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Attention Everyone,

We have lost focus. Websleuths is turning into a b!tchfest about certain people. I do not like it.

I will be back to post more later but I would like to please suggest that we move on. Get past Tim Miller, get past Leonard P., get past what happened to Murt,
and try to back off on Cindy and George.

Look, it's fine to discuss them and yes, Cindy, by way of her mouth, gives us a lot to talk about but it is getting too ugly.

This type of posting and name calling is so counterproductive.

Please, I am begging you to back off this type of posting and get back to what we do. Sleuthing.

It's easy to criticize but it is much harder to try and figure out what happened with the clues we have.

I do not mean you can't discuss these people or what they have done but if it is not pertinent to the what is happening then why bring it up?

More later. Off to do other Websleuths stuff off the forum.



Yes, mother. :blowkiss: I'll even stop calling Casey 'it' and 'thing'.
:clap:Hi Tricia,

I just wanted to take a moment and tell you that I think you are an extraordinary lady and the wonderful world of websleuths that you have created here for all of us to come together and share information and ideas and theories is MOST appreciated. We do need to try to be kinder...and not feed the bears when they are growling. It is just that this case is like a roller-coaster from HADES! The twists and turns are unreal and I think this is the first time we have seen this type of behaviors in a missing child case, and we are all so confused and flustered and tormented really...just wanting to find the one key that will unlock the secret of WHERE IS CAYLEE???

You're the best Tricia and if I wore a hat I would tip it to you...:blowkiss:

Thanks for reeling us in...:rolleyes:
It is sort of disappointing to have to weed through all the nasty comments which extend not only to the A's, but to most people involved in this case. I know the A's don't give us much to like them, but is it really necessary to tear them down in every post? They lost their granddaughter and they cannot come to terms with that just yet. But to come down on the ones who DO have some compassion is just so sad. Why can't we just state our opinions without the ugliness?
I joined here because I wanted a place I could feel comfortable in, to talk about Caylee. I still feel that it is one of the nicest places on the net... but there is so much HATE in here at times, it's scary. And the scariest part is... sometimes it makes me want to respond in a snappy tone... and I do not want to resort to that.
Please... let's all just try to make Tricia's and the mods' job a little easier, it's very difficult to do what they do every day and they deserve some respect!
Thank you:) We will, we leave next wk, I will be gone until right before Christmas. Going to go over for the birth of our 3rd grandson who by some miracle ( lots of WS prayers) is making it to his due date.

Have a great trip, LeLe1953! Yes, this baby is a miracle, and prayers will continue! Thanksgiving will be very special this year, won't it?
One word, “relevance” if it is not relevant don’t post. I don’t see a problem saying hi to someone on a post or something like that but if it is a comment about the case or anyone involved with the case or searchers etc.; don’t post unless it is relevant. Who cares how someone looks or about the anger in their voice/facial expressions. None of that is relevant. Post about clues and legality similar case study and the results of those cases and how that could be applied here and things of similar fashion. I personally have backed off posting and even reading because it has become daunting just to find actually useful opinions of the OP comments. I came here to sleuth.

“Can’t we all just get a sleuthing?”
I so agree w/ the poster above me. I'm becoming so frustrated w/ a lot of the posts here. It's like a free for all gossip sewing circle.

I'm honestly interested in the case, I think casey will go down in history as one of the most diabolical, heartless sociopaths of the female persuasion ever. That aspect of the case and the facts surrounding her life, and that of the crime are intriguing to me. I guess I just need to get off the boards. There is not much intelligent convo going on anywhere anymore that I can see. it's all conjecture and emotional response to the family and sideshow players. It's banal.

I will truly look forward to and enjoy the trial, and well researched and well written books that come out, as I'm sure will.

I did just recently register here, but I've been lurking for YEARS b/c of the intelligent sleuthing.
Please, please search for a topic before starting a new thread. Remember it is always better to bump an old thread rather than starting a new one. Many of your questions have been asked, researched and answered on other threads.

This is the usual and customary format used at forum boards and is not specific to Websleuths.

Please search first and then post a new thread if you cannot find previous discussion on your topic. Having parallel discussions and 2 or more threads running on the same topic is confusing and inefficient at best.

Thank you.More Info:

If you have a new thought or but aren't sure if it should have it's own thread, throw it out there in the random idea thread. If people grab onto it and it seems like there could be discussion, then start a thread.
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If you just have a general question, please use the Questions for Websleuthers thread rather than starting a whole new thread.
Questions For Websleuthers thread

Please make a point of stopping into the questions thread so you can answer some of them for other members.

