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I just got an email from the moderator. Let Nedthan Johns speak his mind. He is entitled and it doesn't scare me at all.
Of course, we have to take all media reports (mainstream and tabloid) with a grain of salt but just wondering if you are aware of the story GLOBE just published based in part on information obtained from a former classmate/neighbor of Casey's?
Honestly Tony, I could care less that your uncle decided to bail this woman out. In or out of jail she is still going to be fully monitored. I don't think she is a danger to others or herself. She loves herself too much to ever take her own life and shows true sociopathic signs. Like Scott Peterson, she feels she did nothing wrong and is always the victim here. What I do care about however are people who USE other's to profit from. That's what is clearly being done here and I feel that is an outrage in itself. YOu and your Uncle clearly know this child is already dead, just as 99% of the public believe, yet your in it to make a buck.
Can somebody out there explain to me why there was no Amber alert on this case. I know they like to include a description of the car but they could have got a description of the girl out there.

I have seen several theories on that in different boards...most say it is because there was never a description of the 'kidnapper' and/or vehicle and no idea where to look. Personally I think it is because everyone, LE, etc. have already written Caylee off as dead and everything Casey has said as a lie...they do not believe there was a kidnapping or hand-off if this child...the majority of folks have tunnel vision and refuse to look at the possibility that Caylee just might have been taken out of state or to a safe location.
Mr Tony,

Has anyone from your association spoken to Rick, the brother of Cindy?

Thank you.
Mr Tony,

Do you feel that this case investigation has moved forward as a direct result of Casey being out on bail? Could the same progress be expected if she were still in jail?

Thank you

It's obvious that there was nothing happening while she was in jail. After the 30 days of her being there that was when Leonard was contacted probably for 2 reasons. This person knew that we could bail her out and that Leonard would have a better than average shot at finding Caylee. There are not many people around the country that have the connections in bail that Leonard has. The family contacted and spoke with numerous bondspeople and nobody would do it. They have wanted her out from the beginning.
Tony, I was active searcher for Danielle van Dam. If you remember she was the little girl abducted from her home in San Diego. LE worked very closely with the Laura Recovery Center to coordinate active search efforts. There are NO active searches being conducted for Caylee through LE. IMO they already have significant information to prove the child is already dead, but perhaps not enough to charge her with that will stick come time for trail. LE has nothing but time on their hands. As for being rude. I am not. I am asking straight forward questions. Tell me what you are actively doing to find Caylee?

Latest case history entry - any idea what the discovery diclosure is?
It's obvious that there was nothing happening while she was in jail. After the 30 days of her being there that was when Leonard was contacted probably for 2 reasons. This person knew that we could bail her out and that Leonard would have a better than average shot at finding Caylee. There are not many people around the country that have the connections in bail that Leonard has. The family contacted and spoke with numerous bondspeople and nobody would do it. They have wanted her out from the beginning.

Everyone is entitled to bail when the Judge sets a bail, that's the American way.

Has real progress has been made now that she is out on bail or is the investigation is no further than it would be if you and your Uncle and Baez's investigators worked on it with her in jail?

Do you see progress in finding Caylee and is that progress the direct result of her being out on the bail you and your Uncle so kindly furnished for her?

Thank you
Honestly Tony, I could care less that your uncle decided to bail this woman out. In or out of jail she is still going to be fully monitored. I don't think she is a danger to others or herself. She loves herself too much to ever take her own life and shows true sociopathic signs. Like Scott Peterson, she feels she did nothing wrong and is always the victim here. What I do care about however are people who USE other's to profit from. That's what is clearly being done here and I feel that is an outrage in itself. YOu and your Uncle clearly know this child is already dead, just as 99% of the public believe, yet your in it to make a buck.

First of all you clearly stated somewhere prior that you did care that we posted bail for her so be consistent. Secondly please point in the direction of where I am going to make money at this so I am educated that when the time comes I can make money at this. If Caylee is dead then what do I have to gain. If Leonard does happen to find this girl and bring her home alive then he deserves more than his share of whatever. But how can anybody live with themself know they made money off of a missing 3 year old. Not me for one!!! What time does your flight get to Orlando????
Do you think Casey's reluctance to talk to the cops has anything to do with the fact she has 2 ex's that worked for LE ? Could one of them be somehow involved ?
Everyone is entitled to bail when the Judge sets a bail, that's the American way.

Has real progress has been made now that she is out on bail or is the investigation is no further than it would be if you and your Uncle and Baez's investigators worked on it with her in jail?

Do you see progress in finding Caylee and is that progress the direct result of her being out on the bail you and your Uncle so kindly furnished for her?

Thank you

Eveybody is entitle to bail and it is my job to furnish this service to our fellow Americans in time of need. I have bailed out worse people than Casey. People I knew were guilty but it is my job. There was no way Leonard would have been involved if she was still in jail and I don't think Jose would have went for it either.
Also Tony, why wouldn't YOU know why an Amber Alert wasn't issued for this child?

Because I am a bondsman! I have never known about why or why not and Amber alert goes out. I assumed it went out whenever a child was missing, but because I have no ego and an open mind I asked! What time is that flight or do you need help booking it? It only costs about a $1,000 to get there from Ca. and the RV out in front costs $900 a week. We are not getting any money/reimbursements for any of this. Have you seen me or Leonard or Rob sailing around the Hudson Bay and a sailboat?
Mr Tony,

Has the storm Fay had any effect on the investigation your Uncle is conducting? Do you feel any piece of evidence necessary to find Caylee was destroyed by the storm?

Has Leonard received the ping information and has it lead him to areas not previously covered by the media?

Thank you
If this has been asked, I apologize. I am just signing on.

LE will be releasing 400+ pages of discovery this afternoon.

Will you and Leonard get a copy of that?
Do you think it will contain any new information to help Leonard find Caylee?
Mr Tony,

Has the storm Fay had any effect on the investigation your Uncle is conducting? Do you feel any piece of evidence necessary to find Caylee was destroyed by the storm?

Has Leonard received the ping information and has it lead him to areas not previously covered by the media?

Thank you

Cannot comment on this stuff. Sorry!!
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