Ping Map and Timeline for June 16, 2008 - Discuss that day only.

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I was just looking at that cell phone activity/ping report from january that was released in the documents a while back
I'm hoping you guys can refresh my memory here. That document gives the impression that after leaving the A home at 4:15 the afternoon of the 16th, KC stayed overnight at some location at Semoran & Aloma, then the next day the 17th went back to her parents' house, to those couple other places, eventually going to TL's apartment at 6pm or whatever on the 17th. (Anyway, they seem to describe this Semoran & Aloma locale as separate from TL's address.) I think I've heard both (that she was at TL's that night of the 16th and that she wasn't)...just wondering if you all could refresh my memory, was she at TL's or at a different address closer to Semoran and Aloma the night of June 16? Just trying to remember who or what is there? I notice Autumn Breeze Way is there, that seems familiar.....thanks for saving me re-reading the whole thread :) ha ha

Hi Seagull

I love your posts, you are the voice of reason!

According to the phone records, Casey did not stay the entire night at Sutton Place on the 16th June. She has stopped off somewhere in the Amscott area between 4.30 and 6.30pm. Between 6.30 and 9.00 she is in the Sutton Place area, but she returned to the Amscott area at 9.00pm. There are no pings between 11.00pm and 11.00am the following morning, when she is back at Sutton Place area until around 2.15pm. She then leaves to drive back to Hopespring. So we really don't know for sure if she stayed at Tony's that night but maybe they just visited a friend to watch a movie and went back to his place at 11.00pm.

Throughout the records, when she is at Sutton Place, she consistently pings on tower 27201-21512. On the 16th she was in the Amscott area 27201-20341 and has visited the same area every day at least once except for 2nd 3rd & 4th July.

If you look at the MBI report, it says that one Ryan P of Cardinal Road is associated with the number *** 768* which is the one that always has the duplicate voicemail records. According to the report, this address is in the 27201-20341 area.
Hi Seagull

I love your posts, you are the voice of reason!

According to the phone records, Casey did not stay the entire night at Sutton Place on the 16th June. She has stopped off somewhere in the Amscott area between 4.30 and 6.30pm. Between 6.30 and 9.00 she is in the Sutton Place area, but she returned to the Amscott area at 9.00pm. There are no pings between 11.00pm and 11.00am the following morning, when she is back at Sutton Place area until around 2.15pm. She then leaves to drive back to Hopespring. So we really don't know for sure if she stayed at Tony's that night but maybe they just visited a friend to watch a movie and went back to his place at 11.00pm.

Throughout the records, when she is at Sutton Place, she consistently pings on tower 27201-21512. On the 16th she was in the Amscott area 27201-20341 and has visited the same area every day at least once except for 2nd 3rd & 4th July.

If you look at the MBI report, it says that one Ryan P of Cardinal Road is associated with the number *** 768* which is the one that always has the duplicate voicemail records. According to the report, this address is in the 27201-20341 area.

IIRC in TL's interview he stated that after returning from Blockbuster they watched the movie(s) and that Casey did spend the night with him and that they "ahem" slept in the next morning.
I will take a guess and say she had her cellphone turned off because they were "ahem" busy.
Using either 4b or 4d, would there be enough time and a place for KC to stop somewhere, apply the duct tape and put Caylee in the trunk without someone seeing her?

I am thinking along these same lines.... (I personally prefer 4b) I do not recall, reading in the transcripts, Tony being asked about the time of Casey's arrival at his apartment on the 16th. That is such a crucial question.... Odd to say the least...

The other thing that bothers me is the duct tape... Would that have been an item Casey conveniently had handy in her trunk/vehicle?
IIRC in TL's interview he stated that after returning from Blockbuster they watched the movie(s) and that Casey did spend the night with him and that they "ahem" slept in the next morning.
I will take a guess and say she had her cellphone turned off because they were "ahem" busy.

According to the phone records, Casey did not stay the entire night at Sutton Place on the 16th June. She has stopped off somewhere in the Amscott area between 4.30 and 6.30pm. Between 6.30 and 9.00 she is in the Sutton Place area, but she returned to the Amscott area at 9.00pm. There are no pings between 11.00pm and 11.00am the following morning, when she is back at Sutton Place area until around 2.15pm. She then leaves to drive back to Hopespring. So we really don't know for sure if she stayed at Tony's that night but maybe they just visited a friend to watch a movie and went back to his place at 11.00pm.

Throughout the records, when she is at Sutton Place, she consistently pings on tower 27201-21512. On the 16th she was in the Amscott area 27201-20341 and has visited the same area every day at least once except for 2nd 3rd & 4th July.

If you look at the MBI report, it says that one Ryan P of Cardinal Road is associated with the number *** 768* which is the one that always has the duplicate voicemail records. According to the report, this address is in the 27201-20341 area.