If you just want to unload something that is making you NUTZ about this case, please use the Rant thread for that:

Don't forget that official docs and doc dumps , audio, timeline discussion, case calendar and cell ping maps are all located in the sticky forum. There is a LOT of hard work going on up there.:
Timeline -Cell Pings-Official Documents and Audio thread

Please keep all timeline discussion in the sticky forum linked above. There is so much timeline work done up there it is such a bummer to start it again over and over with new threads in the main forum. please check out all the work that has been done and throw in your information.
Ive been wanting to say that all along Tricia, but afraid of the backlash I would get! Thanks for saying it for all of us who were afraid to say it!!!

Poly :woohoo:
If you put in a URL to link to another site and that URL comes out blocked or asterisks in place of the URL, that means the site is not allowed to be linked here.
Don't ask people to circumvent that block through any means like typing in new words or linking to a site that links the blocked site.

Just don't link the website at all.

I understand that some of you don't know which sites are ok and which sites are not ok. Sometimes they change. But if it is visibly blocked by way of asterisks in the web address when you post it, there is 100% certainty that it is not allowed here.

I hope this is an appropriate place to post this thought--I am extremely tired of posters who accuse others of HATRED towards the Anthony family--even going so far as to say that if Cindy were to die,that we would all celebrate.

Aside from being patently false (in all the posts here, I have *never* seen hatred expressed so it's a complete misrepresentation), it causes the whole discussion on the thread to be derailed. It's a false allegation and I think it should stop. It's a divisive and untrue argument and it serves no one to divide a group who is obviously committed to a missing baby.

I'm not sure if these types of posts are a technicality that cause a loophole to the "attack the post, not the poster" common sense, but in my opinion, I'm not sure how.
I am still a newbie here myself and hopefully watching my p's and q's. I am grateful to be welcome here and consider it a privilege to post, not an entitlement. For the most part, people who post here are intelligent, insightful, thougtful, kind, and friendly. Sometimes I cringe at what I read but we are all so different and that is what makes it work. This is an incredible place! I have learned so much more about this case than any other source. When there is big news breaking about this case, the server is strained and won't let me in, I just don't rest until I can get in. I know that even if I read the news elsewhere, I don't get the full story until I come here. Thank you Tricia for providing this platform, Mods for doing such a great job keeping it running smoothly, and to all posters for informing, educating, and entertaining me at the same time!
I so agree w/ the poster above me. I'm becoming so frustrated w/ a lot of the posts here. It's like a free for all gossip sewing circle.

I'm honestly interested in the case, I think casey will go down in history as one of the most diabolical, heartless sociopaths of the female persuasion ever. That aspect of the case and the facts surrounding her life, and that of the crime are intriguing to me. I guess I just need to get off the boards. There is not much intelligent convo going on anywhere anymore that I can see. it's all conjecture and emotional response to the family and sideshow players. It's banal.

I will truly look forward to and enjoy the trial, and well researched and well written books that come out, as I'm sure will.

I did just recently register here, but I've been lurking for YEARS b/c of the intelligent sleuthing.

I have been a member here since 2004 and it has been my experience that when a case is in a "lull" like this, when everyone is just sitting and waiting this is what happens. There is really nothing left to talk about- everything has already been said. So everyone just goes round and round, chatting with one another etc. It happened in the Laci Peterson case and the JonBenet Ramsey case as well. People get attatched to the cases here.

I keep seeing everyone say "I came here to Sleuth". Well, fine but as of right now there is nothing left to Sleuth. There are other cases here at WS that are unsolved that need sleuthing. Why not go check those out and do what you came here for while waiting for more offical information or for Casey's trial?

Sleuthing is not the only thing that WS is for.. it is a discussion and opinion site as well. What is funny (not funny haHa) is that before this case we didn't have all this trouble.. it came when all these new members joined to follow this case. When you have thousands of people sharing thoughts, ideas and opinions we are are bound to clash and butt heads once in awhile.
It is sort of disappointing to have to weed through all the nasty comments which extend not only to the A's, but to most people involved in this case. I know the A's don't give us much to like them, but is it really necessary to tear them down in every post? They lost their granddaughter and they cannot come to terms with that just yet. But to come down on the ones who DO have some compassion is just so sad. Why can't we just state our opinions without the ugliness?
I joined here because I wanted a place I could feel comfortable in, to talk about Caylee. I still feel that it is one of the nicest places on the net... but there is so much HATE in here at times, it's scary. And the scariest part is... sometimes it makes me want to respond in a snappy tone... and I do not want to resort to that.
Please... let's all just try to make Tricia's and the mods' job a little easier, it's very difficult to do what they do every day and they deserve some respect!

