POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

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What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Not at all. I am questioning her reasoning of taking a sick baby to the day care. She didn't have to be at a job, so it was completely her choice. She chose to drop off her sick baby at a day care. To me it means she either values working out more than taking care of her daughter or she had some other reason for going to the gym that was more important than taking her sick baby home.

Yes...and infect other children in the daycare with a sick child...way to go Terri!

Obviously, there are a whole bunch of dots between my original 1 and 2. Leaving earlier than expected to go to the store for medicine is perfectly rational (although if I was out of medicine for my child and she was feeling poorly, I think I might have gone to the store prior to going to school - especially if I was "planning" to be there until 10 am when the SF projects were free to go). Driving around on country roads (one of which could have been Skyline Blvd.) for 1-1/2 hours is not rational - imho.

I have a hard time calling Terri a good mother when she takes a sick baby to daycare 2 days in a row. Clearly, either Terri thinks more of herself than her children; or, she needed a witness that the baby was sick (June 3) to support her need to buy medicine on June 4, and she needed that June 4 alibi.

Didn't the friend who saw Terri at the 2nd FMs say that she knew the baby was sick from the day before? So, was Terri at the gym the day before? She must have been since this person said that she and Terri knew each other only from the gym.

I guess Terri took the sick baby to the gym two days in a row. You would think the day care would not accept a sick baby. The baby must have been sick when dropped off at the gym day care the day before if the friend knew the baby was sick. How else would the friend have known the baby was sick from the day before?

so either from observation or from TH, or both, when she dropped her sick baby off at the gym daycare on 6/3 since the witness doesn't know her from outside of the gym and, apparently, didn't bump into her randomly at FM on 6/3. Then TH drops baby off, sick, again, at the gym on 6/4, when the gym folks already know baby isn't feeling well. Or did she? I wonder if the witness was working at the gym when TH was there on 6/4 and wondered why she was putting a sick baby in gym daycare AGAIN. Or did she?

Personally, I'd be embarrassed to put my sick baby in gym childcare two days in a row. Especially after I'd just bumped into the witness at FM trying to buy meds for her. And no one's ever accused me of being mother of the year lol

Baby wasn't in daycare. How many sahm's do you know that drop off miserable toddlers at gym day care?


A lot of people in the thread, including you, referred to it as daycare several times. I was just following the lead of the thread when I referred to it as daycare.

Above BBM!
You could not be more correct, germaine!!!!!!!!!!

For clarity's sake:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5685007&postcount=1001"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2[/ame]


A lot of people in the thread, including you, referred to it as daycare several times. I was just following the lead of the thread when I referred to it as daycare.


am i "you"? If so, you'll notice that I've consistently referred to it as gym day care. Which really shouldn't be necessary, since we all know that's what we're talking about.

Your post was

If daycares refused all toddlers who didn't feel well as a result of teething, then there wouldn't be daycares. There would only be kindergarten

You compare "daycares" to kindie and suggest that they wouldn't exist if they didn't take teething toddlers. Which is true, but completely irrelevant since we're not talking about "daycare" in that sense, but optional, limited child care provided by a gym for a couple hours, max. Did you not appreciate the distinction? If not, let me clarify, gym daycares do not normally take teething or miserable babies, and are provided as a convenience to membership-paying gym members at nominal cost. If you drop off your miserable baby there, they will call you on your cell during your work out to come get them. They are not profit centers like a typical daycare, and the same rules do not apply. Plus, as I mentioned, the mothers who use them during the normal workday typically are sahm's who have the option of NOT using them for a miserable baby.

Gym care at my gym is about $3/hr. for a maximum of two hours and will not take a child who is ill or even one that is tantruming or crying constantly. They call you in those cases. My daycare has no maximum number of hours, charges about 10 times that amount, and will take a teething toddler and/or one that is miserable, so long as there's no fever over 100 or other sign of contagious disease.

She didn't compare daycare to Kindergarten.

then there wouldn't be daycares. There would only be kindergarten

If no daycare, then kindergarten.

If no gym child care then kindergarten.

