POI - Dale Golder - #2

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Knox you know I can't link to this and can only share what was said to me. The newspaper was an older Daily World discussing the case. It was stated that it was in the top of the garbage in a wastebasket. The supposed news papers were old in stacks for the burn barrel but there were burn bands causing them to not get burned. I'm thinking the investigation may be leaning towards this family or their son knowing others who may be involved. I haven't seen anyone trying to find out who DG's friends are in town or surrounding towns. Were any intown buddies at the barbeque to support an alibi for DG or themselves? DG's lived there for along time and must have had friends in town to hang with. Maybe those friends were the informants or part of the crime. Also it was said that the *advertiser censored* rags were also stacked at the abandon property and they were 1970's playboy, penthouse. The family as it was told to me told the peace officer to keep everything as the items were ready for the dump. :waitasec: Remember the source wasn't forthright with me before the SW. :innocent:

Hi Karen, I think I know your source and believe if it is her she was certainly prejudiced in favor of the Golder family. Some RUMORS say this site owner was a relative or friend of TG. I don't think that is true, but do believe she got a lot of info thrown at her, some of which was true and the rest what the Golders wanted out there to throw suspicion away from their family.

I think this might be the same gal who put out there the witness who saw Lindsey was in fear if it came out what she saw or learned that evening. Something like that in meaning, not exact. It may also be a RUMOR, but it did start many of us thinking about the neighbors from KK's down to the Beehive and any connection they might have to any players in the case.

And the reason is KK said a lady {friend} was visiting her friend who lived a few doors down from KK when she witnessed the fight and sent Josh home. And she was the same person who saw Lindsey walking home. I would love to know what she saw and think if we could make a connection on Maple to Dale everything would start to come together. IMO IMO & IMO lol
From that same article referenced by SarahC above. I did not notice the mention of "Newspaper Articles" before. I wonder if that mean's the articles were cut out of the paper or just that the newspaper's themselves were saved? Who saved them? I guess TG could have been saving them for later reference, but if they were found in DG's room; remember the statement in the PCA about his obsession with the case. Not to mention, re-reading the articles and looking at pictures of Lindsey could serve as a way to reconnect/relive a moment.

"The receipts list computers, cameras, marijuana, children’s clothing, a .22 caliber rifle, used condoms, a sex toy, paperwork and records, bedding materials, vacuum filters, newspaper articles about Lindsey’s disappearance and dozens of other items."

Wouldn't you think 'newspaper articles' would imply they had been cut out of the paper? That's how I would read that ;}
Hi Karen, I think I know your source and believe if it is her she was certainly prejudiced in favor of the Golder family. Some RUMORS say this site owner was a relative or friend of TG. I don't think that is true, but do believe she got a lot of info thrown at her, some of which was true and the rest what the Golders wanted out there to throw suspicion away from their family.

I think this might be the same gal who put out there the witness who saw Lindsey was in fear if it came out what she saw or learned that evening. Something like that in meaning, not exact. It may also be a RUMOR, but it did start many of us thinking about the neighbors from KK's down to the Beehive and any connection they might have to any players in the case.

And the reason is KK said a lady {friend} was visiting her friend who lived a few doors down from KK when she witnessed the fight and sent Josh home. And she was the same person who saw Lindsey walking home. I would love to know what she saw and think if we could make a connection on Maple to Dale everything would start to come together. IMO IMO & IMO lol
Scandi I think I know who your refering to as a source. I'm stuck in the middle with you! My info came from TG on Fri. and Sat of the SW. I was in a position of stop, look and listen to her as my mind was saying this is unreal and how did I get involved and for what purpose?
Scandi I think I know who your refering to as a source. I'm stuck in the middle with you! My info came from TG on Fri. and Sat of the SW. I was in a position of stop, look and listen to her as my mind was saying this is unreal and how did I get involved and for what purpose?

I understand, and she was a woman on a mission from what I've read. I sure wish we would learn something new from LE! I'm ready Kagey! :D
Before I read all the posts, I am making a suggestion - this guy drives his sporty car with the loud mufflers all over town all the time. Did anyone hear his car? Is it possible that he was stoned/drunk - whatever and hit LB with his car by accident, then scooped her up and hid her? This idea rather than abduction/rape/murder is offered only because the incident 9 years ago seems to have been isolated - he hasn't been in any trouble with the law. (I assume or we would know about it)
Anyone remember which member has the photobucket account with pictures, think the account name
was crankycrankerson?
Thanks Jen, do you recall what her WS screen name is? Want to ask her a question.
Before I read all the posts, I am making a suggestion - this guy drives his sporty car with the loud mufflers all over town all the time. Did anyone hear his car? Is it possible that he was stoned/drunk - whatever and hit LB with his car by accident, then scooped her up and hid her? This idea rather than abduction/rape/murder is offered only because the incident 9 years ago seems to have been isolated - he hasn't been in any trouble with the law. (I assume or we would know about it)

Could be! Perhaps he was trying to scare her a little with his big, noisy car and lost control of it while trying to maneuver it around her.

