POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Please go back to previous pages and post which you agree with....Thanks!
Hi PDX, I popped the address from Beatrice into Google and came up with this: http://stripclub-directory.com/afterhours-504.html. It's a strip club.

Now that was several entries down on Google so maybe it isn't there anymore. This weekend I'll drive by to see what is at that address. If this guy owns a strip club he could be in keeping with those TH kept company with as we have read. I've known several people in this business thru my work {selling camera systems} and they are generally a bit, do I dare say slimy? You walk in and it is so dark you can't even see where to walk !!!

ETA: I just dialed their phone # and it is disconnected.

scandi, thanks, if you can drive by there that will settle it. I'm still curious where Beatrice got the address from to start with. I found all those other businesses *also* attached to the same address. I'm not ready to conclude it's a strip club. :crazy: I also get a *woman's* name for that business registration in Oregon, that is from the State's Corp Div.

So, I don't have a guy or a strip club.
heheh, I won't even tell you what phone numbers I've dialed over the course of this past year.
sigh, I can't believe it will be a year before we know anything more. :(
Do we know how Kyron's swim coach became associated with this stuff? I can't find anything online. Beatrice, how did you get this? I don't know how I missed this.
Do we know how Kyron's swim coach became associated with this stuff? I can't find anything online. Beatrice, how did you get this? I don't know how I missed this.

Hi RoseT, We didn't start looking at this swim coach because of his ownership in a strip club, at least I didn't. He was suspicious to me simply by TH knowing this guy well enough for her to let him hold her baby girl in the pool, of course along with Kyron. Maybe I've read too much about men who like little people but it struck me as out of the ordinary. In swim classes I've seen it is the parent who holds the child with the instructor also in the pool but giving direction to the parent.

And I must say Beatrice is IMO a high caliber researcher/investigator, not that she needs defending. I think this guy might have owned a strip club in that location, or owned it jointly with someone else, back a few years. They don't remove entries from Google but keep adding new ones on top of it I think, right? That would just take some shoe leather to find out which I would be glad to do. Beatrice lives on the East Coast and I'm right here.

BTW, I remember quite early on in the case there was a reference to TH frequenting a strip or girlie club over in SE Portland. I doubt she would be leery to walk thru the front door into a dark room and all you see is a lit up cage IMO
Where did Kyron get his CSI shirt..did the Hormans go to Las Vegas?

OMSI, the Science Museum in Portland, had a CSI installation that the Horman family visited (info via facebook photo albums). It's believed the shirt was actually for the teen son J & handed down to Ky.
Shadowboy, hopefully you already know how much I agree with you. i'm not sure about the early timeline details of your post, but I agree with the underlying stuff. Your thoughts on evidence dispersal make a lot of sense, too.

PDX: At the risk of placing person-to-person communication on this "Connect the Dots" thread ... Could you put forth your "early timeline" theories? (And, if you already have, could you please direct me to the URL?)

Thanks, by the way, for your local perspective.
Hi RoseT, We didn't start looking at this swim coach because of his ownership in a strip club, at least I didn't. He was suspicious to me simply by TH knowing this guy well enough for her to let him hold her baby girl in the pool, of course along with Kyron. Maybe I've read too much about men who like little people but it struck me as out of the ordinary. In swim classes I've seen it is the parent who holds the child with the instructor also in the pool but giving direction to the parent.

And I must say Beatrice is IMO a high caliber researcher/investigator, not that she needs defending. I think this guy might have owned a strip club in that location, or owned it jointly with someone else, back a few years. They don't remove entries from Google but keep adding new ones on top of it I think, right? That would just take some shoe leather to find out which I would be glad to do. Beatrice lives on the East Coast and I'm right here.

BTW, I remember quite early on in the case there was a reference to TH frequenting a strip or girlie club over in SE Portland. I doubt she would be leery to walk thru the front door into a dark room and all you see is a lit up cage IMO

Thanks, I was just surprised that I had never heard this before. Which is why I come daily, because I want to know the latest. It sounds very interesting. I would love to see the pic-anyone have a link?
PDX: At the risk of placing person-to-person communication on this "Connect the Dots" thread ... Could you put forth your "early timeline" theories? (And, if you already have, could you please direct me to the URL?)

Thanks, by the way, for your local perspective.
My pleasure. Although it's been a rude awakening to a lot of things that go on here, I'd encourage everyone to learn a little bit more about their own towns. You might be amazed.

I don't think it's *too* OT to say here.. I don't really have a fix on specifics. That is, I am not breaking my neck to figure out who was where when (why I am a little loose with your 'timelines' of when TH was where) because there are some key pieces of info that have been kept from the public. I believe TH's behavior is consistent with her being involved.

