POI: Michael Pak

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MP leaves Oak Beach after speaking to GC, does not pursue SG

Does MP call anybody as he is leavinG Oak Beach?
Does MP call SG to let her know he is leaving?
Does MP call AD, and tell him what is happening, that SG is not with him, and he is leaving Oak Beach?

SG is just past BB's house, is SG's phone with her? Is SG's phone working? Does she try to call anybody, her mother, sister, driver or her boyfriend.

It seems to me that both MP and SG would be calling people after leaving GC's home, as long as their phones were still working, and they had access to their phones.

What is surprising that there were no calls by either MP or SG for this period of time.

Were the records checked for this time period?
Were the phones working?
Were MP and SG occupied so as not to be able to use their phones?
Once SG entered the marsh and became disoriented, why did she not call somebody?

Are the streets in Oak Beach posted with street names? SG did not know where she was and could not initially tell 911 her location. If the streets are posted it would be easy for her to call 911, and say "I am outside 101 Anchor Way".

Sorry, I can't remember. Was a cell-phone among the items of SG discovered in the marsh (skinny jeans, pocketbook, lipstick, etc)? And if so, is it the very one that the "phone records" relate to?

Normally, The Foreigner is the person who knows such things, but I haven'T seen her online today.
And also, as a matter of protocal, wouldn't 911 have called her back after she ended the call? Did they at least have the phone # she was calling from? The "phone records" don't indicate that they did call her back.

Aren't those protocols different from PD to PD? Maybe time to ask SCPD about that?
MP leaves Oak Beach after speaking to GC, does not pursue SG

Does MP call anybody as he is leavinG Oak Beach?
Does MP call SG to let her know he is leaving?
Does MP call AD, and tell him what is happening, that SG is not with him, and he is leaving Oak Beach?

SG is just past BB's house, is SG's phone with her? Is SG's phone working? Does she try to call anybody, her mother, sister, driver or her boyfriend.

It seems to me that both MP and SG would be calling people after leaving GC's home, as long as their phones were still working, and they had access to their phones.

What is surprising that there were no calls by either MP or SG for this period of time.

Were the records checked for this time period?
Were the phones working?
Were MP and SG occupied so as not to be able to use their phones?
Once SG entered the marsh and became disoriented, why did she not call somebody?

Are the streets in Oak Beach posted with street names? SG did not know where she was and could not initially tell 911 her location. If the streets are posted it would be easy for her to call 911, and say "I am outside 101 Anchor Way".


Dooh, I just realized, I messed up AK and AD. It had to be AD in the center of the phone connections with MP on one end, MG on the other.

The phone records seem to indicate, SG called nobody after the 911 call. Not brother, sister, police again, or anybody else. And since SGs phone worked like 8-10 minutes earlier, the only reason could be the battery was drained. It was a 23 minute call by all means and a lot of calls before. Does anybody know which model and how long the battery holds on?
MG had played some games on his cell while in the car. I remember something police verified that because they were kind of online games.
I'm surprised no one has asked that question before. THAT IS THE QUESTION OF THE YEAR. Why did the calls stop after the 911 call?
I’m gonna throw out some scenarios, feel free to shoot em on down so we can narrow it down to plausible:

1. Possible calls made to SG while she was on the phone with 911 do not register.
2. MP called her on a "burn/work" phone, if she had one to begin with.
3. MP hightailed it out of dodge and never called her back for whatever reason.
4. He found her, thus no need to make a call.
5. LE and MG have only released a partial transcript of the records.
6. Phone company does not track missed (unanswered) calls. Did she have Voicemail?
7. Power turned off to the phone.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7513659"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Here is some stuff I thought might be helpful from theforeigner who in my opinion seems to be very helpful when it comes to phone records and timelines. Like Peter said above.

"Pak said he resumed his search and drove around the gated community and outside the complex along Ocean Parkway -- texting and calling her furiously on his cell phone, she didn't respond -- before leaving the area 6 a.m. and believing that Gilbert would somehow make her way back to Jersey City."

Here it says nothing about any phone calls MP may have made after leaving but that MP stated that he had left Oak Beach at 6 AM. LE arrived at 6:10 AM. And that GC called 911 at 5:22 AM and LE arrived 45 min later which seemed to actually be 48 min later.

"May 3,2010:
the boyfriend (Alex Ditz) and the driver (Michael Pak) returned to Oak Beach in search of Gilbert and checked local beaches and area hospitals, according to the driver"

And a while ago in this thread someone asked me if I had a link about SG falling from the steps at JB house that is also in this link.
"Pak said she bolted from the house, phone in hand, and fell down the front steps before running away."
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Here is some stuff I thought might be helpful from theforeigner who in my opinion seems to be very helpful when it comes to phone records and timelines. Like Peter said above.