Could be! Perhaps he was trying to scare her a little with his big, noisy car and lost control of it while trying to maneuver it around her.

Hi Track, I think if that had happened there would have been an obvious crime scene. Tire tracks, body fluids, fibres and maybe a slip on shoe. We haven't heard that. And this is possibly one reason LE believes Lindsey knew her abductor and got into his vehicle willingly. IMO xox
Before I read all the posts, I am making a suggestion - this guy drives his sporty car with the loud mufflers all over town all the time. Did anyone hear his car? Is it possible that he was stoned/drunk - whatever and hit LB with his car by accident, then scooped her up and hid her? This idea rather than abduction/rape/murder is offered only because the incident 9 years ago seems to have been isolated - he hasn't been in any trouble with the law. (I assume or we would know about it)
But the SWs included DG's noisy white sports car, and they'd have found evidence of something like that, both inside and outside the car. Perhaps another car was involved. I doubt DG cruises mainstreet McCleary alone, since the whole point to that sport is 'seeing and being seen'. Who else 'cruises'?
I joined this site after Jessica Lunsford went missing. Day after day I read the blogs and followed news on that investigation. After all was said and done, Jessica's body was found within 300 feet of her home. It was concluded Jessica was probably still alive and hidden, unconscious in the perp's residence when LE was conducting house-to-house searches the first few days.

That surprised me, and emphasized a fact that many abductors are either known to the victim, or the abductor knows the victim without reciprocation.

The circumstances surrounding Lindsey's disappearance that evening:
  • She walks from her home with her brother and friends to a friend's house
  • Their goal is to determine if Lindsey will be allowed to sleep over
  • Along the way, a neighbor sends her brother away from the group during a squabble with Lindsey, and possibly with others in the group
  • The group, minus one, continues to the friend's house
  • 15 minutes transpires during when the group learns Lindsey is not allowed to sleep over
  • The father of the friend sends Lindsey on her way, as it is getting late
  • The group leaves, minus the friend who lives at the house, it is 9:15 pm
  • One friend accompanies Lindsey at least part of the way back to her house
  • It is not reported to which direction the friend leaves from Lindsey
  • A neighbor on her way to work reports seeing Lindsey walking home
  • It is not reported if the neighbor is driving or walking or passes directly by Lindsey or talks to her
  • It is not reported if the neighbor indicates the friend was still with Lindsey
  • It is not reported if the neighbor sees Lindsey walking in the direction to her home
  • It is not reported if surveillance camera recordings yield relevant images
  • Lindsey disappears, assumedly between 6th St and her house, three line-of-sight blocks away
  • Lindsey's mother becomes concerned when Lindsey does not return home by 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Lindsey's mother begins searching for Lindsey, taking their German Shepherd with her
  • The German Shepherd is allowed to roam free from its leash with the intent of tracking Lindsey
  • It is not reported how the German Shepherd reacts during the search nor to where it roams
  • It is not reported if any persons initially accompany her on the search
  • It is not reported if Lindsey's mother encounters anyone or anything while she is searching
  • It is not reported if Lindsey's mother knocks on neighbors doors to inquire
  • It is not reported in which directions and how far Lindsey's mother searches
  • It is not reported if neighbor(s) assist Lindsey's mother in the search
  • Lindsey's mother contacts police at 10:45 pm
  • It is not reported if Lindsey's mother first returns home to make the call or uses a cell phone while outside the house or uses some other phone to contact police
  • LE does not trigger Amber Alert because Lindsey's mother can not prove or otherwise emphatically state Lindsey is an abductee
  • LE triggers CANS (Missing Endangered)
  • It is not reported if searches reveal absolute clues
  • It is not reported if storm drains or manholes are searched
  • LE performs forensic search of Lindsey's computer hard drive
  • Lindsey's Facebook entry is reported, includes comments regarding "nightmares" and "something bad is going to happen"
  • Lindsey's mother reports Lindsey is upset about her parents divorcing but otherwise is a happy, outgoing, talkative child
  • Thee months transpire with no reported clues progress
  • Search Warrant is issued for a local person and associated properties
  • It is reported that interviews lead LE to the local
  • Search Warrant is served
  • Local denies wrong-doing, threatens to sue LE
  • Local reports what LE removed from properties
  • It is reported the interviews reveal local's driving habits changed after Lindsey disappeared
  • It is reported the local was accused of attempted rape of a minor when the local also was a minor in 2000
  • It is not reported if local was involved with other criminally-related behavior
  • It is reported local was suspended from work on various occasions for misbehavior
  • One of the suspensions occurs during before and when Lindsey disappears
  • Communication records regarding local are different from normal behavior during when Lindsey disappears
  • It is reported the local and local's girl-friend have Facebook accounts
  • .......... to be continued
I hope my list is accurate, please feel free to correct as necessary!

