POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I think the perp is someone he hasn't seen before. He grabs him, TH makes a scene, in front of Kyron to let him know she is not behind it. Perp puts a hood over his head. I still believe this was about a lawsuit against the school, and he was supposed to be found. The whole thing blew up on them and now they are in limbo. They can't contact each other and she can't give him up or Kyron is dead
just my opinion.
Here is my theory. Terri has been unhappy in her marriage for quite a while. Terri is the type of person to seek revenge instead of options to work things out. ( I do think she may have had a reason to be angry) This situation with the high school friend tells me he is not the only one she may have been trying to get a situation going with. I mean its unusual to me to know someone a short while and start sending pics in various stages of undress or in a sexual pose to them. Now people who are lowdown and would agree to seeing someone even though they are married can be pretty devious people. What if one of these people was interested in Kyron, but had to play interested in Terri to get to Kyron? She would have told her story to this lover and he/she would have sympathized all the while plotting to take Kyron. Remember in one thread where it said Terri does not realize that she knows how to locate Kyron? I have also read where Terri's sexual interests could be varied.

I don't know how Kyron was gotten away from the school but possibly a very simple way. Things just fell into place. There is no good reason Terri was on SI the day Kyron disappeared. He in some manner was put out, or given to someone for a revenge on Kaine.

It doesn't look good for Kyron, but again I can't imagine her agreeing to his death, only kidnapping and holding him for some type of reward or ransom. Of course when the other person took him, she lost control. But let me just add that with women and jealousy, there is no end to what can happen.

I want to point one other thing out in regards to cruelty to Kyron and the other son.
Remember where long ago in a thread it was said that she referred to , I assume, Kyron as the bully? She may well have considered him the problem of the household.

To sum it up, she could have ample reasons to take out hostility on Kyron, none that make sense to us, but in her mind. And if she was involved in unsavory relationships, which I really think she is , she could have put Kyron really in harm's way. A mind that is corrupt like this can be corrupt in many ways. I say one of her lovers has something to do with this. And I say that there is vastly more to come out. It will be shocking. jmo
Dots are being connected every time any of the family gives a statement. Plenty of people could believe that Kyron was caught in a really awful home situation and had no voice in where he was allowed to reside. His sobbing when forced to return speaks for him. People could connect dots and think he was a victim of some type of abuse either physical, verbal, or emotional. LE is going to have to figure out if Kyron was murdered or if he is being hidden.
I was thinking about a motive and I thought of one that is pretty bad. I can't really post it here because it involves accusations of a minor. So I will hope that people can read between the lines.

What if Kyron's body itself was evidence of sexual assault. We would need to ask ourselves who TH would be willing to protect at this extent. It also could explain why DY stated Kyron was crying about going home. What if Kyron started to talk and TH figured out what was going on and realized if it came to light that someone she cared about would be going to prison or have his life ruined. So perhaps this person was removed from the situation while she figured out what to do with Kyron. Getting rid of Kyron would be getting rid of the evidence.


.....or just plain old beating up a younger kid comes to mind -- it doesn't even have to be ''sexual'' assault to freak out a 7 yr old if older kid is bigger mean and stronger and maybe even left in charge from time to time -- which could explain the silence for sure
chewy and newone, this is a great observation! I had never even thought of that, and not that I want to either but.. very interesting.
........there's that fine line again.
chewy and newone, this is a great observation! I had never even thought of that, and not that I want to either but.. very interesting.

I thought of something else. If there was sexual assault, then if they do find the body and there is evidence of sexual assualt TH might have thought they would have simply assumed a pedophile kidnapped him from the school. She probably thought she had covered herself with an alibi and that they would never think she was involved.

One thing makes me curious about this case. I'm not sure why they waited so long to reveal that he was allergic to bees.
One thing makes me curious about this case. I'm not sure why they waited so long to reveal that he was allergic to bees.

I wonder that, too. Maybe no one thought of it since there was so much else to think about when he went missing. Or maybe they thought of it when they hoped he had wondered off or would be found outside, and then figured if he was with someone he would be hidden inside a building, and bees wouldn't be a concern.

Or maybe he isn't allergic to bees and LE is making sure that TH knows they and the other 3 parents are aware that she lied about that in the past.
I thought of something else. If there was sexual assault, then if they do find the body and there is evidence of sexual assualt TH might have thought they would have simply assumed a pedophile kidnapped him from the school. She probably thought she had covered herself with an alibi and that they would never think she was involved.

One thing makes me curious about this case. I'm not sure why they waited so long to reveal that he was allergic to bees.

BBM- this has been a sticking point for me from the moment they released that info.

I simply cannot see a search and rescue mission (especially one as expansive as the one for Kyron) missing this piece of information from LE. And I can't imagine a parent 'forgetting' to mention it when LE is asking one of their first questions of a missing person...."Is he allergic to anything?"

It is supremely odd to me, and imo- key.

BBM- this has been a sticking point for me from the moment they released that info.

I simply cannot see a search and rescue mission (especially one as expansive as the one for Kyron) missing this piece of information from LE. And I can't imagine a parent 'forgetting' to mention it when LE is asking one of their first questions of a missing person...."Is he allergic to anything?"

It is supremely odd to me, and imo- key.

What else I found odd was, aren't you usually asked about distinguishing marks for a person missing ? It was only recently we were told that he had two moles on his face.

BBM- this has been a sticking point for me from the moment they released that info.

I simply cannot see a search and rescue mission (especially one as expansive as the one for Kyron) missing this piece of information from LE. And I can't imagine a parent 'forgetting' to mention it when LE is asking one of their first questions of a missing person...."Is he allergic to anything?"

