Ping Map for July 15, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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Okay, this document 17656318.pdf is all about the checks.

Specifically, on pdf page 49 of 87, or handwritten page 299 it says:

"July 15th at approximately 13:24 hours, check number 146 was cashed at the
Conway banking center located at 2701 South Conway Road, Orlando, Florida.
This check was for $250.00 and was payable to Casey Anthony. The subject
presented indentification number A++++++++ to cash the check and $250.00
in cash was dispensed. Video surveillance of this transaction is available."
Okay, this document 17656318.pdf is all about the checks.

Specifically, on pdf page 49 of 87, or handwritten page 299 it says:

"July 15th at approximately 13:24 hours, check number 146 was cashed at the
Conway banking center located at 2701 South Conway Road, Orlando, Florida.
This check was for $250.00 and was payable to Casey Anthony. The subject
presented indentification number A++++++++ to cash the check and $250.00
in cash was dispensed. Video surveillance of this transaction is available."


Thank you Nora :blowkiss:
Ya' gotta love it when a plan comes together! :highfive:

WOW! This is crazy good sleuthing ... I mean, C'mon! This is Big!!

*sady is bowing down in front of greatness*
Blink posted a theory on Frightened Simians that KC may have used the Zenaida Gonzalez name as an alias during a routine traffic stop on May 24, and was then put into the position of paying off the resulting fine if she hoped to keep the alias alive.

Not all the pieces hung together completely but I liked many parts of what was posted because it supported a hunch I have had that KC and ZFG were one and the same.

Problem was, I could not get the July 15 pings to quite line up with Blink's theory. The main reason was that Blink had KC cashing a forged check at BoA on Orange Ave and then walking across and up the street to the county clerk's office to pay a fine, then walking back to the car and driving south to make an appointment at Cast Iron Tattoos.

I have coached track and cross country for years. I live by the stopwatch - my practices are governed by it. While in theory the above scenario could work in a 15-20 minute time slot, in practice I thought it highly unlikely. Too many things would have to go just right for it to work.

On top of that, when I looked at the pings, it appeared KC stopped somewhere in the Curry Ford Rd. area between S. Semoran and S. Conway, for about 15 minutes. In my original timeline for this date a couple months ago I assumed KC had really bad luck and got stuck in traffic and at lights. On top of that I assumed that she was heading to the airport and then for some reason had to turn around and head back to Ric and Amy's for some reason.

It was convoluted, but worked. However, I hate convoluted. Simplest is almost always better. Especially when dealing with KC.

Blink's theory provided an out for me, except that Orange Ave. address for BoA. Was it valid? Well, it came from the fraud investigation report, listing BoA as a victim (they incured a loss in the transaction). Blink took this to be the address where the check was cashed. But upon further review, could it be the address of BoA's investigation unit?

Along comes i.b.nora :)blowkiss:) who points me to the a document on CFnews13 with much more information, including a S. Conway address for BoA and a 1:24 PM time stamp. That plugged my hole for the ~15 minute stop near S. Semoran. It also freed up time for a stop at the clerk's office.

In fact, a stop at the county clerk's office or Ric / Amy's is required to make the time lag between the BoA check fraud and the visit to Cast Iron to make sense. If KC did not make such a stop, pings G and H probably would not exist and the long time lag would be hard to explain. It is clear she stopped somewhere...but where? :waitasec:

Here is a Google Earth view of the area with a proposed route for KC from AL to BoA, then BoA to the county clerk. The red markers are cell tower locations and not KC positions. Times associated with the towers are times that the tower ping KC's phone. I checked the cell IDs of all towers at the times mentioned and the route (in green) conforms nicely to the orientation parameters.

IMHO, KC had 15 minutes - 20 tops - to make a stop at the clerk's office to pay a fine. Based on my recent experience at the CT DMV for a driver's license renewal, this is very doable.


ETA: I was tired when I posted this and forgot to add the time table:

1:05 to 1:20 PM - Travel from AL to BoA on S. Conway in AH's car. Turns right out of apartment complex onto University and heads east, then pulls U-turn in order to get into westbound lanes. Then south on Semoran to eithe Lake Margaret Dr. (shown on route above) or E. Michigan St. (probably the route - very easy access to BoA parking) or Curry Ford. All three fit the pings. I let Google choose the route shown above but if I were her I would have used E. Michigan to cut across.

1:20 to 1:25 PM - At BoA. Cashes forged check at 1:24 PM for $250.

1:25 to 1:35 PM - Travel to traffic clerk's office per Blink's theory. North on S. Conway, then west on 408, exiting at E. South St. / Rosalind Ave. Can't tell from current version of Google Earth maps if there is a toll along the way. Current images say no but they show a lot of construction. Not sure if KC would avoid the toll road or not, but if she did it would add travel time. Location / timing of pings seem to indicate she took the toll road. Rosalind becomes Magnolia. Parking in various areas in vicinity...Google shows her looping around to front but she could have stopped anywhere arount there.

