Police Surround Clark in Cromwell hotel room; Countdown to Arrest 3..2..1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have to respectfully disagree. I think we will see the DP come up and he will be charged accordingly as the case progresses.

Just wondering what you've seen to suggest the DP? We're all looking at the same evidence right now, and I can't see a clear DP case. Hopefully they are keeping things close to their chests and not going to give away any evidence they have, but given what we know, I'm having a hard time even coming up with a clear case of premeditation right now.
Something is seriously bothering me. I just watched the Arraignment Video that our wonderful Angel posted. It's plain to see he was crying and his eyes appear red from crying in his booking photo. In the video, he appears very nervous, and imo remorseful. I seriously wonder if this started as an argument that resulted in an accidental death. GOD help me for even suggesting that but it is on my mind. His actions after the fact belie this, at least in my mind, as I was/am of the notion that he knew he should have stopped but maybe couldn't control himself...he was too enraged or wound up. I wonder if he confronted Annie about something pertaining to her job, be it protocol or mice or whatever, and she responded in a way he didn't like. Maybe he responded with a threat and she slapped him across his face. HYPOTHETICAL. Maybe he slapped/pushed her back and we all know now where it ended up - the end result. I am "hypothetically" thinking that this was an argument that got out of control and he didn't mean it, now he's thinking "Jeez, what the heck have I done...I'm done for now...worthless". I do wonder if he could be considered a suicide risk. Something just isn't sitting right with me. I do believe he's where he needs to be, but something is rubbing me the wrong way for some reason.

Heck, I know, I just need to shut up. This is my original perp anyway. Let him rot, right? There's just something about the way he looked in that video...and his booking photo. Looks like a picture of a "spent" man to me...looked very frightened.

Perhaps this is something people can learn from. I hear of people that are too embarassed to seek psychiatric help. If he had a problem with being overtempered or controlling/opinionated, perhaps he had a chemical change within his body that a little pill could have taken care of...and in turn prevented this. I have no idea, this is just speculation. It's very sad all the way around. I am not sympathetic towards him, just observing from a distance...and wondering in print. :blowkiss:

When a person gets the adrenalin going, in a situation as rage, the frontal lobe pretty much shuts down. There is no reasoning with a person when that happens, they are simply out of control.
What i fail to understand is why he didnt killed himself when he had the chance ?

Even a kid today knows that that DNA will tell, and he has been having access to all the news we have had, so he knew when he had taken his DNA, the game was over, as the police had lots of DNA evidence from the scene.

It seems now like this was not a big drama going on behind the scenes, no loveaffairs, no 'doublelifed angel', just a spark that then evolved into something uterrly sick.

Who knows ? lik jersey is saying, maybe it was something that was just an accident to start with, like like he pushed her, she fell and hit herself hard, he panicks, maybe thinking what would people think of him when she has to go down the isle with a cut above her eye, would he be sacked ? what would people say ? - and then just in an utter panick ending up comitting a sick and disgusting crime. To cover what at start, really would have been a minor offence compared to what he ended up doing ?

On the other hand, if that is the case, it got totally out of hand, then i dont understand why he didnt commit suicide, i would if this was me ?

If he is totally psycho, he maybe believes right now that he has answers to anything they will throw at him in court, trying to go for a win ? that would be like ultimate psychopathic, but looking at him in that video, he doesnt look like thats going to happen, he look bewildered and unsecure.

One question to you people:

- why no suicide ? committing suicide, does that take balls ? i cant imagine it would be other than delightful to perform if you were in his shoes.
Something is seriously bothering me.

I hope the tone of my comment doesn't translate as accusatory or confrontational; not my intentions at all. Having said that, I would ask that you consider deleting the line in your comment which is a hypothetical description of a physical action by Annie in a hypothetical accidental homicide scenario. It may be construed as "attacking the victim."

I understand pondering out loud is a part of sleuthing, but it is dangerous and dishonorable to assign any word or action to Annie that conjectures that she, in the course of innocently and responsibly conducting everyday business pertaining to her present and future, provoked a murderer. "She [may have] responded in a way he didn't like" in your post is sufficient to convey that the murderer's own distorted and/or deluded perception may have evoked a violent, unpremeditated, unwarranted reaction on his part and puts the responsibility back in his court.

I'm not current on recent posts to this thread, so I don't know if we have had access to the email messages between Annie and RC, but I have heard that hers were conciliatory. Comments by friends and acquaintances confirm that this is consistent with her character and temperament. I think it would go against her nature to react physically in an argument unless it was in self-defense.

Again, this is in no way a criticism of you, only a respectfully submitted editorial observation of a post.
It is a standard plea. His lawyer wouldn't allow him to plead guilty under any circumstances...even if he knew or suspected he was responsible. In Federal court, a guilty plea isn't even allowed (this is not Federal, but simply pointing it out from what we have learned from other cases).

Yes, it is him. They have DNA evidence matching the crime scene and would not have arrested him if they were not certain he was the killer. They cannot afford to go after a person in such a high profile case again only to risk what happened in the Jovin case. They have the goods on this one.