Only one makes sense...kind of lol
Ahhh. And this is the very point that leads me to believe "the appointment" was not manufactured as confusion. If trying to cause deliberate confusion, I think the paperwork was not only unnecessary, it’s illogical and problematic. Here’s why I think this:

What happened to that paperwork? There are only 2 scenarios:
1) Porter gave it back to TH on June 4 prior to Kyron going missing.
2) Porter did not give it back to TH and Porter still had/has the paperwork.

If TH wanted to cause deliberate confusion, she'd want that paperwork back. I mean if the whole idea is to plant a thought in Porter's mind that Kyron's appointment is June 4 and manipulate Porter into not worrying if Kyron's not in class, then leaving the paperwork in Porter's possession is completely counter to that.

If Porter has the paperwork AND sees that Kyron is missing, wouldn't TH assume that Porter would think, "Hey, if his appointment was today, why didn't TH get the paperwork from me? This doesn't add up. Something’s wrong here. I better look for Kyron."

The only way I can see this supposed ruse working is for TH to get the paperwork back on June 4th because Porter having the paperwork + Kyron missing = unlikelihood that Porter would assume Kyron’s appointment was June 4th.

To create true confusion, imo, TH needs to get the paperwork back AND somehow get Porter to believe the appointment was June 4th. This is where it really falls apart for me.

TH gave the paperwork to Porter on June 3rd, and that's not enough time for a teacher in the midst of preparing a science fair to actually complete the paperwork. If TH was planning this whole thing for days, weeks?, months?then why wait until June 3rd to give the paperwork to Porter, knowing she'd need to get it back on June 4th to create the whole June 4th appointment ruse?

And isn't getting the paperwork back on June 4th a very risky thing to do? It would mean engaging in a conversation with Porter in which Porter might very well say, "To be clear, Terri, is Kyron's appointment today or next Friday?"

In a nutshell, if confusion was the goal, not getting the paperwork from Porter on June 4th makes no sense to me because it encourages Porter to believe the appointment is not on June 4th. And, retrieving the paperwork from Porter on June 4th makes no sense to me because there's too much opportunity during the paperwork exchange for Porter to pin TH down on the date/time of the appointment and eliminate the confusion TH was allegedly trying to cause. I just can't make it work.

Why is the paperwork even necessary for causing confusion? To me, it isn’t. It seems to me that the paperwork is actually problematic and counter to getting Porter to believe that Kyron's appointment was June 4th. IMO, anyone trying to create confusion about the appointment would not have brought paperwork into the mix.

I think Porter used the appointment to rationalize Kyron’s absence after the fact. If a different child had gone missing, especially a child whose parent had been present at the expo, I think Porter would have just assumed the child left with the parent. That's my opinion. I think this is more about Porter’s thought process than any deliberate plan to create confusion.

I think there was a legitimate doctor appointment on June 11th for a legitimate reason and Terri had every intention of taking Kyron to that appointment. jmho. Kyron didn't make it to that appointment, and that is not insignificant to me when considering various theories.

Excellent post. Thanks.
ah, nvm

I'm deleting the last couple of posts, as I'm not going to be baited into going OT after JBean requested us not to.
I wonder if Terri was planning to workout longer that day, but instead the gym day care worker noticed the baby being ill?

Im sorry. What is it that I needed clarity pertaining to this:

Above post that I was referred to for Clarity's sake...??
Originally Posted by Bluestars View Post
Not at all. I am questioning her reasoning of taking a sick baby to the day care. She didn't have to be at a job, so it was completely her choice. She chose to drop off her sick baby at a day care. To me it means she either values working out more than taking care of her daughter or she had some other reason for going to the gym that was more important than taking her sick baby home.
Originally Posted by miabellamoure View Post
Yes...and infect other children in the daycare with a sick child...way to go Terri!
Originally Posted by SacreBleu View Post
Obviously, there are a whole bunch of dots between my original 1 and 2. Leaving earlier than expected to go to the store for medicine is perfectly rational (although if I was out of medicine for my child and she was feeling poorly, I think I might have gone to the store prior to going to school - especially if I was "planning" to be there until 10 am when the SF projects were free to go). Driving around on country roads (one of which could have been Skyline Blvd.) for 1-1/2 hours is not rational - imho.

