Poll: Did Casey Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk Before Caylee Died?

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Did KC Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk at Anytime Before Caylee Died?

  • Yes

    Votes: 490 54.4%
  • No

    Votes: 258 28.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 152 16.9%

  • Total voters
Also I thought that the ME could not determine a cause of death? If so, how can it be known if the duct tape killed her? (This is a question from a post upthread, not your post.)
The prosecution does not have to prove manner of death, obviously it wasn't suicide. (We still don't know exactly how Laci Peterson died, only that it was homicide). Their theory is suffocation by Chloroform, then Duct Tape. I think that's exactly what happened.
Living in Orlando, rumors had been swirling both locally and on the "blogs" for months prior about that area being the one where Caylee would be found. He just kept looking til he found her, JMO.

Plus, it wouldn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that no one had really thoroughly searched the wooded areas behind the home if he watched any of the tv shows and read up on the case.

Also: Don't the jurors only have to come to a reasonable conclusion that the duct tape over the airways was a manner of death since Caylee is deceased?
I had voted no but now I'm not so sure. My apologies if this article has already been posted:


Posted 7/14/2005 12:00 AM Updated 7/14/2005 7:08 AM

(please note date)

Laverne Dunlap, 35, of Gardena, Calif., was charged in June with three counts of child endangerment after allegedly driving 70 miles with two children — a boy, 15, and a girl, 10 — in the trunk. Seven more people were riding in her Toyota Corolla.

• Tamantha Parker, 33, of Quantico, Va., was charged this month with child abuse after police said she locked her two children, who police said were about 5, in a trunk as punishment for misbehaving in Wal-Mart. Nine people were packed into her car, including at least two others who should have been in child car seats, police said.

• Lanora Lucas, 37, of Frederick, Md., was charged last month with reckless endangerment after a police officer saw her put her 9-year-old son, 3-year-old daughter and an 8-year-old friend into her Volvo's trunk. She told the officer the kids wanted to ride there.

• Cheryl Ann Schoonmaker, 38, of Stafford, Va., was arrested Friday on child-abuse charges after two daughters, 8 and 10, told their father they had to take turns riding in the trunk of a four-door Nissan Sentra during an eight-hour trip from Alabama to Virginia. The girls said there was no room for both of them inside the car, which was also carrying a 12-year-old sister, a 12-year-old family friend, an infant sister and a dog. They said their mother drove with half of the back seat folded forward so there was an opening into the trunk, and another child rode atop the collapsed seat.

The article also talks about Michelle Joyce Gibson who was acquitted of charges (because the jury did not believe that she intended for her son to die) when she locked her child (who died) in her car trunk while she worked because she had no babysitter.

Just posting in case other's had not seen this, I hadn't until today.

If you google there are numerous cases.
I'm sure this has been brought up before... but could the duct tape over the nose and mouth have been post-mortem to keep fluids from oozing out? Gross, I know... just curious as to what you all thought of that?
After learning of the lies and deceits that Casey spews, I do think she could easily have put a drugged Caylee in the car / trunk during the last few weeks of her life. The back seat of her car opened into her trunk, and I've wondered if the "air mattress" could not have served a dual purpose. She could have easily been knocking her out,even with overOTC benadryl /diphenhydrmine, to be able to party hearty her nights away. As a nurse, I have tried to look closely at Caylees eyes and facial coloring in her later photos. The dark circles around her glassy ( at times) eyes, and discoloration around her mouth concerned me. If the windows were cracked, the car would not have been that hot at night. I also wondered about her " leaving the room" for phone calls was not an excuse for her to go & check her car. These are purely speculations on my part, but given the duct tape horror,I do think she was quite capable of this, so I voted yes.

If Caylee had of been drugged so KC could party whenever she didn't have a sitter than why was there ZERO drugs found in testing of her hair?
I think she put her in the trunk right after she chloroformed her at the home (in the garage) and then taped up her mouth and put her in the trunk -in the laundry bag - which did not tightly close. Since there was so much chloroform, I think she spilled it in the trunk. That is the only reason I see for the amount of chloroform. The only thing wrong with this theory is the BLOW flies were not found in the trunk - just a leg of one. Soooo, she probably had her in one garbage bag also. There are two black ones and the laundry bag. Scientist said the black garbage bag would have KEPT the initial blow flies away.

She returned home June 17th and backed in - maybe to get rid of her and decided against it. By that time decomp had started and if she touched her, she could have brought the decomp to the doll house in the back yard - transferring it. The dogs definitely hit there.

She did not consider the purging, but it must have started by the 18th when she borrowed the shovel and backed into the garage. She gets the dryer sheets and wipes up the "mess" with the paper towels because she cleaned up the trunk when she found that Caylee had purged (Jesus). I am going to say this is on June 18th - I think she dumped her on the 18th after she left her house and repacked Casey into ANOTHER garbage bag. She could possibly have left her in the trunk until the 19th because hundreds of coffin flies were found in the trunk.
I do not belief Casey ever kept Caylee in the trunk prior to her death. Caylee was a very intelligent little girl, she would have told CA or GA one way or another.
I don't think so. I just wouldn't think that Caylee would have survived to be as old as she was if she had been routinely locked in a car trunk in Florida.
I do not think KC kept Caylee closed up in the trunk prior to the fatal act. However, I do believe KC had Caylee sleeping on a makeshift bed that was in the trunk with the car's rear seat folded down. If KC had left her child in the car, someone passing by might see her there. So, I think a sleeping Caylee was in the back of the car behind the folded down back seat...in the trunk but not enclosed there, but out of sight if anyone were to pass by the parked car. I think KC could have drugged Caylee with cough medicine sometimes but perhaps other times went out occasionally to see that Caylee was still asleep.
I'm sure this has been brought up before... but could the duct tape over the nose and mouth have been post-mortem to keep fluids from oozing out? Gross, I know... just curious as to what you all thought of that?

I'm pretty sure there was an expert witness for the prosecution who said the tape was put there before death (sorry, I forget his name).
Like many of you, I was going back and forth on this.. I've finally come to this..

NO..before she died Caylee was not put in the trunk as a babysitting device. How did I come to this.. because before June 15-16 there was no issue of Cindy not babysitting for Casey. There are also text messages that show Casey was at home with Caylee at night. One of those text messges is between her and TonyL.

The other thing that cause me to doubt the trunk as a babysitting device is the lack of DNA evidence found it. ONE HAIR. If Caylee was repeatedly put in the trunk to sleep while Casey partied there would be all sorts of DNA in there. Pullups leak, especially if a young child has a stomach issue, but they also leak urine if the child has too much to drink close to bed time (I have a child). Not to mention there would be a lot more hair stuck in the trunk carpet of the car. We all shed hair everyday..

OF COURSE, one can argue that the car was cleaned once it came from the tow yard.. and Yes, I'm 100% positive that GA and CA did a very thorough job of cleaning that car but still there would be more than ONE HAIR if Caylee had been routinely placed in there.

But, what if Casey used the plaid blanket to cover the trunk lining, before laying Caylee down. Shaking it out when getting her out, and washing if dirty.
IIRC, the blanket was missing from the car, according to Cindy.


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