Pizza Thoughts

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Amazed and Baffled
Jul 29, 2008
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Leaving pizza out for a week: it dries up!!!
I'm not sure what would happen to frozen uncooked pizza that is a stack of small round pies in a plastic bag. That sort of sounded to me like what Cindy was talking about.
What a coincidence you should ask.

This evening the local (Orlando) WFTV Channel 9 news team did a story on their own pizza experiment --- based on Cindy's claim that the smell in the trunk came from pizza that had been in there for 12 days.

So the WFTV reporters put a Domino's meatsa- pizza into the back of the trunk of the station editor's car.

After 7 days the pizza still looks like pizza, there are no maggots, and the pizza has the consistency of shoe leather. The trunk smells faintly of pizza.

They said they will keep the pizza in the trunk and do an update when they hit the 12-day mark.

So, Cindy, it's not looking good for your little pizza theory!!

Here is a link to the WFTV story:
Has it been verified exactly what type pizza it was, whether take out in a box from a restaurant or a bag from the grocery store? Cindy said it was in a bag. I think frozen pizza stilled sealed in a plastic bag would mold, then start drying out some in a hot closed car. I think the maggots came from some other source that was in the car or attracted to the fluid leaks. Just my opinion.
I think frozen pizza stilled sealed in a plastic bag would mold, then start drying out some in a hot closed car. I think the maggots came from some other source that was in the car or attracted to the fluid leaks. Just my opinion.

I think you are right.
What a coincidence you should ask.

This evening the local (Orlando) WFTV Channel 9 news team did a story on their own pizza experiment --- based on Cindy's claim that the smell in the trunk came from pizza that had been in there for 12 days.

So the WFTV reporters put a Domino's meatsa- pizza into the back of the trunk of the station editor's car.

After 7 days the pizza still looks like pizza, there are no maggots, and the pizza has the consistency of shoe leather. The trunk smells faintly of pizza.

They said they will keep the pizza in the trunk and do an update when they hit the 12-day mark.

So, Cindy, it's not looking good for your little pizza theory!!

Here is a link to the WFTV story:

Interesting..I was going to suggest we did this, glad they are! TY for posting.
Is anyone at all still buying the pizza story?

I think it's been settled that the stench was from decomp and body fluids.

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The Orange County Sheriff's Office hopes to have DNA results from Casey Anthony's car by next week. Deputies found hair, bodily fluid and the smell of human decomposition in her car.
Has it been verified exactly what type pizza it was, whether take out in a box from a restaurant or a bag from the grocery store? Cindy said it was in a bag. I think frozen pizza stilled sealed in a plastic bag would mold, then start drying out some in a hot closed car. I think the maggots came from some other source that was in the car or attracted to the fluid leaks. Just my opinion.

Thats what I was thinking as well.
I have thought this and have not seen this posted before (although it may have been)

I believe that there very well could have been pizza in the trunk that had maggots on it. The pizza did not attract the maggots, however. A dead body did. Here is support for this:

Insect activity
From the moment of death flies are attracted to bodies. Without the normal defences of a living animal, blowflies and house flies are able to lay eggs around wounds and natural body openings (mouth, nose, eyes, anus, genitalia). These eggs hatch and move into the body, often within 24 hours. The life cycle of a fly from egg to maggot to fly takes from two to three weeks. It can take considerably longer at low temperatures.

This information was taken from

My other thought was that the police investigators could learn a lot just by doing testing on those maggots. I believe that I saw a transcript of Grandma Cindy stating that she had the trunk open for 2 days trying to air out the smell and threw out the bag of pizza - after the police had left. (Not sure where I read this but I HOPE that this is not true, it would be a huge waste of possibly crucial evidence!)
Stolley: Good point, the eggs could have already been deposited on Caylee from the flies and coud have gotten in the trunk that way.
Is anyone at all still buying the pizza story?

I think it's been settled that the stench was from decomp and body fluids.

Amazing, isn't it? :rolleyes:

What are the chances a specially trained cadaver dog could confuse pizza for a dead body?

What are the chances that TWO specially trained dogs could make the same mistake?

