POI: Michael Pak

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If I end up having a cup of coffee with a police officer in the next few days; I am going to be pissed at you. :what: Like I said, there are alot better people to contact than me.
Thanks for thinking of me though!

I wouldn't be pissed as long as it was DD's, I got some donuts out of it and I didn't have to pay. Lol
Tugela said

"Well, prove it. Gossip from the local houswives will not cut it and no evidence of any drugs were found on her remains."

That my friend is exactly why there is a court case and likely a trial. To prove it, testimony will be given, statements made, lawyers will argue and the judge and jury will decide.

I do not know how you can be so adamant what CPH or MP will or will not say, admit or deny. Are you suggesting they commit perjury? Are they ready to risk committing perjury?

Are you implying that the only way CPH or MP can be found innocent is to be for them to be less than truthful and not be cooperative?

Are you implying that the only way CPH or MP can be found innocent is to be for them to be less than truthful and not be cooperative?


The main problem with a lot of what you're thinking is right here. In this country, they ARE innocent, and need to be found guilty. No matter what they're suspected of.
The main problem with a lot of what you're thinking is right here. In this country, they ARE innocent, and need to be found guilty. No matter what they're suspected of.

Absolutely true, mcme. They are innocent until found guilty.

However before somebody is found guilty there is a process of describing the potential criminal, which could involve the following stages.

Person of Interest
Alleged perpetrator
Arrested Suspect
Charged individual.

I have not convicted anybody of anything on this forum and nobody else has either, and I am in favor of justice taking its course.

What you do not understand is an innocent person can be a person of interest, a suspect, arrested and charged. The fact they are going through these normal stages does not change the fact they are innocent until found guilty.

Everybody who has been named on this board as a suspect or person of interest is innocent until they have had a trial and been found guilty.

I think everybody on this forum understands that, so it does not have to be constantly repeated by the 'advocates of the suspects'.

The advocates of the suspects should understand that this forum is not a court, but an area where ideas and opinions are expressed, considered and contemplated. Some day my beliefs and theories may be found completely wrong, but again they may be proven to be valid. Only time will tell.

I myself have been charged with a motor vehicle offense, the police and the district attorney felt they had sufficient evidence to find me guilty. I was able to present new evidence which caused the judge to dismiss the case against me. Most people who reviewed the Police evidence prior to the trial, felt I was guilty. Only those aware of the new evidence I provided understood I was innocent.

I like many others look forward to the trial.

Absolutely true, mcme. They are innocent until found guilty.

However before somebody is found guilty there is a process of describing the potential criminal, which could involve the following stages.

Person of Interest
Alleged perpetrator
Arrested Suspect
Charged individual.

I have not convicted anybody of anything on this forum and nobody else has either, and I am in favor of justice taking its course.

What you do not understand is an innocent person can be a person of interest, a suspect, arrested and charged. The fact they are going through these normal stages does not change the fact they are innocent until found guilty.

Everybody who has been named on this board as a suspect or person of interest is innocent until they have had a trial and been found guilty.

I think everybody on this forum understands that, so it does not have to be constantly repeated by the 'advocates of the suspects'.

The advocates of the suspects should understand that this forum is not a court, but an area where ideas and opinions are expressed, considered and contemplated. Some day my beliefs and theories may be found completely wrong, but again they may be proven to be valid. Only time will tell.

I myself have been charged with a motor vehicle offense, the police and the district attorney felt they had sufficient evidence to find me guilty. I was able to present new evidence which caused the judge to dismiss the case against me. Most people who reviewed the Police evidence prior to the trial, felt I was guilty. Only those aware of the new evidence I provided understood I was innocent.

I like many others look forward to the trial.


I need to save this post! You did an excellent job describing what this forum is about!
Well since you do not agree with me I am going to follow you around on this forum and post stupid responses to all of your posts. That seems to be the general consensus here.
Well since you do not agree with me I am going to follow you around on this forum and post stupid responses to all of your posts. That seems to be the general consensus here.

I believe cph is behind DD's coffee sucking so bad. I will scour the entire digital world looking for circumstantial evidence that supports this claim. I will even read actual books if I have to.
I believe cph is behind DD's coffee sucking so bad. I will scour the entire digital world looking for circumstantial evidence that supports this claim. I will even read actual books if I have to.

