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Interesting insight!!! It's very difficult seeing a guy sailing around the Hudson Bay on Geraldo's boat and we are paying $1000 a week for surveillance of his client.

LOL, that response was worth the price of admission alone. Can I infer from that that you and your Uncle are not, let's say, pleased with the relationship your team has currently with Attorney Baez?
Yes and a lot!!!! But those are the rules and it just makes us work harder. No big deal to Leonard.

Another question on that same line then. In retrospect do you think you would have offered to post bond for Casey if you'd known that you'd have no access to her? Doesn't that contradict your original intention of gathering information from Casey to help find Caylee?
Mr. Padilla, respectfully, I need to ask, what if LE announces they have evidence that Caylee is deceased? How does that or would it change your support of Casey or your posting of her bond?

They would immediaely charge her with murder and she would be remanded into custody. Leonard said he would stay to help with any details if possible.
My question...maybe you missed it.

We've got a link to the OCCD handbook which gives numerous requirements for the bond release program...but there are still some unanswered questions.

Did Casey receive any additional requirements from her case supervisor (in addition to those stated in the handbook linked above), and is there a document to which you are privy that states those additional requirements? Specifically, is Casey allowed to use the internet?

Thanks in advance for your response.
Mr. Padilla~

Personally, I don't give a rat's behind about your client, Casey. But do me a favor, as a mother, and please bring Caylee home.

I have a little girl that is almost the same age as Caylee and to think of anything happening to her is heartbreaking, but to not know where she is would be the worst cruelty of all.
Another question on that same line then. In retrospect do you think you would have offered to post bond for Casey if you'd known that you'd have no access to her? Doesn't that contradict your original intention of gathering information from Casey to help find Caylee?

Things changed dramatically from the time we arrived until the actually time Casey was home and there was a meeting that I was not at. We were not thrilled but we have to work hard for the most important interest here and that is Caylee. No making excuses for anything but working past the setbacks we keep getting handed. Remember we just want Caylee back. We could care less about everybody involved as long as she comes home.
Mr. Padilla~

Personally, I don't give a rat's behind about your client, Casey. But do me a favor, as a mother, and please bring Caylee home.

I have a little girl that is almost the same age as Caylee and to think of anything happening to her is heartbreaking, but to not know where she is would be the worst cruelty of all.

I agree!! It sure was eye opening and makes you appreciate your kids on a whole new level.
They would immediaely charge her with murder and she would be remanded into custody. Leonard said he would stay to help with any details if possible.

Thank you, I know what the "logistics" are, I just wondered in the wake of the fact that you and your Uncle have been so supportive of the theory that Caylee has been kidnapped, if you will , if that would change anything as far as your participation going forward..

Secondly, may I ask what, in retrospect, you and Leonard would have done differently up till now if you had the chance to "rewind" events?
FWIW, your Uncle is kinda growin on me :)
My question...maybe you missed it.

We've got a link to the OCCD handbook which gives numerous requirements for the bond release program...but there are still some unanswered questions.

Did Casey receive any additional requirements from her case supervisor (in addition to those stated in the handbook linked above), and is there a document to which you are privy that states those additional requirements? Specifically, is Casey allowed to use the internet?

Thanks in advance for your response.

I am not 100% sure about the internet situation. I do know that her attorney had some rules of his own but I am not sure what they are.
I am not 100% sure about the internet situation. I do know that her attorney had some rules of his own but I am not sure what they are.

Thanks a bunch.

We noticed that someone was online on her myspace account last night. Wish you guys could monitor that. She may not talk to you, but lord knows the girl is wordy on the internet.
Mr. Padilla - forgive me if this has been asked and answered - but do you know what's up with that condition on the bond regarding "no revealing or tight fitting clothing" (not sure the exact wording)? Have you seen something like this before?
Mr. Padilla -- Since we're all worried about the anticipated lack of current information, what with the political conventions and all, will you join us as often as you can and keep us as up-to-date as you can?
Mr. Padilla~

What can people do that live outside of the Orlando, Florida area do to help you locate Caylee? you feel she is being truthful to you guys ? do you think her friends pulled something over on her after she has on them ? mabey they felt she was unfit and just took the baby ? is it possible caylee is right under our noses so to speak ,? like a couple houses down the street ? ive heard of other cases of that happening .. i am just wondering what your views are on it .
What happens if your uncle is able to uncover material evidence relating to Caylee's disappearance?

Is he obligated to divulge pertinent information to Baez, or would it be presented to the police?
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