Pizza Thoughts

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I've never heard she said it was a squirrel. She really said that? Wow.

I've never heard of a squirrel finding their way into the trunk of a car. Plus, if there really WAS a squirrel in there, where did the pizza story come from? Why would she blame it on the pizza if there was a decomposing squirrel in the trunk?
I've never heard she said it was a squirrel. She really said that? Wow.

I've never heard of a squirrel finding their way into the trunk of a car. Plus, if there really WAS a squirrel in there, where did the pizza story come from? Why would she blame it on the pizza if there was a decomposing squirrel in the trunk?

I just laughed while the professor was talking, but I couldn't help it :)

I mean really, they seem to have a boatload of junk in their trunk (no pun intended), squirrels, dead grandchild, etc. Given, it would be in the families best interest NOT to claim it was the grandchild, but Crazy Cindy picks the pizza over the dead squirrel to explain the stench away??? What planet are these freaks from? We need to ship this whole family off to the circus freak show. Unbelievable!
I'm at school, this thread is so absurd I can't stop laughing. Not because of you guys, but because of Cindy. I will have to catch up on this when I get home but, please, tell me if she really changed the story to be a squirrel now???
Living in New York, I have smelled a few dead mice and rats and a deceased upstairs senior citizen neighbor. To me, the odor of the first two was distinctly different than the third.,0,5568332.story?page=2&track=rss

Confronted by reporters at her home moments after the tapes were released Thursday, Cindy Anthony said she stands by her daughter. When asked about her conflicting statements on the smell inside the trunk of the car, she said she initially believed something might have died in there: "It could have been a squirrel."

I just find it interesting that the media doesn't play the squirl comment clip (or make references to it) like they do the pizza comment. They want to air the more unlikely statement (from a smell standpoint) to call attention to themselves.
I still think that first 911 call where Cindy said "it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car" is most telling.

I think everything else is lies, backtracking and denial.

[B said:
LI_Mom[/B]]Confronted by reporters at her home moments after the tapes were released Thursday, Cindy Anthony said she stands by her daughter. When asked about her conflicting statements on the smell inside the trunk of the car, she said she initially believed something might have died in there: "It could have been a squirrel."

Wow. More stories.
First a pizza with maggots all over it.
Now a dead squirrel-- what was it trying to eat the pizza?,0,5568332.story?page=2&track=rss
Really, when you think about it, it seems certain that a decomposing body must have been in that car. You have Cindy, a nurse, initially saying it smelled like a dead body, you have 2 cadavar dogs with 2 different trainers, both hitting on the car, and you have a detective who testified it smelled like a dead body had been in the car. I've never been in that situation, but others say it is a very distinctive odor, not likely to be mistaken for anything else. I don't see how it can even be an issue after all that.
I was thinking this too!

Just to add to this--

I went to my husband's truck and found a fast food bad with a little hamburger left in it. He had gone out of town for work that week and I needed something out of the truck. I saw it and tucked it under the seat so he wouldn't throw it away (Ok, yeah, I know--but I was NOT doing this experiment in my car! :) )

between my kids and I, we have left all kinds of food in my car. IMO, the only things that smells raunchy are frappuccinos.
Amazing, isn't it? :rolleyes:

What are the chances a specially trained cadaver dog could confuse pizza for a dead body?

What are the chances that TWO specially trained dogs could make the same mistake?

Was there rotting pizza in the BACKYARD also???? How do people explain away the 2 separate hits by cadaver dogs there????

About slim to none. Those two dogs have been trained and re-trained.
Really, when you think about it, it seems certain that a decomposing body must have been in that car. You have Cindy, a nurse, initially saying it smelled like a dead body, you have 2 cadavar dogs with 2 different trainers, both hitting on the car, and you have a detective who testified it smelled like a dead body had been in the car. I've never been in that situation, but others say it is a very distinctive odor, not likely to be mistaken for anything else. I don't see how it can even be an issue after all that.

Interesting how Cindy stated at the bond hearing she'd never experienced the odor of a dead body before...yet as we heard on the 2nd 911 tape, that's exactly what she thought of when she first got a whiff of the car. I suppose there is something to be said about one's first impressions being correct.

