report on JVDS and the AIDS he may fear he will get in prison.
No doubt it's completely true because JCasarez mentioned that 50% of the inmates have it.

Whether the NE report is true of not........JC has confirmed that fact to be true.

Confusing AIDS (illness, sick) with HIV Virus infection (no symptoms, appear normal). Trust me, if he had AIDS, he has to have symptoms (as officially defined). If you need criteria for definition of AIDS, will have to look it up.
IMO, the only reason Joran wants to see his mother is because he believes if given a chance, face to face, he can still bs her, and gain money from her. Other than that, I believe he has no use for her.

He's sick in the head all right, but that sickness is called psychopathy. I hope Anita will listen to her other two sons. They obviously know the score with Joran. It seems in many cases of psychopathy there are parents or a parent who see their offspring as an extension of themselves, and they will go to any lengths to protect their own image. It's not the offspring's image they're trying to protect, but their own.
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