Police find suspect Steven Stephens in Facebook Live homicide dead in Erie PA

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I fully expected to wake up and read that he was either deceased or safely apprehended. My goodness, what a nightmare!

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This thread is so quiet. LE is so quiet. Scanner is quiet. What is brewing? Has he offed himself ?
The scanner is alive with chatter and action just nothing related SS :waiting:

This thread is so quiet. LE is so quiet. Scanner is quiet. What is brewing? Has he offed himself ?

Last night sometime after 9pm he changed the status on his IG account. (Which has since been removed, account was gone this morning)


He's got some nerve. The first one I saw said "NO REMORSE". I hope he keeps logging in , I bet it helps LE.
[FONT=&amp]Mayor Frank Jackson also spoke directly to Stephens.

A madman who has just "lost it" isn't concerned about calling off from work in advance!!

There is something juvenile about him imo

He mentioned wanting to kill fraternity members - wonder if he had social issues in that setting?

Kinda think he was religious and went to church - in presser mentioned he knew several[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]clergy folks

His work setting :


  • Foster care and adoption
  • Family preservation
  • Outpatient counseling
  • School-based mental health services
  • Community-based services for at-risk youth
  • Parent support and education
  • Prevention and early intervention services
  • Early childhood services
  • ACT Team for transitional youth
  • Mentoring

They do have a residential program. Like most agencies, they branched out into back then what we called in-home counseling. I did it about three weeks and resigned. I found that therapy being delivered just like a large pizza pie removed the caretakers' authentic desire to make change. No investment.Mom would come racing in from work, I am there. We have an hour. Mom is just getting home from the office. She was herself trying to decomp from her day. It was non-focused sessions. If a caretaker was authentically interested and invested in their issues they make it a priority. The real "want" or belief of the in home concept was to hopefully intervene before their behaviors became more serious. But the truth is these were already very troubled youth, had been in contact with mental health / LE already - how else would the family system have been connected into the system - by having issues. It was exhausting work, traffic, driving into dangerous areas, the documentation loads were intense. If mom did not make it home in time you made nothing, used your gas, and were sitting in dangerous high crime settings.

Therapist turn over (above mentioned) was unreal. SO even if the premise had any viable clinical potential, starting over with a new therapist, (for both the parent and child ) every four weeks goes pretty well nowhere in and of itself. To get these services the family system would already be hooked in to social services. In that setting, the turn over is unreal also. SO basically these poor family systems were endlessly forced to start over and over with their case managers, their therapists, on and on.

He was a case manger . Case management positions are low paying and primarily deal with the paperwork.

His position- high burn out - endless staff turnover on his end also makes his position harder and harder cause the remaining ones would have to cover for the cases that the other case manager just quit.

Throw in us having to resign all the time made it harder fdor the case manager'ss as well.It is an endless cycle of disarray.When the system is supposed to be helping family systems in disarray.

When the system is in total disarray itself it is really a no win proposition that does not help much.

It may have gotten more together (doubtful) my experience with it was when it was just rolling out .

also dealing with relentless funding changes etc etc


[FONT=&amp]In one of his videos, Stephens blamed his workplace for driving him to kill people.

[FONT=&amp]A bit of a stretch.. [/FONT]Case management = [FONT=&amp] is a burn out, going nowhere position.



Oh my gosh. I did that in home counseling years ago. It was terrifying and financially horrible. Never again.

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Seems he is taunting everyone. I'm not seeing him surrendering peacefully either.

Just speculating here moo

I dunno know I think right after his last post he went somewhere and killed himself. He had the opportunity yesterday to continue shooting and chose not to.

ON FB he was not rambling, he knew who he was where he was, his conversations on the phone his emotional response to the other person were normative- he raised his voice at what seemed like when someone else. would. It was not an emotional rollercoaster

He went to his mother and supposedly said I am having homicidal and suicidal ideations. That is the way we talk in the field. Our verbage.

I have never heard a suicidal pt tell me I am having suicidal ideation. Please, they say I want to die, verbalize feelings of hopelessness emptiness.


Their raging at the world outside or tired and exhausted. Mom according to him did nothing.when he says mommy I am having suicidal and homicidal ideation.

That takes me , too, if true, he had been threatening stuff like this for ages. Cry Wolf stuff.

The person he selected was weak fragile and defenseless. He did it on a quiet side street. He is not IMO this out of control dude hearing or seeing things.

He reaches out to people the last 24 hours - that is far more suicidal behavior than homicidal. He is telling people he loves them. Have we ever heard of mass shooter sending a bunch of people some love prior to slaughtering strangers?

