POI: Michael Pak

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Michael Pak is simply a sketchy human. Regardless on if he had a hand in the gb4 or not...or if sg is connected MP is still totally connected to sg.
She ran from him and he chased her and then she was missing but truned up dead. Not exactly a brain buster here.
Someone may want to correct me....but I'm pretty sure in an early interview with Pak he made mention of "Driving Back" after he got a call from Brewer that Shannan wouldn't leave.

Question...if he was her driver/protector....why would he have left oak beach.

In future interviews it was made out that he never left oak beach ...so which is it???

Could Brewer have been the money spinner...as in Big Money for a client with special needs willing to pay Pak to deliver Shannon to fill his special need.

Remember Michael Pak - Convicted for Flying a Chinese lady from Sri Lanka to Zurich then onto Dallas Airport (she had a false passport) Pak said he knew nothing....he was simply paid to help the woman English ??? How does that even make sense ..... This guy is a money for hire man....
You are correct. There was a time when it was said Pak got a call from JB to come gey SG cause she was freaking out.
A) Why would JB have Pak's #
B) Why would he leave or where would he go?
Never made no sense. Then it seemed like that was forgotten and then he never left? No idea but I'd like to know as well what the truth is.
You are correct. There was a time when it was said Pak got a call from JB to come gey SG cause she was freaking out.
A) Why would JB have Pak's #
B) Why would he leave or where would he go?
Never made no sense. Then it seemed like that was forgotten and then he never left? No idea but I'd like to know as well what the truth is.

I'm not sure of any citation that says JB called Pak; as per Pak's recollection, JB "summoned" him to help get SG out of his house - to summon Pak all JB would have to do is open his front door, as Pak was sitting in his car less than 20 feet away the whole time. Meanwhile, of course, SG was constantly calling Pak from the house for one reason or another. Also not sure about what you mean about Pak "leaving" - when did that happen? At least as far as Pak's story goes (and there is no other story out there, as SG is gone and JB's comments to police haven't been released) Pak dropped SG off at JB's door, sat in the driveway for three hours, refused SG's request to go to the local CVS for lube and playing cards, followed SG around while SG knocked on doors, huddled behind boats and ran into the brush, and eventually went home when SG was no longer anywhere to be seen.
I'm not sure of any citation that says JB called Pak; as per Pak's recollection, JB "summoned" him to help get SG out of his house - to summon Pak all JB would have to do is open his front door, as Pak was sitting in his car less than 20 feet away the whole time. Meanwhile, of course, SG was constantly calling Pak from the house for one reason or another. Also not sure about what you mean about Pak "leaving" - when did that happen? At least as far as Pak's story goes (and there is no other story out there, as SG is gone and JB's comments to police haven't been released) Pak dropped SG off at JB's door, sat in the driveway for three hours, refused SG's request to go to the local CVS for lube and playing cards, followed SG around while SG knocked on doors, huddled behind boats and ran into the brush, and eventually went home when SG was no longer anywhere to be seen.
That's not what I'm talking about.
It was stated and there is another story out there about jb calling pak on the phone to come get sg. It never made any sense. All I was doing was responding to puggle letting him know that he isn't wrong and that yes that was talked about here about maybe a year ago or so.
And to this day its never been released where they went when jb and sg left for a short time. It is not a fact they went to cvs. Phone calls where made to a cvs but it has never been confirmed if that is actually where they went and why. Lube and playing cards is purely speculation.
One of the reasons some of you do not believe that MP was involved with SG's death was the fact she was his employer and source of income; therefore no motive existed to kill her.

A logical person would not harm someone who is providing their lively-hood. Unfortunately, pimps and others who have gained their living from sex workers have historically killed their girls and do not think logically especially when enraged. They often see the girl as an easily replaceable item not a human being.

The motivation often has been as simple as...'she was a problem' 'she created too much drama' 'she pissed me off' 'I had enough of her' 'she was too much trouble'.

