POI - Dale Golder - #1

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Found this on match.com. I know it says that it is a girl but I think it may be wrong.. everything else fits for it being this DG. The user name is dgolder.. 23.. from McCleary. The heading: "hey ladies" If it is the same person it says that he loves cars, street racing and anything that goes fast.. to hike and hunt.. that he hunts with a bow. And.. is active within the last 3 weeks.


This is very interesting. The whole story is unfolding like some tragic back-woods soap opera.

These people make no secret of their affinity for drugs and alcohol. I can easily see someone getting impaired and creating a bogus match.com account to mess with someone else, or even to live out some latent homosexual tendencies. It's even possible that someone else created it in his name as a prank.

The key point is that someone appears to really enjoy playing head games. Seems like it runs in the family.
momtective.....have you heard of a DEBROAH or michael G in this mess?
:no: where are they coming into play?

a couple of churchs Licence's in tacoma.....

i just wanted to make sure.....thats all....dont need to drag people in this if they are not in this.....im going to delete my post then....
It seems like the last wk. has brought out much information, more than what we have had to discuss in a month. The threads went dormant and now it's kickin! It would be nice to slueth so many topics comming out of this wk. Like understanding LE jargon, looking into others who LE has referred to as a series of individuals, search center info pics and anouncements, ect... Kimster so good at starting subjects for a thread, what'ca think? Would this make for a more accesible way to slueth? I have no clue but think this case is going to gain speed.
how do we get the info on what other SW have been done? is that public info?
It seems like the last wk. has brought out much information, more than what we have had to discuss in a month. The threads went dormant and now it's kickin! It would be nice to slueth so many topics comming out of this wk. Like understanding LE jargon, looking into others who LE has referred to as a series of individuals, search center info pics and anouncements, ect... Kimster so good at starting subjects for a thread, what'ca think? Would this make for a more accesible way to slueth? I have no clue but think this case is going to gain speed.

Funny you said this because I was thinking about a search center thread this morning! I'll do that one...feel free to open any other topics, too! :)
So.. that is pretty much proof positive THAT is her husband we were looking at last night and he was convicted of molestation 3 and did some "time" for it. WOW!

Have to wonder if DD knew about this and if not.. how she feels now about all of this. I have a feeling she was taken advantage of terribly.

Hi SadlyMistaken, Possibly she knew but me thinks she would file it under 'dirty laundry' as it has nothing to do with Lindsey's case. That is my opinion. Gee, and I was going to ask what he does for a living :angel:
how do we get the info on what other SW have been done? is that public info?

Hi Note, They should be of public record unless they are sealed. I thought I read about another SW but can't remember what it was. :waitasec:

I think I'll call the court house in Montesano and see what I can find out before I go to work. xox

ETA: OK, I finally got to the District Court and spoke with the gal there. She told me there have been several SW's issued in the case and some were very early on.

She couldn't tell me the # of SW's or what they were for {although she did mention cell phone} but said anyone can make a statement in writing to the Court and then will be allowed by appointment to come in and view each SW as they are of public record.

Do we have a taker? LOL I just live kind of far away ;}
Was it ever determined who the person was who told JB to go home after the fight about the bike?
Hey, breathe everyone. I know, some people are deliberately being deceptive, trying to cover their butts, and then throwing gauntlets at us.
HOWEVER, we are the bigger people working the better system, on the best site in the world. Let's not stoop.
What we need to do is focus on Lindsey and how angry people that have been proven to lie in the past should be scrutinized very carefully as far as a connection to Lindsey's disappearance. If we get blinded by anger and drama, we will lose sight of Lindsey. She deserves better.
thank you!

do you think she will exsplain more with out.....umm...going against TOS rules? because i do not know how to read charts.....:banghead:

Snipped from Tuba's Post; The astros are not idle. Soulscape and I have been studying certain hombres around and in the round up. We've found some disturbing connections to the event chart for Lindsey's disappearance and to her natal and progressed planets. Professional ethics and WS guidelines both prevent our naming names at this time.

I think this was just a head's up post to let us know they are working behind the scene's but are not able to post the results of what they see, at least for now.
I don't eat bannanas and even looking at a primate makes me itchy so will have to pass. My heart/thoughts/prayers go out to every honest sleuther who is actively working to find Lindsey either onsite in McCleary search centre/blogs/behind the scenes.

Has anybody seen this face at any of the search centres for Lindsey? If not, I will bring the picture down asap - will not identify the person - just fishing to see if this is who I think it is.

There were a lot of people there on Saturday and I did not look them all over. I know that in my searches, this person has never been on my team. Jvk, Destiny, Breanna or JenO would be the ones to ask as they have been in contact with almost anyone involved in the searches.
Elepher do you have comments about WW? I posted earlier about starting a list, initials with a vague description. Could we put it in the Key Player thread?
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