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Attention Everyone,

We have lost focus. Websleuths is turning into a b!tchfest about certain people. I do not like it.

I will be back to post more later but I would like to please suggest that we move on. Get past Tim Miller, get past Leonard P., get past what happened to Murt,
and try to back off on Cindy and George.

Look, it's fine to discuss them and yes, Cindy, by way of her mouth, gives us a lot to talk about but it is getting too ugly.

This type of posting and name calling is so counterproductive.

Please, I am begging you to back off this type of posting and get back to what we do. Sleuthing.

It's easy to criticize but it is much harder to try and figure out what happened with the clues we have.

I do not mean you can't discuss these people or what they have done but if it is not pertinent to the what is happening then why bring it up?

More later. Off to do other Websleuths stuff off the forum.

I am resurrecting this sticky as a reminder. Many threads continue to have lots of bashing and bickering. We don't have to do that to discuss and debate the aspects of this case.
It is an emotional case to be sure, but we can still keep it cool.

Name calling,rudeness,replacing proper names with a mocking or insulting name(Bozo for Baez) and discussing other posters is all forbidden and TO's will be given without warning. Don't forget that attacking fellow posters personally is never tolerated .

Please, we know there are strong feelings about the Anthony Family but keep the conversation constructive. bashing the Anthony's continuously on most threads just clogs up the discussion and does nothing to put the pieces together. We understand having to let loose on them for many of their behaviors, but not every thread and not threads devoted just to that.

One more thing, please hit the red triangle alert button in the top corner of an offending post. We mods do not read every post because our jobs and families are forever getting in the way:) So we need your help in reporting the offending posts to us. Do not quote or respond to the bad posts, just alert them.

Thanks everyone.

Here is a link to The Rules if you haven't read them lately
Couldn't agree more, Tricia! That's what I love about WS, the great minds that gather here, and support each other with posts that build, one to the next, a wealth of info and links. I have learned so much here. Thanks again...
But what is TRUE to you may not be true for others. What is REAL to you may not be so obvious to others. If it is your opinion, then say so. But don't state something as a FACT when it is merely your opinions. And I am speaking in the general sense, not to you personally.
But I am curious as to what you mean... it's not a matter of calling a horse a horse. It's a matter of saying things pertaining to how the A's feel and what they think and what their motive is. No one but them and God can know what is in their minds and hearts. No one can say with certainty that they did or did not do this or that, or that they do not love Caylee or do not want her found... yet those kinds of things are said here at times, and sometimes with real venom!
YOU may not be guilty of what I described... but I HAVE read some very mean and hateful things. I can understand that everyone feels differently, but it bothers me when it goes to the extreme and when it has no basis in fact, and when it is said out of pure meanness and spite. Those kinds of emotions have no place here or anywhere else. Granted, there are fewer posts like that here than on other boards... and for that I am very grateful to the mods here for keeping it clean.
I hope I didn't confuse the issue... I respect everyone's right to their own opinions... as long as they state that it is an opinion and don't try to make it out to be FACTS.

Very well written, I agree completely.

The complaints about hatred are not about discussing (real) facts, like what the Anthonys have actually said, or jmo kind of speculation about things we can`t be sure of. To be honest I`ve had tears in my eyes reading some posts about the Anthonys, but never mind that, I can try to avoid certain topics or stick to the updates threads. (They`re great btw)
I encourage all of you that are frustrated by some of the rude and nasty posts to jump in and lead by example. We can discuss and even debate without going over the top.
thank you! :clap::clap:

i've been staying away from posting & reading much here was getting very ugly!:woohoo:
don't stay away. Stay and post constructively and lead the way .
I just got a private message that there is confusion and offboard talk about to use or not to use last names.

The no last names rule applies to peripheral players that may or may not be directly involved in the case. The reason last names were prohibited was to afford these people some privacy. When we start plastering their names all over the web, often with speculation and accusations, it can get sticky. We do our best to keep last names and personal information such as home location, workplace, etc.,off the forum.
This rule would apply to Casey's friends and people on the witness list but not the Anthony family or the prosecution or defense teams as they are public figures.
There are so many peripheral players in this case that has been a challenge and 99.9% of you have been cooperative and helpful. We really appreciate it and I am sure the innocent people that did not get plasterd on the web, at least by us, are appreciative too.

It's really just common sense so don't over think it. If you are not sure, just err on the side of caution and do not use the last name.
Anthony's- ok to use last name
Nancy Grace -ok to use last name
Nejame- ok to use last name
Baez- ok to use last name

Amy H -not ok to use last name
Dante S -not ok to use last name

There has been enough hurt and damage to these people by Casey, so we do not need to add to their burden.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the thread & clarification, Jilly. Your points are well received & certainly valid. :clap:

I tend to be someone who likes to be as concise & specific as possible when posting or requesting information. So - your thoughtful post will serve as a good reminder for me.

Gotta admit - I wondered why everyone was using initials in their posts. ::duh:: I rarely, if ever, used *just initials* when referring to someone as it gets so darn confusing - at least for me. And frankly, I have not practiced utilizing abbreviations for the participants when typing an appropriate name is so simple & respectful.

Thanks for calling to our attention that the multitude of peripheral folks that have been dragged into this case & investigation have an absolute right to their privacy. (Just the same as we all value our privacy & anonymity here on WS.)