These individuals, are always confident they can and will find a replacement sex worker.
That's not what I'm talking about.
It was stated and there is another story out there about jb calling pak on the phone to come get sg. It never made any sense. All I was doing was responding to puggle letting him know that he isn't wrong and that yes that was talked about here about maybe a year ago or so.
And to this day its never been released where they went when jb and sg left for a short time. It is not a fact they went to cvs. Phone calls where made to a cvs but it has never been confirmed if that is actually where they went and why. Lube and playing cards is purely speculation.
Lube and playing cards is not purely speculation, it's a statement from Michael Pak:
So is the claim that JB called MP to get SG. So is the claim that JB and SG went somewhere for 15 minutes. All statements from Pak. Could be true statements, could be untrue statements. But there is no one else who has made any statements about those events, that we know of, because there were only three participants in those events, and we've never heard about any statements made to the police by JP.
Back when Shannan's family heard the 911 call they said it ended with her being pulled into a truck. It's never really been looked into all that well on here why Shannan was afraid of Pak. What are some possibilities that would make shannan think Pak was going to kill her? Pak has the human trafficking charge, and you have Asian victims. Could Pak have known the drifter? Are we absolutely certain JB hired Shannan of back page or CL and not that Pak arranged the date with the drifter? If JB just hired Shannan and Pak was simply her driver, it doesn't make sense that Shannan would be afraid of Pak and not run to his car for safety. And I don;t think shannan was delirious or paranoid at all. There's always the possibility that Pak is some kind of human trafficker who made an arrangement with Drifter/JB to sell Shannan as a sex slave, torture victim, and had Brewer call up Shannan to hire her without her knowing, then sold her out for some $. I seem to remember something about Pak arranging the date? One thing that's been bothering me is that Ray says the second call from Hackett actually pinged from New Jersey. If this is true it's like a big clue. why is the call coming from Jersey? What was hackett doing in New Jersey? If Shannan was pulled into Pak's truck, could Pak have kept Shannan alive, kidnapped and drove her back to his home in New Jersey. Then Hackett drove out to Pak's place in Jersey and picked up Shannan, possibly still alive as Pak needed to deliver Shannan alive to Hackett and that's when he called Shannan's family Jersey? Seems pretty far fetched, but I am trying to figure out why Hackett would be in Jersey when he made this call.
MP has told at least a half dozen different stories, some similar, some with the same few basic statements and embellished with new details and some omitting those same details. He is not a believable witness and he does have a basic reason to tell stories that make himself appear more helpful and innocent.

However, MP stated VERY early on that he was the initial contact with Brewer and MP mentioned that SG had another appointment lined up in LI after Brewer. Based on either MP or JB saying that MP set the appointment with Brewer, one would have been expected to believe that MP set the third appointment of the evening (which apparently never happened...unless that was the 15 minute trip - a 3rd client.) Those two stories have now faded into history and are no longer being referenced by any of the key players.

Hi Just K thanks for this info I think it is very important. I thought that MP was the one who set up the date, now I'm very interested in who the second client on Long Island was. Honestly it seems kind of far fetched that Shannan would have a second date somewhere else on LI at 530-6 in the morning. It sounds to me like Pak is hinting at the fact that JB was hiring Shannan, and after JB Shannan was to service the drifter as well. This is the most logical assumption in my opinion. And I think this is where things went wrong that night. The first hour would have been spent with brewer and it seems that went off ok. But it;s after she's in there for a while that she freaks out. So I think it;s during her time with the drifter than Shannan started to think she was in danger. But why didn't she think Pak could protect her? Is it possible the drifter used pack to "buy" his victims, it could explain why so many are unidentified, if Pak is a human trafficker who brings people to the country and sells them to the SK
I think we have to be careful in involving the 'drifter' in this case, especially with any criminal wrong doing. I believe he has been identified by the police, and cleared.

One thing we do know is that Shannan was afraid of MP, did not want to go in the car with him, and in fact was running from him. Since she called 911 from Brewer's house, and Brewer appears to not have prevented her from doing this, in Shannan's perception at least, she had less to fear of Brewer than she did of MP.

That begs the question what transpired in Brewer's house that caused her to fear MP? Was it something she saw? Was it something she heard?

One scenario that has come to me is as follows.
MP made two appointments for Shannan, the first with Brewer and then she was to go to CPH's house. What if in the time Shannan was spending with Brewer she mentions she is going to see CPH next. What if Brewer advises her that is not a good idea, and she could be in serious danger. She panics, calls 911. Her panic grows and Brewer goes to get MP to get Shannan out of his house. Shannan runs away from MP and the chase begins.

Brewer is a key witness here, and I wish he would tell us what he said to Shannan that night, and what he believes motivated Shannan to call 911.
Or the second client is the Drifter. Has the drifter been cleared by the police? I would bet the cops never even spoke to the drifter. Don't think he should be let off the hook so easily. Drifter is just as key a witness as brewer..

As I stated in my previous post, I it is my understanding the Drifter has been identified by the police, interviewed and not considered a Person of Interest by them. Early in this case there was a lot of research and discussion about the Drifter. If I remember correctly his name and details about him were posted, and I believe the moderators removed those posts. If you contact the moderators they could confirm that the Drifter is not a POI.
WINDSOR, we do not know who the POI's are. If any. LE is not obligated to give us that information. They are allowed to lie and say someone is not a POI even if they are.

As I stated in my previous post, I it is my understanding the Drifter has been identified by the police, interviewed and not considered a Person of Interest by them. Early in this case there was a lot of research and discussion about the Drifter. If I remember correctly his name and details about him were posted, and I believe the moderators removed those posts. If you contact the moderators they could confirm that the Drifter is not a POI.

