Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #5

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Do you have quick access to this photo and, if so, would you please bring it over to this thread? Thank you in advance!

I'll go look real quick. It is the last shot of a video with the table to the left of the bed. There is a pack of ciggies and a telephone non the table.
I would like to know if the hotel still has his passport. This would explain why he did not fly straight to Aruba the following day. He had a three day headstart. Why would you drive through South America when you can just fly home where you will be coddled and babied after you second alleged murder.

I never bought the baseball bat version. How can you beat someone to death with a bat in a hotel and no one hears it. I don't even think it's possible.
Look what I found on pp 8 of the last thread. It is a pic of Stephany in the red circle standing behind Joran as they walk by the desk:

''It sure looks like she has something tied around her waist to me.
I'm almost expecting a phone call that was made for a ransom.. before he went to get the coffee that he laced to OD her.. She wouldn't drink it and die, so he got nerveous and had to kill her... sorry..I read to many crime is based on my own theory..
good catch french... so he either payed for a couple more days or left in a hurry without it...

1. His face when he sort of flings the key is diabolical. Like he knows he's going to get some or kill some.

3. His face when he walks out of the room is strange for someone who may have just killed someone. He seems like he is quietly slinking off, like he doesn't want to wake anyone.

Just my observation. What a strange young man. Fascinating case.

The throwing of the keys is his message to himself that his mission is almost accomplished (sex (in his mind)). He is congratulating himself on a job almost done.

I don't think that he premeditated killing her. He lost his temper and took out his frustrations of life on her.

On a side note, I think it's strange for a young girl to hangout at casinos playing poker at all hours of the night. I'm not blaming her or anything but it struck me as strange that a university student from a prominent family would carry herself this way. Maybe it was her way of rebelling since she had problems with her sexual identity and she became addicted to gambling. Either way, she certainly did not deserve this.

It's sad that men like Joran can almost always certainly find women like Stephany or Natalee who for one reason or another are not aware of the evils of this world and are so easily swayed and talked into getting into a car or going to a hotel room for the last time.
I don't know... (really) Everytime we think we get some facts, they change.

- the murder weapon for instance.....bat. racquet. knife. shoes. edge of bed
Waaay back in one of the other threads there was a link that mentioned a hotel employee heard arguing from the room.

Was that confirmed? It would really help to narrow down the timeline.

One thing that definately doesn't make sense, is these videos do not show the usual excitement (from SF) one would show if they had just one five grand....although JVDS looks like he's won big time when he collects his keys from the desk.

ETA: Stephanies Dad says that the necklace she always wore was also missing. Watching the video, I don't see her wearing a chain around her neck as she walks into his room. I've watched it over and over, and unless it a very fine necklace, I cannot see it.

Can anyone see the chain?

Not that it really matters in the big picture, but if her dad gave her $1000 for a laptop and she lost that gambling, is there any chance that she sold some of her valuables to get more money for gambling, which she finally won the five grand on?
Could explain why she didn't want to go home, because her family would ask where her jewellry was, and she wouldn't want to admit she sold them to gamble.

OR..... JVDS was playing loan-shark, who had the necklace in his room, and when she won the 5 grand, she went back to his room to buy it back.
Just throwing ideas out there knowing how desperate people can get when they lose money at the casino.
I really want to know more about how much he won or lost that night. And if she lost any money earlier in the night.
An interesting read for me about the Natalee Holloway case was from Terror Jaap... and it sticks in my head about how they speak of a high ranking Brazilian in S.A. and where he believes Natalee is..Its the Bubali pond in Aruba.. His house was raided about 5 days ago by the U.S. as well as someone elses...The U.S. confiscated all his computer equipment and cds, as well as his cell phone... I thought, if true, it definatly would shine a little light on what happened here...but I think it connects... THIS IS MY OPINION ONLY.. I'm wordering about X and Y and perhaps the families do know each other... As Stephanys dad said himself..."This is no coincedence..!!
I think that JVS will say that the FBI here in America had it out for him, that he was under survallence and that they did this to frame him because they couldn't get him for Natalie. He is going to say that he left and she was alive, and that if he had done this he would not have left all this evidence..... Watch and see, his defence will turn this around to some kind of conspiracy, by the US government.
Surveillance video from a casino on May 30 shows Ramirez and van der Sloot playing cards at the same table, Ramirez Reportedly won about 5,000 soles (about $1,755), though it was not found in the room or the victim’s car. Police Said “they found bloodied clothes with” van der Sloot and that investigators are testing them, as well as the tennis racquet, for DNA.