And about a dog's doesn't lie, let alone two of them.

Collectively, it seems pretty much indisputable that a dead body had been in the car and probably the yard. I suppose they are still waiting on tests/DNA (or better yet, Casey's confession) to move further with charges.
I just find it interesting that the media doesn't play the squirl comment clip (or make references to it) like they do the pizza comment. They want to air the more unlikely statement (from a smell standpoint) to call attention to themselves.

Maybe because the squirrel excuse is even more retarded than the pizza one?
I still think that first 911 call where Cindy said "it smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car" is most telling.

I think everything else is lies, backtracking and denial.

Wow. More stories.
First a pizza with maggots all over it.
Now a dead squirrel-- what was it trying to eat the pizza?

Right on-- she was mad at Casey for stealing her car, money..etc so she spoke the truth the first 911 call--

She's lived long enough she knows damn well a pizza doesnt smell like that...

Thank God old pizza does become hard and petrified like--

my little dog "hides" food and pizza is one thing i can find days after we've had it and not be smelly --more like cardboard ~:eek:
LOL, my daughter asked me yesterday if I wanted to go with her for a pizza! I told her we would have to go eat somewhere else as I just didn't care for any pizza these days!

Really, who in this world could have even believed that pizza could have smelled THAT bad, or a squirrel would jump in the trunk?

Cindy has been grasping at straws. I understand why, but she needs to at least make it plausible if she is going to lie.
on occassion I have forgotten some groceries near the car [ once and oly once some raw chicken]
and talk about a bad smell!

so speaking from my own experience...
I have also known people[ you will not believe this one!]

Who never put their pizza in the fridge!
They buy it eat some and leave the leftovers out in the closed box and say
"Are you nuts?You do not have to put pizza in the fridge"

No I am NOT kidding!
[ but it never got that horrible }
on occassion I have forgotten some groceries near the car [ once and oly once some raw chicken]
and talk about a bad smell!

I concur about the chicken.

I was once forced to single-handedly launch my chest freezer out the basement door after it was accidently left unplugged for heaven knows how long. Yea, there was chicken in it....opening the lid even just a crack was like releasing a thousand demons in the house. :eek:

Old pizza can't even come close...
I'd also like to know why a fly would be hanging around in a hot trunk laying eggs on some food that would dry out or just mold inside a plastic bag. I finally saw that George said the pizza was in a box that was inside a trash bag in a closed trunk for FIFTEEN days. So, according to him, that pizza was stinking and rotting with maggots all that time. The car supposedly was abandoned only a few days before the Anthony's picked it up. He's practically telling the world that Casey was not driving that car all that time.
Does anyone know exactly what kind of pizza was supposed to be in the trunk?
Could it have possibly been some kind of seafood(maybe shrimp) pizza?
The reason I ask is because up until two years ago, I owned a towing company and we did police impounds. I recall one summer, a driver came in and complained about the awful smell coming from one of the cars on our lot. He said it smelled like a dead body, but didn't want to open the trunk to find out.
Of course we immediately called the local police department to come down to check it out.
Turns out, the lady that had been arrested was on her way home from the grocery store and had a pound of shrimp in one of the bags and it had spoiled. The officer that came, told us all that the closest things that come to smelling like a dead body are rotten seafood and rotten potatoes.
Anyway, I never really bought the pizza story, but I've been thinking about it and did want to add my prior experience with a foul trunk odor.
Sadly, I think Caylee was in the trunk of Caysee's car for a good while...god knows how many days :(
I'd like to do an experiment with raw meat to see how it turns out. But I dont want my car to smell bad in case it works with raw meat...which I think it will.

We went grocery shopping and a box of "Pizza Pockets" fell under the seat.
After 2 days, it stunk to the gills, but of fried bologna.
It took a couple days to get the smell out, but IMO, it wasn't gag worthy.
There was no mold. It just kind of liquified.
Some febreeze did wonders.

I have smelled a dead body, and lemme tell you, Pizza Pockets was roses compared to a corpse.

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