I have a hard time calling Terri a good mother when she takes a sick baby to daycare 2 days in a row. Clearly, either Terri thinks more of herself than her children; or, she needed a witness that the baby was sick (June 3) to support her need to buy medicine on June 4, and she needed that June 4 alibi.
Originally Posted by Bluestars View Post
Didn't the friend who saw Terri at the 2nd FMs say that she knew the baby was sick from the day before? So, was Terri at the gym the day before? She must have been since this person said that she and Terri knew each other only from the gym.

I guess Terri took the sick baby to the gym two days in a row. You would think the day care would not accept a sick baby. The baby must have been sick when dropped off at the gym day care the day before if the friend knew the baby was sick. How else would the friend have known the baby was sick from the day before?
Originally Posted by germaine View Post
so either from observation or from TH, or both, when she dropped her sick baby off at the gym daycare on 6/3 since the witness doesn't know her from outside of the gym and, apparently, didn't bump into her randomly at FM on 6/3. Then TH drops baby off, sick, again, at the gym on 6/4, when the gym folks already know baby isn't feeling well. Or did she? I wonder if the witness was working at the gym when TH was there on 6/4 and wondered why she was putting a sick baby in gym daycare AGAIN. Or did she?

Personally, I'd be embarrassed to put my sick baby in gym childcare two days in a row. Especially after I'd just bumped into the witness at FM trying to buy meds for her. And no one's ever accused me of being mother of the year lol
Originally Posted by germaine View Post
Baby wasn't in daycare. How many sahm's do you know that drop off miserable toddlers at gym day care?


A lot of people in the thread, including you, referred to it as daycare several times. I was just following the lead of the thread when I referred to it as daycare.

I do not have anything to do with above post with long list of ppl s different use of the word "daycare".. I Have not made any comments, opinions and/or posts about the use of the word "daycare".. FWIW I could not care any less about ppls opinion of how to use/when deemed appropriate the use of the word "daycare"... So not sure what the above was for clarity's sake in anyway relevant to me..

Just to be clear[as I am quite tired and the eyelids are long past being held open with these toothpicks..lol].. I have no opinion one way or the other with the use of the word daycare... And the only thing that I even posted concerning daycare was my reply to germaine's post giving the theory of possibly baby k was NEVER AT THE GYM DAYCARE on June 4th... Which I simply agreed with..
Exacty..so either baby wasn't there or she wasn't sick

I agree. I never thought the baby was sick - always thought she was just teething.

I think the baby was at the gym, in the day care, and that Terri was there and worked out. Andrea the gym employee's interview indicates to me that is so.
I agree. I never thought the baby was sick - always thought she was just teething.

I think the baby was at the gym, in the day care, and that Terri was there and worked out. Andrea the gym employee's interview indicates to me that is so.

So why did Andrea L think the baby was sick if she wasn't?

"I think the thing that seems odd about it perhaps is that we were just passing each other by and in a few seconds, with her daughter being sick in her arms, made a point to show me the picture."
Here's what does not ring true to me...because I have a granddaughter just Baby K's age.

Either Baby K is really sick...in which case she needs to be home and comfortable in her bed...not taken to science fairs, taken into stores, driven around for hours, and then deposited in a gym daycare...or she is "teething sick." Not contagious, no... but as one who has seen this misery close hand, she's in pain, and often running a low fever with all the aching feeling that entails.

Now Baby K is miserable enough with her "sickness" that strangers notice...notice, in fact two days in a row. So that says something to indicate that Baby K was in considerable distress.

So perhaps Terri would feel that she needed to take her to the science fair and keep her word to Kyron. And perhaps she would use that opportunity to get medicine. And perhaps she might drive around a bit to get the Baby to sleep.

Then what?

This child is distressed enough that strangers notice, that you spent most of your morning comforting her...what mother would then pull her out of a car seat and essentially dump her in a day care so SHE can work out. Terri could have run to the gym after Kaine got home. This is a stay-at-home Mom with all day at her disposal.

