POI: Michael Pak

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here's to YOU ps149

You can shine your shoes and wear a suit
You can comb your hair and look quite cute
You can hide your face behind a smile
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

You can wear a mask and paint your face
You can call yourself the human race
You can wear a collar and a tie
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Well, now you know that your cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself but you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun, mama take a look outside

You can go to church and sing a hymn
You can judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Well, now you know that your cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself but you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun, mama take a look outside

You can go to church and sing a hymn
You can judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Do you eat them Mockingbirds after you kill them?

Me thinks they might not be too healthy for the brain cells.
Do you eat them Mockingbirds after you kill them?

Me thinks they might not be too healthy for the brain cells.

I think for once, ps149 and I can agree on something! It's a Christmas miracle!
here's to YOU ps149

You can shine your shoes and wear a suit
You can comb your hair and look quite cute
You can hide your face behind a smile
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

You can wear a mask and paint your face
You can call yourself the human race
You can wear a collar and a tie
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Well, now you know that your cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself but you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun, mama take a look outside

You can go to church and sing a hymn
You can judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Well, now you know that your cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself but you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun, mama take a look outside

You can go to church and sing a hymn
You can judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Respectfully, I wouldn't imagine LE contacting a sleuther for information on leads gleaned via their sleuthing. LE DOES read the forums...at least, here in Chicago, they do, when monitoring a case. Bur insofar as actually contacting them? I doubt it. MOO and all that jazz.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2


Imagine it. I've worked 2 cases where WSers I know and respect have been contacted by LE.

Just saying.
I find it curious that there is a story that CPH allegedly 'treated' SG and turned her over to MP. This seems the basis for John Ray's wrongful death suit.

I have been told by some sleuthers that MP is cooperative and accessible, I then ask what is MP's opinion on these questions?

MP did you take SG from CPH after he treated her?

MP did you have any contact with CPH that night?

What was the nature and content of your discussion with CPH when you returned to allegedly search for SG two days after her disappearance?

MP if what CPH has supposedly implied, you killed SG because you were the last to have seen her alive, after CPH turned SG over to you?

Either CPH is telling the truth about you, and therefore you are in deep sh-t
Or CPH never said these things, or someone is trying to throw you under the bus.

All this time you have been very quiet, acting like you know nothing. CPH implies you know a lot.

What is it MP, are you clueless, unable to keep track of your one client SG that night, or is their more that you are not sharing?

MP realize if you do not get in front of this story, you will be the fall guy for CPH.

Waiting to explain yourself at a trial maybe too late.


As you seem to have a lot of knowledge about Oak Beach and many of the individuals involved in the SG death. I am curious to know your feelings about MP. Is he just an incompetent driver/bodyguard who could not protect his client SG?


Do you think MP is involved at a much more sinister level and likely exclusively responsible for SG's death?


As you seem to have a lot of knowledge about Oak Beach and many of the individuals involved in the SG death. I am curious to know your feelings about MP. Is he just an incompetent driver/bodyguard who could not protect his client SG?


Do you think MP is involved at a much more sinister level and likely exclusively responsible for SG's death?


What's his motive to be more than an incompetent driver? As SG's driver he was making money with her alive. What does he gain from her being dead? It would have to be a substatial payout for him to be sinisterly evil.

As you seem to have a lot of knowledge about Oak Beach and many of the individuals involved in the SG death. I am curious to know your feelings about MP. Is he just an incompetent driver/bodyguard who could not protect his client SG?


Do you think MP is involved at a much more sinister level and likely exclusively responsible for SG's death?

Stating that there are individuals involved in the SG death sorta implies that she was murdered and I am not prepared to take that plunge without some solid proof that her cause of death was intentional.

As for MP, there was a statement from a detective who was once part of the investigation where he states that he had the opportunity to interview one of SG's former drivers. That former driver gave confirmation that he witnessed SG running from residences of some of her other clients screaming bloody paranoia much in the same fashion as she did running from JB's home. Just sayin', this has all the ingredients of MP being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

-He had no motive to kill her.

-He knew she was already on the phone with 911 tellin' them that she was in danger. Do you really think he would then kill her after she just broadcasted to the police that she was in danger?

-She was a valuable cash source for him. No use to him dead.

-When he drove in the community he could not help but to notice the security cameras. Just being in that gated community I bet made him nervous. All he wanted to do was get in, get out and get paid.

-He returned with her boyfriend the next day to search for her when he learned that she never made it home. He was concerned (probably not so much for her as much as for the way it made him look guilty leavin' her there the day before).

There are just too many reasons pointing away from MP being responsible. But if you are sold on the idea that he was, then you can bet that the story about SG getting pulled into a truck would probably be true then and he could have returned months later to dump her body off of the side of the parkway without ever entering Oak Beach. -That would make more sense than a CPH/MP conspiracy theory.