You're keepin' WS classy & respectful! :blowkiss:

Rummy :cat:

I have taken to calling them the A's here lately...although for a very long time I insisted on typing out the whole name Anthony in each and every post...

Ok, but as for last initials are those out too, I mean like on key players like for instance Tony L. would that be appropriate or should we not use last initials on ANYONE either...'Cause if that is the case we are all in a heap load of trouble!:bang:

Yes Tony L, Jeff H, etc., etc. is appropriate.
I am resurrecting this sticky as a reminder. Many threads continue to have lots of bashing and bickering. We don't have to do that to discuss and debate the aspects of this case.
It is an emotional case to be sure, but we can still keep it cool.

Name calling,rudeness,replacing proper names with a mocking or insulting name(Bozo for Baez) and discussing other posters is all forbidden and TO's will be given without warning. Don't forget that attacking fellow posters personally is never tolerated .

Please, we know there are strong feelings about the Anthony Family but keep the conversation constructive. bashing the Anthony's continuously on most threads just clogs up the discussion and does nothing to put the pieces together. We understand having to let loose on them for many of their behaviors, but not every thread and not threads devoted just to that.

One more thing, please hit the red triangle alert button in the top corner of an offending post. We mods do not read every post because our jobs and families are forever getting in the way:) So we need your help in reporting the offending posts to us. Do not quote or respond to the bad posts, just alert them.

Thanks everyone.

Here is a link to The Rules if you haven't read them lately

UPDATE this includes referring to Casey's defense team as The Scheme Team.
THis is not allowed. thanks.
Thanks for posting this. I've been a long time reader, new poster, and usually don't come on this thread. I was searching it last week, when news came that they found the bones. I have been unable to read a lot, because of the bickering, and yes "hatred" on most of the threads.

I'm sorry, but when people write how it's "obvious" that Cindy had something to do with Caylee's DEATH, or that the grandparents were involved in "getting rid" of Caylee's body....yeah, those aren't "facts" and they make it difficult to take those posters seriously about anything, IMO. There are no FACTS to back those claims up, and it's frustrating to see so many people agree with them.

I know that Tricia wrote the inital post over a month ago. I've yet to see the above behavior abate.....I'll keep hoping, however.
Bumping up - so more websleuthers will understand the parameters of *not posting last names* of peripheral folks & witnesses in the Caylee/Casey case - and posting on the side of caution. (1st name & last name initial is cool.)

I agree with all of you here. :clap:

"I think we should all agree to take the high road at all times :)" (But I've lost your name, now. No whiz at the computer. )

THANK YOU TRICIA, of course.

Yes guess we have to look forward instead of backwards- emotions get overwhelming at times
I'm so sorry, I thought the difference was persons that had publicly stated their names as opposed to those that had been revealed as a result of documents being released.
I'm so sorry, I thought the difference was persons that had publicly stated their names as opposed to those that had been revealed as a result of documents being released.

You can use Roy H, Amy H, Ricardo M etc., etc. that's it! Baez and Medical experts and all Anthony's are acceptable using last names.
This includes the meter reader at this point.
Do not use his last name.
I gave myself a self imposed timeout for this very reason.
It was meant to be 24hrs, but I'm back around the 12hr mark, because I've chilled out.(pms wasnt helping much either-lol)

Anyway, if its ok I'd like to give some general examples of fact vs opinion.

Fact 1-
CA washed the pants that were in KC's car, before the 911 call.

Opinion1 (based on fact 1)- I think cindy was washing the pants to get rid of evidence to protect her daughter, and in doing so she became an accomplice. I think she should be charged.

Opinion 2 (based on fact 1)- I think cindy was just doing what she always does, and washed the stinky things in KC's car. How was she to know at that point that the pants would be needed as evidence? I dont think she did anything wrong.

These examples involve facts and the opinions we have formed based on those facts.
Just because the opinion we state has a fact mixed in, does not make the opinion fact.

Here's a few tips - when your blood is starting to boil there are plenty of options besides posting aggressively.

1. Log out while you're reading posts, so you have that extra 30 secs or so to rethink what you planned to say, while you are logging in. And re-read your post before you hit submit.

2. Give yourself a time out and watch a funny movie, spend time with your family, or whatever works to move you out of the frustrated/agressive feelings.

3.Go and check out the 'its all about caylee' thread. It helps to refocus, and replaces those negative feelings with warm fuzzy ones.

4. Ask yourself if you would say to a persons face what you are posting. If the answer is no - then dont post it.

I'm not trying to tell people what to do here, just giving suggestions on how to de-intensify those negative feelings... because we all get them.

Meter reader's last name is now OK to use.
To all my ws buddies and mods.
I posted 4 little words about how I felt about the anthony family ( no swearing) and got time out for 4 days. Please be careful what you say here. I meant no offense, just an opinion. I changed the words of a song only. IMO, I thought it was sorta funny, never dreaming it would cause problems. IMO
To all my ws buddies and mods.
I posted 4 little words about how I felt about the anthony family ( no swearing) and got time out for 4 days. Please be careful what you say here. I meant no offense, just an opinion. I changed the words of a song only. IMO, I thought it was sorta funny, never dreaming it would cause problems. IMO calling has not been allowed here since the beginning of this case. There have been warnings, postings, and stickies about using derogatory names to describe the peripheral players in this case.
We don't edit them all because we don;t see or catch them all.
The idea is to have discussion here, not school yard name calling. So let's rise above and discuss this case.

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