POI - Dale Golder - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
From Jules 71 post #4

A little more detail here...

6/7-6/27 Suspended from working at Youth Camp
6/26 12pm – 9:26pm 50+ calls/txts TO SC
6/26 9:30pm Lindsey missing
6/26 10pm Someone spotted DG’s car near Beehive
SC also states he had to go to work at 10

6/27 1:11am & 6:12am Incoming call from SC, then call out to?
6/28 Returned to work at Youth Camp
7/16 Drove to Ellensburg
7/16-7/20 SC stayed in McCleary with DG
7/31 “just after midnight” At work (Beehive) stopped by LE for following MB
8/26 or 8/27 Interviewed by LE? And seen at shop by tomato man

{bolded and I by me}

--According to the time-line Lindsey was last seen 9:15 - 9:30p -

--Did person reporting DG's car SEE or HEAR the car at 10:00p (loud muffler)

--There is 30 -45min from the time Lindsey was last seen at 9:15-9:30p and DG being seen/heard at 10P.

guess it doesn't make sense to me that DG would stay around the crime scene for 30- 45min. An area where he would be known and identified.

If he did this - wondering why he would be so confident in this abduction? Could he have taken Lindsey into an apt. at the Beehive and not be seen? Is there an area around that would ensure him privacy? Was he seen/heard leaving the area? And if he drove away with Lindsey - what did he do for the 30-45 min.? Any ideas????? TIA
A little more detail here...

6/7-6/27 Suspended from working at Youth Camp
6/26 12pm – 9:26pm 50+ calls/txts TO SC
6/26 9:30pm Lindsey missing
6/26 10pm Someone spotted DG’s car near Beehive
SC also states he had to go to work at 10

6/27 1:11am & 6:12am Incoming call from SC, then call out to?
6/28 Returned to work at Youth Camp
7/16 Drove to Ellensburg
7/16-7/20 SC stayed in McCleary with DG
7/31 “just after midnight” At work (Beehive) stopped by LE for following MB
8/26 or 8/27 Interviewed by LE? And seen at shop by tomato man

From Jules 71 post #4

{bolded and I by me}

--According to the time-line Lindsey was last seen 9:15 - 9:30p -

--Did person reporting DG's car SEE or HEAR the car at 10:00p (loud muffler)

--There is 30 -45min from the time Lindsey was last seen at 9:15-9:30p and DG being seen/heard at 10P.

guess it doesn't make sense to me that DG would stay around the crime scene for 30- 45min. An area where he would be known and identified.

If he did this - wondering why he would be so confident in this abduction? Could he have taken Lindsey into an apt. at the Beehive and not be seen? Is there an area around that would ensure him privacy? Was he seen/heard leaving the area? And if he drove away with Lindsey - what did he do for the 30-45 min.? Any ideas????? TIA

SW states Mentes told investigators he SAW a small white sportscar with loud exhaust.
SW states Mentes told investigators he SAW a small white sportscar with loud exhaust.

That 10P sighting is driving me crazy!!!! What did he do for 30-45 minutes? :banghead:
Onto the #2 thread... RE: The photo...

The property on the right? DG's? What's with that huge hole in the ground? (creepy) And...look at all the car tracks that lead into the dense woods. Can searches be done around these properties?
That 10P sighting is driving me crazy!!!! What did he do for 30-45 minutes? :banghead:

:banghead:Bet he just drove around with Lindsey in the car - may have even had a portable DVD for showing *advertiser censored* movies? :furious::banghead:

Question: If Lindsey had been inside that Honda Del Sol the night of June 26th would scent dogs still alert to her scent when the search warrants were executed on the weekend of 26th of September/09 - 3 months later?
Onto the #2 thread... RE: The photo...

The property on the right? DG's? What's with that huge hole in the ground? (creepy) And...look at all the car tracks that lead into the dense woods. Can searches be done around these properties?

At first I thought that was a hole too.. almost looks like a pond or a burned area. But then I realized it was the shadow from the tree. lol
That 10P sighting is driving me crazy!!!! What did he do for 30-45 minutes? :banghead:

Is it possible that DG and his car were already in town parked somewhere (maybe the Beehive) and if he is the perp, took Lindsey somewhere close by on foot (an apt at the Beehive), and then the 10 pm sighting of him was 'leaving' the area?
:banghead:Bet he just drove around with Lindsey in the car - may have even had a portable DVD for showing *advertiser censored* movies? :furious::banghead:

Question: If Lindsey had been inside that Honda Del Sol the night of June 26th would scent dogs still alert to her scent when the search warrants were executed on the weekend of 26th of September/09 - 3 months later?

:banghead::banghead: If he drove around with Lindsey in the car for 30 -45 min. why wasn't he seen by somebody??? Something tells me he wouldn't take the chance of driving around with Lindsey for 30-45 min before he murders her! Even if he was completely stoned...seems to me someone would have seen him. What's around that area that would conceal him?