Saying what is TRUE is not hate...REALITY is not hate. Seeing what is REAL is not hate. I have upmost respect for Tricia and every moderator here-they do a great job, but they do not moderate opinions that are stated in a non-confrontational manner, no matter WHAT those opinions are. There is nothing WRONG with calling a horse a horse and an elephant and elephant. If we call a horse a flower, then that really doesn't make sense does it? Better to state our opinions in an honest and non-confrontational manner and be done with it. Just as some get so tired of weeding through what they perceive as hate, there is another school of thought that gets tired of weeding through what we perceive as sensorship of our honest opinions. Nobody HAS to argue and nobody HAS to may just move on and forget...:rolleyes:
Saying what is TRUE is not hate...REALITY is not hate. Seeing what is REAL is not hate. I have upmost respect for Tricia and every moderator here-they do a great job, but they do not moderate opinions that are stated in a non-confrontational manner, no matter WHAT those opinions are. There is nothing WRONG with calling a horse a horse and an elephant and elephant. If we call a horse a flower, then that really doesn't make sense does it? Better to state our opinions in an honest and non-confrontational manner and be done with it. Just as some get so tired of weeding through what they perceive as hate, there is another school of thought that gets tired of weeding through what we perceive as sensorship of our honest opinions. Nobody HAS to argue and nobody HAS to may just move on and forget...:rolleyes:

But what is TRUE to you may not be true for others. What is REAL to you may not be so obvious to others. If it is your opinion, then say so. But don't state something as a FACT when it is merely your opinions. And I am speaking in the general sense, not to you personally.
But I am curious as to what you mean... it's not a matter of calling a horse a horse. It's a matter of saying things pertaining to how the A's feel and what they think and what their motive is. No one but them and God can know what is in their minds and hearts. No one can say with certainty that they did or did not do this or that, or that they do not love Caylee or do not want her found... yet those kinds of things are said here at times, and sometimes with real venom!
YOU may not be guilty of what I described... but I HAVE read some very mean and hateful things. I can understand that everyone feels differently, but it bothers me when it goes to the extreme and when it has no basis in fact, and when it is said out of pure meanness and spite. Those kinds of emotions have no place here or anywhere else. Granted, there are fewer posts like that here than on other boards... and for that I am very grateful to the mods here for keeping it clean.
I hope I didn't confuse the issue... I respect everyone's right to their own opinions... as long as they state that it is an opinion and don't try to make it out to be FACTS.
But what is TRUE to you may not be true for others. What is REAL to you may not be so obvious to others. If it is your opinion, then say so. But don't state something as a FACT when it is merely your opinions. And I am speaking in the general sense, not to you personally.
But I am curious as to what you mean... it's not a matter of calling a horse a horse. It's a matter of saying things pertaining to how the A's feel and what they think and what their motive is. No one but them and God can know what is in their minds and hearts. No one can say with certainty that they did or did not do this or that, or that they do not love Caylee or do not want her found... yet those kinds of things are said here at times, and sometimes with real venom!
YOU may not be guilty of what I described... but I HAVE read some very mean and hateful things. I can understand that everyone feels differently, but it bothers me when it goes to the extreme and when it has no basis in fact, and when it is said out of pure meanness and spite. Those kinds of emotions have no place here or anywhere else. Granted, there are fewer posts like that here than on other boards... and for that I am very grateful to the mods here for keeping it clean.
I hope I didn't confuse the issue... I respect everyone's right to their own opinions... as long as they state that it is an opinion and don't try to make it out to be FACTS.

Beautifully written! A Texas lady with class!!!
But what is TRUE to you may not be true for others. What is REAL to you may not be so obvious to others. If it is your opinion, then say so. But don't state something as a FACT when it is merely your opinions. And I am speaking in the general sense, not to you personally.
But I am curious as to what you mean... it's not a matter of calling a horse a horse. It's a matter of saying things pertaining to how the A's feel and what they think and what their motive is. No one but them and God can know what is in their minds and hearts. No one can say with certainty that they did or did not do this or that, or that they do not love Caylee or do not want her found... yet those kinds of things are said here at times, and sometimes with real venom!
YOU may not be guilty of what I described... but I HAVE read some very mean and hateful things. I can understand that everyone feels differently, but it bothers me when it goes to the extreme and when it has no basis in fact, and when it is said out of pure meanness and spite. Those kinds of emotions have no place here or anywhere else. Granted, there are fewer posts like that here than on other boards... and for that I am very grateful to the mods here for keeping it clean.
I hope I didn't confuse the issue... I respect everyone's right to their own opinions... as long as they state that it is an opinion and don't try to make it out to be FACTS.