It is supremely odd to me, and imo- key.

Did anyone say that LE and the SAR people did not know that Kyron is allergic to bees?
The only thing I can think about not releasing the bee allergy is that maybe they were worried about it being used to kill him and didn't want to give the kidnapper any guilt free ways to get rid of him.

What does BBM mean btw?
Here is my theory of what may have transpired at the school on the morning of June 4th (I’ve posted some of this previously on the Skyline School thread)…

TMH & Kyron, now along with Baby K, took pics at Kyron’s exhibit & took pics of KV at his exhibit, walked through some of the other exhibits, and possibly completed their tour in the Library. (meshes with reports from Kyron’s teacher and another teacher that they saw Kyron with TMH in 2 separate classrooms) http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/details_emerge_about_the_day_k.html

Saying their goodbyes, Kyron goes West from the Library, through the door into 105A, turns North through the door into the Hallway, West through the door into 106/Hallway and up the West Stairs. TMH goes East from the Library through the double doors into the Hallway, turns South and goes up the South Stairs. TMH sees Kyron as she looks West and he is at the top of the stairs, walking the few steps toward his classroom. TMH continues East toward the East Exit. (meshes with her statement that they went up separate stairwells and she saw him walking toward his classroom) http://www.katu.com/news/local/95691389.html?

Maybe she leaves the building and places Baby K back into the truck, but waits for a bit and then goes back into the school without Baby K.

Kyron actually makes it into the classroom and gets assembled into the little groups with Kyron and TP in separate groups, the sub/volunteer gives her group a brief synopsis of projects that they are going to look at. As the groups are getting ready to leave the classroom, Kyron tells TP in passing that his group is going to see the electric project. Their groups part ways to go see different exhibits with TP heading downstairs with his group and Kyron’s group heading to the gym on the same level as their classroom. (meshes with TP’s statements regarding seeing Kyron and Kyron telling him that he is going to see the electric project) http://www.kptv.com/news/23842774/detail.html (also meshes with CM’s account that the students were supposed to go back to their classrooms and be divided into groups) http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/details_emerge_about_the_day_k.html

Once in the gym, TK sees Kyron with his classmates/friends, but does not see TMH, though maybe he sees the truck from the window of the gym (as far as I can tell, I believe that the gym is elevated from the exterior, so the lower level is partially above ground with the gym windows higher off the ground, so you can’t really see into the gym, but with the gym floor being higher up and the windows being more at an eye level from the inside, if that makes sense. (meshes with TK’s version of events) http://www.katu.com/news/local/98434609.html

While everyone is busy looking at exhibits, TMH returns to the school, gets Kyron’s attention discreetly in the gym and tells him something, maybe along the lines of Baby K being sick and her needing to take Baby K to the doctor and Kyron needing to go with her (he would likely not put up a fuss, if he thought his services were needed to help his sick baby sister). They head out either one of the exit stairwells on either side of the stage or maybe even back out into the hallway and out the East Exit, since everyone is in rooms looking at exhibits. A couple of staff members note TMH & Kyron leaving. Maybe they were in the office and while TMH did not see them, maybe they saw her from the back as TMH & Kyron left the gym and headed out the door. (meshes with reports that staff members thought they saw them leave together) http://www.katu.com/news/local/98434609.html

The groups return to the classrooms and that is when the volunteer parent notices that Kyron is no longer with them and the exchange between the volunteer parent and the teacher takes place. (meshes with TP’s statement about the “sub” saying Kyron was no longer in the group, when they returned to class) http://www.kptv.com/news/23842774/detail.html

Terri is the last known person to see Kyron prior to his disappearance, as she is the one who he left with, and it occurred on school grounds.

Does anyone see any flaws to this theory? How plausible is this? As always, everything that I have stated is my own opinion.

Here's the map for reference...
Hollye, your theory is pretty sound as far as I can tell. People depend on the 'blend in' when committing crimes, and Terri was a fixture at the school, and it's probable that she blended in so much that she was like a bulletin board on the wall...something everyone sees all the time so makes no connection that she's there at an odd time.

I just can't quite get there yet.
The only thing I can think about not releasing the bee allergy is that maybe they were worried about it being used to kill him and didn't want to give the kidnapper any guilt free ways to get rid of him.

What does BBM mean btw?

BBM = Bolded by Me (i asked the exact same question back a while ago)
Did anyone say that LE and the SAR people did not know that Kyron is allergic to bees?

I don't know about LE, but it was not released to the media as public information.

Perhaps there is someone from SAR who worked the case on here that can clarify?
If Michael Cook is a neighbor of the Hormans and he also has a young son, too...is it possible that MC's child also attended Skyline Elementary and could MC & his son also have been in attendance at the Science Fair the morning of 6/4/10?

Since I'm not completely convinced about TH & MC beginning their affair days after Kyron's disappearance...I'm left wondering how much more MC could play into this case.
If Michael Cook is a neighbor of the Hormans and he also has a young son, too...is it possible that MC's child also attended Skyline Elementary and could MC & his son also have been in attendance at the Science Fair the morning of 6/4/10?

Since I'm not completely convinced about TH & MC beginning their affair days after Kyron's disappearance...I'm left wondering how much more MC could play into this case.

It is my understanding that his house is approximately 15 minutes away in a different county, but I don't think it is known where his ex lives and whether or not MC's son goes to Skyline.
It is my understanding that his house is approximately 15 minutes away in a different county, but I don't think it is known where his ex lives and whether or not MC's son goes to Skyline.

Good to know, I must have misread or misheard some interview about MC & where he lived. Thanks!;)
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