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Tony - how do you explain the decomposition smell? What do you think of the "pizza" excuse?

Let's do a science experiment here. Put some pizza in your car and leave it there for 3 weeks in some hot humid weather. Let us know how it smells at the end.
Tony, why isn't the public being asked to help find the person who kidnapped Caylee Anthony? In other missing children cases, this has proven to be very effective. As it stands now, we have no idea what this person looks like, her height, weight, etc. It is very easy to hide in plain sight when nobody knows what you look like!

Mr Tony,
I'd like to know the answer to DAWN TREADER's question too.

Thank you.
Actually some news people did exactly that and what it smelled like was old pizza, and not too bad.
Let's do a science experiment here. Put some pizza in your car and leave it there for 3 weeks in some hot humid weather. Let us know how it smells at the end.

haha -- I live in TX and have a 21 year old son who leaves all sorts of fast food leftovers (and who knows what else!) in his car. I've also smelled a decomposed body. Not the same. Sorry -- but thanks for your answer! :)
Why is the family upset that "no one" is searching for Caylee when we haven't been given any truthful information about who has her and where she was left? Now that Casey is out of jail and it is obvious that she isn't helping, what are we supposed to do? If she continues to be evasive can you revoke the bond?

I am allowed to revoke the bond at anytime but I am hoping this gives us a breakthrough.
Actually some news people did exactly that and what it smelled like was old pizza, and not too bad.

One of our sleuthers here did the pizza experiment from the very beginning of this case. It turned into a jerky texture and didn't smell like death.
How does Leonard know the pizza was put in Casey's car on the 19th?
You and post #606 know way too much!!!! You know something more about either us or this stuff.

I see your uncle on TV and hear him talking, and I swear he reminds me of my Uncle Edgar exactly. I commend both of you for doing what you're doing to bring Caylee home.

Please don't lynch me if this has been covered but what happens to the 50K put up?

If I was going to bail someone out and their bond was like $5000, then I would put up $500. I don't get that back am I right?
Mr. Padilla it has been said tonight that you or your uncle are now on Casey's friends list on myspace. Which one is it and do you know if it's true?
Tony, if people were really that simple-minded, our jails would be overflowing with politicians, wouldn't they? :crazy:

With much respect, why would you think that any of us believe Casey harmed Caylee based solely on the fact that she lies?

I think the decomp smelled by grandparents, LE and two dogs (on top of her lies) tends to lead most who believe Caylee is dead to the conclusion that Casey was at least involved in harming her or in helping someone who did -- is that unreasonable in some way?

I don't think anything is unreasonable. I would hate to think that there is a possiblity of being tried for murder because 2 dogs smelled something. I know I am probably extra positve here but there is a little girls life at stake. I am hopeful she is alive until I am proven wrong. And no politicians have more than enough money to keep themselves out of jail. I.E Enron!!
Let's do a science experiment here. Put some pizza in your car and leave it there for 3 weeks in some hot humid weather. Let us know how it smells at the end.

Hey..........I have had not only putrid pizza in my car for weeks, but also soured milk. I left on vacation and forgot it. It sat in the hot sun in the airport parking lot for over 3 SMELLS terrible, but it does NOT smell like human body decomp.

It is putrid, but there is NO smell like a decomposing body and a large amount of blood. Those two smells are identifiable by anyone who has ever smelled them.

I am sure you have smelled both...............NOW..........

Do YOU honestly believe that story?
Mr. Padilla it has been said tonight that you or your uncle are now on Casey's friends list on myspace. Which one is it and do you know if it's true?

No idea. Can you check and let me know. I know that one of my brothers would like to be on her friends list!!!
Mr Tony,

What effect, if any, has there been on the Bounty Hunter's series?
Has National Geo expressed support or concern?

Thank you
Hey..........I have had not only putrid pizza in my car for weeks, but also soured milk. I left on vacation and forgot it. It sat in the hot sun in the airport parking lot for over 3 SMELLS terrible, but it does NOT smell like human body decomp.

It is putrid, but there is NO smell like a decomposing body and a large amount of blood. Those two smells are identifiable by anyone who has ever smelled them.

I am sure you have smelled both...............NOW..........

Do YOU honestly believe that story?

Fair enough!!
I am glad you have an opinion!! I agree that the whole thing smells rotten. But some people in this world are doers, and some people are talkers. I know which one Leonard is. I know which one I am. Which one do you seem to be?

Mr. Padilla, thank you for coming back.. One thing I do not understand, is why currently and in the beginning, has this family or Casey, not called in Texas Equusearch? They are world class, there does not need to be evidence of death, or anything other than a confirmed Missing person's file number to activate their response by the family. They have found both missing person's alive as well as countless recoveries. If they are really committed to finding Caylee, this would only progress that effort, whether she is alive or not. Would you be willing to recommend that to the family?

I would be willing to make the introduction, but a family member MUST request their asisstance.
Let's do a science experiment here. Put some pizza in your car and leave it there for 3 weeks in some hot humid weather. Let us know how it smells at the end.

On June 27th I bought 2 hotdogs with mustard, relish, sautkraut, onions and bacon on them. Ate one and the other, in a bag, somehow ended up under the passenger seat. It remained there about until Aug.1 when a not so good odor occurred. It was not an overpowering odor, hardly comparable to dead animal odor, and there were no maggots.

Do you really believe the pizza odor theory?
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