Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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I thought the video of her shopping at Old Navy seemed staged. She only stayed in the window front, never moving away from it. It is like she wanted to be seen.

Or, she browsed the entire store and that's the only time she was visible, so it was included in the sale. jmo
I thought the video of her shopping at Old Navy seemed staged. She only stayed in the window front, never moving away from it. It is like she wanted to be seen.

I agree that it's staged, but there's a jump cut in it. She may have shopped in there for a little while (buying nothing tho... no money yet!! :tears:)
keep in mind that this video has many jump cuts in it, it's not clear whether or not she goes deeper into the store. :)

It is a photographer friendly coincidence that she did spend so much time at the racks right at the window.
This whole staging scenario makes perfect sense!

Back on "release day", when someone started a thread about Who Will Make the Most Money From This Case, I posted that I expected the SINGLE person who captured and sold the FIRST post-release photo of Casey would make the highest dollar.

Only makes logical sense that FCA took matters into her own hands to be that ONE PERSON who made the most money on that FIRST post-release photo.

Bet she went behind Jose' back and manipulated this deal all on her own to cut him out...she wants it all for herself!

Wonder if Jose still thinks "hebegood"??? :floorlaugh:

I think that Casey "made the deal" also, all by herself! Wonder how long Baez will continue backing her?

This is a girl that would bite her own nose off to spite her face, so to speak.

She is not going to have to much surgically done should she decide to. Her looks are her money, what defines her.
That also explains why she is not in a heavy disguise ~ look at how people are going back and forth right now on this very subject.
If she was sporting a short wig, long fingernails, etc, who would have even known that it was her?
She had to leave enough of "her" visable to pass the "pay to the order of" test.

No one is making any press releases saying that it isn't her - so that in itself is the answer, IMO.

As far as her clothes - remember all of the luggage that was packed into that plane that was heading to Ohio the night of her release?
The one that someone claimed to be of golfers?
Cindy looked like she was standing by the wing of that plane that night I thought.

So, here we see pictures of Casey sporting the same type of necklaces that her mother has been wearing.
People question the jeans that she is wearing - and as other's have pointed out, you can buy them like that now = but, I think they are the same jeans that she wore in the park picture with Caylee.
And, remember, she was pregnant at one time, which is why we are all here.

Her flip-flops are the same ones in these pictures/videos as the ones she was wearing when she tripped, and, also the same ones she had on in the park pictures with Caylee.

The ear lobes are identical, as shown a few pages back in the one close up side by side.
The short, chewed off nails and thin hands/fingers.
The walk, strut.
The self grooming.
The narrow eye brows.
Her stance and arms.
The walk - the GUM CHOMPING!!!!

Come on, if everything else makes you doubt, the GUM CHOMPING is a dead give-away.

Casey took matters into her own hands and made contact with "Splash", IMO, and took herself on a little outing Sunday.
Movie stars call the paparazzi all the time and tip them off to where they are going to be.
I wonder if Casey thought that by tipping them off, that she would get paid for her "tip"?
The paparazzi can split profits with the celebs that they are on good standing with, but, somehow, I think it would be quite fitting if she got "took".
Poetic justice at it's finest.

She has just lowered her premium payday that was already rapidly declining. She has been locked up again behind closed doors eating "delivery pizza" and sub sandwiches and fried chicken by the bucket washed down with beer chasers and cheap wine coolers.
Surfing the internet and keeping the tv on FOX and Headline News. Her number has been declining, taken over in the number one spot by Warren Jeff's and the little girl from New Hampshire and the national debt.

She told LE in her one interview that she was desperate, would lie, steal, do anything ~
Here is her latest example of being "desperate", IMO.

People are be to nit-picky, and that is probably pissing her off right now as she is sitting and reading all the posts, and, as her social media people are relaying back to her everything they are coming across.

She wanted to be outed. She couldn't be to "invisable".
Her acting isn't quite up to par, but, heck, she's new to this paparazzi business.

