Please Read Clarification on "In My Opinion"

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This is the funniest thread since this started, we should have Tricia do these every morning lol, and of course IMO
We agree on some things, and not others. I think when someone empathizes, the very action of putting oneself on another's shoes creates a form of speculation. Seeing through the eyes of another....we are not "there", but we can still "visualize" the event. We can experience some of the emotions...and even sometimes even the pain.

I think this witness is VERY IMPORTANT.

...also, I think to get to the "root" of the issue must go past PC, but....we can't.

I agree with you. Empathy either way is not good in a court of law, IMHO, as it clouds and compromises neutrality and objectivity, which is so crucial to true justice. IMHO, justice trumps "PC"ness, justice and truth are at the core of our values and must prevail, sleuthing is after all about getting through the layers and clues to arrive at the truth. This is why I'm going by evidence alone, trying to avoid opinions, and to detach myself from feelings for either side, but of course how I see the evidence inevitably pulls me like a magnetic force field to one side.:facepalm: :seeya:
I like cake :-)

There, that's my contribution. (looks around to see if the thread for discussion has been opened)
Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo = my opinion. IMO, anyway.
A thread has been opened for today's discussion. Please move over to here:

[ame=""]George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #12 Tues. July 10 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
WOW When I logged on and saw the thread about the "In My Opinion" issues had 71 posts I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the problem was.


Now I see. Thanks to Fran for opening the real discussion thread. Totally my fault so please forgive me. I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again.

One thing is for sure I will never worry about you all finding a way to post about this case. You are resourceful. LOL

Take care,
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