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What Psychological Disorder do you think Jodi may have?

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as the resident bi-polar ( who feels MUCH misaligned - not yet to go on on bloody stabby spree ) I think she is majorly schizo.

How interesting that you say this because I've been thinking she may be Schizotypal. There are hints all over the place: the sudden introduction of a second set of siblings which seems to have coincided with her estrangement from her parents; people saying how she seems stand-offish and shy in social situations; her obvious magical thinking and attempts to connect through various spiritual mediums; talking to herself in the third person; cold affect seen in court (almost trance-like eye blinking); shifts between hyperactive and catatonic behaviors (sleeping on desk one minute to standing on her head the next); and the sexual aggression with vivid fantasy, role playing. :moo:
Schizotypal personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I believe there are also too many schizotypal qualities for her to be bipolar. Her paranoia at times is astonishing. Seems as if she questions everything and can't trust anything, as evident by how she constantly changed religions, interests, geographic location, physical appearance. She does not even trust her parents enough to ever tell them about her life, as is evident by the transcripts of interrogation with her father.

Also, her father said she seemed fine 2 days after his death, but when she found out he died she went into a complete sobbing depression for days. He honestly thought that It seemed as if she honestly had just realized he was dead after she was told. This makes me think she truly did dissociate from her prime personality of Jodi when she killed him. Dissociation --->paranoia---->violence.
Yes, I'm with you (see my response a few lines down). Plus I forgot her OCD snooping/confront behavior, astral projection desires, and hypergraphic behavior with overattachment to her diaries. :seeya:
I voted for multiple personality disorders not listed. I would most likely diagnose Jodi with Cluster B Personality Disorders:

Cluster B personality disorders
These are personality disorders characterized by dramatic, overly emotional thinking or behavior and include:

Antisocial (formerly called sociopathic) personality disorder

Disregard for others
Persistent lying or stealing
Recurring difficulties with the law
Repeatedly violating the rights of others
Aggressive, often violent behavior
Disregard for the safety of self or others

Borderline personality disorder

Impulsive and risky behavior
Volatile relationships
Unstable mood
Suicidal behavior
Fear of being alone

Histrionic personality disorder

Constantly seeking attention
Excessively emotional
Extreme sensitivity to others' approval
Unstable mood
Excessive concern with physical appearance

Narcissistic personality disorder

Believing that you're better than others
Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
Exaggerating your achievements or talents
Expecting constant praise and admiration
Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings


I totally agree Axis II, Cluster B ***but*** all clinicians must make more specific diagnosis than that, just so you know.
Most PD's overlap (in other words exist comorbidly) but one must list a primary diagnosis, with others listed thereafter.

For instance, with JA I would list BPD (and the corresponding DSM IV code) as her dx, and then I would also list ASPD, and r/o NPD.
I would also assess for Dissociative Disorder while I was at it. The reason for this is that she speaks about herself in the third person on video.

Thanks for hearing me out. All MOO.

I totally agree Axis II, Cluster B ***but*** all clinicians must make more specific diagnosis than that, just so you know.
Most PD's overlap (in other words exist comorbidly) but one must list a primary diagnosis, with others listed thereafter.

For instance, with JA I would list BPD (and the corresponding DSM IV code) as her dx, and then I would also list ASPD, and r/o NPD.
I would also assess for Dissociative Disorder while I was at it. The reason for this is that she speaks about herself in the third person on video.

Thanks for hearing me out. All MOO.

This is precisely why I've wondered if there were environmental factors that caused her BPD. If she were sexually abused as a child, the reason why she wouldn't remember is bc this is the time she developed Dissociative identity disorder. Possibly this alter ego remains after and takes on the abuse for Jodi throughout the rest of her life. This alter, as it is the personality experiencing the abuse and PTSD, developed the BPD. Jodi does not develop the BPD as the abuse was never encoded within her prime personality - in short Jodi does not remember the abuse. Only her alter ego would and only her alter would be affected by it emotionally.

This would mean that for the rest of her life, whenever something of a sexual nature is presented or triggers her PTSD, her prime personality shuts down and her alter containing the BPD takes over for her.
We must ask ourselves: why such resentment towards the mother with Arias? Her parents mentioned she always treated her mother the worst.

And did this resentment towards her mother bleed into her resentment and jealousy toward women in general?

Her dad was on dialysis. Many people end up on this after abusing alcohol for years.

Would hate to think the double standard she would have felt if her father was an abusive alcoholic, but the moment she got caught growing a little pot (common in CA), they called the cops on her! Strange to never blame yourselves and only blame the child. Perhaps she had sexual intercourse at an early age or was raped and her parents actually made her feel guilty for it. Seems like the parents are narcissists and can't admit their own wrong. She ran away probably bc they were abusive in their emotional neglect. Who knows.
We must ask ourselves: why such resentment towards the mother with Arias? Her parents mentioned she always treated her mother the worst.

And did this resentment towards her mother bleed into her resentment and jealousy toward women in general?

Her dad was on dialysis. Many people end up on this after abusing alcohol for years.

