Ping Map for July 1, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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Probably worth starting off with a synopsis of her movements during that time in an attempt to begin putting things in perspective. I'm a little out of practice looking at pings, but I will do my best. :bang:

Midnight to 2:10 AM : At Fusian. Initially lots of texts with Tony and the "shot girl", later texts with Andy F.

2:10 to 2:25 AM
: Drive to Andy F. parent's home in the Bithlo area.

2:25 to 9:45 AM
: All-nighter with Andy F. at his parent's home.

9:45 to 10:15 AM
: Drive to from Andy F.'s to Tony's (to pick up fresh clothes?)

10:15 to 10:30 AM : At Tony's

10:30 to 10:40 AM
: Drive to Jesse's Casey shows up at door at 10:39 AM (page 1522).

10:40 to 1:00 PM : At Jesse's - takes shower (page 1523), then hangs out.1:00 to 1:15 PM : Drive to Tony's

1:15 to 2:15 PM
: At Tony's

2:15 to 2:30 PM : Drive to Ricardo's

2:30 to 4:55 PM : At Ricardo's

4:55 PM to 5:35 PM : KC leaves Ricardo's and takes an odd little drive during Tuesday rush hour. Essentially the pings support her driving out East toward Fusian along Colonial, then circling back toward the area of Chris S.'s home taking the 408.

Now, as she starts this drive she is texting with Tony. At about the time she changes direction she is texting with Iassen, and her change in direction is consistent with a drive toward Lake Vaj. But that ends after a half-dozen or so quick texts, and she continues heading in the direction of Chris S. This last ping is east of Chris's home.

6:30 PM : There are no further pings for an hour, but the next time she does ping she is roughly southwest of Chris's home, in the direction of Suburban Drive but not quite that far south (maybe a mile or so north). This lone ping is due to a call she makes to Chris that goes unanswered. :eek:

Was she looking for companionship but not finding it? :waitasec:

7:09 to 8:45 PM : KC is driving in and around the Anthony neighborhood. It is clear from the CID's on the cell towers that she is moving and does not appear to stop. She begins northeast of the Anthony home and meanders by it, traveling close to Orlando International Airport, then meandering her way back. During this time - at 7:51 PM - she takes a 16-minute call from the Anthony home.

8:45 to 9:00 PM : Appears to drive toward Fusian.

9:00 to 11:45 PM : Remains in a location consistent with Fusian.

11:45 PM to 12:05 AM : Drive back to Ricardo's

And then by 4:45 or so she's back driving around the Anthony home/Suburban area. She sure wasn't sleeping much!!
I want to thank shadow of my mind, Bond, and AZlawyer for bringing up the events of July 1 - 3 again. They were sleuthing the devil out of those days while little Caylee was missing, and they kind of dropped off the face of the earth after her precious remains were discovered :(. But those days are looking increasingly intriguing and important (I know - careful with the alliteration :hand:).

This post is intended to expand on the timeline for the evening hours of July 1, which I glossed over in my post of a few days ago. Sad to say but I didn't quite have things figured out yet. :bang:

The detail portion of my previous post ended with the 5:35 PM ping in which it appears KC is driving west from the Waterford Lakes area towards Chris S.'s home. There are only three pings from 5:35 PM to 7:09 PM, but they point to the real possibility that KC was in the general area of the remains site that entire time. Not necessarily at the location itself, but close...seeming to almost hover. During this interval there is a single ping:

6:30 PM : This is the first ping in an hour, in a direction roughly southwest of Chris S.'s home. The ping is in the direction of Suburban Drive but not quite that far south (perhaps a mile or so north). This lone ping is due to a call she makes to Chris that goes unanswered.

Based on her earlier driving, texting, and pinging, was she looking for companionship but not finding it? :loser:

Nearly forty minutes later she began pinging again, this time frequently, Making it much easier to track her movements. And this is where it gets really interesting (and supports the notion she was in the area of the remains from 5:35 to 7:09.

Following is a map of her travels - 7:00 to 8:00 in yellow and after 8:00 in red.

July1 early evening.jpg

Referring to the map above, let's step through KC's movements. The following driving routes are consistent with her movements as revealed by the cell tower pings, and they are also consistent with projected drive times, accounting for minor delays due to traffic and intersections. Just keep in mind the specific details may be (are probably) off a little.

7:09 PM : KC pinged from a general area consistent with the remains site, the elementary school, the Brackenridge home, and the Anthony home. I speculate that, because she was in the broader area for up to an hour and a half, she was not driving much of that time but was instead stopped, perhaps more than once (you will see in a moment why that makes sense). There are not a lot of places for her to simply park the jeep without drawing a lot of attention - parking lots are her best option. And what better parking lot than the elementary school?

7:09 to 7:14 : Her pings are consistent with her having been parked at the elementary school and then driving past her parent's home to the intersection of Lee Vista and Narcoosee. She exchanges texts with Iassen and Chris S. during this short drive.

7:14 to 7:22 has her driving south on Narcoosee (past the tow yard where - unbeknownst to her - the Pontiac is sitting), turning west on 528, then south on 417. She exchanged a couple more texts with Chris S. along the way.

