Plaid hat girl with dark hair and wild eye makeup

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I think it's *possible* the metal is a boom arm of some sort?
I think it's *possible* the metal is a boom arm of some sort?
I don't know what that is, but I think she is cuffed to something. Her body looks awkward, similar to the girl in the fur coat pic.

This girl, her eyes speak volumes, and look like she knows her fate.
Unlike others, I don't see these girls as anything other than young, gullible, and captured by a snake charmer. I find these photos so very chilling, and deeply compelling. Perhaps someday we will know her name.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I agree she looks high. Rodney is a known drug user and abused LSD in the 60s and 70s.
OK. Tried another shot to remove her makeup. What do you guys think?
I don't know what that is, but I think she is cuffed to something. Her body looks awkward, similar to the girl in the fur coat pic.

This girl, her eyes speak volumes, and look like she knows her fate.
Unlike others, I don't see these girls as anything other than young, gullible, and captured by a snake charmer. I find these photos so very chilling, and deeply compelling. Perhaps someday we will know her name.

Amateur opinion and speculation

She could be cuffed or otherwise retrained. I don't have any thoughts as to the metal running horizontally behind her. Only that the semi-vertical pole could be for lighting, or even video . In the image @faerieskye just shared, I see a tripod with camera attached, in the same general area.

Even after spending more time here & learning more about other SKs of the time period, like Naso, Bradford, etc. Alcala truly disturbs me. There really isn't anything you could suggest he did that I wouldn't think was at least possible, so restraining,drugging and murdering this young woman? Seems likely.
Tried at a 3rd attempt to remove her makeup when my husband told me I still left some inside. So yeah, in this one her makeup is nearly completely removed.


I did color correction and clarified her features more so we can see her face very clear.
She could be cuffed or otherwise retrained. I don't have any thoughts as to the metal running horizontally behind her. Only that the semi-vertical pole could be for lighting, or even video . In the image @faerieskye just shared, I see a tripod with camera attached, in the same general area.

Even after spending more time here & learning more about other SKs of the time period, like Naso, Bradford, etc. Alcala truly disturbs me. There really isn't anything you could suggest he did that I wouldn't think was at least possible, so restraining,drugging and murdering this young woman? Seems likely.
Yes, the second photo posted shows a tripod.
She could be cuffed or otherwise retrained. I don't have any thoughts as to the metal running horizontally behind her. Only that the semi-vertical pole could be for lighting, or even video . In the image @faerieskye just shared, I see a tripod with camera attached, in the same general area.

Even after spending more time here & learning more about other SKs of the time period, like Naso, Bradford, etc. Alcala truly disturbs me. There really isn't anything you could suggest he did that I wouldn't think was at least possible, so restraining,drugging and murdering this young woman? Seems likely.
So he was making videos of this?
If you compare the two images, I'm certain now the metal "pole" is part of the tripod.

Yes, it does appear he was filming this. Unless the light bouncing off the camera on the tripod is flash from the camera he shot this image with?

Also, as others have mentioned, there is the young man with long dark hair pictured in a similar setting. Same curtains, etc. People have wondered if the young man and this young woman were together. Perhaps Alcala made his own dirty movies? Again, nothing would surprise me?

Edited: photos of the young man are attached at the bottom of page #3 here Boy Sitting In Chair With Native American Print Background
If you compare the two images, I'm certain now the metal "pole" is part of the tripod.

Yes, it does appear he was filming this. Unless the light bouncing off the camera on the tripod is flash from the camera he shot this image with?

Also, as others have mentioned, there is the young man with long dark hair pictured in a similar setting. Same curtains, etc. People have wondered if the young man and this young woman were together. Perhaps Alcala made his own dirty movies? Again, nothing would surprise me?

Edited: photos of the young man are attached at the bottom of page #3 here Boy Sitting In Chair With Native American Print Background

Well, he recorded his crimes on Tali Shapiro..
Right, he did. Actually, wasn't Tali beaten with a metal bar, or under a metal bar when the police stormed the room and found her?
Respectfully snipped for focus on photo.
The way this girl is positioned suggested her hands are cuffed behind her. What is that metal (?) object sticking up behind her left shoulder?
She looks very frightened to me, and perhaps drugged. She certainly does not look like a willing participant, or a young girl talked in to posing. She looks captured, and a girl who knows she is going to be murdered, and likely was.

Amateur opinion and speculation
That's a curtain rod imo. I don't get anything else than a chubby young woman or a girl who wishes she wasn't there.

Alcala would never have killed at his place. So did he get to her later? Maybe. The only worrisome pics are the ones outside in the middle of nowhere. Or at a hotel/motel as a second. Like pool woman.
That's a curtain rod imo. I don't get anything else than a chubby young woman or a girl who wishes she wasn't there.

Alcala would never have killed at his place. So did he get to her later? Maybe. The only worrisome pics are the ones outside in the middle of nowhere. Or at a hotel/motel as a second. Like pool woman.
Didn't he try to kill Tali in his apartment, though? Also this didn't need to be his main apartment, he could've just brought her to one of his other apartments and killed her here. Or he would have taken her somewhere else and killed her. -If- he killed her.

I also don't see chubbiness at all.. I mean her arms are quite lean and showing musculature.. She just seems rather small breasted and doesn't have much of a curvy waistline.. isn't that common for that 12-15 year old age range though?
Didn't he try to kill Tali in his apartment, though? Also this didn't need to be his main apartment, he could've just brought her to one of his other apartments and killed her here. Or he would have taken her somewhere else and killed her. -If- he killed her.

I also don't see chubbiness at all.. I mean her arms are quite lean and showing musculature.. She just seems rather small breasted and doesn't have much of a curvy waistline.. isn't that common for that 12-15 year old age range though?
Tali was a mistake he didn't repeat. What other apartments?? This is the Greenwich one. The only one in NYC that I know of. This girl imo could also be 25. We clearly have different views on chubby.

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