Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

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It would be fitting but Cindy is crazy and unfortunately does not have revenge on her mind. She would never endanger Casey's life by selling these photos. However, I think it's possible the PIs were hired by Cindy, and they went rogue sub rosa without Cindy's prior knowledge to score some easy cash.

That's possible too. Sort of like that "anything is grief" expert I think almost anything is possible in this case - anything other than Casey being 100% guilty as charged of course. :)

But I do think there is some major rage beneath the surface in Cindy towards Casey. She sings a different tune in public but the descriptions of their relationship before Caylee was killed (at least the ones given by anyone without an agenda) paint a picture of a very belittling, controlling woman constantly on Casey's back about everything. There was a power struggle between those two and a very bitter dynamic. The "alleged" fight the night before Caylee was killed was even physically confrontational and IMHO is what lit the match on Casey's simmering rage. She was angry at her mom and took it out on Caylee IMHO.

IMHO just like Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee - well maybe Cindy loves money more than she loves Casey.

Maybe that's why there aren't any shots (so far at least) of Casey going in and out of her "home". I think Cindy is crazy enough to think that if she doesn't reveal Casey's exact location it won't endanger her in anyway. She can make her bucks and no harm done...

Well, it's a theory anyway! :)
Another curiosity about this girl in the video is the walk. KC does this obnoxious thing where she really, REALLY swings her hips up and down, right then left. Remember Kathi Belich commented about her walk???

It is hard to walk that way. This video does not show her walking like that.

I guess the moles could be duplicated. There are only about 10 or so marks.
I wasn't sure if it was her from the pics but the video sold me. KC has a certain walk and in that video thats totally her walk when she left the jail the last time. Unless of course she has a cousin that looks just like her right down to the moles and walks the same way :crazy:
Just for fun.....did a TMZ site search for "Casey Anthony". did they get all those breaking stories so fast??

How did I miss this one??? TMZ was "pimping" Ohio long ago.

Wow. So TMZ followed up the Ohio lead and stuck with it. This would definately alert the photographers in Columbus... TMZ mentioning Columbus OH, probably does not happen often... I would guess more than a few citizens were hoping to hit the KC lottery with the first pics.
That's possible too. Sort of like that "anything is grief" expert I think almost anything is possible in this case - anything other than Casey being 100% guilty as charged of course. :)

But I do think there is some major rage beneath the surface in Cindy towards Casey. She sings a different tune in public but the descriptions of their relationship before Caylee was killed (at least the ones given by anyone without an agenda) paint a picture of a very belittling, controlling woman constantly on Casey's back about everything. There was a power struggle between those two and a very bitter dynamic. The "alleged" fight the night before Caylee was killed was even physically confrontational and IMHO is what lit the match on Casey's simmering rage. She was angry at her mom and took it out on Caylee IMHO.

IMHO just like Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee - well maybe Cindy loves money more than she loves Casey.

Maybe that's why there aren't any shots (so far at least) of Casey going in and out of her "home". I think Cindy is crazy enough to think that if she doesn't reveal Casey's exact location it won't endanger her in anyway. She can make her bucks and no harm done...

Well, it's a theory anyway! :)

Cindy reminds me of a person with Stockholm Syndrome.

She has PTSD. This is an interesting list of victimization symptoms:

Victimization Symptoms were proposed by Frank Ochberg as a distinct subcategory of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is not formally recognized in diagnostic systems such as DSM or ICD, and includes the following:
Shame: Deep embarrassment, often characterized as humiliation or mortification.
Self-blame: Exaggerated feelings of responsibility for the traumatic event, with guilt and remorse, despite obvious evidence of innocence.
Subjugation: Feeling belittled, dehumanized, lowered in dominance, and powerless as a direct result of the trauma.
Morbid hatred: Obsessions of vengeance and preoccupation with hurting or humiliating the perpetrator, with or without outbursts of anger or rage.
Paradoxical gratitude: Positive feelings toward the victimizer ranging from compassion to romantic love, including attachment but not necessarily identification. The feelings are usually experienced as ironic but profound gratitude for the gift of life from one who has demonstrated the will to kill. (Also known as pathological transference and/or Stockholm syndrome).
Defilement: Feeling dirty, disgusted, disgusting, tainted, “like spoiled goods,” and in extreme cases, rotten and evil.
Sexual inhibition: Loss of libido, reduced capacity for intimacy, more frequently associated with sexual assault.
Resignation: A state of broken will or despair, often associated with repetitive victimization or prolonged exploitation, with markedly diminished interest in past or future.
Second injury or second wound: Revictimization through participation in the criminal justice, health, mental health, and other systems.
Socioeconomic status downward drift: Reduction of opportunity or life-style, and increased risk of repeat criminal victimization due to psychological, social, and vocational impairment.

[ame=""]Victimization Symptoms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:psi2.svg" class="image"><img alt="Stub icon" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/6/6c/Psi2.svg/30px-Psi2.svg.png[/ame]
Can someone gain THAT much weight THAT quickly??? Er, um...besides me, I mean...