The "driving for hours to soothe her" and the dump-job at the gym do not compute IMO. The drive is too long and the workout-dump doesn't fit with the description of a Baby that is sick enough with teething that strangers notice. If you just got your sick Baby to sleep...you bring her home to the quiet of her bed...not a daycare/nursery situation, noisy and impersonal.

IMO, it's not any one thing that make Terri the "de facto" suspect...it's ALL of them knit together. The long drive/sick baby/ daycare dump of Baby K...the cell phone pings not matching her story,her friend missing at work when Terri is on this "long drive", the multiple failed lie detector tests, the landscaper saying she wanted Kaine dead, the teacher thinking she told her Kyron had a doctor's appt, the sexual advances to Cook that were "similar" to what the Landscaper described in his statement.

And, yes, yes, yes, we can spend days here picking at the edges of each of these things and trying to mitigate each of them by themselves. But even if one or two are not entirely as the media or the grieving parents have portrayed them...the totality is compelling. To me anyway.

I see them as only the tip of the iceberg. LE has told us that this case is going to trial , that they have plenty of evidence, but for the integrity of this case, they are not sharing with us. Fair enough. So we are picking around the edges.

I have no reason to dismiss this as spin.

I think we have been given some insight by understanding who Kaine and Desiree think hurt their child and who Terri's attorney thinks the focus of the criminal case is targeting. It is Terri Horman every time.

We do not know all that LE knows, or the parents know, or Terri attorney knows...but we know all fingers point at Terri.

We do not get to impose our time table of the D.A. or LE. They will indict, if they do, when they wish...when they think they have her nailed. We do not get to know till then, what other evidence they have...what others have told them in the Grand Jury. But we do know some things that when knit together give us clues to why she is "in the crosshairs" as her attorney says...why she cannot fight for her Baby without "incriminating" herself.

For now, until Terri is cleared...I look at Kyron's trusting little face, and I prefer not to put my energies into trying to defend on the Internet the Stepmother he loved...who may have hurt him or killed him. I will gladly come here and do a mea culpa..if ,and when we know more, and Terri is shown to be innocent.

She's a grown woman...she seems tough enough. Her life to date shows a woman who was strong enough to take her child and leave her first husband, strong enough to get a second husband to foot the bill for a child he never sees, strong enough to be party to (with Kaine) breaking up the marriage of a pregnant woman, strong enough to find a guy four days after that husband leaves to send graphic sexual pictures of herself to...that are "similar" to something she was doing months ago with the hired help.

So she'll get through this, if innocent.

But, if guilty, not one word do I want to put on record for a monster who would destroy the life (literally or figuratively) of a little boy who loved and trusted her.

That just my POV. To each his own...
I look at Kyron's trusting little face, and I prefer not to put my energies into trying to defend on the Internet the Stepmother he loved

I'm with you 100%. I'm keeping all of my energies right where they've been, and right where they are - into finding out what happened to this precious child.
I don't know. I see a lot of people confusing teething with being sick. Perhaps she was too(?)

Maybe, or maybe Terri told her the baby was sick when she said she was getting medicine for her?
I think Terri and Dede planned and possibly many other cohorts may be involved,way in advance probably before Terri sent her son away to go live with his grandparents. Terri was setting up her alibi with many of her friends or anyone that would listen to her complain about the abuse she was going through. Telling them different lies about her and Kaines marital problems and reasons why her son had to go live with her parents.

Telling J's adopted father that J and Kaine were butting heads which I am sure it was just the opposite as Kaine stated with the reporter. It was her that was having a difficult time trying to control J, being a teenager and voicing his opinions about his independence as teenagers do at that age. She also mentioned J's grades went down around that time probably do to the stressors caused by his mother. Terri didn't want to take on the role of looking like a bad mother and probably threatened J that if he ever told anyone the truth about their relationship and what went on in the home. She would send him away for good. I'm sure that terrified J!

How the landscaper MFH plot comes into play is probably a red-herring to fit Terri plan to get rid of Kyron that would cause so much devastation to Kaine and make him pay in her mind. Putting an ad on Craigs list and looking for certain type of landscaper and interviewing him, asking for credentials and getting background information on the LS before she would commit to hiring him. Terri complained to the LS about the abuse she endured by the hands of Kaine and hinting to him if he knew of anyone that could take care of her situation. and probably asserting her sexual favors towards him. All the while Kaine not knowing that she hired the landscaper and had no intention of paying for the work the landscaper would do on their property.