Would hate to think the double standard she would have felt if her father was an abusive alcoholic, but the moment she got caught growing a little pot (common in CA), they called the cops on her! Strange to never blame yourselves and only blame the child. Perhaps she had sexual intercourse at an early age or was raped and her parents actually made her feel guilty for it. Seems like the parents are narcissists and can't admit their own wrong. She ran away probably bc they were abusive in their emotional neglect. Who knows.

I think it is a little misguided to think teens only run away because their parents are abusive. A LOT of teens take off because they just don't want to follow basic household rules.
I see antisocial with psychopathy and a healthy dose of narcicissm thrown in. I see some of the borderline traits others have talked about, but I think she's missing 2 key elements: JA's emotions seem non-existent rather than too strongly felt, and we've heard of no history of self harm.

The extreme intensity of the BPD's emotions leads to such pain that they act out to relieve that emotional pain...and it's more frequently (but not always) turned inward on themselves rather than outward. Living with or loving a BPD, you may feel they're tormenting or manipulating you with their behaviors. Over time I've become aware that they're not (usually!)consciously manipulating. It's just that if you love someone with BPD, your own pain at watching their self-torment can be overwhelming. Those overwhelming emotions can feel like manipultion, but I've learned it's more my own emotional response to feeling helpless to relieve their suffering.

All BPD's I've met have intense feelings of guilt and remorse. I just don't see that in JA. I vote for ASPD as the primary DX with enough co-morbidity across the entire cluster B to reach the level of psycopathy.
We must ask ourselves: why such resentment towards the mother with Arias? Her parents mentioned she always treated her mother the worst.

And did this resentment towards her mother bleed into her resentment and jealousy toward women in general?

Her dad was on dialysis. Many people end up on this after abusing alcohol for years.

Would hate to think the double standard she would have felt if her father was an abusive alcoholic, but the moment she got caught growing a little pot (common in CA), they called the cops on her! Strange to never blame yourselves and only blame the child. Perhaps she had sexual intercourse at an early age or was raped and her parents actually made her feel guilty for it. Seems like the parents are narcissists and can't admit their own wrong. She ran away probably bc they were abusive in their emotional neglect. Who knows.

I think you are basing this on very little information. How do you know her father is an alcoholic? If Jodi is a sociopath (she is) then it's not her parents' fault and there is nothing they could have done about it.

Sociopaths quite commonly have a deep seated and irrational hatred towards their parents. Why? For having the gall to try and punish them and teach them responsibility growing up and holding them accountable for their actions. Boy do sociopaths hate that. Jodi's parents usefullness to her ran out a long time ago. She only became "close" with her mother again after the murder. This was a manipulation tactic so that her mother would come to her aid and talk her up if LE come knocking and she could use her mom in her schemes (pedo letters). Jodi can't have her mom telling LE what an evil little gremlin she really is.

Jodi does not have a split personality and she has no emotions really. They are blunted to say that least. You have some interesting theories but they are a little out there.

The simple answer to this question is that Jodi has a personality disorder. A scary one.

The even simpler answer is she is a sociopath.
I would have to go with psychopath. She actually believes her own lies which is one trait out of many that a psychopath has. Some psychopaths can actually pass a lie detector test. Another trait, which is having a sense of entitlement...JA thinks because Travis broke up with her and was cheating on her that he had it coming to him. Travis didn't have a chance escaping from this truly evil person.
I think Ms. Demarte just testified to AntiSocial. At least, that's what is sounded like.
OMG!!!! My inner nerd is so excited. A friend of mine was given a copy of JA's MMPI 2 in her graduate program. I don't know how her professor gained a copy. She's forwarding the raw data to me with the backstory later today!!!! I hope it's legit.
Does anyone have a good basic explanation for the difference between a psychopath and sociopath? Thanks.
I believe she has BPD & is a sociopath.
BPD fots because:
1/ Unstable view of self, who she really is- became Morman with little persuasion, not settled into any 1 job (PPL, waitress, photographer etc.)
2/ Fear of rejection, being alone. Hanging onto friendships with old-exes, stalking TA
when he told her he didn't want to be with her.
3/ Low self-esteem- Letting herself be used for sex, fragile ego that shatters with rejection. Bragging about her high IQ, trying to convince herself & others that she is important.
4/ Outbursts of anger- hitting & screaming at her Mum, murdering TA (overkill).
5/ Threats of suicide.
Couple all this with sociopathy (lack of empathy & conscience) & it's a volatile mix.
Isn't she by definition personlaity disordered NOS since she has features of more than one personality d/o?
OMG!!!! My inner nerd is so excited. A friend of mine was given a copy of JA's MMPI 2 in her graduate program. I don't know how her professor gained a copy. She's forwarding the raw data to me with the backstory later today!!!! I hope it's legit.

OOOH this is exciting! Do tell, did you get it? Is it legit? What does it look like to you??
OMG!!!! My inner nerd is so excited. A friend of mine was given a copy of JA's MMPI 2 in her graduate program. I don't know how her professor gained a copy. She's forwarding the raw data to me with the backstory later today!!!! I hope it's legit.

Well.... Where is it???? Scan that puppy in so we can all see it!

..... Good thing I'm not holding my breath or anything......

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She's legally sane regardless of her pathologies. That's all the thought and concern she gets from me.
But thanks to you all for your thoughtful and informative posts! I read and learned.
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