
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Good GOD, who did the "collage" thing? *terrified*
And who photoshopped the photo of GM with his face like that? For about 6 mos now I've seen this circulating the net, all of the original ap photos of his washington trip did not include this one lol! But someone surely wants him to look demonic! It's amazing what some see clearly as photo shopped and then others are not mentioned at all.
That collage is awful. sorry. Tres' Terrible. :D
Here is another from that YouTube video where I did a screen shot on the "ice cream" and "snow white" pictures posted earlier.



Video is here:

I do believe it is Maddie. Check the nose on this and the ice cream pic, looks the same to me.

ETA: I tracked down the source of the YouTube video and the pictures and they came from here: (membership required)

Is it just me or is the ice cream picture strange?

There has been quite the discussion about these pictures on the 3A's forum:

Here is another view showing her arm more clearly:


And here is a version showing that she is sucking on a lollipop:


These photos may (or may not) have been altered. If they have, I have no idea by whom or for what reason. There is also alot of talk about the picture showing eyeliner and lipstick.

You be the judge.
Oooh I just logged in so I could post a reply and got the 'updated version for the website message'. I could see all the pictures in the posts - now all I can see are codes rather than the pictures. It might take me forever to find the Colomom's post I was going to respond to..........

Bear with me...............
I don't see a lollipop, it looks more like a plastic spoon to me. The dairy-queen by my house uses red spoons like that. But it really does look like shes wearing eyeliner.
I'm in interested in the picture showing a man in the background of a photo which shows Gerry playing with the children at the resort. He seemed to be watching them.
I'm not sure if remember it accurately, but wasn't that same man also seen in a picture walking together with Robert Murat?

Has this man's identity been established?
I'm in interested in the picture showing a man in the background of a photo which shows Gerry playing with the children at the resort. He seemed to be watching them.
I'm not sure if remember it accurately, but wasn't that same man also seen in a picture walking together with Robert Murat?

Has this man's identity been established?

Ahhh yes, bagman...

I have read that the PJ know exactly who he is and he is in no way directly involved in Maddie's vanishing. He has been cleared.

I have also read theories that he is a bodyguard of some kind that was assigned to the McCanns by the British government. I have also read that he may be a member of the PJ who was working undercover.

Do a goggle search on: mccann playgroundman and you will find a few articles.
Ahhh yes, bagman...

I have read that the PJ know exactly who he is and he is in no way directly involved in Maddie's vanishing. He has been cleared.

I have also read theories that he is a bodyguard of some kind that was assigned to the McCanns by the British government. I have also read that he may be a member of the PJ who was working undercover.

Do a goggle search on: mccann playgroundman and you will find a few articles.

This man concerns me & makes me go back to my original theory of the abduction being some sort of a set up by Uk govt. for whatever reason!
I'm in interested in the picture showing a man in the background of a photo which shows Gerry playing with the children at the resort. He seemed to be watching them.
I'm not sure if remember it accurately, but wasn't that same man also seen in a picture walking together with Robert Murat?

Has this man's identity been established?

I believe this is the gentleman in question:

Murat's gay American designer friend, Tuck Price, 43, who flitted in and out of the room during our interview, hardly helps his cause.
"When this is all over, I hope he makes a buck or two out of it," Price said shamelessly. "He bloody deserves it."

And in the same article:

Privately, it will doubtless appall the McCanns. However, a source close to the couple assures me they do not believe Murat took their daughter, regarding him as a "sad loner" whose involvement has distracted attention which could have been usefully deployed elsewhere.
Ahhh yes, bagman...

I have read that the PJ know exactly who he is and he is in no way directly involved in Maddie's vanishing. He has been cleared.

I have also read theories that he is a bodyguard of some kind that was assigned to the McCanns by the British government. I have also read that he may be a member of the PJ who was working undercover.

Do a goggle search on: mccann playgroundman and you will find a few articles.
But how could he have been assigned to the McCanns as a bodyguard by the British governement if he was seen on a picture in the background while Maddie was still alive?
But how could he have been assigned to the McCanns as a bodyguard by the British governement if he was seen on a picture in the background while Maddie was still alive?

There are rumors about Gerry having just accepted a very prestigious job with the government just prior to his vacation.

These are just forum rumors that I mention, you would be amazed at the conspiracy theories.

Take it all with a grain of salt....
I believe this is the gentleman in question:

Murat's gay American designer friend, Tuck Price, 43, who flitted in and out of the room during our interview, hardly helps his cause.
"When this is all over, I hope he makes a buck or two out of it," Price said shamelessly. "He bloody deserves it."

And in the same article:

Privately, it will doubtless appall the McCanns. However, a source close to the couple assures me they do not believe Murat took their daughter, regarding him as a "sad loner" whose involvement has distracted attention which could have been usefully deployed elsewhere.

This is Tuck Price...

Lots of pictures of bagman/playgroundman here:

Not the same man, IMO.
Thanks, colomom- I've always thought this was the guy- so now we have a bagman/playgroundman/walkingwiththecopsman? according to minnea. This story has a lot of bald guys with big sunglasses!

"walkingwiththecopsman".....hahahahahahaha seriously....


Funny thing is that he may have nuthin' to do with nuthin'.


Kate and Gerry McCann yesterday (6/17/08) in Strasbourg, to try and convince 225 MEPs to sign the petition for the creation of a European warning system for missing children.

Kate and Gerry McCann yesterday (6/17/08) in Strasbourg, to try and convince 225 MEPs to sign the petition for the creation of a European warning system for missing children.

Gerry looks pretty cheesed off but then it's all so boring isn't it?

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