Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #9

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IIRC, she spotted him in the casino while she was with her friends. She left and took her friends home and then came back to the table where Joran was sitting.

Hopefully someone will help me out with what I recall.

I'm just a little shocked, it looks to me like she was the aggressor and wanted something from him. (drugs perhaps?) I was expecting it to be the other way around. She clearly wasn't drugged, shy or bamboozed in any way to go with him....she seems to be leading him out and in a hurry.
This is another fact that is unclear that is the amount that SFR won at the casino. It was reported she won US$5,000. but later it was corrected to 5,000 pesoes. Even the conversion amounts I've heard mentioned, US$1,700. to 2,500., have varied. Yesterday I heard a reporter saying $5,000. U.S. again. Ugh!

I'll look up the conversion rate and post it here.

The other thing is, per one of the articles in the translation thread, the person who she may have won the $5000 USD from won't confirm it (it's apparently the Albanian guy) but he IS confirming how much she won earlier this month (and he gave that quantity in Peruvian Soles instead of USD) I think we're getting multiple numbers for multiple things in multiple currencies - which is adding to it.

This is all complicated when things are run through computer translation versus human translation, as well.
That's crazy! It actually looks like she picks HIM up! He didn't seem to initiate anything.

Not that it matters.
IIRC, this wasn't the first time they'd met. She probably recognized him, says "hi", then shakes his hand. Now he may have taken it as she was "interested" in him, or because she seemed cordial, he took advantage of it to get her money. :( MOO
I just replied the same answer with a fox news link to this "job" that he was reported to have... Sorry, KR2tonenow, I hadn't seen your reply to Yellow Dog when I posted! Great minds think alike! ;)

You're good, no need to apologize ;)
For what it's worth, I'm clearly seeing Stephany take money out of a small purse when she sits down at the table.

Wow truckbomb thanks for the link.

panthera, I see that as well, and also does she hand him something when she gets to the table after she is seen walking by herself, and just before she is opening/closing that small purse.

Also, she has her hair down for most of that vid, however when they get up to leave, she has it tied, therefore she would have had a hair tie/band thingy on her wrist or pocket.

ETA Sorry, I watched it again and realized it was a handshake, and around 1:40 its a replay from a different angle.
IIRC, this wasn't the first time they'd met. She probably recognized him, says "hi", then shakes his hand. Now he may have taken it as she was "interested" in him, or because she seemed cordial, he took advantage of it to get her money. :( MOO

So they walk in the exact same way, seconds apart and sit at the same table then shake hands...that seems weird to me.
IIRC, this wasn't the first time they'd met. She probably recognized him, says "hi", then shakes his hand. Now he may have taken it as she was "interested" in him, or because she seemed cordial, he took advantage of it to get her money. :( MOO

She seems more than "cordial" to me. IMO She wanted something from him, and if it wasn't sex.........drugs maybe?
IIRC, this wasn't the first time they'd met. She probably recognized him, says "hi", then shakes his hand. Now he may have taken it as she was "interested" in him, or because she seemed cordial, he took advantage of it to get her money. :( MOO

If you look at the news reports of Elton Garcia, he says how long he has been in Peru and how many times he gambled with Stephany. I don't believe for a second that Joran met Stephany for the first time that night. I think she went to the Casino Atlantic to meet up with her perceived gambling buddies. She was a sitting duck for Joran. I don't think that Elton plotted with Joran. I just think that Joran had knowledge several days before he slaughtered Stephany. JMHO.
She seems more than "cordial" to me. IMO She wanted something from him, and if it wasn't sex.........drugs maybe?

OR were they counting cards or something? IDK just thinking out loud. It looks like they were teaming up by walking seconds apart to the exact same table but not together. JMO.
So they walk in the exact same way 1 second apart and sit at the same table then shake hands...that seems weird to me.

so does the way she looks around before sitting to see whose around/watching.

I also find it very odd the way The Sloot shakes hands with everyone before leaving.... What is passed between them when she returns... from ..the bathroom perhaps?
ok, I was wrong about Sloot - it sounds something like "Shlout" in dutch.

To hear a dutch person pronouce his name, go to the following link, scroll down to his name and hit the play button.
If you look at the news reports of Elton Garcia, he says how long he has been in Peru and how many times he gambled with Stephanie. I don't believe for a second that Joran met Stephany for the first time that night. I think she went to the Casino Atlantic to meet up with her perceived gambling buddies. She was a sitting duck for Jordan. I don't think that Elton plotted with Jordan. I just think that Jordan had knowledge several days before he slaughtered Stephanie. JMHO.