It's her. Or was her at that location, but she was long gone before the sun set that evening.
It is a photographer friendly coincidence that she did spend so much time at the racks right at the window.

indeed. imo someone obviously tipped off the photographer, i don't think there was coincidentally paparazzi in the middle of ohio. it is not clear who that tipster was, and i'm not prepared to say it was casey or the DT just yet.
I thought the video of her shopping at Old Navy seemed staged. She only stayed in the window front, never moving away from it. It is like she wanted to be seen.

There's no way to know if she only stayed in the front window, that's were she could be filmed. We don't know the time frame, the photographer could have waited a long time before, or after, she appeared in the window. IF it is a private citizen who took the pictures, it seems to me his/her behavior borders on stalking. The photographer has obviously been following her around for at least 3 days.
Here we go again....Judge To Delay Casey's Return To Orlando per WESH news

Everything is going her way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

It's ok with me, I don't really want her here in FL. I'm still having to deal with the fact that I live in the same county with the village idiots.
Is that near the baseball park?

No, its on Perry Street - the picture of her strolling through the park looks like that. See my other post: [ame=""][/ame]
I think that Casey "made the deal" also, all by herself! Wonder how long Baez will continue backing her?

This is a girl that would bite her own nose off to spite her face, so to speak.

She is not going to have to much surgically done should she decide to. Her looks are her money, what defines her.
That also explains why she is not in a heavy disguise ~ look at how people are going back and forth right now on this very subject.
If she was sporting a short wig, long fingernails, etc, who would have even known that it was her?
She had to leave enough of "her" visable to pass the "pay to the order of" test.

No one is making any press releases saying that it isn't her - so that in itself is the answer, IMO.

As far as her clothes - remember all of the luggage that was packed into that plane that was heading to Ohio the night of her release?
The one that someone claimed to be of golfers?
Cindy looked like she was standing by the wing of that plane that night I thought.

So, here we see pictures of Casey sporting the same type of necklaces that her mother has been wearing.
People question the jeans that she is wearing - and as other's have pointed out, you can buy them like that now = but, I think they are the same jeans that she wore in the park picture with Caylee.
And, remember, she was pregnant at one time, which is why we are all here.

Her flip-flops are the same ones in these pictures/videos as the ones she was wearing when she tripped, and, also the same ones she had on in the park pictures with Caylee.

The ear lobes are identical, as shown a few pages back in the one close up side by side.
The short, chewed off nails and thin hands/fingers.
The walk - the GUM CHOMPING!!!!

Come on, if everything else makes you doubt, the GUM CHOMPING is a dead give-away.

Casey took matters into her own hands and made contact with "Splash", IMO, and took herself on a little outing Sunday.
Movie stars call the paparazzi all the time and tip them off to where they are going to be.
I wonder if Casey thought that by tipping them off, that she would get paid for her "tip"?
The paparazzi can split profits with the celebs that they are on good standing with, but, somehow, I think it would be quite fitting if she got "took".
Poetic justice at it's finest.

She has just lowered her premium payday that was already rapidly declining. She has been locked up again behind closed doors eating "delivery pizza" and sub sandwiches and fried chicken by the bucket washed down with beer chasers and cheap wine coolers.
Surfing the internet and keeping the tv on FOX and Headline News. Her number has been declining, taken over in the number one spot by Warren Jeff's and the little girl from New Hampshire and the national debt.

She told LE in her one interview that she was desperate, would lie, steal, do anything ~
Here is her latest example of being "desperate", IMO.

People are be to nit-picky, and that is probably pissing her off right now as she is sitting and reading all the posts, and, as her social media people are relaying back to her everything they are coming across.

She wanted to be outed. She couldn't be to "invisable".
Her acting isn't quite up to par, but, heck, she's new to this paparazzi business.

It's her. Or was her at that location, but she was long gone before the sun set that evening.