"Pak said he resumed his search and drove around the gated community and outside the complex along Ocean Parkway -- texting and calling her furiously on his cell phone, she didn't respond -- before leaving the area 6 a.m. and believing that Gilbert would somehow make her way back to Jersey City."

Here it says nothing about any phone calls MP may have made after leaving but that MP stated that he had left Oak Beach at 6 AM. LE arrived at 6:10 AM. And that GC called 911 at 5:22 AM and LE arrived 45 min later which seemed to actually be 48 min later.

"May 3,2010:
the boyfriend (Alex Ditz) and the driver (Michael Pak) returned to Oak Beach in search of Gilbert and checked local beaches and area hospitals, according to the driver"

And a while ago in this thread someone asked me if I had a link about SG falling from the steps at JB house that is also in this link.
"Pak said she bolted from the house, phone in hand, and fell down the front steps before running away."

5:22 is BB, not GC, according to the last summary, The Foreigner posted. But that doesn't change basically not much. The time line issue of GC aside, the main point is MP allegedly texting and calling. We don't have MP's phone records, only SG's. So, either he lied (which I would suspect, because at the time, people asked him about SG, it was already clear things had gone terribly South).
The story of MP and AD at OB, was it ever confirmed? I can't remember, anyone here said anything about a confirmation.
And could anyone fill me in on myeterymom7? Can even just message me privet. When I google her blog seems to keep coming up and it's just confusing on what she is saying.

She left. Everything else that can be said about her would be a friendly lie or a reason to be banned for talking bad about ex-posters. But she is the reason, some posters here have copyright and anti-stalking notes on their posts.
5:22 is BB, not GC, according to the last summary, The Foreigner posted. But that doesn't change basically not much. The time line issue of GC aside, the main point is MP allegedly texting and calling. We don't have MP's phone records, only SG's. So, either he lied (which I would suspect, because at the time, people asked him about SG, it was already clear things had gone terribly South).
The story of MP and AD at OB, was it ever confirmed? I can't remember, anyone here said anything about a confirmation.

I believe it was confirmed by CPH, MP, and AC. I seen them all three stating the same thing. I will go digging and try to find the link so we can all see it and come to a conclusion. That is why I keep thinking AC and MP had CPH call SG mother because how els would he have gotten her number?
Also I could of swore I seen something about CPH saying that he was asked by MP and AC to call SG mother. I am going to have to start looking for that and start writing down links when I find something interesting but to off topic to post at the time...always seems like latter on it's on topic or something.
But once I find this link my question is the doc lying or why in the world would MP or AC have him call? None of it makes any sense at all.
5:22 is BB, not GC, according to the last summary, The Foreigner posted. But that doesn't change basically not much. The time line issue of GC aside, the main point is MP allegedly texting and calling. We don't have MP's phone records, only SG's. So, either he lied (which I would suspect, because at the time, people asked him about SG, it was already clear things had gone terribly South).
The story of MP and AD at OB, was it ever confirmed? I can't remember, anyone here said anything about a confirmation.

Okay...okay so I know I said we all should move on from the time thing just to maybe get some other ideas out and other people talking but really quick. Sorry for back tracking a little here..lol
If BB called at 5:22 AM and not GC. And MP said him self that he left at 6 AM and if LE arrived at 6:10 then wouldn't that mean the MP didn't leave after he talked to GC. And that he then had about 38 min to find SG and take her out of Oak Beach? And if BB didn't see the suv then what would make one think that it would not have been easier for MP to pull over get out chase down SG and bring her back to his suv then leave? Then he would have also had about 10 min to get a little ways away from Oak Beach and plus LE would have no real reason at this point to be watching for his suv?
I believe it was confirmed by CPH, MP, and AC. I seen them all three stating the same thing. I will go digging and try to find the link so we can all see it and come to a conclusion. That is why I keep thinking AC and MP had CPH call SG mother because how els would he have gotten her number?

The original idea of the "lynch CPH" faction here was, he got it from SG's cell. But then this was on the assumption, CPH killed her (another one of those endless discussions about physical impossibilities). So, especially, since SG had her work phone, not her private one (and I still think, she had two in total), CPH could have gotten the number only from AD (I doubt, MP had initially SG's private numbers).
Also I could of swore I seen something about CPH saying that he was asked by MP and AC to call SG mother. I am going to have to start looking for that and start writing down links when I find something interesting but to off topic to post at the time...always seems like latter on it's on topic or something.
But once I find this link my question is the doc lying or why in the world would MP or AC have him call? None of it makes any sense at all.