7:22 to 7:30 is consistent with her continuing on 417 until it meets with Narcoosee, then heading back north up Narcoosee towards 528, making a big loop. She was on the phone with Ryan P. for this time.

7:30 to 7:37 has her getting back on 528, but this time heading west and getting off at the first exit, which is South Goldenrod. She went north on this road.

7:37 to 7:41
is consistent with her turning from South Goldenrod onto Lee Vista heading east in the direction of her parent's home. Another loop completed!

7:41 to 8:00 it appears KC stopped somewhere near the intersection. That specific area sits on the boundary of two cell IDs registered to the cell tower at Johnson's. If she moved out of that area she would lock into one ID or the other, or onto a different tower altogether. Instead, her pings bounce :Jumpie: from one ID to the other, indicating she sat on the boundary, not moving. During this time George and Cindy attempted to call her, but she let it roll to voicemail.

8:00 to 8:05 she was on the move again, heading north on Narcoosee, where it eventually turns into Hoffner, and headed west.

8:05 to 8:07 she turned south onto S. Semoran and drove the short distance back to Lee Vista again.

8:07 to 8:12 she turned east on Lee Vista, crossed Narcoosee and stopped somewhere in the area where Lee Vista meets S. Chickasaw. This was her third and final looping drive (as far as the pings tell us anyway), just two shy of a full set. :eek:lympics:

For the next half hour - until 8:45 - she apparently was parked, spending 6 minutes of that time speaking with Tony. A text from Jesse and another from Ricardo came in.

8:45 to 9:00 PM : (20 minutes after sunset for that day) she headed west toward Fusian, calling both Jesse and Ricardo along the way.

9:00 to 11:45 PM :
Remained in a location consistent with Fusian.

11:45 PM to 12:05 AM : Drove back to Ricardo's.

Other than the brief drive down the 417, where she was not quite 6 miles away from the Anthony home, the cell pings place her within 3 1/4 miles of the Anthony home for the three or so hours from 5:35 to 8:45! :eek:

Of course we know she came back again to this area under full cover of darkness at 4:30 AM the next morning.

Clearly KC was on a mission. At least until Fusian called.
I'm curious as to why she would drive back to Tony's two times that day. Was she hoping to find his roommate home to pick something up?
I'm curious as to why she would drive back to Tony's two times that day. Was she hoping to find his roommate home to pick something up?

Curious, yes.

Can someone confirm if there was a (ahem) "break in" at TL's apartment around this time?

I seem to remember reading way way back about this but I could be wrong for course.
I want to thank shadow of my mind, Bond, and AZlawyer for bringing up the events of July 1 - 3 again. They were sleuthing the devil out of those days while little Caylee was missing, and they kind of dropped off the face of the earth after her precious remains were discovered :(. But those days are looking increasingly intriguing and important (I know - careful with the alliteration :hand:).

This post is intended to expand on the timeline for the evening hours of July 1, which I glossed over in my post of a few days ago. Sad to say but I didn't quite have things figured out yet. :bang:

The detail portion of my previous post ended with the 5:35 PM ping in which it appears KC is driving west from the Waterford Lakes area towards Chris S.'s home. There are only three pings from 5:35 PM to 7:09 PM, but they point to the real possibility that KC was in the general area of the remains site that entire time. Not necessarily at the location itself, but close...seeming to almost hover. During this interval there is a single ping:

6:30 PM : This is the first ping in an hour, in a direction roughly southwest of Chris S.'s home. The ping is in the direction of Suburban Drive but not quite that far south (perhaps a mile or so north). This lone ping is due to a call she makes to Chris that goes unanswered.

Based on her earlier driving, texting, and pinging, was she looking for companionship but not finding it? :loser:

Nearly forty minutes later she began pinging again, this time frequently, Making it much easier to track her movements. And this is where it gets really interesting (and supports the notion she was in the area of the remains from 5:35 to 7:09.

Following is a map of her travels - 7:00 to 8:00 in yellow and after 8:00 in red.

View attachment 8009

Referring to the map above, let's step through KC's movements. The following driving routes are consistent with her movements as revealed by the cell tower pings, and they are also consistent with projected drive times, accounting for minor delays due to traffic and intersections. Just keep in mind the specific details may be (are probably) off a little.

7:09 PM : KC pinged from a general area consistent with the remains site, the elementary school, the Brackenridge home, and the Anthony home. I speculate that, because she was in the broader area for up to an hour and a half, she was not driving much of that time but was instead stopped, perhaps more than once (you will see in a moment why that makes sense). There are not a lot of places for her to simply park the jeep without drawing a lot of attention - parking lots are her best option. And what better parking lot than the elementary school?

7:09 to 7:14 : Her pings are consistent with her having been parked at the elementary school and then driving past her parent's home to the intersection of Lee Vista and Narcoosee. She exchanges texts with Iassen and Chris S. during this short drive.

