Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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The puffness around her mouth looks like it could be a clear retainer. I have one and it makes your upper lip protrude a little. Other than that you really can't see it once it is on your teeth. jmo

It looks to me like she had lip injections or something.
A lot of posters are questioning why there are no shots of her coming out of where she is living. My first thought was that the paparazzi would want to hold something back to sell at a later date. I doubt we've seen all of the pictures and video that have been taken. Also possible, as was already mentioned, someone might recognize the location and competition would arrive.

About her going straight to the front of the store, lingering there, and then leaving... It looked to me that the video was edited. Who knows how long the videographer sat and waited for her to appear in a window. She might have been in that store for an hour. After all, she has plenty of time on her hands and probably wanted to find something to do to get away from the hotel for a while. She's spent the last 3 years sitting around. Surely she's not going to do the same now that she has her freedom.
The fact that she is standing by the window means nothing to me. The only way a video of her could even be made, would have been while she was looking at stuff by the window.

Otherwise the photog would have had to enter the store and I doubt that would have been permitted.

She could have spent 30 seconds by the window and an hour and a half in other parts of the store.

I don't think they look staged.
Guys I am seeing copyright infractions. If you copy a picture you must place a link to the source of the photo underneath.
TMZ bought these...these were shopped around earlier in the week....

bob kealing Genuine. Good source says paparazzi Splash news got them Sunday started shopping
OMG ... just watched the video ... it is ABSOLUTELY her ... the walk, tilt of her head .. grooming ... etc, etc, etc ...

And, FWIW, she doesn't look like she's suffering from any kind of mental breakdown or anything that's requiring her to sign into a clinic as an inpatient ... not that it couldn't have happened after the pictures

Anyone know of anything about the dates of these pics ?

Timing too "excellent" for me to think these are Defense staged - where's the issue with safety, mental breakdown, needing therapy...administrative probation? Think she's going to have to get her "fine self" to Orlando and stop strolling around with her frapps window shopping...
The other thing is we are talking about the pictures. If you believe Casey has put on weight that is OK to say. But bashing is a totally different story. Let's keep it according to our rules and TOS.
I think it's her, but what is the point of staging be paid by TMZ?


To bump her back to page one. I"ve watched her "story" slowly leave "page 1" and then page 2. Yesterday any story about CFCA was buried down in the "already reported" articles in my local paper and on any regular national news.

JMHO I think this was a "tip" taken from Mark G by JB. They have to keep her front and center to keep her "payday" up there. The more people quit talking and, even more so, quit reporting on anything CFCA, the more her bank-ability heads south. "They" are all still looking for that big payday and it ain't coming.

Again, JMHO
so i watched the video just now and this is just weird and stinky imo. she *just* so happens to shop/browse for clothes right in front of a huge window that faces the street. no attempts to even stay on the side of the clothing racks furthest from the windows? come on....

and then the next clip she's just strolling down a residential street with a starbucks drink... give me a break. this is completely staged and rather pathetic if you ask me. not sure what they are up to, maybe trying to make sure she's not forgotten so that she can get that wonderful interview offer she's waiting for?

and of course if this isn't all staged JB better check his checking account balance in case she snatched his checkbook. lol
The fact that she is standing by the window means nothing to me. The only way a video of her could even be made, would have been while she was looking at stuff by the window.

Otherwise the photog would have had to enter the store and I doubt that would have been permitted.

She could have spent 30 seconds by the window and an hour and a half in other parts of the store.

I don't think they look staged.

They are beyond staged.
I saw a TMZ commercial late last night saying they have video and they will air it today. They said find out where KC is at and there is something different about her.

There is something slightly different about her.

Interesting video. 40 seconds in she is looking at a hot pink nightclub dress....

Also, when on the sidewalk approaching the family after that, she looks down and to the left, then brings her hair closer to the side of her face. Body language cues that she is trying not to be recognized.

Yep ... the whole get up too looks like a celebrity that doesn't want to be recognized ... hair arranged to cover face and ears, hat pulled way down and movie star sunglasses that she DOES NOT push to the top of her head while shopping and looking at clothes ... unlike Target video of her

Definitely looks and acts like someone trying hard to hide IMO
What I'd like to know is where she found such old, soft-looking faded jeans with holes in them to fit her so perfectly if she has changed sizes in three years...I would love to find a pair that fit so well. No way her old jeans would fit her as she was very small in 2008. so her faded jeans are bothering me...
I'll bet she was well gone from Ohio by the time they posted these pics. Another bet I'll make is that she will not appear in court tomorrow; her lawyers will.

I bet she won't appear in court either.
She's not required to appear in court, but she is required to be at probation office. I hope she does not appear and violates probabtion. DOC says that her attorneys promised her to be there by 10 AM (according to their 11:30 presser)

I bet she is leaving Ohio now, if she has not already.
These pics were taken Sunday according to numerous sources.

Many media tweets have said they have good sources that this is her, and the pics were shopped before TMZ got a hold of them.
I doubt now these were staged. I think they were taken by media professionals with very good cameras, from quite a distance.
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