That basatard! I heard he went to columbia to help the farmers grow better beans. The bean farm was attacked by a cocaine cartel. CPH rolled out of his jeep (US Army issued jeep of course) with a machine gun and single handedly took out all of the bad guys. But he accidently killed all of the farmers too but it was too later for them anyway.
I believe cph is behind DD's coffee sucking so bad. I will scour the entire digital world looking for circumstantial evidence that supports this claim. I will even read actual books if I have to.

If you believe DD's sucks, then it wasn't CPH behind it, it's the SCPD. I've found some circumstantial evidence to support my theory, and you'd be singing a different tune if you had all the info.
Absolutely true, mcme. They are innocent until found guilty.

However before somebody is found guilty there is a process of describing the potential criminal, which could involve the following stages.

Person of Interest
Alleged perpetrator
Arrested Suspect
Charged individual.

I have not convicted anybody of anything on this forum and nobody else has either, and I am in favor of justice taking its course.

What you do not understand is an innocent person can be a person of interest, a suspect, arrested and charged. The fact they are going through these normal stages does not change the fact they are innocent until found guilty.

Everybody who has been named on this board as a suspect or person of interest is innocent until they have had a trial and been found guilty.

I think everybody on this forum understands that, so it does not have to be constantly repeated by the 'advocates of the suspects'.

The advocates of the suspects should understand that this forum is not a court, but an area where ideas and opinions are expressed, considered and contemplated. Some day my beliefs and theories may be found completely wrong, but again they may be proven to be valid. Only time will tell.

I myself have been charged with a motor vehicle offense, the police and the district attorney felt they had sufficient evidence to find me guilty. I was able to present new evidence which caused the judge to dismiss the case against me. Most people who reviewed the Police evidence prior to the trial, felt I was guilty. Only those aware of the new evidence I provided understood I was innocent.

I like many others look forward to the trial.


Windsor, I agree with everything in this post except the part where you don't think I understand. I'm also a little peeved that what I believe happened to SG that night has somehow labeled me an advocate for the suspects. There are several POI's, but to me all the facts point to a tragic accidental death. That means no suspects. All the theories that include murder, or any foul play at all, are all crutched up(get it?)by something imagined, and not facts. I find it odd that me stating my opinion is considered "constantly repeating". My post was predicated by you stating someone could be found innocent, nothing more.
mcme, You said........

but to me all the facts point to a tragic accidental death.

Great point, and if you like Dormer and many other experienced and thoughtful individuals, believe it was a tragic accidental death, then it makes sense to have no suspects.

I am not going through all the reasons that I and many other people believe SG's death was the result of criminal actions, those reasons have been posted previously.

I ask you this question, what would you say to Mari and Sherree Gilbert if you were to meet them?

"Ladies dis-regard the 911 calls, they were not significant."

"The cry for help at Gus C's home was because SG was on drugs."

"Pieces of her clothing and jewelry scattered around the area, was normal and was to be expected."

" Running and hiding from MP was typical behavior for her, I believe MP said so"

"MP leaving before the sun was up to continue his search, was because he was tired and perfectly understandable for a paid security driver."

"MP leaving before the police arrived was a coincidence even though GC told him the police were on there way"

"The tapes from the gate camera disappeared, happens all the time with that system."

"CPH calling and telling Sherre and Mari he met SG; that was the ramblings of an harmless old dotty doctor"

"CPH first denying, then admitting the calls, he has been under a lot of stress because of false accusations from us sleuthers."

"John Ray is a idiot and only out for money, and CPH has no involvement in your daughters death."

"Go bury your daughter, it was an accident, people are drowning all the time in that marsh in April and May."

I do not think you could look Sherre and Mari in the eye and honestly and unequivocally make those statements.

Think about it seriously.

BTW some people to this day believe the 9/11 tragedy was a Mossad-CIA plot and they will never change their minds.

mcme, You said........

but to me all the facts point to a tragic accidental death.

Great point, and if you like Dormer and many other experienced and thoughtful individuals, believe it was a tragic accidental death, then it makes sense to have no suspects.

I am not going through all the reasons that I and many other people believe SG's death was the result of criminal actions, those reasons have been posted previously.

I ask you this question, what would you say to Mari and Sherree Gilbert if you were to meet them?

"Ladies dis-regard the 911 calls, they were not significant."

"The cry for help at Gus C's home was because SG was on drugs."

"Pieces of her clothing and jewelry scattered around the area, was normal and was to be expected."

" Running and hiding from MP was typical behavior for her, I believe MP said so"

"MP leaving before the sun was up to continue his search, was because he was tired and perfectly understandable for a paid security driver."