But, seriously, is that possible????

If this is her, she would have had to put on about 30 lbs. I don't know if that is possible. Is it???
If she was inside a lot and snacking and drinking beer I think she could gain weight but - she's not that tall, what, 5' ? and even just 10 lbs would look like a lot on her
Can someone gain THAT much weight THAT quickly??? Er, um...besides me, I mean...

But, seriously, is that possible????

If this is her, she would have had to put on about 30 lbs. I don't know if that is possible. Is it???

she really doesn't look that fat. i wouldn't say 30 pounds at all. more like 10 or 15, 15 is really pushing it. keep in mind she is short, as other people have said.

i thought it wasn't her when i first saw it, but really, i don't think this could be faked. how did someone (DT or otherwise) find a person that looks almost exactly/exactly like casey, down to the moles, and furthermore WHY? a lot of speculation could be done on that i guess, but it just doesn't seem likely.
Someone posted earlier that maybe KC is wearing a bullet-proof vest and that's why she appears "thicker" in the photos and video.

If she was in that kind of danger, enough to warrant someone supplying her with a bullet-proof vest to wear, she would NOT be on her own wandering around shopping malls and hotel parking lots in Columbus.

If there was ever a time that her "handlers" thought she was in danger and in need of protection such as a bullet-proof vest, they would have had her wearing one when she walked out of the front doors of the OC jail - but they didn't. If they didn't feel she needed one then, I doubt she's wearing one now that she's nowhere near an angry mob chanting "baby killer" at her.

:welcome: :seeya: I personally dont think she was ever in danger. I dont think anyone feels KC is worth doing time for :crazy:
IMHO, the only whackodoos who would be likely to do her real harm are actually the ones who are attracted to her and IMO they would harm others before her.
I think it's her and the license plates do appear to match up to Ohio plates but why did CA and GA and Lippman go to Houston? Just realized what the answer is....we don't know when these photos were taken, do we?, if staged maybe it was the first stop and she is in Houston now --- timing it to throw everyone off
she really doesn't look that fat. i wouldn't say 30 pounds at all. more like 10 or 15, 15 is really pushing it. keep in mind she is short, as other people have said.

i thought it wasn't her when i first saw it, but really, i don't think this could be faked. how did someone (DT or otherwise) find a person that looks almost exactly/exactly like casey, down to the moles, and furthermore WHY? a lot of speculation could be done on that i guess, but it just doesn't seem likely.
Some times certain camera's especially video camera's can make you look 10 pounds heavier then you really are.
I think it's her and the license plates do appear to match up to Ohio plates but why did CA and GA and Lippman go to Houston? Just realized what the answer is....we don't know when these photos were taken, do we?, if staged maybe it was the first stop and she is in Houston now --- timing it to throw everyone off

Who knows nothing surprises me anymore:crazy:
Some times certain camera's especially video camera's can make you look 10 pounds heavier then you really are.

yup. and also as i've said before, the light gray shirt doesn't help either. she is much less chesty in the other photos.
those photos are her. The weight gain is surprising...but she does love tight clothes that accentuates it. It's sort of comical that she has put on blue contact lenses and is like her "Clark Kent" disguise. I have not read this whole thread (so forgive me if it has been mentioned) ... the other FUNNY thing that makes me KNOW it's her in the video is that she is chewing GUM, a dead giveaway Anthony "genetic" trait.
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Well let's do a shout out to FCA, just in case! :loser: Oh fyi my list below can be copied and used for non commercial and non financial gain purposes
I wasn't entirely sure the pictures were of KC until I watched the video, I'm convinced it's her now - all the mannerisms, her walk, everything screams KC. Here are my top ten reasons why ;)

1. KC walks like she has lead in her shoes and the video clearly shows the same kind of walk.

2. She has that "disguised" look about her, I mean come on - a baseball cap and those big ol sunglasses, how obvious can you be?

3. It seems strange that KC hasn't cut her hair much or coloured it, that would be the first thing to do to drastically alter her appearance. But then it came to me. This was their plan all along. They didn't want her looks to change very much so that when they asked a small fortune for these staged these shoots, she would look enough like herself that people would believe it was her.

4. Even if she went further back into the store, it's obvious she's hanging around by the front window so she can be filmed.

5. The pics and videos are far too clear and close up not to be staged.

6. TMZ is notoriously known for getting in people's faces, running along beside them, shouting things and following them by car if need be. There is nothing rushed about the guy who was doing the video. If it hadn't been staged, TMZ would have been running up to her and calling her name to get some sort of reaction out of her.

7. The moles are in all the right places.

8. She hasn't had plastic surgery, she still looks like herself!! A push up bra can do wonders.

9. The moles match up.

10. No one could convince me that with all the fuss over KC by her lawyers that they would let her stroll around alone like this - no way!
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