Imagine it. I've worked 2 cases where WSers I know and respect have been contacted by LE.

Just saying.

I work in the criminal justice system. I have a decent grasp of the intricacies of working through cases and I've been doing it for a loooong time.

I never stated that they wouldn't CONTACT a WSer. I stated that they would not SEARCH for leads from a WSer. That's not how it works. They would not PM a member here and ask for leads. If you have a link to information that counters this, I would like to see it, as it would be a violation of the policies and procedures of any governmental agency.

Clarifying: They would definitely ask for more information on information gleaned from a Web posting. Although they'd likely just include the thread information from WS in their case notebook (see the Maura Murray case for a citation thereof, where WS thread was included in discovery motion). They essentially take the information they obtain through various sites such as this, and they use their databases to obtain further information on any points of interest. Were a particular poster to have knowledge first-hand, and post of such - well, of course they would be contacted. But LE investigates...they don't simply email WSers and say 'what do you think'? MOO

Respectfully, all of our opinions and varying levels of knowledge on certain subjects are appreciated and valued here at WS, but we do have to cite our statements of fact.
I work in the criminal justice system. I have a decent grasp of the intricacies of working through cases and I've been doing it for a loooong time.

I never stated that they wouldn't CONTACT a WSer. I stated that they would not SEARCH for leads from a WSer. That's not how it works. They would not PM a member here and ask for leads. If you have a link to information that counters this, I would like to see it, ****as it would be a violation of the policies and procedures of any governmental agency. ****

:what: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: sorry--had to do it

Respectfully, so is corruption, witness tampering, running drug and prostitution rings, running security for them, falsifying reports, planting evidence etc..--luckily that NEVER happens cuz it's against policies and procedures

but, to be fair, ty for adding your clarifying part of your response( i will add below)

Clarifying: They would definitely ask for more information on information gleaned from a Web posting. Although they'd likely just include the thread information from WS in their case notebook (see the Maura Murray case for a citation thereof, where WS thread was included in discovery motion). They essentially take the information they obtain through various sites such as this, and they use their databases to obtain further information on any points of interest. Were a particular poster to have knowledge first-hand, and post of such - well, of course they would be contacted. But LE investigates...they don't simply email WSers and say 'what do you think'? MOO

Respectfully, all of our opinions and varying levels of knowledge on certain subjects are appreciated and valued here at WS, but we do have to cite our statements of fact.

I'll give you that
:what: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: sorry--had to do it

so is corruption, witness tampering, running drug and prostitution rings, running security for them, falsifying reports, planting evidence etc..--luckily that NEVER happens cuz it's against policies and procedures

but, to be fair, ty for adding your clarifying part of your response( i will add below)

Do you have a link or any form of verification that any WSer was contacted by ANY LE for a lead on a case? For a lead.

I'd love to see it.. .

Otherwise, it's just an opinion. And furthermore, it's highly advised to attack the post, not the poster. To do otherwise is considered gauche - you kinda insulted me with the laughing, and inferring that corruption, witness tampering, drug rings, etc., et. al is somehow tied inextricably to the criminal justice system - where I had JUST stated I work.
Do you have a link or any form of verification that any WSer was contacted by ANY LE for a lead on a case? For a lead.

I'd love to see it.. .

Otherwise, it's just an opinion. And furthermore, it's highly advised to attack the post, not the poster. To do otherwise is considered gauche - you kinda insulted me with the laughing, and inferring that corruption, witness tampering, drug rings, etc., et. al is somehow tied inextricably to the criminal justice system - where I had JUST stated I work.

def not attacking the poster, I mocked the post, as u suggest--not trying to insult you, but it was funny, so therefore, laughing ensues--I also was just stating an opinion--and I implied corruption, etc. is tied, nothing to infer
Please don't take personal offense. IMO, CM just thought it was funny that someone might suggest that LE in NY or anywhere are above committing improprieties that go against police policies and procedures. For two years now, through all kinds of research re: these particular cases (LISK & SG,) WS members have found SEVERAL documented cases of government agency and employee improprieties. There are so many cases of NY LE involved in crimes related to drugs, prostitution, cover-ups, protecting criminals, family members, big wigs and public figures in general, sleeping in their vehicles, sleeping at their mistress' house while "officially" on duty, raping and or attacking prostitutes,you name it and members here have found cases and documented them. The results are strewn all over this forum in MANY different threads within the LISK forum.

So, it is not a surprise that we might laugh about the suggestion that LE would be breaking policy rules if they did such & such. Because, so many cases have shown that such violations on the part of LE are not such a rare occurrence.
Please don't take personal offense. IMO, CM just thought it was funny that someone might suggest that LE in NY or anywhere are above committing improprieties that go against police policies and procedures. For two years now, through all kinds of research re: these particular cases (LISK & SG,) WS members have found SEVERAL documented cases of government agency and employee improprieties. There are so many cases of NY LE involved in crimes related to drugs, prostitution, cover-ups, protecting criminals, family members, big wigs and public figures in general, sleeping in their vehicles, sleeping at their mistress' house while "officially" on duty, raping and or attacking prostitutes,you name it and members here have found cases and documented them. The results are strewn all over this forum in MANY different threads within the LISK forum.