7:14 to 7:22 has her driving south on Narcoosee (past the tow yard where - unbeknownst to her - the Pontiac is sitting), turning west on 528, then south on 417. She exchanged a couple more texts with Chris S. along the way.

7:22 to 7:30 is consistent with her continuing on 417 until it meets with Narcoosee, then heading back north up Narcoosee towards 528, making a big loop. She was on the phone with Ryan P. for this time.

7:30 to 7:37 has her getting back on 528, but this time heading west and getting off at the first exit, which is South Goldenrod. She went north on this road.

7:37 to 7:41
is consistent with her turning from South Goldenrod onto Lee Vista heading east in the direction of her parent's home. Another loop completed!

7:41 to 8:00 it appears KC stopped somewhere near the intersection. That specific area sits on the boundary of two cell IDs registered to the cell tower at Johnson's. If she moved out of that area she would lock into one ID or the other, or onto a different tower altogether. Instead, her pings bounce :Jumpie: from one ID to the other, indicating she sat on the boundary, not moving. During this time George and Cindy attempted to call her, but she let it roll to voicemail.

8:00 to 8:05 she was on the move again, heading north on Narcoosee, where it eventually turns into Hoffner, and headed west.

8:05 to 8:07 she turned south onto S. Semoran and drove the short distance back to Lee Vista again.

8:07 to 8:12 she turned east on Lee Vista, crossed Narcoosee and stopped somewhere in the area where Lee Vista meets S. Chickasaw. This was her third and final looping drive (as far as the pings tell us anyway), just two shy of a full set. :eek:lympics:

For the next half hour - until 8:45 - she apparently was parked, spending 6 minutes of that time speaking with Tony. A text from Jesse and another from Ricardo came in.

8:45 to 9:00 PM : (20 minutes after sunset for that day) she headed west toward Fusian, calling both Jesse and Ricardo along the way.

9:00 to 11:45 PM :
Remained in a location consistent with Fusian.

11:45 PM to 12:05 AM : Drove back to Ricardo's.

Other than the brief drive down the 417, where she was not quite 6 miles away from the Anthony home, the cell pings place her within 3 1/4 miles of the Anthony home for the three or so hours from 5:35 to 8:45! :eek:

Of course we know she came back again to this area under full cover of darkness at 4:30 AM the next morning.

Clearly KC was on a mission. At least until Fusian called.


I wonder if TL's had a SunPass or EPass in his Jeep?,
If Casey did get use the Toll roads 417 or 528 there would be account activity on this or if not and she paid....I wonder if LE obtained any video or camera pics from the Toll booths in this area?

As usual, Excellent post JWG :clap:
Stellar work, JWG. Thanks for investing the time it ttook to put that together so it is easy for the rest of us to follow! No easy task. Shaping up nicely. :thumb:
I'm curious as to why she would drive back to Tony's two times that day. Was she hoping to find his roommate home to pick something up?

could she have been going back to recover caylee from amys car that i believe was still parked at tonys till july 7th?
Background for the evening of July 1

*Dante S. saw Casey at Miller’s Ale House at approximately 8:00pm. Brandon S., Sean D., Cory S. and Daniel were with him.

page 3/4

*Jeffrey H. saw Casey at Waterford Lakes Ale House. She was with five or six other guys he knew from high school. Casey was the only female. He saw she was drinking beer. Jeff Hopkins spoke briefly to Casey.

page 2

(Note: Brandon S. was there that night. Dante stated that "Casey and Brandon have kind of a weird relationship." Back on MAY 25, Casey attended the ‘No Clothes Party' and became very emotional when she ran into Brandon. Casey went missing for an hour and a half. Casey claimed she had a miscarriage with Brandon’s child.

(pg. 8 and 9 Amy Huizenga July 23 transcript)

Tony was teasing Casey about staying in New York, her car was no longer where she had left it and her encounter with Brandon may have made her feel very insecure.
I remember us digging around for info regarding June 30th/July 1st, and IIRC, JWG has narrowed KC's pings at some point that night at or around the A compound. We wrote about her using the Jeep, maybe going back to see the body/dump area.
But, based on Blink's blog today, I am very, very curious if KC went toward her house that night to check out why her parents had called her many times and to see if police were at her parent's house -A drive by-
Guess I'm bumping this for timeline purposes even though I have no new info, but Blink's blog on this night is insightful. Like Larry King.
I cannot find any references in this forum for "plumber."

Is there any consensus here on the call to the plumber on the 1st, the calls to KC around the same time they called the plumber?

Again, referring to Blink's blog theory, not gonna post the link, y'all know it...
My guess on this seemingly random driving (knowing ICA a lot better now) is that she was scouting out a new dump site. Just going off the map with pings that JWG posted (but not knowing the area personally) it seems like she goes through some unpopulated areas that might be a lot more suitable as a place to dump her "problem" than Suburban Drive. Maybe she considered this then discounted it as I can't quite see her wanting to go into that swamp in the dead of night, that and she's just bone lazy.
This is the only place I have found to ask this I have now read Blink's blog...

What is the guess on why the plumbing problem would have caused the A's to become concerned about Caylee's safety? What could they have found?

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