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Good Evening Tony-
Has the discovery document changed you and Leonard's position about Casey's bond at all?

I would like to thank you for all you are doing, there are much easier ways to garner publicity. I for one think your heart is in the right place.

It seems to me that Casey has dug a hole and fallen in. Since her charges revolve around her lies anything she says now re:Caylees where-abouts would be held against her. Is this what Atty Baez is concerned about, or is he trying to prevent new charges from being filed? If it comes to the well being of the baby doesn't there come a time when an atty can say, suck it up, tell them where the baby is and I'll work your defense around the fact that you cooperated?

As a mom I know what I would do, as an adult I know what I would consider more favorably when it goes to trial, if I were on the jury. Has anyone suggested this to Casey? If she does think more of herself than she does her childs wellfare, maybe she should start thinking along the lines of how she will be perceived by a jury of her peers.

God Bless.

Remember that Jose is representing Casey. Unfortunately it is his job to do his best in her interest. I know that it is an uncomfortable thought but that is how it is.
Good Evening Tony-
Has the discovery document changed you and Leonard's position about Casey's bond at all?

Not yet! I didn't see anything yet that would surprise us at all. We knew what we were getting into.

Will you and Leonard and your people thoroughly look over and read the 400 pages that were released today?

And what do you think of the fact that one of the people who have known her the longest (Brian, part 3) when asked by investigators what would get his friend to talk or slip, he said "put the fear of God in her"?

Do you think it's possible that Casey has left Caylee with the gentleman (or a relative) who may be her bio-dad and if she has wouldn't this be a legally sticky area as there is probably no custody agreement?
IIRC, paternity has not been established by DNA testing yet, unless it has taken place but not been disclosed by Casey.

Cannot comment whatsoever about that stuff!

Will you and Leonard and your people thoroughly look over and read the 400 pages that were released today?

And what do you think of the fact that one of the people who have known her the longest (Brian, part 3) when asked by investigators what would get his friend to talk or slip, he said "put the fear of God in her"?

We are going through it. Haven't seen the part about Brian yet. We are most definitely interested in others.
I have been wondering why Casey would steal from Amy, who was a friend, why was Casey desperate for money?
Is there any chance in your mind, or Leonards, that Casey was giving money to TonE to help with his rent, ect? Could TonE be more involved then it appears.

Could be. I read his interview by police today in the discovery.
In a new twist, Leonard Padilla states that the mother argued with her father over moving out and taking Caylee with her. WESH is reporting that Padilla, who professed yesterday to have no contact with the mother, states that an argument is the reason that Caylee was 'handed off voluntarily' to a friend of the mother. (See blog on Geraldo 8/24).

Leonard Padilla said he believes Casey Anthony left her daughter with friends after arguing with her father about wanting to move out of his home with Caylee.Padilla said time is running out for those friends. He said he will share any information he gets with law enforcement.

Okay - I gotta admit - this does not sound even remotely plausible but even if it was the truth - why doesn't Casey just come clean with LE and put this nightmare to rest?

That is why we got involved. Nothing was happening while she was in jail so we are hoping for something different with her out of custody.
Hey Tony,
Why would they release this information ? This seems very strange.
I've only gotten through the interviews with Casey and so far I haven't seen anything I wasn't expecting. For some reason it stood out that the detective told Casey that Ricardo Morales was at the station and telling them a completely different story and when she was asked if Caylee was taken without permission, it appears that she hesitates and say's that the last time she saw Caylee was with that person.
If Casey was truly a sociopath, would she really care and be so distressed that her mother would never forgive her for losing Caylee ?
Tony -

Who has the right to revoke the bond for Casey? Can your uncle take back the $50K he gave you and that will revoke the bond? Can you revoke the bond without your uncle's consent? Or is it up to Al Estes since ultimately he is the bail agent that posted the actual bond?

I have the right to "Surrender" Casey at any time. His $50,000 is gone no matter what happens.
I'm trying to understand the Myspace post by Cindy...sure does sound like she knew then that Caylee was missing. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Hey Tony, thanks for answering our questions!

It was mentioned when Casey was released last Thursday that Leonard would wait 5 days after Casey was released and start his search of Caylee. Today is the 4th day, based on the court documents being released today, is Leonard going forward with his original ...after 5 days..??
It is clear from reading the released papers that everyone and anyone that has had contact with Casey knows her to be a liar. Why would your uncle believe that this is the one time she would be truthful when stating that she gave her child to someone? Has he given up on the Zenaida theory?
Cindy will be in touch tomorrow with Mr. Miller at Texas equusearch.

Tony, that is fantastic, I am beyond thrilled. If you were able to facilitate that, I am very impressed. I hope you dont mind me briefly referencing our conversation to say that I was very impressed with you, and I left our conversation with no doubt that you and your Uncle's intentions for this whole process were of the highest integrity.

I am confident that you truly believed that supporting the Bond process for Casey would lead to Caylee's wherabouts, absolutely, and for that you are to be commended. However this ends, I am a supporter.
Hi Tony -

Do you know anything about Casey's early mystery visitor in jail... Patrick Bourgeios (sp?) and the other guy he mentioned.. Mike Walker?
Hey Tony,
Why would they release this information ? This seems very strange.
I've only gotten through the interviews with Casey and so far I haven't seen anything I wasn't expecting. For some reason it stood out that the detective told Casey that Ricardo Morales was at the station and telling them a completely different story and when she was asked if Caylee was taken without permission, it appears that she hesitates and say's that the last time she saw Caylee was with that person.
If Casey was truly a sociopath, would she really care and be so distressed that her mother would never forgive her for losing Caylee ?

I have no idea why they released the info. It is strange. The MOrales character is interesting. At this point I don't know what Casey cares ar doesn't care about.
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