ARG - BJB! This is so frushtrating!

First off thank you for the links that you posted last week re James T. and 6/16 pings. James T is the same report I remember reading some time ago, I didn't remember it being a witness statement - but it must have been.

Very recently I read a TonE/LE interview, haven't found it again - It was not this interview -

I'm guessing it was the same one Intermezzo was referring to.

It had a lot of information specific to 6/16 & 6/17 - IIRC he stated she was with him 100% of the time after arriving at his place on 6/16 - she didn't run out to the car or leave for whatever reason and come back. Casey only possibly brought sleep attire on 6/16 - wasn't leaving things there yet, didn't have a change of clothes - He specifically said she didn't leave, she spent the night and slept in, in the AM 6/17 - he actually sounded pizzy about it (my interpretation) after he stayed home from school to be with her.

I can't explain the pings that may have her showing up at his place, at 430-ish, then taking off to Walmart without him - Is it possible in the time frame of ICA leaving G&C's and arriving at TL's before the BB trip, ICA was wherever she stayed overnight on the mid June nights when she didn't go home and didn't stay at TonE's, per his interview and pings? She just waited close by - maybe until it was getting dark?

I have a problem with Caylee leaving Hopespring alive - there were too many items (including the duct tape) that came from home - if Caylee died elsewhere due to ICA's neglect (leaving her in a car - drugged) she would have gone into the garbage or a trashy lot without the trappings of home.

The sleuthing and maps you put together are amazing - down to exactly where ICA ran out of gas per how many miles/gallon she got on the Pontiac. She's a lucky girl that GA kept those cans full at all times - I know back in the day, our lone gas can got filled once or twice a year as needed to run the lawn mower. I guess GA took better care of his princess than she ever gave him credit for.

All this is MOO.
ARG - BJB! This is so frushtrating!

First off thank you for the links that you posted last week re James T. and 6/16 pings. James T is the same report I remember reading some time ago, I didn't remember it being a witness statement - but it must have been.

Very recently I read a TonE/LE interview, haven't found it again - It was not this interview -

I'm guessing it was the same one Intermezzo was referring to.

It had a lot of information specific to 6/16 & 6/17 - IIRC he stated she was with him 100% of the time after arriving at his place on 6/16 - she didn't run out to the car or leave for whatever reason and come back. Casey only possibly brought sleep attire on 6/16 - wasn't leaving things there yet, didn't have a change of clothes - He specifically said she didn't leave, she spent the night and slept in, in the AM 6/17 - he actually sounded pizzy about it (my interpretation) after he stayed home from school to be with her.

I can't explain the pings that may have her showing up at his place, at 430-ish, then taking off to Walmart without him - Is it possible in the time frame of ICA leaving G&C's and arriving at TL's before the BB trip, ICA was wherever she stayed overnight on the mid June nights when she didn't go home and didn't stay at TonE's, per his interview and pings? She just waited close by - maybe until it was getting dark?

I have a problem with Caylee leaving Hopespring alive - there were too many items (including the duct tape) that came from home - if Caylee died elsewhere due to ICA's neglect (leaving her in a car - drugged) she would have gone into the garbage or a trashy lot without the trappings of home.

The sleuthing and maps you put together are amazing - down to exactly where ICA ran out of gas per how many miles/gallon she got on the Pontiac. She's a lucky girl that GA kept those cans full at all times - I know back in the day, our lone gas can got filled once or twice a year as needed to run the lawn mower. I guess GA took better care of his princess than she ever gave him credit for.

All this is MOO.

Here is the interview you are thinking of and I mentioned in the post of mine you quoted above...
Tony L Sept 8 2008 LE interview...

June 16, 2008
Casey left home around 4:15pm...
I believe she got to Tony's, iirc, between 6 and 6:30pm
Where was she for the almost 2 hours before she got to Tony's is still up for discussion and speculation...

The Blockbuster (which is very close to Sutton Place) surveillance video has them at the store renting movies around 8pm
According to Tony's Sept 8, 2008 LE interview..They went immediately back to Tony's apartment after renting the movies, watched them, went to bed...he did not go to school the next day...June 17, 2008, they slept in..

iirc, Casey went back to Hopespring on the 17th in the afternoon...I think that is one of the days she backed her car into the driveway or garage...,-81.309128&spn=0.265966,0.43396&t=h&z=11 Ping Map June 16, 2008

Looking at the cell pings once she left her house (and knowing where the WalMart is in Casselberry) I don't think she went there that day..
Looking at the cell pings, I speculate she was driving around the area near Sutton place waiting until she could go to Tony's apartment...

