<It's basically dog discrimination>
yes it most certainly is,, but for good reasons, obviously!
<and once they ban one breed, yours may be next>
uhhh,,, i don't think they'll be banning labs or lab mixes, poodles, or chihuahuas, etc. etc. etc. anytime soon
<It's the owners, not the dogs.>
and this is the same old phrase we keep hearing over and over and over. and that is where you are wrong, wrong, WRONG. it's very often the owners,, but it's also very often the DOGS.. and sometimes,, it's BOTH.
pit bulls were bred to have PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS specifically made for fighting and causing the most possible damage to another living thing. And they often snap and behave uncontrollably for no reason (yes, of course, sometimes other dogs do that too.. but not as much as pits). and when they DO snap and attack someone,, they're going to cause a lot more damage than most other dogs will do.
Yeah, yeah,, I know... 'a pomeranian killed a newborn one time somewhere' and 'one time when i was young, a german shapherd attacked someone and they had to go to the hospital' and so on and so on and so on. but pits attack so frequently, and with such viciousness,, that really, it has become synonymous with their name. the papers can't even keep up with all the attacks & injuries,, so they only cover the sensational stories now, like when someone gets their arms ripped off or when a child gets chased down and mauled to death. do you see this happening as often with other dogs?
no, we don't.
i say.. hooray for the ban. there should be at least a few places left where people can be free of these dogs. there's already enough stuff out there to watch out for without taking a walk down your street and having some crazed pit bull attack you (or your kid) from out of nowhere, because it got out of your neighbor's yard.