As far as wanting attention, well, she got what she wanted right? This thread proves that, right? There was a thread on this very forum saying they wanted nothing to do with her but yet some pictures show up of her and not only is everyone here going crazy over it, it's plastered all over the news, etc.

She's only going to 'go away' when people start to ignore her. Apparently that doesn't seem to be possible yet.
I agree that it's staged, but there's a jump cut in it. She may have shopped in there for a little while (buying nothing tho... no money yet!! :tears:)

No, she did her major, weekly shopping at the Target up the street between StarBucks and Old Navy!!:floorlaugh:
There's no way to know if she only stayed in the front window, that's were she could be filmed. We don't know the time frame, the photographer could have waited a long time before, or after, she appeared in the window. IF it is a private citizen who took the pictures, it seems to me his/her behavior borders on stalking. The photographer has obviously been following her around for at least 3 days.


I agree with the rest but the bold part should belong with the rest too. No way to know this wasn't all shot in one day. Could easily have been 3 different walks, going in to change clothing and jewelry.

I am willing to bet the photographer could have been JB as he said he would be the one, and the only one, to take her photos and sell them, but we don't know that yet either. JMO.
I agree. Whether or not that is Casey, and that is where she is staying, she is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Had the pics of the possible hotel room been of a 5 star resort, people woulkd have been "how's she paying for that, who's paying for that?" The pics are of a budget place, and people still *****.


Casey should be damned--

She killed her daughter and got away with it.
Would have been funny ... and more believable if FCA came out with bags and bags of 'stuff' (like Target) ... but she just did her thing and came out to walk directly back, no other stores, no spree, no car pickup, no friends or handlers -- her cameo was done.

Lights, Camera .... Action.

FCA is not wandering around completely alone without handlers to protect her and watch their DT asset. This was a stunt for the cameras to keep her in the news and the price up. Remember me?

The 'O' on the hat was an advert, seeking Desperately Seeking Offers ...

Interesting video. 40 seconds in she is looking at a hot pink nightclub dress....

Also, when on the sidewalk approaching the family after that, she looks down and to the left, then brings her hair closer to the side of her face. Body language cues that she is trying not to be recognized.

BBM I thought it looked like a racerback tank top

I agree with the rest but the bold part should belong with the rest to. No way to know this wasn't all shot in one day. Could easily have been 3 different walks, going in to change clothing and jewelry.

I am willing to bet the photographer could have been JB as he said he would be the one, and the only one, to take her photos and sell them. JMO.

JB can't control what someone else does. I'm hoping it was a private citizen who took and sold the pictures because that would mean no payday for Baez and Casey. Did Baez make any public appearances over the weekend? I'm wondering if there's any way to determine if he was in Ohio.
Would have been funny ... and more believable if FCA came out with bags and bags of 'stuff' (like Target) ... but she just did her thing and came out to walk directly back, no other stores, no spree, no car pickup, no friends or handlers -- her cameo was done.

Lights, Camera .... Action.

FCA is not wandering around completely alone without handlers to protect her and watch their DT asset. This was a stunt for the cameras to keep her in the news and the price up. Remember me?

The 'O' on the hat was an advert, seeking Desperately Seeking Offers ...


She had that big ole handbag. What would have really been funny is if the security alarms had gone off as she left the store.
It's her and it was a staged event. JB would not let her walk around anywhere alone, what with all the threats against her real or imagined. Really walking alone down a street just randomly sipping a starbuck's not a soul with her, la te da down the road. If she is in such peril from people that are out to get her how dumb is that. I don't think she would even want to be out alone in the big bad world just strolling through Old Navy. If it was random people would be like who the heck is that photog taking a pic of??????? KC! Cell phones would be whipped out and it would go all over with twitter, facebook, ect..... Then people would gather and you know what would ensue after that. They picked a day and time when there would be nobody much out and about. and did the pics and got out of the area. Moo
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