Respectfully and thoughtfully replied...Thank you.:blowkiss:
Just as the naysayers CANNOT say HOW the Anthony's feel, what they think and what their motives are, neither can their supporters make these determinations. There is no basis in fact to assume that the A's feel or think ANY way, and that includes the appropriate way. So, just as some may FEEL that the Anthony family are given a bad rap and that they feel as they should in this situation there IS no basis in FACT for that school of thought either...:rolleyes:
Saying what is TRUE is not hate...REALITY is not hate. Seeing what is REAL is not hate. I have upmost respect for Tricia and every moderator here-they do a great job, but they do not moderate opinions that are stated in a non-confrontational manner, no matter WHAT those opinions are. There is nothing WRONG with calling a horse a horse and an elephant and elephant. If we call a horse a flower, then that really doesn't make sense does it? Better to state our opinions in an honest and non-confrontational manner and be done with it. Just as some get so tired of weeding through what they perceive as hate, there is another school of thought that gets tired of weeding through what we perceive as sensorship of our honest opinions. Nobody HAS to argue and nobody HAS to may just move on and forget...:rolleyes:

Thank you, Magic Cat! What you wrote here is SO true. We all should have the freedom here to "get real" about the case without being called "haters".
Great post!! :clap::clap::clap:
I hope this is an appropriate place to post this thought--I am extremely tired of posters who accuse others of HATRED towards the Anthony family--even going so far as to say that if Cindy were to die,that we would all celebrate.

Aside from being patently false (in all the posts here, I have *never* seen hatred expressed so it's a complete misrepresentation), it causes the whole discussion on the thread to be derailed. It's a false allegation and I think it should stop. It's a divisive and untrue argument and it serves no one to divide a group who is obviously committed to a missing baby.

I'm not sure if these types of posts are a technicality that cause a loophole to the "attack the post, not the poster" common sense, but in my opinion, I'm not sure how.

Thanks for bringing this topic up, Tippy :clap: Accusing other posters on here of hatred should NOT be allowed on this forum, ever! Why is it?
Yet one can read, watch, and listen to Cindy's statements and see blatant contradictions to those statements. MANY of them. Documented.
But what is TRUE to you may not be true for others. What is REAL to you may not be so obvious to others. If it is your opinion, then say so. But don't state something as a FACT when it is merely your opinions. And I am speaking in the general sense, not to you personally.
But I am curious as to what you mean... it's not a matter of calling a horse a horse. It's a matter of saying things pertaining to how the A's feel and what they think and what their motive is. No one but them and God can know what is in their minds and hearts. No one can say with certainty that they did or did not do this or that, or that they do not love Caylee or do not want her found... yet those kinds of things are said here at times, and sometimes with real venom!
YOU may not be guilty of what I described... but I HAVE read some very mean and hateful things. I can understand that everyone feels differently, but it bothers me when it goes to the extreme and when it has no basis in fact, and when it is said out of pure meanness and spite. Those kinds of emotions have no place here or anywhere else. Granted, there are fewer posts like that here than on other boards... and for that I am very grateful to the mods here for keeping it clean.
I hope I didn't confuse the issue... I respect everyone's right to their own opinions... as long as they state that it is an opinion and don't try to make it out to be FACTS.

Very well said and I have witnessed the same. I see the word "hate" much too often here. I saw a post just the other day where someone wrote a list of all the things the person "hates", each sentence began with "I hate".

I see threads that get started which appear to me to have no other purpose other than to take shots at the A's.

I understand that for some, it may provide some therapy, I don't know they should be denied that right of free speech. It's just that it makes me feel uncomfortable to read it post after post. And I feel the need to exercise my free speech to let that out because it has troubled me for awhile.

There are a lot of people here who are passionate. And passion is a good thing, it calls one to action. But hate is such an ugly emotion, it is something awful to have inside. If I have a prayer it would be those who feel it will find someway to release that emotion.

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