Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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At first I didn't think it was Casey, but then, when Padilla said it isn't her, I had to change my mind. It does look very much like her - bloated. :crazy: TMZ says these pictures are from Sunday but she's wearing 3 entirely different outfits, with different earrings and hair styles. :waitasec:

If it is Casey, I don't believe these pics were purchased by TMZ, at least not from any of Casey's people. TMZ had the opportunity to purchase the "Casey's first beer" picture and didn't. I don't think they want to put money in Casey's hands. The would probably purchase Casey pics from a private citizen though. I don't believe Casey (if it is her) knew she was being photographed.

LOL. this should really be the general rule of thumb for things like this
I agree. Whether or not that is Casey, and that is where she is staying, she is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Had the pics of the possible hotel room been of a 5 star resort, people woulkd have been "how's she paying for that, who's paying for that?" The pics are of a budget place, and people still *****.

Pretty cute imo, I would have no issues with staying there. JMO
I agree. Whether or not that is Casey, and that is where she is staying, she is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Had the pics of the possible hotel room been of a 5 star resort, people woulkd have been "how's she paying for that, who's paying for that?" The pics are of a budget place, and people still *****.


I agree with the bolded... :cool:
LOL, Excuse my painting here, but I am in work so I did this as quick as possible so I didnt get caught playing around, LOL! But check out the profile, its the same, if my hat and glasses were drawn a lil bit neater.


  • case.bmp
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It is so funny she has this "Bella Vita" tattoo now to make her life more difficult. Where do you find bathing suits that cover your back?
HA, Casey! When are you going to have it removed and by whom?
I caught that too. You can hear it again while they are filming her in the window when someone else goes in the store. I've been trying to catch something in the reflection of the glass to see if this person was in a car close to the door or just standing there filming LOL.


I have too, and I apologize for the late posting on this but I've been searching and searching. And a big thanks goes to "HatesSociopaths" for posting the photo below. I believe I see an arm of someone (that doesn't belong there) just to the right of her head. Also, I see just to the left of her cap what appears to be a hand holding a camera (?) and it appears that the lens of the camera is reflected about midway on the back of her cap. If I'm correct, it seems as though the photographer was right outside the store window and IMO it was totally staged by Casey. Of course, I've been wrong before and will be again (I'm sure, lol). Does anyone else see it? If not, it's OK to tell me I'm won't hurt my feelings at all. :crazy:

Thanks for the insight on what Old Navy sells. I think you are right.


This may be the dress right here:
I agree. Whether or not that is Casey, and that is where she is staying, she is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Had the pics of the possible hotel room been of a 5 star resort, people woulkd have been "how's she paying for that, who's paying for that?" The pics are of a budget place, and people still *****.


I just call it as it is ... karma. This isn't just a small bunch of extreme activists involved in an 'e-lynching' IMO -- it is a large proportion of the general public who saw the trial and are outraged at the lack of justice for Caylee.

Public opinion can be harsh but it is also very forgiving ... you can inflame that outrage by certain actions or non-actions or defuse it and be welcomed back into the fold (to some extent).

IMO it seems that FCA hasn't got past the 'its all about me' victim stage to consider Caylee and her family in all of this. If this was an accident then there are actions that 'normal' people expect, the same way we expected 911 to be called and attempts to save or resucitate Caylee.

I think the lack of 'normal' actions with the focus on celebrity and ca$hing in fuels the outrage, the criticism and, the karma.
I didn't see a thread posted for this topic, so I hope it is okay I started one. Here are some pictures of Casey Anthony that TMZ has posted tonight:

What do you think? Is it her? There is some controversy that people don't really think it is her. I'm not sure, but I am leaning towards it being her.

I wasn't sure...until I saw the eyes. You can fake hair color, boob size, even eye color...but you can't fake the look in those eyes.

Otherwise, she looks pudgier than just a few short weeks ago, but it doesn't take much time to start packing on weight when you've been on a restricted diet and are once again feeding yourself whatever you want, whenever you want.

Finally, there's a picture where she appears to be aware she is being photographed...and there is a glimmer of a smile on her face as though she is pleased the photo is happening. That sounds about right.

All in all, I think it's a distinct possibility that it's her. She has to be somewhere, after all, and I imagine her fan support funds are falling off family it is. We'll know eventually one way or the other, though.
LOL, Excuse my painting here, but I am in work so I did this as quick as possible so I didnt get caught playing around, LOL! But check out the profile, its the same, if my hat and glasses were drawn a lil bit neater.