Thank you SS - it is so shocking despite the fact that we have seen these types before.

It is said she was brilliant, it is also been said he did Janitorial work....
She may have looked down on him and his self esteem or the LACK OF IT drove him mad.
So sad to see a brilliant young lady go too soon. I am so sorry for her man Jon and her family.

RIP pretty Annie Le.
I have a question...

I'm new to this forum by the way, hello!

What is the purpose of this particular thread? Countdown to arrest?
It seems kind of odd to me that he had worked there for almost five years and had not, as far as I know, had any problems with his "lowly" position there. I understand he cleaned cages, but that is an honest living. I'm sure he had people over him in those five years that were just as educated as Annie.

I'm wondering, if possibly he had a fixation on her and bared his soul, came on strong, with urgency, possibly trying to kiss and hug, because she was about to get married and she rebuffed him possibly scratching etc.. and he became enraged and killed her. Or possibly, he feared losing his job, girlfriend etc.. when she reported him and killed her. I don't know. As has been said before, I seriously believe the pending wedding and the killing are tied together somehow. I can't ignore the Asian Club he was in. He probably liked Asian girls. MOO

I know his actions were beyond deplorable, but I will say that if someone has a crappy job it does not make them any less of a human than those who are going in an upward direction..JMO.
Does anyone know if these labs are soundproof? She fought back. She had to be screaming to the top of her lungs. Why didn't someone hear her?
IMO, if Annie had enough time to claw his chest then he had enough time to stop. He didn't stop because he didn't want to. He's only remorseful that he was caught.
I missed it, I promise I have gone back and tried to look through the 25 pages on this thread!

Have formal charges been read yet? Thank in advance for helping me out :)
respectfully snipped
One question to you people:

- why no suicide ? committing suicide, does that take balls ? i cant imagine it would be other than delightful to perform if you were in his shoes.

Because he's a coward. AND he has no shame.
I have a question...

I'm new to this forum by the way, hello!

What is the purpose of this particular thread? Countdown to arrest?

Sloof this thread was started last night after the announcement that there was going to be an arrest at any time.

Now that the arrest has been made, the conversation continued and will more than likely include an arraignment. Or not LOL. Depends on if someone starts a new thread for that and we have 25 pages now. So a new thread is likely.

The title was selected by the OP.
Something is seriously bothering me. I just watched the Arraignment Video that our wonderful Angel posted. It's plain to see he was crying and his eyes appear red from crying in his booking photo. In the video, he appears very nervous, and imo remorseful. I seriously wonder if this started as an argument that resulted in an accidental death. GOD help me for even suggesting that but it is on my mind. His actions after the fact belie this, at least in my mind, as I was/am of the notion that he knew he should have stopped but maybe couldn't control himself...he was too enraged or wound up. I wonder if he confronted Annie about something pertaining to her job, be it protocol or mice or whatever, and she responded in a way he didn't like. Maybe he responded with a threat and she slapped him across his face. HYPOTHETICAL. Maybe he slapped/pushed her back and we all know now where it ended up - the end result. I am "hypothetically" thinking that this was an argument that got out of control and he didn't mean it, now he's thinking "Jeez, what the heck have I done...I'm done for now...worthless". I do wonder if he could be considered a suicide risk. Something just isn't sitting right with me. I do believe he's where he needs to be, but something is rubbing me the wrong way for some reason.

Heck, I know, I just need to shut up. This is my original perp anyway. Let him rot, right? There's just something about the way he looked in that video...and his booking photo. Looks like a picture of a "spent" man to me...looked very frightened.

Perhaps this is something people can learn from. I hear of people that are too embarassed to seek psychiatric help. If he had a problem with being overtempered or controlling/opinionated, perhaps he had a chemical change within his body that a little pill could have taken care of...and in turn prevented this. I have no idea, this is just speculation. It's very sad all the way around. I am not sympathetic towards him, just observing from a distance...and wondering in print. :blowkiss:

I respect your post but please consider the following:

1. Please watch the movie Primal Fear and consider that this guy MAY be good at acting and MAY indeed be evil. I love a certain scene in this movie ... wow.

2. Please disregard his boyish innocent nice looks and instead picture him as a fat mean looking guy whom is unshaven with crossed eyes but maybe teary eyed. Then focus on the evidence. My point is looks do no make a killer.
Was family or gf with him this morning???

Passion I finally found the arraignment video over on the media thread.

AWC's is so wonderful in supplying us with all the media links.

I couldn't see anyone but him and his lawyers. So I don't know the answer to your question.

I don't have a pair of earphones today so I will have to listen to it later.
IMO, if Annie had enough time to claw his chest then he had enough time to stop. He didn't stop because he didn't want to. He's only remorseful that he was caught.

Yes, it takes a long time to choke someone to death as opposed to just unconciousness. Barring severe crushing trauma to the throat, think 2-5 minutes of constant and very forceful pressure. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time. Like I said before, you don't accidentally strangle someone to death.

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