In one call he tells someone where he is ? Obviously, he did not stay around for a suicide by cop?

I wonder if he killed the old gentleman to have a bit of noriatiaty before going and killing himself.

The nonsense that he has killed a dozen or so gives the story some more legs, bigger - - makes him worse. He has to know that it will be found out not to be true.

He is giving out his phone number ?? Do we know a lot of homicidal folks who are frustrated cause people don't believe the video is real? They are in a blinding rage - they are not confirming if people think its real imo

It's off for sure, but the stuff he is paying attn sounds much more like someone ready to take their own life.

Folks that want to kill in mass do so, they don't pull calmly off the road, hang around making calls, giving phone numbers, telling people he loves them- they are busy killing people.

So let's say he is dead and found soon. Certainly, the end of the story is going down as him walking up to an elderly man and murdering him. That does have something that differentiates a clear-cut suicide.

I have not watched but my sense is he fired once. An angry raging person shoots one time? Rage usually results in overkill.

He is calming waiting for the people he is giving a ring to answer. He had more patience than I do calling for a Pizza!

In the end he wants people to talk about him for a bit - which is congruent with feeling like, while alive, no one listened or heard him. He overtly states no one listens to me.

Just speculating. But he does not instill "fear" - pathetic is more of what my initial response to listening to him.

I will never forget the chills the first time of Elliot Rogers the first line . In this instance turn off your volume before you hit play.

Does his face just give you chills. He freaked me out within the first 10 seconds.

The rage in the eyes:


That guy last week the tone of voice when you said you all have no idea what is coming. Goosebumps.

In all this guys ramblings, if one were able to go back, and not know anything he did, but just listen to him babble - are you feeling fear?

The danger part is that he filmed killing the elderly gentleman, while none of his other videos are creepy in just listening and watching him.

I also thought LE repeated talking to him to turn himself in sounds as if they know (family maybe) that this is far more a suicidal individual.

Why were things not on lockdown in the area? At some level, it seems omo, that for whatever reason LE was not concerned that he was going to go on this massive shooting spree at any moment. Like he is volatile.

In fact, most of their stance has been more like talking to a kid, call mommy and come home. That is just not a response of LE who truly believe that they have a raging madman on the lose, does it?

I have no idea in terms of the cops and the mayor talking to him , based on his calling everyone my guess would be that HE called them. It also sounds like he may have called them more than once.

That IMO again is suicidal stuff.

I feel so edgy right now, I have to go out and am very close to Toledo, Ohio II am in Michigan) ..... he could easily come north and be close to where I am. I know I will be looking at every white car I see (and particularly newer Fusions).

I did not expect it to take this long to track him down. Scary situation.

Hugs, Spelly. :therethere: I know how you feel, believe me...our NOCO serial shooter coward who randomly shot 3 people has still not been apprehended 2 years later...:( )
Him doing counseling and mentoring is the biggest oxymoron on the planet.
Not an epiphany, but this guy has gone off the DEEP END.....
Oh my gosh. I did that in home counseling years ago. It was terrifying and financially horrible. Never again.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

Ha- did you last longer than I did. !!! Ugh it was a farce and a waste of money nor helpful
Him doing counseling and mentoring is the biggest oxymoron on the planet.

Case management is not counseling or mentoring.

They are shuffling pt charts around, billing etc.

It's a clerical position. Paper stuff.

Typically a high school diploma is fine. Maybe in some settings a BA.
Local in background Indiana is being focused on.
He's got some nerve. The first one I saw said "NO REMORSE". I hope he keeps logging in , I bet it helps LE.

I am internet dummy. What does changing whatever on Instachat mean?
Are you sure that Instagram was actually him? I think a lot of weird people were creating fake accounts pretending to be him. I am sure police would be able to track him easier if he was updating his Instagram bio throughout the night or whatever.

That is just sick stuff
Ugh I forgot how scary Elliot was ..............
Your eyes aren't fooling you. Pretty incredible. I think local coverage is light because of the holiday and people want to stay informed. To our guests from The Land, please stay safe tonight!

I thought the same thing last night I thought goodness I have never seen that many on a thread.
Yes, indeed it is correct. We had several thousand more a bit earlier. Glad to see people are coming to Websleuths to get the latest!

What are like the top three stories in terms of people on a thread at the same time??
yes he was driving around, stopped and said he found someone to kill, got out and talked to the man for a few seconds then shot him, completely random :(.

I dont wanna watch but am hoping for some context. Was he driving around a long time looking? Did it seem like he passed by others or was the victim the first person he encountered. Was he talking while he was driving around? Was it like you knew he was hunting based on what he is saying right before he pulled up and got out?

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