Exactly! I noticed that too, just didn't mention it cause I didn't have a great profile photo to compare it to.

Good job!
At the end of the day, what difference does it make if she reports tomorrow or she's given a little more time? The end result is probably gonna be the same. She won't be given probation. Now that Judge Strickland is off the case, I don't see it happening. JMO

Judge Strickland has been off the case for a very long time. He wrote an order and then had to come back and further define it.. it was a political move for votes.

Honestly, I don't think anyone objects to her serving probation. It's the location.

Like someone in the Probation thread said: if she comes back to Orlando the Probability of some whacko vigilante trying to off her and taking out innocent people in the process is very HIGH.
Also consider she is in sunlight and not artificial lighting. There weren't even windows in court.

Makeup. Lessens the appearance of baggage under the eyes.

Jewelry. Especially large, heavy earrings that pull the lobe.

Hair. It is pulled over her ear in a low pigtail, not towards the back of her head like in the old picture with Caylee. In the natural light, you can see different color tones in her hair. She's also probably treated it before cutting it, if she has colored it.
I honestly don't think whacko vigilantes are giving her too much thought anymore, until the probation stuff was in the news and now these photos.

I think KC can move along just like anyone else with life if the news just stopped and the photos stopped. The photos kind of prove it, except that she is not working. As long as she abides by the law, lays low, she will do okay. One or two little yelling matches may happen wherever she lands, but probably nothing more. As long as media isn't shoving her in our faces, or KC/JB shoving her in our faces. Out of site, out of mind. Notice it was only 2 weeks and all the complaining and boycotting brought everything down to next to nothing, until today.
Yes, near the Old Navy! I giggled so hard on that!

Now, lets find that brick wall on google maps! (Thwartcakes to first to find it!)

I've been searching streetview throughout the OSU area for that - think I've google-walked 20 miles by now :treadmill: - exhausting.

I think its somewhere near Harrison West Park... but I can't find that brick wall...yet. Now that there is an incentive, motivates me to keep going.:rocker:
I thought the video of her shopping at Old Navy seemed staged. She only stayed in the window front, never moving away from it. It is like she wanted to be seen.
I thought the video of her shopping at Old Navy seemed staged. She only stayed in the window front, never moving away from it. It is like she wanted to be seen.

keep in mind that this video has many jump cuts in it, it's not clear whether or not she goes deeper into the store. :)
I've been searching streetview throughout the OSU area for that - think I've google-walked 20 miles by now :treadmill: - exhausting.

I think its somewhere near Harrison West Park... but I can find that brick wall...yet. Now that there is an incentive, motivates me to keep going.:rocker:

Is that near the baseball park?
I have too, and I apologize for the late posting on this but I've been searching and searching. And a big thanks goes to "HatesSociopaths" for posting the photo below. I believe I see an arm of someone (that doesn't belong there) just to the right of her head. Also, I see just to the left of her cap what appears to be a hand holding a camera (?) and it appears that the lens of the camera is reflected about midway on the back of her cap. If I'm correct, it seems as though the photographer was right outside the store window and IMO it was totally staged by Casey. Of course, I've been wrong before and will be again (I'm sure, lol). Does anyone else see it? If not, it's OK to tell me I'm won't hurt my feelings at all. :crazy:

You're crazy. :crazy: Look at the video and you'll see that that's her arm and that the photographer is at least across the street.
I agree that it is her and I agree that it is staged. I was on the fence until I saw the video. IDK if TMZ was involved or they fell for a "tip" - but it appears to me that she knew she was being taped/photographed and she wanted it.

How many of us would walk all the way to a store (walking with purpose too) just to look at items only at the front window? Also she was just flipping through the racks with no interest.

Why the different outfits all in one day?

Why wear an obvious hat that she has been photographed in before if she is hiding? We are all saying "yes that's her - look at the other pic of her in that hat" - that is her idea of hiding? Why not wear a hat with a team that would make us doubt it is her?

As far as her attorneys wanting her to be shown doing something other than shopping if it was staged - #1 They aren't that bright IMO, and #2 if they were, she doesn't strike me as someone who does everything they say.

She was probably hiding a little too well, no one was finding her and she was missing the attention - "where are the helicopters?" :maddening: "why isn't anyone chasing me?" :maddening:
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