Telling everyone that Kaine made her fire the landscaper and said it was her job to maintain the lawn etc. To make Kaine look bad in the eyes of her friends. The 911 call in May of this year was about the landscaper coming over and demanding payment for the job he had done and her refusal to pay. I'm sure there was a confrontation and being the manipulative person that she is and a liar to claim the landscaper was harassing her and shoved her with her baby in tow. Terri knew she had to have a good reason to call 911 and file a report and have it on record for proof later for when she would accuse the landscaper of the abduction of Kyron.

Terri and Dede planned the perfect (in their minds) opportunity to take Kyron from school that day on June 4th. Knowing it would be crowded and chaotic. Using the teacher as a scapegoat about the doctors note trying to divert confusion with the teacher statements. She even wrote in an email to KATU the day after her stepson vanished from school:

“They are blaming me in the blogs. I just want to scream,”

Why is she even reading the blogs the day after Kyron went missing?
This shows that it is all about her and not Kyron in my book!

“The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010.

This statement is to cause confusing with the teacher as to who really has an appointment that day IF there really was an appointment that day.

"The past 2 weeks he's been acting really weird. Staring off into space. Can't remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on. The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out." This Is just Utterly Pathetic! Poor Kyron didn't even have a chance.

She doesn't give a date as to when the appointment is made or what day the appointment is. To not give a definitive answer shows she is being deceptive.

“I said I was going to look at other exhibits - how do you mess that up? His coat and backpack were still at school. I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left. There were no men on the chaperone list. That and it was highly chaotic - had to been 300 people running around - no coordination ...”

Another aggressive attack on the teacher. Terri knew if she took Kyrons backpack and coat that day it would look suspicious to LE so that is why she didn't have Kyron retrieve them.

Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Terri informed his teacher he had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent.

Remember Kyron's friends mother Holm said her son knew about the appointment too. “And the teacher said, ‘I thought he left with his mom,’ because they thought they had a doctor appointment,” Holm said. “And then at lunchtime, K ate lunch with him every day, he wasn’t there at lunchtime. And then I got a call at 4:30ish, saying he didn’t get off the bus, I guess. And Kurtis said, ‘Oh yeah, I knew he was already gone all day Mom.’”

“Kids saw him after I left. Teacher put him as absent at 10am. Someplace between 9-10 is when we think it happened."

Terri just implicated herself in these two statements above.

Why insert a man 'chaperone'? Well that goes without saying. The landscaper accusation comes to mind after in a disturbance call to LE on May 9th,2010. When LE is questioning her and pointing the finger towards him during her interrogation and during the LDT showing her to be deceptive. Using the 2 girls to establish witnesses to make her statement seem believable during a crowded hall way during the science fair after the bell rang and not to be noticed as to when she actually left the building.

“I have a receipt showing I was checking out at Fred Meyer 7 miles away at 9:12am. I went to another FM looking for meds for Kitty they didn't have at the first FM. Then I was trying to get Kitty to sleep in the truck for a few minutes, but no go, so off to the gym at 11:20. Out at 12:20. Home at 12:45. Kaine home at 2. Bus at 3:30. That was my day - they keep asking me. Now on my 5th interview with them ..."

Tying Dede and others in this planned disappearance of Kyron.

LE has a presser with Terri and Dede's picture on a flier and asks the public to come forward with any information as to their whereabouts that day.

On June 5th Terri emailed Dede giving her details of her route she took that day keep in mind she uses 7 miles and getting a receipt at 9:12 as shown above. Dede leaves to go to her internship at 13000 NW Old Germantown Rd and arrives before 9:00am to wait for Terri to pick her up. What Terri didn't realize is she implicated herself again in her time line. And after LE searched Terri's laptop and found the emails to Dede. Le brought her in and started questioning her.