CPH has a long history of attention *advertiser censored* syndrome. He made up stories, he injects himself in almost anything that happens. That doesn't mean he is a killer. And the sad part is, according to other sources, he is aside of this story telling a good man to have around when things get tough, only not everybody's darling. You can google CPH and TWA 800 if you want to know more.
However, you defined the acid test already. How could he got the number, or even the name of the missing girl in the first place? And that points us back to AD and MP. I think, based on what I know about attention *advertiser censored* and helper syndromes, it wasn't too hard to make CPH injecting himself into the ongoing story once after they found him.
I believe it was confirmed by CPH, MP, and AC. I seen them all three stating the same thing. I will go digging and try to find the link so we can all see it and come to a conclusion. That is why I keep thinking AC and MP had CPH call SG mother because how els would he have gotten her number?

First off, it's AD NOT AC who was Shannan's boyfriend/pimp. AC is Megan's pimp Cruz.
CPH says he called Shannan's mother because MP (the driver/pimp) and AD (the pimp/boyfriend who broke her jaw) asked him to. Do we know that? No.
SCPD says there was a phone found in the marsh, right before SG was found (implying that it was her phone). Do we know that? No.
MP says he kept calling and texting her when he couldn't find her. Do we know that? No.
Someone provided SG's "phone record" of that night...Do we know who? No.
Was the phone they claim to have found her only phone? We don't know.
Have we been given her COMPLETE phone record(s)? Doubt it.

This is my opinion based on memory. FWIW.

I forgot to add - you asked how CPH could have gotten her (MG's) phone number...I say it was the same way SK got MB's sister's phone number...he took her phone.
The original idea of the "lynch CPH" faction here was, he got it from SG's cell. But then this was on the assumption, CPH killed her (another one of those endless discussions about physical impossibilities). So, especially, since SG had her work phone, not her private one (and I still think, she had two in total), CPH could have gotten the number only from AD (I doubt, MP had initially SG's private numbers).

Right. I agree that if he got it from anyone it would have been from AD (not AC was confusing that with MW boyfriend) or els gotten it from her privet cell phone. I am not a believer at all in CPH involvement other then someone used his land line to cause confusion or put him up to it and he thought he was doing something helpful/or attention getting. So guess I am personally pretty quick to dismiss that and go right to thinking that he had gotten the number from AD and was put up to making the phone call.
I just went rumaging through The Foreigners timeline and stumbled upon the following post from Redbird:

"I recall Mari stating that the only call she received between the last call from Shannan and Hackett's call was one from Sherre saying Alex had called her wondering where Shannan was. Mari at one time also said she found it odd that there were no calls from Alex to Shannan's phone after 5AM on the morning she disappeared. You would think he would have called her cell phone first before calling her family."

Maybe Shannans phone battery really did die. Would the phone company be able to know when her cell fell off the grid?

Also, it is stated in the same thread (Sg's timeline) that GC called at 5:22. And it is also stated that BB called at 5:22.
Dooh, I just realized, I messed up AK and AD. It had to be AD in the center of the phone connections with MP on one end, MG on the other.

The phone records seem to indicate, SG called nobody after the 911 call. Not brother, sister, police again, or anybody else. And since SGs phone worked like 8-10 minutes earlier, the only reason could be the battery was drained. It was a 23 minute call by all means and a lot of calls before. Does anybody know which model and how long the battery holds on?
MG had played some games on his cell while in the car. I remember something police verified that because they were kind of online games.

Please give me the link that verifies that LE checked MP's phone for games. I have discounted his information because he says he was outside the gate and a neighbor across the street from JB says he was parked in front of the house. So the link would be important information. You are using the initials AK for Akeem Cruz (I assume). This might confuse someone trying to keep track of all the players. I don't see how you can possibly say with certainty that SG didn't make any more calls because her battery was dead. There could be other reasons. Like she was murdered, like she was too drugged to speak,like someone took her phone away (the most likely IMO, like she had more than one phone. Since you are about the only person left on this forum and new posters are trying to rely on you for information, it is very important that you state your theories and opinions as such and not as the gospel truth. And where is the link about a three way call with MP, MG and AC? I have been here since the beginning of the case and this is the first time I have heard this.

There have been many comments made as I have been trying to compose this reply. Obviously there is now much confusion over the information. There are so many errors now it is impossible (and futile) to keep up with them). All I can say is check the facts.
Right. I agree that if he got it from anyone it would have been from AD (not AC was confusing that with MW boyfriend) or els gotten it from her privet cell phone. I am not a believer at all in CPH involvement other then someone used his land line to cause confusion or put him up to it and he thought he was doing something helpful/or attention getting. So guess I am personally pretty quick to dismiss that and go right to thinking that he had gotten the number from AD and was put up to making the phone call.

I'm not trying to pick at you personally, but what do you mean "was put up to making the phone call?"
"Put him up to it?" How does that work? He's a professional - a doctor if you will...what doctor would call a "girl's" mother from his own home? They teach ethics in Med school. It would never happen - unless it's an East Coast thing????? But I doubt that. A Doctor would never call a patient's family from his home phone...Why you ask? Because he knows that many people he treats may be unstable and he would never expose his family to any risk...we don't even wear name tags in the ER....for just that reason.
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