Is this a crime of opportunity or of planning? The following questions are based on my random thoughts:

  • How could a perp know Lindsey would be walking home (at some point, alone) that evening?
  • How long was this planned?
  • How often did the perp sit in a vehicle or otherwise hide, remaining undetected?
  • Does the street now appear to be different?
  • Which vehicle(s) no longer park there?
  • Which vehicle(s) was parked there? For days on end?
  • How often did the perp watch from their home window, waiting for an opportunity?
  • From where does the perp travel to the scene of the crime?
  • How does the perp travel? Van? Car? Truck? Bicycle?
  • Which neighbor seems overly helpful now?
  • Which neighbor seems not to help enough now?
  • Has anyone recently returned from a trip?
  • Has anyone recently left on a trip?
  • Has anyone (adult) befriended Lindsey/Brother/Other children beyond what was typical before the disappearance?
  • Has anyone become closer with the family before or after the disappearance?
  • Has a neighbor recently become ill or otherwise changed behavior after the disappearance?
  • Is anything missing from Lindsey's bedroom, before or after the disappearance?
  • Did Lindsey leave on her own? I include this only to be complete.
I suspect the perp might be patient. Not dramatic, is low-key. Softspoken. Unobtrusive. Either blends in or blends out, depending on if they are a member of the community or are from elsewhere.

I want to mention the March 2009 disapearance of Nancy Moyer from Tenino, WA, only 35 miles from McCleary, WA. I know there are other WA disappearances but I am not familiar with those cases / locations and how they might or might not be relevant.

It's just that ... the Tenino case being so close to the McCleary case makes me think outside the box: is there a serial killer in the area?
Great work! Your post sure is beneficial to keeping the threads open! :)
Nice work ChuckMaureen.... :dance:

I just question this part.. Was there another person with Lindsey when she left?

The group leaves, minus the friend who lives at the house, it is 9:15 pm
One friend accompanies Lindsey at least part of the way back to her house
It is not reported to which direction the friend leaves from Lindsey
ChuckMaureen super post by the way !
I really don't think this was planned. What I do believe is that this person did know Lindsey's movement's..exp..Knowing she walked back and forth frequently from her friends home probally because she walked by this area. I think this person by chance came upon her walking along and took advantage of the situation.
One of the main things that sticks out for me with DaleG is his comment made to his friend about " Lindsey being kidnapped and dismembered " well before LE even had reported that they believed she had been kidnapped. Also the fact that his cell phone use changed from the norm that night..to me those two things stick out like a sore thumb...JMO of course
I joined this site after Jessica Lunsford went missing. Day after day I read the blogs and followed news on that investigation. After all was said and done, Jessica's body was found within 300 feet of her home. It was concluded Jessica was probably still alive and hidden, unconscious in the perp's residence when LE was conducting house-to-house searches the first few days.

That surprised me, and emphasized a fact that many abductors are either known to the victim, or the abductor knows the victim without reciprocation.