Looking at Google maps from 13000 NW Old Germantown RD,OR to 22085 NW Imbrie Dr is 7.2 miles!! Shown above that she stated how many miles it took but she messed up and put the wrong mileage it would take to get to the first FM from Skyline Elementary School. Google shows 5.3 mi – about 12 mins. Big mistake on her part and now implicates them both.

Showing Terri and Dede's Time line

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5680362&postcount=44"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sauvie Island Timeline Info[/ame]

The MFH sting orchestrated by LE went to the Horman home after Terri pointed her finger and accused the landscaper of harassment on May 9th. When LE questioned the landscaper they found out about the proposed MFH that was set up by Terri.The landscaper shows up with an undercover agent to try and get a reaction from Terri. It failed because Terri knew her goose was cooked if she muttered a word to the landscaper or gave him any recognition to why he was there. She leaped into action and called 911 to cover her rear end or so she thought. Thinking she is so intelligent to not get caught.

Why would Dede stay with Terri after Kaine files for divorce and RO and leaves with the baby after he finds out about the MFH plot? Misery loves company I guess. Or was it infatuation for Terri? To keep Terri in check as to not to spill the beans of their well thought out plan. Then to buy bat phones and advise others to do the same,one under a fake name to have some privacy from LE. To advise Terri and everyone to keep quiet and giving her advice to keep quiet to not implicate herself and to hire the best Lawyer money can buy to not just keep Terri from being arrested but to save there own skin!

Why has Terri let herself go. Looking at past pictures on her FB page and from the media. She looked healthy, well kept and attractive then later we see that she has gained weight and plain. Well there is a reason for that. Dede is a rather hefty woman and plain, at a quick glance you would think it was Terri. I know I took a double take when I first saw a picture of Dede and saw the resemblance. As I know others did as well.

Then comes along Michael Cook on his white stallion the knight in shinning armour to come save the day. After delving into Michael's past marriage he isn't a person of morals or values to say the least.What he did to his wife was disgusting on all levels of humanity! Inserting himself at the very beginning once an old school friend of Kaines hanging banners and assisting in a prayer vigil. Being a good neighbor that he is takes drinks and food over after Kaine leaves the home. Then starts to sext with the damsel in distress named Terri. Takes pictures of the Divorce/RO documents to find out where Kaine is with the baby to help Terri kidnap her daughter! Is this where he becomes the "Hero" to get information for Kaine? Nah He got caught red-handed not knowing about the technology the FBI and LE has on obtaining info from his and Terri's phone! Michael had no choice but to confess what he had done. Obstructing justice at it's finest. Was it worth it to get 15 minutes of fame?

Terri , Dede and others involved whom have caused so much grief and pain to Kaine and Desiree. Do the right thing and give yourself up because You will pay for what you have done to our sweet and innocent Kyron. As God as my witness we will not stop until you and your cohorts are under arrest!! We won't give up!

LE,FBI and the DA of Portland are going to the Grand Jury to get an indictment to charge Terri and her cohorts that are involved in the disappearance of Kyron will get their day in court!

This is my theory.....Sorry for the long post IMO etc etc
I personally feel they screwed up real bad.I feel personally all the slander on Terri had nothing to do with little Kyrons disappearance.They really need to start connecting the dots somewhere else.Like looking into the people who worked at the school and others who were at the school the morning Kyron came up missing and into other assaults of little boys in the oregon and possibly other areas.I use to think the LS did something.But I feel now who ever took little Kyron possibly was associated with the school in some way and Kyron may have thought this person was safe because he worked at the school or a sexual offender like this guy.

Ladybulldog....that seems like a popular theory this morning doesn't it! ;)
Ladybulldog, there are a number of things you post as fact that aren't, but I do appreciate the time and effort you took to make that post (I got carpal tunnel just reading it lol) and I do respect your point of view.

I am curious about this, however:

On June 5th Terri emailed Dede giving her details of her route she took that day keep in mind she uses 7 miles and getting a receipt at 9:12 as shown above.

Is that just your opinion that she did so or a statement of fact? I haven't seen anything in the news to that effect. Thanks.
I personally believe the male chaperone or who they thought was one was there that morning.Possibly someone from the school?
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