I think he met her before also...but it doesn't appear to me like he set her up. I doubt killing her was premeditated. She simply said NO to something and it enraged him. IMO
Julio Rodriguez was the Peruvian lawyer appointed to represent Sloot upon his booking. in this lawyer's opinion Rodriguez counseled Sloot on the possible penalties for a homocide participant. These ranged from the full 35 years for aggravated murder down to death caused by a crime of passion, that is death brought about by a violent rage under a perceived provocation This latter version, planted in his brain by Rodriguez, would call for a much light sentence.

Sloot, seeing the facts not in his favor, wanted to learn more about this minimum sentence and what circumstances would trigger such leniency. Rodriguez lays out the hypothetical situation in response.

Armed with this newly acquired legal theory, Sloot fashions a scenario where all of this happened. Now he is ready to “confess.”

So what do we hear? Rage provoked by a betrayal of privacy concerning a significant emotional event, the Halloway killing. Of course, Sloot does not explain the circumstances of his departure and his flight to Chili nor the missing money. Sloot attempts to Game the system even when he is caught red handed.

The authorities are not buying it. The reenactment, if it goes forward, will put the final nail in his coffin when he will not be able to act out a scenario consistent with his “confession.”
Pause that video (casino one) at 31 seconds and you will see in her right pocket area there is something white so I'm thinking it may be one of those pocketchange purses on a keyring. The keys would be in her pocket and the purse dangling outside. kwim?
Her keys were missing right or were they? Maybe he took the change purse off the keyring before he left the room.
SoCal, I saw the link you posted later. Thanks.

I wasn't questioning your legal knowledge, just suggesting you had used an unfortunate phrase. You wrote:

"The prior bad act doesn't even have to be related to the crime at issue...."

Maybe you meant the prior bad act doesn't have to be the same category of offense. But surely you'll agree that all evidence presented at trial has to at least arguably "related to the crime at issue."

As for the "preponderance" standard applied, I didn't know that and appreciate the info.

Nova, thanks, but I didn't think you were questioning my legal knowledge, I just put my background in there to avoid another "karate chop/neck breaking" debate like we had last night, lol! I meant exactly what I wrote. I was not referring to evidence of prior bad acts being admitted during a trial--I was referring to evidence of prior bad acts being admitted after conviction and during the sentencing phase--that was the topic at hand because someone posted you could not introduce such evidence at sentencing in the U.S. You can, as I posted; and it doesn't have to be remotely related, as I posted. For instance, in a bank robbery conviction -appellate courts upheld the admissibility of evidence of child molestation; drug conviction--upheld admissibility of evidence of domestic violence, etc. Character evidence during trial-NO; after trial, yes.
I'm still catching up, so my apologies if this has already been posted. But it seem very relevant to what was just being discussed........

"Just after news broke that van der Sloot was wanted for the Flores murder, Dutch journalist Jaap Amesz interviewed a friend of van der Sloot's who described him as broke, "completely desperate and pretty depressed."

"I was in touch with Joran until right before May 30," the friend told Amesz. "He was in Peru. That was known. In Aruba, he couldn't deal with it anymore. His relationship with his mother was getting worse. He had gambled money away again. This is what preceded his flight to Peru. Right before the weekend, it was clear that Joran was in financial trouble, and he was pretty confused. Driven by hunger, the fear of not being able to pay for his hotel. He desperately needed money. I have never seen Joran so frustrated as in this period." "

more at

Very informative article. Thanks for that!

asking for his buddy to send food??

Quote from your link:Driven by hunger, the fear of not being able to pay for his hotel.

so he was obviously eating on the morning of the murder from Stephaney's money.
Here's my "new and improved" thoughts on this whole mess. I think JVDS really didn't mean to kill her - I think he was more "grooming" her. I read today that he knew she was from a family of influence and had money - not only family money, she was a winner at the casino as well. He saw the chance to be-friend her and have a new (friend) source of money.

Yes, he took her back to the hotel. Yes, he definitely killed her. What happened at the hotel I don't know - he flew into a rage and the rage took over and he killed her.

He knew better than to kill a girl in a hotel room registered to him. Which comes to the next part.

His dad has only been dead for 4 months - tomorrow. I remember the date his dad died because it is one of my children's birthday. Feb. 10 - this year. That's not a long time to get over that and, it seems mommy didn't have daddy to override her in cutting him off.

He has become more and more desperate. First, the extortion, then the begging friends for money, then getting the 10% down and BLOWING it in no time - he was in a serious nose dive.
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