1:35 to 1:50 PM - At clerk's office to pay $50 of "ZG" fine per Blink's theory. IMHO she needs to get back to her car by 1:50 or so and head south to Cast Iron Tattoos, where she stops to make an appointment. There is a ping from a tower south of Cast Iron (not shown above) at 1:54:19 PM which I believe would not occur from the clerk's office, hence my belief she had to be on the road.

So the question - is the clerk's office that fast / efficient that she could pay the $50 in 15 minutes? Includes time to walk to / from car, take a number (?), meet with a clerk, look up file...etc.
I am in awe!!! Fantastic!!

How do you group of posters do it?!
Keep it up and this group alone will solve this murder doubt!
No need for a trial!!

Great job!
Okay, this document 17656318.pdf is all about the checks.

Specifically, on pdf page 49 of 87, or handwritten page 299 it says:

"July 15th at approximately 13:24 hours, check number 146 was cashed at the
Conway banking center located at 2701 South Conway Road, Orlando, Florida.
This check was for $250.00 and was payable to Casey Anthony. The subject
presented indentification number A++++++++ to cash the check and $250.00
in cash was dispensed. Video surveillance of this transaction is available."

This bank is located within 500 feet of the Sawgrass Apartments.

Map has been updated to reflect the 2701 South Conway Road, Orlando, Florida address
This is huge! Are you guys sharing your theories with OCSO, I hope?

JWG, can you please point out what is wrong on this map? I think there is no way GA took that route from Andrews Int. to Premeire theatre. I think the timing and route make sense of Cindy going back to work, which we now know she did. She must have taken GA's car. These epass locations seem like CA leaving Johnson's and going to Gentiva.
This is huge! Are you guys sharing your theories with OCSO, I hope?

:) OCSO knew this as soon as they talked w/ Annie...if not before. We just had to wait for the good fortune of Blink (and others I'm sure) locating the ZG & AD traffic tix 5/24 and subsequent appearances/payments info.

Now we know why Annie's statement is going to be so valuable to the prosecution...and, IMHO, why the shamrock hat was found torn in the trash outside G&C's so early in the case.

JWG, can you please point out what is wrong on this map? I think there is no way GA took that route from Andrews Int. to Premeire theatre. I think the timing and route make sense of Cindy going back to work, which we now know she did. She must have taken GA's car. These epass locations seem like CA leaving Johnson's and going to Gentiva.

:) OCSO knew this as soon as they talked w/ Annie...if not before. We just had to wait for the good fortune of Blink (and others I'm sure) locating the ZG & AD traffic tix 5/24 and subsequent appearances/payments info.

Now we know why Annie's statement is going to be so valuable to the prosecution...and, IMHO, why the shamrock hat was found torn in the trash outside G&C's so early in the case.

How has LE managed to withhold Annie's statement for so long?
How has LE managed to withhold Annie's statement for so long?

That's a great question, Z-sleuth. I'd love to hear from some of our WS legal experts.

Perhaps the state would prefer to hold onto this for the shock value it might have @ trial w/ the jury. And the defense won't file a motion to compel its release since it just digs their hole deeper.
That's a great question, Z-sleuth. I'd love to hear from some of our WS legal experts.

Perhaps the state would prefer to hold onto this for the shock value it might have @ trial w/ the jury. And the defense won't file a motion to compel its release since it just digs their hole deeper.

Possibly is has inadvertently been filed with the economic crimes jacket on Casey and this may be realized very close to trial date when the defense goes over all of their evidence.
Is it an issue of inculpatory evidence versus exculpatory ? If Annie's interview could prove her innocence, then it would need to be released. If it proves her guilt, then no release required (???)
Lemme suggest we take up the 'why hasn't Annie's statement been released' topic on the Annie D. thread...just to keep this one from gettin' clogged up. I'd like to know the answer too.
Not sure the address where you have Gentiva located on the map
but the place where Cindy worked was:
Gentiva Health Services
1375 South Semoran Boulevard

Sorry gang, I thought I had that address marked on the Ping Map, It is there now.
Just found this today, although I guess I have had it for awhile but don't know where I got it. In a pdf entitled 20080384111.pdf which is the signed document about the Zenaida charges, it says that the fine must be paid at:

Orange County Service Building
475 West Story Road
Ocoee, Florida 34761

The box IS checked by that item. The box by the Traffic Court at N. Orange Ave is NOT checked.

Unless there is some other document that says the $100 was paid in Orlando, I would have to assume it was paid in Ocoee.

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