The circumstances surrounding Lindsey's disappearance that evening:
  • She walks from her home with her brother and friends to a friend's house
  • Their goal is to determine if Lindsey will be allowed to sleep over
  • Along the way, a neighbor sends her brother away from the group during a squabble with Lindsey, and possibly with others in the group
  • The group, minus one, continues to the friend's house
  • 15 minutes transpires during when the group learns Lindsey is not allowed to sleep over
  • The father of the friend sends Lindsey on her way, as it is getting late
  • The group leaves, minus the friend who lives at the house, it is 9:15 pm
  • One friend accompanies Lindsey at least part of the way back to her house
  • It is not reported to which direction the friend leaves from Lindsey
  • A neighbor on her way to work reports seeing Lindsey walking home
  • It is not reported if the neighbor is driving or walking or passes directly by Lindsey or talks to her
  • It is not reported if the neighbor indicates the friend was still with Lindsey
  • It is not reported if the neighbor sees Lindsey walking in the direction to her home
  • It is not reported if surveillance camera recordings yield relevant images
  • Lindsey disappears, assumedly between 6th St and her house, three line-of-sight blocks away
  • Lindsey's mother becomes concerned when Lindsey does not return home by 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Lindsey's mother begins searching for Lindsey, taking their German Shepherd with her
  • The German Shepherd is allowed to roam free from its leash with the intent of tracking Lindsey
  • It is not reported how the German Shepherd reacts during the search nor to where it roams
  • It is not reported if any persons initially accompany her on the search
  • It is not reported if Lindsey's mother encounters anyone or anything while she is searching
  • It is not reported if Lindsey's mother knocks on neighbors doors to inquire
  • It is not reported in which directions and how far Lindsey's mother searches
  • It is not reported if neighbor(s) assist Lindsey's mother in the search
  • Lindsey's mother contacts police at 10:45 pm
  • It is not reported if Lindsey's mother first returns home to make the call or uses a cell phone while outside the house or uses some other phone to contact police
  • LE does not trigger Amber Alert because Lindsey's mother can not prove or otherwise emphatically state Lindsey is an abductee
  • LE triggers CANS (Missing Endangered)
  • It is not reported if searches reveal absolute clues
  • It is not reported if storm drains or manholes are searched
  • LE performs forensic search of Lindsey's computer hard drive
  • Lindsey's Facebook entry is reported, includes comments regarding "nightmares" and "something bad is going to happen"
  • Lindsey's mother reports Lindsey is upset about her parents divorcing but otherwise is a happy, outgoing, talkative child
  • Thee months transpire with no reported clues progress
  • Search Warrant is issued for a local person and associated properties
  • It is reported that interviews lead LE to the local
  • Search Warrant is served
  • Local denies wrong-doing, threatens to sue LE
  • Local reports what LE removed from properties
  • It is reported the interviews reveal local's driving habits changed after Lindsey disappeared
  • It is reported the local was accused of attempted rape of a minor when the local also was a minor in 2000
  • It is not reported if local was involved with other criminally-related behavior
  • It is reported local was suspended from work on various occasions for misbehavior
  • One of the suspensions occurs during before and when Lindsey disappears
  • Communication records regarding local are different from normal behavior during when Lindsey disappears
  • It is reported the local and local's girl-friend have Facebook accounts
  • .......... to be continued
I hope my list is accurate, please feel free to correct as necessary!

Is this a crime of opportunity or of planning? The following questions are based on my random thoughts:

  • How could a perp know Lindsey would be walking home (at some point, alone) that evening?
  • How long was this planned?
  • How often did the perp sit in a vehicle or otherwise hide, remaining undetected?
  • Does the street now appear to be different?
  • Which vehicle(s) no longer park there?
  • Which vehicle(s) was parked there? For days on end?
  • How often did the perp watch from their home window, waiting for an opportunity?
  • From where does the perp travel to the scene of the crime?
  • How does the perp travel? Van? Car? Truck? Bicycle?
  • Which neighbor seems overly helpful now?
  • Which neighbor seems not to help enough now?
  • Has anyone recently returned from a trip?
  • Has anyone recently left on a trip?
  • Has anyone (adult) befriended Lindsey/Brother/Other children beyond what was typical before the disappearance?
  • Has anyone become closer with the family before or after the disappearance?
  • Has a neighbor recently become ill or otherwise changed behavior after the disappearance?
  • Is anything missing from Lindsey's bedroom, before or after the disappearance?
  • Did Lindsey leave on her own? I include this only to be complete.
I suspect the perp might be patient. Not dramatic, is low-key. Softspoken. Unobtrusive. Either blends in or blends out, depending on if they are a member of the community or are from elsewhere.

I want to mention the March 2009 disapearance of Nancy Moyer from Tenino, WA, only 35 miles from McCleary, WA. I know there are other WA disappearances but I am not familiar with those cases / locations and how they might or might not be relevant.

It's just that ... the Tenino case being so close to the McCleary case makes me think outside the box: is there a serial killer in the area?
Great work!
Nice work ChuckMaureen.... :dance:

I just question this part.. Was there another person with Lindsey when she left?
  • The group leaves, minus the friend who lives at the house, it is 9:15 pm
  • One friend accompanies Lindsey at least part of the way back to her house
  • It is not reported to which direction the friend leaves from Lindsey

LORI5050: do you mean when Lindsey left the friend's house? Yes. It is reported one of her friends walked with Lindsey at least part way. This might have been no more than a 'courtesy walk' of fifty feet from the other friend's front door, or it might have been more significant, such as a block or slightly farther. It is not clarified if a neighbor witnessed seeing the courtesy-walk or if the courtesy-walk friend was interviewed or reported seeing anyone / anything at that time. It could be that residents or visitors at the friend's house stated a friend 'walked part way' with Lindsey just to lessen the impact of the fact they let Lindsey walk home alone.

The friend's father, Scott Williams, said he asked Lindsey to go home before it got too dark.

"She was here 10, 15 minutes, and then, you know, we said, 'You should probably get going before it gets dark,' and that was the last we heard of her," he said.
Witnesses say Lindsey seemed normal as she headed out around 9:15. Another friend even walked her part of the way, but Lindsey never showed up at her home.
The above news story quote may be found here:


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