So, it is not a surprise that we might laugh about the suggestion that LE would be breaking policy rules if they did such & such. Because, so many cases have shown that such violations on the part of LE are not such a rare occurrence.

Respectfully Bolded by Me

Thank you for this post - I completely get where you are coming from. The only question I would ask - although admittedly, LE in some places follows their own code of ethics, break rules arbitrarily, etc., would you really think that they (LE) would ask for help from a crime board? Although I agree that WS and other sites such as this could be/are a valuable resource for LE...they've simply not the manpower or payroll to support the research that people here do willingly, free of charge...but would you be inclined to think that LE would ask for help from WS/similar site? I'd imagine the same LE that consider themselves above the law, would also consider themselves above asking for 'our' help, as well. MOO

I can state that here in Chicago (Cook County court system) - the police I work with think of WS as 'bored housewives.' (I've only asked about a half-dozen different LE what their thoughts were, so this is only a teeny tiny sampling of the whole force, mind you, and thus the results can't be inferred as a group consensus). I'd imagine many LE as thinking they are too 'good' for assistance. And they are still the nicest guys around - it's just a broad generalization from those uninformed as to what crime boards are actually about, imo.

JMO and all that jazz.
Respectfully Bolded by Me

Thank you for this post - I completely get where you are coming from. The only question I would ask - although admittedly, LE in some places follows their own code of ethics, break rules arbitrarily, etc., would you really think that they (LE) would ask for help from a crime board? Although I agree that WS and other sites such as this could be/are a valuable resource for LE...they've simply not the manpower or payroll to support the research that people here do willingly, free of charge...but would you be inclined to think that LE would ask for help from WS/similar site? I'd imagine the same LE that consider themselves above the law, would also consider themselves above asking for 'our' help, as well. MOO

I can state that here in Chicago (Cook County court system) - the police I work with think of WS as 'bored housewives.' (I've only asked about a half-dozen different LE what their thoughts were, so this is only a teeny tiny sampling of the whole force, mind you, and thus the results can't be inferred as a group consensus). I'd imagine many LE as thinking they are too 'good' for assistance. And they are still the nicest guys around - it's just a broad generalization from those uninformed as to what crime boards are actually about, imo.

JMO and all that jazz.

Hahaha! If they only knew how much time an effort went into these cases from this group of "bored housewives".... I recently spoke with one member of LE about this site and it piqued his interest. (I'm not looking to argue, just throwing in my :twocents: .)
OnTheCase27 said

What's his motive to be more than an incompetent driver? As SG's driver he was making money with her alive. What does he gain from her being dead? It would have to be a substantial payout for him to be sinisterly evil.

When it comes to motive, what you may think is a motive or justification, could be something very different in the mind of the MP.

Let me just suggest one motive for MP. he has a lot of women he can drive for, SG is not the only escort who needs him. Prior to going to JB's MP is already is fed up with SG's behavior, issues and 'hissy' fits.

After being at JB's SG refuses to pay MP, claims she was never paid by JB. MP does not believe SG. MP is really angry that SG has called the police, as per MP's comments to GC. MP is even more angry when SG refuses to get in his car so MP can go home.

I know for a fact that people have killed with less provocation and less motive than what I have outlined.

Remember escorts are viewed by their drivers and their pimps and their agencies, as replaceable. One dies, or retires or disappears there are two more to take her place.

This is proven by the fact they have found about 10 victims of the LISK and nobody knew or cared they were gone.

I am willing to bet that MP knew of other escorts that have vanished and nobody cared. MP had the motive, opportunity and knew that if he killed SG there was little risk for him. See nobody cares.

MP was and is still considered innocent, and not even considered a suspect or POI. He likely was very involved with SG's death and will never be charged let alone spend a day in jail.

If SCPD had not found those other 10 bodies, nobody would care about SG

Let me remind you on a rule of criminality. If you think you will not get caught and or do not expect to get caught, the more likely you will commit the crime.

MP had no reason to think there was any chance of getting caught. IF CPH does not implicate MP, MP will go free.

That former driver gave confirmation that he witnessed SG running from residences of some of her other clients screaming bloody paranoia much in the same fashion as she did running from JB's home. Just sayin', this has all the ingredients of MP being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I wonder if in those other instances MP referred to, anyone of the neighbors came forward to verify that she was running around in their neighborhood and knocking at their doors. Wonder also if there were any other police reports of this type of thing happening, like when BB and GC called and reported it.
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