Police added that there is no other suspect connected to Ramirez’ death.
There has been so much disgusting media speculation and rumor in this story that my head is spinning. The latest via Mark F. is a deceased Stephany with blood running out of her nose and ear and an injury to the back of her head lying on her back on the floor of the hotel room. No mention of a bat in the room, or other possible murder weapon. This is the story that I believe. The fact that Joran left the room at approx 8 and returned with two coffees appears that Stephany was alive at that time. I don't think that video has been released but I would be interested to see if he was dressed in the same clothes that he left the hotel wearing at approx 8:45. There was no mention of the amount of money Joran had when he was captured. Was he carrying his passport? Were there any drugs or drug residue found in the room? I think that was the reason for Stefany going back to the hotel. I find it strange that Joran didn't attempt to hide the body in a closet, bathtub, under a bed, or try to disguise its presence in some way. What about the second cup of coffee did someone drink it? He is so calm, cool and collected in the video leaving the room and in the lobby that it is bone chilling to realize that he had probably just committed a murder. Most of all I don't understand why he didn't recover his passport if it was being held at the hotel, drive Stefany's car to the airport and fly back to Aruba or somewhere else out of South America.
Can anyone confirm the spelling of Stephanie's name? I feel like I'm disrespecting her if I'm not spelling it right, but I've seen three variations in the media.

And some articles refer to her as Stephany Flores only, so I apologize if I've been using 'SF' for her name.

Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramírez - is such a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman.
I think I'll wait another week or so, until the family, medical examiner, witnesses and LE can all get their story straight.. As just posted by Lexington, and I saw the interview too. That Mark F. spoke with the Medical Examiner and said that she was found on her back... I've also read that she was sexually assaulted, killed with a knife, and no shirt on...but yet a bat was found in the room, she was not sexually assaulted, and she was fully clothed laying face down...One says the room had blood splatter all over the room, and the other says it wasn't.. I can understand the translation issue but this is rediculious....... and as whatif says, even the spelling of her name is up for debate.... unreal...
I think a lot of the misinformation is coming from translation errors and ignorance of decomp. The ME was clear that the injuries to Stephany were in the areas of the back of her head, neck, and back. He opines that those regions struck the edge of the exposed wood bedframe with sufficient force to kill her. That is straightforward and plausible.

The account her brother gave is that Stephany was covered in blood and wounds and was unrecognizable and missing an eye - leading to the impression she was brutally beaten. I think what the brother saw was 72 hours of decomp. I doubt he'd ever seen a decomposed body at 72 hours (most are frozen or embalmed to prevent this event). What he would have seen was a body that was grossly distended and discolored with the early gases of decomp and yes, she would have likely been extremely swollen and discolored and probably leaking decomp fluids (sorry).

After hearing the brother's account, the mistranslation of "raquet" into "bat" lead to the obvious thought she'd been beaten severely with a bat, which is not the case at all. She was killed by a blow to the back of her head that caused hemmorhage (according to the ME).

It's likely he didn't plan to kill her at all (at least not openly in that room). Even he is not stupid enough to purposely parade his victim into the lobby in front of clerks, kill her less than 3 hours later, then run. I think something happened that pissed him off and he either flung her across the room onto the bed frame, or deliberately bashed her head into the bedframe in a moment of extreme irritation or anger.
Thanks Charleston... Great observations...I know personally how the body swells, and can only imagine after 72 hours or so...I'm sure that her brother only seen her at the morgue also, or I would think..But it seems every article I read says something different and is becoming very frustrating...
and again, I just read off CNN that they are testing his clothes and a tennis racquet..
"The girl's father told the AP that video cameras had also tracked the couple as they walked before dawn Sunday to van der Sloot's hotel from a casino in Lima's upscale Miraflores district where the two met playing poker."

I wonder when/if we'll get to see the video of them walking from the casino to the hotel? I'd like to see their interaction with each other, her manner, if she seemed lethargic, etc.

Also from the same link: "My daughter resisted," Flores told the AP. "Under the fingernails of my daughter there are traces, evidence, that's why they didn't permit her cremation." Flores said he expected her to be exhumed for DNA testing, and Tejada said that was likely."

Dr. Cesar Tejada is the deputy medical examiner. He agrees that it's likely Stephany's body will be exhumed to search for trace evidence under her nails? Why didn't they gather that evidence before they buried her? That is bizarre.
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