POI - Dale Golder - #2

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scandi, correct (but remember.. you can lie about your age on MS. So until someone finds a birthdate I would be careful what is posted)
MikeB in that photo you took of Foreman Road, did you see any commercial trucks or trailers, cargo vans, etc. on the property? Something to indicate someone is in the trucking business?

When I'm taking pictures I don't notice a lot about what is down there. But I will have lots more pictures before the day is over. You can see for yourself. But I have to go walk dogs now.
scandi, correct (but remember.. you can lie about your age on MS. So until someone finds a birthdate I would be careful what is posted)

he did join the Army....so i would think he would at least be 18?

you can join though at 17 with parent permission though....but that doesnt happen to often...:)
they like them to at least try and finish school....:)
Could be through blood relations. You know....DG's family relations. Noticed a maiden name of Vaughn in there somewhere. Also thought I saw some Vaughn MS pages in pretty prominent places. Maybe They're ALL related......
O/T here because the SS thread is in the basement and I want to send this message on the public forum just in case..........

SS, I DO miss you! Please write and let us know you are okay! {{{HUGS}}}
he did join the Army....so i would think he would at least be 18?

you can join though at 17 with parent permission though....but that doesnt happen to often...:)
they like them to at least try and finish school....:)

You must graduate from highschool now in order to be in the military. No grad.. no contract (that's a sticky situation to get into)

My son joined the NG at the age of 17 (junior year of highschool) with permission from his father and I. He went to basic training between his junior and senior years and went to advance training just after graduation.

But, AG had to be 18 to volunteer at the searches in Sept. So.. I would say that he is not a minor.
scandi, correct (but remember.. you can lie about your age on MS. So until someone finds a birthdate I would be careful what is posted)

Yea Jennifer, I agree. I thought we first heard he was 16.

Dern, I have to go to the office but will see you guys later this afternoon.

Was holding on to this but here it is:


  • Birthdate.jpg
    72.2 KB · Views: 111
Plus in the Affidavit it says many of the staff and residents knew who she was as she often walked past the Center to and from the Camdan house.

Thanks Scandi! I thought the affidavit referenced a possible Lindsey connection with the Beehive.

The 19 yo brother to DG has 2 ms pages. One of them for location says wish it was Fort Knox. I am thinking he is still home.
The 19 yo brother to DG has 2 ms pages. One of them for location says wish it was Fort Knox. I am thinking he is still home.

I believe the one who didn't make weight so was therefore not deployed on time was the son of the lady who posted angry msgs on SC and DG ms pages. I believe that son is also the one who made the Walters name comment and may have initials TT.

*(I was wrong about this - the one who didn't make weight according to TT was AG.)
Hi -- and thanks so much for your great and informative responses to my questions!

I have two more questions -- who is AG? Sounds like he may be Dale Golder's brother...is that right? How old is he?

And re: the Beehive. What kind of a job did DG have there? Interesting that Lindsey used to hang out there.

Also wanted to say I noticed upthread that DG camped/partied in the Capitol Forest, and that's where the fire occurred very shortly after Lindsey disappeared. Just a thought! And MOO.

Thanks, again! Very interesting about not deploying....
So what are the thoughts/questions we have about Dale's 19 yo brother AG?

He went on one of the Lindsey searches
He didn't or hasn't deployed yet
He is the 4th adult in the Golder home
Does he have a connection to Lindsey?
So what are the thoughts/questions we have about Dale's 19 yo brother AG?

He went on one of the Lindsey searches
He didn't or hasn't deployed yet
He is the 4th adult in the Golder home
Does he have a connection to Lindsey?

So it's AG who may or may not be deployed, not DG?
I see where you are going with this...eww..but wouldn't his shoulder be raised just because he is holding up his arm holding the camera? 50-50 on that one..

I honestly believe there is no nastiness to this picture, that is what they do to get the right shot, usually girls tho.... only with cell phones I have noticed as well.

Mark your calenders because I don't think I will defend his actions again, but I just call em as I see em.
He went on one of the Lindsey searches = yes, confirmed by JVK
He didn't or hasn't deployed yet = not deployed yet as far as we know
He is the 4th adult in the Golder home = yes we believe this to be true
Does he have a connection to Lindsey? = none that we know of right now
I believe the one who didn't make weight so was therefore not deployed on time was the son of the lady who posted angry msgs on SC and DG ms pages. I believe that son is also the one who made the Walters name comment and may have initials TT.

TT said her son was Long gone before Lindsey went missing....that is why she was upset....becaue there was some talk about the two boys leaving for the army right after Lindsey went missing
Here's a paraphrase of what was posted at D.G.'s ms page on Oct 3. Remember, this is not a quotation, just what was said in different words.

T.T. is what I am called by posters. I am really angry at you curiosity seekers out there.
My son did not take off just after Lindsey vanished; he went away on Jan 1. He was near Mosul on June 26, so quit telling lies. A.G. had been scheduled to go with the military in July, but he was out of the allowed weight range. We should be focusing on Lindsey!

6 hours later:
Perhaps you could re-read the comment below more carefully and then edit what's on pg 63 or 64 where you discuss TT's DS. For the past few years, my DS has belonged to the military. You're idiots!

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