Of course I could be totally wrong...
OT kinda- but not really! Well, if you are totally wrong, we will be wrong together! Thanks for keeping me company!
The other thing that bothers me is the duct tape... Would that have been an item Casey conveniently had handy in her trunk/vehicle?

2-3 weeks earlier, Amy posted the quote in my sig on Casey's fb.

Casey maybe stole the duct/gaffe tape (I would really like to know if Amy's gaffe tape was the same kind found on caylee!!!!!!!!!!!!!) if Casey stole it on purpose, or maybe she just lost it in her car, to be found later.
I can't explain the pings that may have her showing up at his place, at 430-ish, then taking off to Walmart without him - Is it possible in the time frame of ICA leaving G&C's and arriving at TL's before the BB trip, ICA was wherever she stayed overnight on the mid June nights when she didn't go home and didn't stay at TonE's, per his interview and pings? She just waited close by - maybe until it was getting dark?

Lotsa possibilities re: where she was & what she was doing. Noting that a ping just puts her in a general area @ a point in time...not @ a specific location (e.g. Tony's apt).

I have a problem with Caylee leaving Hopespring alive - there were too many items (including the duct tape) that came from home - if Caylee died elsewhere due to ICA's neglect (leaving her in a car - drugged) she would have gone into the garbage or a trashy lot without the trappings of home.

IMHO there are equally good arguments for both an @-Hopespring and/or an away-from-Hopespring event. The tape itself (and the wool fibers on it & Mama doll (IIRC) ) do support tape application @-Hopespring moreso than away-from-Hopespring. While James T's Walmart sighting and Casey's active attempts to reach Cindy & Amy into the mid-to-late evening suggest Caylee was alive after she'd left Hopespring that afternoon.

This being a 'ping' thread...that seems a good place to stop for now. ;)

Lotsa possibilities re: where she was & what she was doing. Noting that a ping just puts her in a general area @ a point in time...not @ a specific location (e.g. Tony's apt).


IMHO there are equally good arguments for both an @-Hopespring and/or an away-from-Hopespring event. The tape itself (and the wool fibers on it & Mama doll (IIRC) ) do support tape application @-Hopespring moreso than away-from-Hopespring. While James T's Walmart sighting and Casey's active attempts to reach Cindy & Amy into the mid-to-late evening suggest Caylee was alive after she'd left Hopespring that afternoon.

This being a 'ping' thread...that seems a good place to stop for now. ;)

I always thought those attempts to 'reach' Cindy were just calls to make sure she was still at work and not coming home soon.
Can anyone reconcile all this with the ping maps for that day. This confuses me. ICA's phone pings nowhere near the Anthony house and Ping 15 for that day (8:46 am - 11:47 am) shows her being 9 minutes away by car.

So how could she have been at the house at the time of the death as per DT theory? Or am I right in thinking that the pings are non-precise.
Can anyone reconcile all this with the ping maps for that day. This confuses me. ICA's phone pings nowhere near the Anthony house and Ping 15 for that day (8:46 am - 11:47 am) shows her being 9 minutes away by car.

So how could she have been at the house at the time of the death as per DT theory? Or am I right in thinking that the pings are non-precise.

I didn't see you posted over here also.

The pings are the closest cell tower. The 2 towers closest to the A. house both pinged repeatedly on June 16 all day until about 4:15 pm, showing that she was there or in the area that entire time.
But at 4:11 p.m., Anthony began trying to reach her mother, Cindy Anthony, making four attempts in two minutes, according to records. Anthony then traveled north from her parent's home and called Lazzaro for one minute at 4:19 p.m., Pipitone reported. Two minutes later, she talked to Grund for a minute, and tried to call her mother again at 4:25 p.m., Pipitone said.

There was no other communication from Anthony's cell phone until a call was made to Lazzaro's apartment at 5:57 p.m., records show.

Two hours later, Anthony and Lazzaro were captured on surveillance video at a Blockbuster, renting a movie that contains a scene of a rotting body in a car trunk, Pipitone said.

On June 17, Anthony returned to her parents' home around 2:30 p.m., Pipitone reported. At 4 p.m., her phone pinged a tower southwest of the house near Lee Vista Boulevard and South Goldenrod Road, an area where detectives have directed Equusearch volunteers to search for Caylee weeks ago.
Where was Caylee between 4:25pm and 7:58pm on June 16th?

Was she is ICA's trunk at that time, was she perhaps in the playhouse or stashed somewhere else on the Anthony's property?
Was she still alive? We will never know...but we do know she wasn't drown in the pool earlier in the day as the defense says she was...because ICA called CA to babysit Caylee (an alive Caylee) at 4:25pm or as CA says...4ish.
I didn't hear anything about Caylee being alive just Caseys excuses as to why she wouldn't be home.

She said the casey called asking her to babysit, which suggests Caylee was alive but that certainly doesn't prove that she was.

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