Hi windor, your understanding from what? There was NOT a lot of research and discussions about the drifter at all. His name and details may have been posted an removed, the fact is they drifter has been claimed to be multiple different people, most who weren't even there that night, at this point no one can confirm me to who the man was that was with brewer that night. I would not be surprised to learn LE has never spoken to him. The moderators don't know any more about this case than you or I, they can't confirm who is a poi. They don't have access to the case files you know
According to all the interviews and statements I've seen, the guy with Brewer was Pak. And he spent almost all of the time waiting in his car. The notion of a mysterious drifter also being there does add to all wild possible imagined scenarios though.
According to all the interviews and statements I've seen, the guy with Brewer was Pak. And he spent almost all of the time waiting in his car. The notion of a mysterious drifter also being there does add to all wild possible imagined scenarios though.


The second man was not Pak, the second man is the drifter who was in the house with Shannan and Brewer.

Long Island police and FBI agents yesterday swarmed an oceanfront home where a missing prostitute was last seen alive as they ramped up their investigation of four corpses mysteriously dumped on a nearby secluded beach....
Meanwhile, Lorraine Ela, mother of another possible prostitute victim, Megan Waterman, submitted a DNA sample to help investigation determine if one of the bodies is that of her daughter. She also implored her daughter’s imprisoned pimp to talk.

“He knows what happened to her,” she told The Post from her home in Scarborough, Maine.
Windsor I've never seen the police say the drifter isn't a suspect. Look at this: http://nypost.com/2011/04/08/cops-eyeing-suspect-in-grisly-long-island-murders/

Look at the date, it's one day before the drifter article! There is def a connection. There drifter is the one they are eyeing as a suspect. He's never been cleared in fact he is THE suspect. But even if the police said he was cleared why would you believe them? They claimed Shannan drowned herself!! All they have done is LIE!
What you're saying here is that Pak and Brewer both lied during recorded interviews. If that actually happened they never would have been exonerated, but would have both been in the center of an LEO shitstorm the likes of which would flush out any inconsistencies in their stories. Since that didn't happen, it means the Post article about another person there was wrong. But don't let that bit of logic get in the way of a good story. Don't let it get in the way of finding the truth either.
For the Drifter to be involved in Shannan's death, he would have followed her from Brewer's house when Shannan ran away from the house and had MP following her. Assuming the Drifter did follow after Shannan, catch up to her, the Drifter was not be seen by Gus, or the other witness who saw Shannan that night. Not seen or confronted by MP either, who claims he was trying to help Shannan.

Remember MP was the last to see Shannan alive.
MP was trying to catch her, and she was trying to elude MP for some reason.
MP told Gus he should not have called the Police.
MP who has claimed he was trying to help Shannan, allegedly did not find her that night, and left empty handed before the police arrived.
To me if MP was really concerned about Shannan, he would not have left. He would have waited for the police to assist in the search for her. As it was becoming daylight and likely Shannan was still alive wandering in the marsh at that time; MP and the Police could have likely saved her. By leaving before the Police arrived MP shows absolute disdain for Shannan's well being, from my perspective.

Regarding lying, the police have no way of knowing who is lying. We know CPH has lied. MP has likely not been completely truthful, I am not sure the police have been truthful either. I believe the key is to look for motive and opportunity.
The Drifter was clearly there. If you want to ignore the news report and pick and choose what you believe based on your own discretion go ahead! It's no coincidence that on April 8 LE has a suspect and on April 9 the drfiter story is printed in the news, Drifter is the Suspect! And he's not the guy who the wrote the book as that guy says he wasn't there that night. The drifter is the man who was there with Shannan and Jb in the house. Compared to people like Hackett, HA and Bittrolff Brewer hasn't been sleuthed AT ALL on here and neither has the drifter. START AT THE SOURCE OF SHANNAN"S FEAR!! DRIFTER AND BREWER!!!

I respect your fervor, and your desire to assist in solving this crime. I am concerned that it is easy to follow the wrong path.

Shannan was on the phone with 911 and in Brewer's house with the drifter for a considerable period of time. If you remember she only left the house when told to by Brewer and when Brewer asked MP to come into the house and get Shannan out. If their plan was to kill her why were they telling her to get out? Shannan felt relatively safe in the house and made no attempt to seek the security of MP. She only left the house when MP came in to get her, and she ran away from MP.

Because we do not know what Shannan said in the 20+ minute 911 call, we do not know if she mentioned what she was feeling threatened by. Likely she did mention what or whom she feared. That is why it is so important that the contents of the 911 call are released to the Public.

If the drifter or Brewer were the eminent threats to Shannan, why do you think they allowed her to call 911 and stay in the house talking to 911 dispatch for 20+ minutes? If she felt threatened by them why did she stay in the house? Why did she not run to the security of her driver? After she had disclosed Brewer's house location and address, why would they then decide to kill her, knowing the police were on the way and her driver MP was nearby?

You may be correct in your assumptions about Brewer and the drifter, but if you consider how Shannan acted in the presence of Brewer and the drifter, and how she acted in the presence of MP, who do you think she feared?
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