I also think her reasons for being involved are the things you touch on later in your post. I've been having a hard time with the Surenos being the specific gang, but again, it doesn't really matter, because we do not have the details needed to pin it down that close. And even if we did? There's not likely to be a lot of public record information about individuals for us to snoop.
But do I think steroids/gum culture are involved? Yes.

From the details we know so far, your explanation about Sauvie makes a lot of sense. Taking time to separate some evidence from other evidence would be time well spent for a 'clever' (or thinks she is) perp.

But, I'm just beyond trying to figure it out without more info from LE. Kudos to you for pulling a logical version of the story together!

Okay, so I'm just now getting caught up with what you guys are talking about here. When I saw this address, I went, "HUH?" It's...ah....in my neck of the woods! ;) Sorry, no strip club at this address and there's never been a strip club at that address. PDX is correct that it's apartment buildings. It's in an area where they have planned to put a large outdoor shopping mall. It was in the paper a few years back because some oppossed the idea. They also tried to put a Walmart nearby that got nixed.

I think it's quite likely someone just used their apartment address for a business license. Could be all kinds of innocent things like lingerie party business etc.

I don't need to drive by to see it. The photo on Google maps is correct!
Shadowboy, I won't quote your long post but I think you have some great ideas!!!!!!
My pleasure. Although it's been a rude awakening to a lot of things that go on here, I'd encourage everyone to learn a little bit more about their own towns. You might be amazed.

I don't think it's *too* OT to say here.. I don't really have a fix on specifics. That is, I am not breaking my neck to figure out who was where when (why I am a little loose with your 'timelines' of when TH was where) because there are some key pieces of info that have been kept from the public. I believe TH's behavior is consistent with her being involved.

I also think her reasons for being involved are the things you touch on later in your post. I've been having a hard time with the Surenos being the specific gang, but again, it doesn't really matter, because we do not have the details needed to pin it down that close. And even if we did? There's not likely to be a lot of public record information about individuals for us to snoop.
But do I think steroids/gum culture are involved? Yes.

From the details we know so far, your explanation about Sauvie makes a lot of sense. Taking time to separate some evidence from other evidence would be time well spent for a 'clever' (or thinks she is) perp.

But, I'm just beyond trying to figure it out without more info from LE. Kudos to you for pulling a logical version of the story together!


I just felt this was worth repeating...and so important to remember for those who do not see how TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance.
Somehow, seeing that they were responsible enough to make sure that their kids were able to swim, just sits oddly with me with the perception that I have had. I can't put my finger on it. I'm not making an assumption, but reflecting on an assumption that perhaps I already made.
Somehow, seeing that they were responsible enough to make sure that their kids were able to swim, just sits oddly with me with the perception that I have had. I can't put my finger on it. I'm not making an assumption, but reflecting on an assumption that perhaps I already made.

Yees Rose Tree, I call it confusing. I have often had the same thought in that in photographs we see the surroundings were bright and cheerful with lots of good toys and books for Kyron and him always dressed nicely. His environment was creative, the family went to interesting places and they took loads of photos.

Whatever was brewing in that house was a seething undercurrent of jealousy I think. There were loud fights IMO and maybe passionate get-togethers among friends. All of this makes it seem like a giant conundrum that someone could plot to make him go away. And yet it happened.
I don't think Kyron will be found near his home...that would point directly to TH and no one else-why would she do that? Near the school I can see, as that COULD indicate he wandered away, thus the blame would be on the school. But would she have been able to pull over somewhere close to the school on a busier than usual morning, without being seen? That seems really risky. Even to turn off the main road near the school onto a turnaround, for example, would be risky and memorable.

I feel that SI, or a spot miles from the school, are more likely, to put some distance between herself and anyone who might recognize her or the vehicle.

Now if TH did not do this, Kyron could of course be anywhere. If TH had pings all over the place that morning, LE really needs to find him and match the spot to a ping or two. Otherwise, it will be hard to disprove her story that she simply drove around. He really needs to be found...
Beaitrice and Scandi, I completely agree with you. I think that a planted seed of resentment or jealousy without proper processing of emotion can do so much damage. Especially with someone who may have sociopathic tendencies. I think that you two hit the nail on the head.

Clu, nicely said as well. I completely agree.
OK who has been named a person of interest in this case? The list is short and I'm seeing personal sleuthing being done and misinformation being passed on this swim coach. Can anyone provide an MSM link showing me that he is a suspect in this case? MSM links peeps.

I'm also seeing rumors being posted here. :nono:

We don't sleuth innocent people.
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