Hopefully, LE had cadaver dogs in and around the car. Unless he washed his car out with bleach, cadaver dogs would be able to pick up a death scent. mho
:banghead::banghead: If he drove around with Lindsey in the car for 30 -45 min. why wasn't he seen by somebody??? Something tells me he wouldn't take the chance of driving around with Lindsey for 30-45 min before he murders her! Even if he was completely stoned...seems to me someone would have seen him. What's around that area that would conceal him?

Hopefully, LE had cadaver dogs in and around the car. Unless he washed his car out with bleach, cadaver dogs would be able to pick up a death scent. mho

i hope she is still here with us and not murdered
:banghead::banghead: If he drove around with Lindsey in the car for 30 -45 min. why wasn't he seen by somebody??? Something tells me he wouldn't take the chance of driving around with Lindsey for 30-45 min before he murders her! Even if he was completely stoned...seems to me someone would have seen him. What's around that area that would conceal him?

Hopefully, LE had cadaver dogs in and around the car. Unless he washed his car out with bleach, cadaver dogs would be able to pick up a death scent. mho

What time was the confirmed sighting by the unnamed person whose initials start with R who was on her way to work that night - was that a 9:45pm sighting? Where is the danged timeline - it is either you or TakeNote that has the timeline - can you point me?
Is it possible that DG and his car were already in town parked somewhere (maybe the Beehive) and if he is the perp, took Lindsey somewhere close by on foot (an apt at the Beehive), and then the 10 pm sighting of him was 'leaving' the area?

Eyes4crime, your post 41 and Jules! Very possible he took her into an empty apt! Who was it that told us the vacant apts had NOT been well searched? Was that JVK?

Is it possible that DG and his car were already in town parked somewhere (maybe the Beehive) and if he is the perp, took Lindsey somewhere close by on foot (an apt at the Beehive), and then the 10 pm sighting of him was 'leaving' the area?

My question is---How and the heck would he know to wait around for Lindsey? How did he know she would be alone? Was he waiting around near KK's house and saw Lindsey leaving alone?

Next thought: We know from his barricading the girl he babysat for that DG emotionally terrified his victim for two hours...I doubt DG would be happy with all he needed to do in 30-45 minutes. Just my opinions and thoughts
What time was the confirmed sighting by the unnamed person whose initials start with R who was on her way to work that night - was that a 9:45pm sighting? Where is the danged timeline - it is either you or TakeNote that has the timeline - can you point me?

What time did he leave that BBQ that night? 9 ish right? He ha d a girl with him at that BBQ, did he have to take her home? Wasn't that our train of thought at one point? Hence, he saw LB walking and ...
What time was the confirmed sighting by the unnamed person whose initials start with R who was on her way to work that night - was that a 9:45pm sighting? Where is the danged timeline - it is either you or TakeNote that has the timeline - can you point me?

My time line is in the Lindsey threads - it hasn't been changed for quite some time so it reflects Lindsey last seen at 9:45p. I can change it if needed. So much is still under discussion...is there a better place for the time-line? TIA
My question is---How and the heck would he know to wait around for Lindsey? How did he know she would be alone? Was he waiting around near KK's house and saw Lindsey leaving alone?

Next thought: We know from his barricading the girl he babysat for that DG emotionally terrified his victim for two hours...I doubt DG would be happy with all he needed to do in 30-45 minutes. Just my opinions and thoughts

I don't think Lindsey was the "target". I think it was a spur of the moment thing. Maybe something "he" has wanted to do for a while but never had the "perfect opportunity". Well Lindseys situation became that "perfect moment" on June 26 and he took it. It could have been Lindsey, MK or any other child in McCleary that night.

Maybe the reason he told SC he had to go to work that night was he planned to spend some time with the girl from the BBQ. Can't have the GF calling when you're trying to get to third base with another girl right? Girl turned down his advances, said to take her home. DG disappointed at the lack of scoring with bbq girl, see's LB walking alone.
What time did he leave that BBQ that night? 9 ish right? He ha d a girl with him at that BBQ, did he have to take her home? Wasn't that our train of thought at one point? Hence, he saw LB walking and ...

Hi Knox: I don't have any idea when DG left the BBQ - was a time ever mentioned? Are we sure he was even there? How do we know DG had a girl with him? TIA
What time did he leave that BBQ that night? 9 ish right? He ha d a girl with him at that BBQ, did he have to take her home? Wasn't that our train of thought at one point? Hence, he saw LB walking and ...

Yes, Knox we were exploring this idea at one time. Another thought is that he just went to cruise around. From the witnesses in the SW, it sounds as if DG spent a lot of time, just cruising. My thought is that he just got an opportunity. I don't think she was being stalked at the time.

Hi Knox: I don't have any idea when DG left the BBQ - was a time ever mentioned? Are we sure he was even there? How do we know DG had a girl with him? TIA

I'm not Knox, hope you don't mind. It is in the probable cause affidavit. Neighbor says he was at BBQ with girl. Left around 9:00 p.m.

Maybe the reason he told SC he had to go to work that night was he planned to spend some time with the girl from the BBQ. Can't have the GF calling when you're trying to get to third base with another girl right? Girl turned down his advances, said to take her home. DG disappointed at the lack of scoring with bbq girl, see's LB walking alone.

that sounds possible! He's nothing but a .. :loser:

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