"MP leaving before the police arrived was a coincidence even though GC told him the police were on there way"

"The tapes from the gate camera disappeared, happens all the time with that system."

"CPH calling and telling Sherre and Mari he met SG; that was the ramblings of an harmless old dotty doctor"

"CPH first denying, then admitting the calls, he has been under a lot of stress because of false accusations from us sleuthers."

"John Ray is a idiot and only out for money, and CPH has no involvement in your daughters death."

"Go bury your daughter, it was an accident, people are drowning all the time in that marsh in April and May."

I do not think you could look Sherre and Mari in the eye and honestly and unequivocally make those statements.

Think about it seriously.

BTW some people to this day believe the 9/11 tragedy was a Mossad-CIA plot and they will never change their minds.


Thanks, that was good !:rocker:
Speaking of the tapes. I have a question for any OB person here. I do not know what to think about the tapes. Have those tapes ever disappeared or anything in that realm of things (taped over, broken, stolen etc etc) before the SG incident or after the incident or is this a regular thing?

I am not saying some old guy who was technologically challenged taped over them or some evil doctor stole them. But just curious as to the frequency of this happenning.

I would think if SCPD were doing an exhaustive search for information they would have made contact with some or many of the Sleuthers from this site. The fact they have not makes me question that they have done all they could have.

Sleuthers; if the cops show up on your door step tonight, please do not be too mad at me.

Just because they didn't contact you and that you don't have knowledge of another member being contacted does not mean that they have not already been in touch with one or more members here and on other websites with forums dedicated towards solving this case. Many of the members here (especially the handful who might have something significant to contribute) would respect a request by a SCPD detective to keep their consultation confidential. I happen to have knowledge of at least four (and possibly as many as seven) internet sleuthers who have indeed shared their findings with the SCPD homicide squad (if you go back and read all of the posts here you can actually find confessions by some of those internet sleuthers on what they've shared and when).
I think they definitely cruise the boards and especially the craiglist type stuff.
ps149, said

Just because they didn't contact you and that you don't have knowledge of another member being contacted does not mean that they have not already been in touch with one or more members here and on other websites with forums dedicated towards solving this case. Many of the members here (especially the handful who might have something significant to contribute) would respect a request by a SCPD detective to keep their consultation confidential. I happen to have knowledge of at least four (and possibly as many as seven) internet sleuthers who have indeed shared their findings with the SCPD homicide squad (if you go back and read all of the posts here you can actually find confessions by some of those internet sleuthers on what they've shared and when).

Yes I know that a number of sleuthers have contacted LE with tips, ideas and suggestions; myself included. So technically LE has been in touch with sleuthers.

If you know that sleuthers have shared findings with the SCPD homicide squad, it becomes clear that you are probably a member of that squad, or affiliated with the squad in some sort of official capacity or a relative of a squad member. (I am not going to accuse the SCPD of being unable to maintain confidentiality and leaking info to outsiders.)

I think that is great that this forum has somebody with inside connections to law enforcement. Your strong support and defense of the SCPD becomes logical as well.

The question is where do we need to go from here? How can sleuthers help you and the SCPD? What sort of evidence do you need? How can we help?

Has the FBI been any help to you?

Will SCPD cooperate with John Ray?

The Gilgo investigation has been an impressive one (to say the least). The department organized a task force unlike any other. Experts from many different fields have been teamed together with the homicide unit to work diligently and thoroughly on this case. The sheer number of leads/tips has been unprecedented too. As mentioned previously, this is proving to be one of the top ten most difficult cases to solve. Those who are ridiculing the County officials, the top brass, the homicide department and the SCPD (in general) are obviously severely ignorant-minded. There are very little clues to work on with this case. The coastal environment along Ocean Parkway is unforgiving. Before you judge anyone empowered with solving this mystery you should understand that the best crime-solving minds in this world have been consulted and have very little to contribute.
here's to YOU ps149

You can shine your shoes and wear a suit
You can comb your hair and look quite cute
You can hide your face behind a smile
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

You can wear a mask and paint your face
You can call yourself the human race
You can wear a collar and a tie
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Well, now you know that your cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself but you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun, mama take a look outside

You can go to church and sing a hymn
You can judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

Well, now you know that your cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself but you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun, mama take a look outside

You can go to church and sing a hymn
You can judge me by the color of my skin
You can live a lie until you die
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside

One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside
One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside
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