please don't take Nans sunshine away

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Anyone have any idea what Casey meant by "nanu" ??? i remember it was in a text she sent to someone, maybe Will, that she was with "nanu" or something to that effect. Who the heck is that???
There is no Zanny the Nanny. There was never a nanny of any kind. Casey didn't even have a job, so how would she pay a babysitter?

The only cover-up is the cover-up of Caylee's death by Casey herself.
Anyone have any idea what Casey meant by "nanu" ??? i remember it was in a text she sent to someone, maybe Will, that she was with "nanu" or something to that effect. Who the heck is that???

I thought it was nannaw or something similar. I think you're right that the text was to Will blowing him off for a date. Hot air balloon ride, maybe?
I finally decided to comment on this. This has torn me up since the very first time I read about it.
Louisiana Governor Jimmy Davis recorded this song in 1940. (he was not governor yet)
My mother sang it to all of us when we were babies, I sang it while rocking my babies, then to my grandchildren. When I sang it to my grandchildren while rocking them to sleep, I would sing "please don't take Nan's sunshine away." My grandchildren call me Nana. (I am 58)

The song was among the top 5 recordings in 1940, and I am thinking that it was Cindy's mother that may have sang it to Caylee. Cindy's mother may have also sang it to her when she was a baby or very young.

Regardless, it just tears my heart out when I hear little Caylee sing it in the video. How could ANYONE have harmed this child, or any child for that matter?

Anyone have any idea what Casey meant by "nanu" ??? i remember it was in a text she sent to someone, maybe Will, that she was with "nanu" or something to that effect. Who the heck is that???

I vaguely remember that statment but it's easily explained. The letters Y and U are next to each other on the keyboard and easily transposed when typing quickly. If you change the u to a y it reads nany.
I think it's great to think outside the box--that's how cases are solved.

In this case, however, I don't think we're seeing Casey subterfuge. It's just not a song that a barely-twenty-year-old would sing to the toddler she rarely cared for herself.

I envision Casey finding it amusing to teach Caylee the words to a rap song, not a sweet old-fashioned song. I think she'd rather cut out her own tongue than sing a song that's not hip.

That said, this particular video of Caylee always makes me (and my kids) cry. I used to sing the song to them. (I'm both old AND unhip.)
I think it is just a song that her Nana taught her. Nothing sinister to it.

I think you are right. I sang to my kids, grandkids, and now my great granddaughter. Kids just love that. I can just hear great grandma singing this song to Caylee and changing the last part to "Nan's sunshine." I always managed to insert the child's name into the songs that I sang to them.
They love songs to be personalized. I think it is as simple as that.

Breaks my heart every time I see/hear Caylee sing that song. I can't bring myself to sing it to my great granddaughter.

We don't often mention what these elderly great grandparents must be suffering over the loss of this sweet little girl. But I know their hearts must be broken.
I have sang that song many times to my little guy. His name is Dylan and I always sing "you'll never know Dyl, how much I love you" I think Cindy sang this song to Caylee and inserted Nan and that's why Caylee sang it that way. At the time I don't think CA would realize how true that would become. That video she shot that day with Caylee singing also was probably the day before little Caylee was killed.
Somewhere in the thousands of pages I've read, it was stated that Caylee called Casey "Nan" and she called her doll "mama" and that Cindy often requested of Caylee that she call her "mommy". I think it was the young Grunge (Jessie) man who overheard Cindy asking her to call her mommy in front of Casey. But I definitely remember reading that she called Casey "Nan" and that broke my heart when I heard that song.

The poor little girl had no idea she was singing "please don't take Nan's sunshine" to the very person that would! :furious:

During an interview that I saw I remember Jessie saying that once in awhile Caylee would call Cindy mom. I have never heard the rest of it though. From the way Jesse put it I think it was a slip of the tongue. Remember that Caylee was only 2 yrs old. She heard Casey call Cindy MOM and often kids will mimic their parents not knowing any different. My kids would slip at times and call my mother MOM instead of gramma and when they got older they would say "I mean gramma." I think that is pretty normal. I didn't hear Jesse say that he heard Cindy tell Caylee to call her mom. Only that she would call her mom once in awhile.
A friend of mine just passed this along to me. I was going to start a thread and honestly, if one of the Mods feels it as noteworthy as I do, they may want to do a sticky thread.

Of everything I have seen in all these months, these four videos are the most chilling of all. AND after seeing them, I hung my head and I cried.
i want to make some logic out of caseys lies

That's your first mistake, unless, by "logic," you can accept the answer that "Casey lies in order to gain what she wants."

I don't mean to sound snarky--truly. But you can't apply normal-person thinking to a sociopath; their personalities are disordered.
A friend of mine just passed this along to me. I was going to start a thread and honestly, if one of the Mods feels it as noteworthy as I do, they may want to do a sticky thread.

Of everything I have seen in all these months, these four videos are the most chilling of all. AND after seeing them, I hung my head and I cried.

I think I was too late!
I'm betting that was a song they sang, and CA sang it to her with the Nan insertion when Casey threatened to take Caylee away from her.
I think it's great to think outside the box--that's how cases are solved.

In this case, however, I don't think we're seeing Casey subterfuge. It's just not a song that a barely-twenty-year-old would sing to the toddler she rarely cared for herself.
I envision Casey finding it amusing to teach Caylee the words to a rap song, not a sweet old-fashioned song. I think she'd rather cut out her own tongue than sing a song that's not hip.

That said, this particular video of Caylee always makes me (and my kids) cry. I used to sing the song to them. (I'm both old AND unhip.)

Bolded by me- I was a 22 year old mother and I sang "You are My Sunshine" to my son every day of his life until he was about 4 years old. By the time he was a year old he knew certain words- "shine" "happy" and "away" and by the time he was 18 months old he sang along with me.

I think this is a common song for mothers to sing to their babies.

And I'm under 40 years old now.
Bolded by me- I was a 22 year old mother and I sang "You are My Sunshine" to my son every day of his life until he was about 4 years old. By the time he was a year old he knew certain words- "shine" "happy" and "away" and by the time he was 18 months old he sang along with me.

I think this is a common song for mothers to sing to their babies.

And I'm under 40 years old now.

I sang this song to both of my boys when they were babies. They are now 24 and 18 years old.
Last month I stated that I think that the "nanny" was really just CA. Reason; Caylee would talk to KC's friends about how "nanny has puppies" and KC would say, "Yea, she was at the nanny's."

CA has puppies, and I believe they said that Annie (at the house, I think?) had a puppy, but I really think that when talking to her friends, the "nanny" was just CA.

There's also days where KC would text her friends when CA was working or unavailable to babysit, and she would say, "My nanny's busy." I don't think KC ever had anyone else watch Caylee, especially not if she was dragging Caylee around to parties.
I vaguely remember that statment but it's easily explained. The letters Y and U are next to each other on the keyboard and easily transposed when typing quickly. If you change the u to a y it reads nany.
You might be right but why would she spell Nanny with one "n"?

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