Was there rotting pizza in the BACKYARD also???? How do people explain away the 2 separate hits by cadaver dogs there????
I have thought this and have not seen this posted before (although it may have been)

I believe that there very well could have been pizza in the trunk that had maggots on it. The pizza did not attract the maggots, however. A dead body did. Here is support for this:

Insect activity
From the moment of death flies are attracted to bodies. Without the normal defences of a living animal, blowflies and house flies are able to lay eggs around wounds and natural body openings (mouth, nose, eyes, anus, genitalia). These eggs hatch and move into the body, often within 24 hours. The life cycle of a fly from egg to maggot to fly takes from two to three weeks. It can take considerably longer at low temperatures.

This information was taken from

My other thought was that the police investigators could learn a lot just by doing testing on those maggots. I believe that I saw a transcript of Grandma Cindy stating that she had the trunk open for 2 days trying to air out the smell and threw out the bag of pizza - after the police had left. (Not sure where I read this but I HOPE that this is not true, it would be a huge waste of possibly crucial evidence!)

I was thinking this too!

Just to add to this--

I went to my husband's truck and found a fast food bad with a little hamburger left in it. He had gone out of town for work that week and I needed something out of the truck. I saw it and tucked it under the seat so he wouldn't throw it away (Ok, yeah, I know--but I was NOT doing this experiment in my car! :) )

I went out yesterday to check on it. No maggots. No terrible smell. I have asked my hubby if he smells anything by saying stuff like "Wow, your car stinks!" and he still says he doesn't smell anything (he is still clueless to what I did!)

Anyway, we are in Alabama. It's as hot here as in FL. I would think that flies would have to have a way to get in the car to lay eggs on the pizza. The only thing I could reconcile was that the child was buried and allowed to decompose for a few days. Thus, when she was placed in the car, she ALREADY had the fly activity going on and it just moved to the pizza (if Crazy Cindy isn't lying about the maggots too :rolleyes:).
I was thinking this too!

Just to add to this--

I went to my husband's truck and found a fast food bad with a little hamburger left in it. He had gone out of town for work that week and I needed something out of the truck. I saw it and tucked it under the seat so he wouldn't throw it away (Ok, yeah, I know--but I was NOT doing this experiment in my car! :) )

I went out yesterday to check on it. No maggots. No terrible smell. I have asked my hubby if he smells anything by saying stuff like "Wow, your car stinks!" and he still says he doesn't smell anything (he is still clueless to what I did!)

Anyway, we are in Alabama. It's as hot here as in FL. I would think that flies would have to have a way to get in the car to lay eggs on the pizza. The only thing I could reconcile was that the child was buried and allowed to decompose for a few days. Thus, when she was placed in the car, she ALREADY had the fly activity going on and it just moved to the pizza (if Crazy Cindy isn't lying about the maggots too :rolleyes:).

Sadly, I"m not very good about cleaning my back seat. I tell my kids to throw out the remaniders of the fast food we ate in the car, but I've found bags containing half-eaten sandwiches that I know were in there for two weeks. And I never smelled a thing.
Sadly, I"m not very good about cleaning my back seat. I tell my kids to throw out the remaniders of the fast food we ate in the car, but I've found bags containing half-eaten sandwiches that I know were in there for two weeks. And I never smelled a thing.

My hubby's truck still doesn't smell. These people could have come up with a much better excuse than that. I mean, at least say it was a package of raw hamburger meat that fell out of the grocery bag or something.

Cindy is a loony bird, IMO.
I'd like to do an experiment with raw meat to see how it turns out. But I dont want my car to smell bad in case it works with raw meat...which I think it will.
I'd like to do an experiment with raw meat to see how it turns out. But I dont want my car to smell bad in case it works with raw meat...which I think it will.

That's the time when it's good to have an ex-husband, huh? hehe
The media keeps playing the clip of Cindy saying it must have been pizza, but rarely do they play the one where she says it could have been a squirl.

I don't believe either, but let's make sure we get our facts straight...
The media keeps playing the clip of Cindy saying it must have been pizza, but rarely do they play the one where she says it could have been a squirl.

I don't believe either, but let's make sure we get our facts straight...

lol, OMG. Yeah, a the invisible nanny put the invisible squirrel in the trunk. You mean to tell me that she didn't think to blurt that out when she made up the pizza story? OMG, you are completely kidding me about a squirrel, right???

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