Poll: Have your thoughts changed since the discovery of remains?

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What happened to Caylee?

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I have always believed this was premeditated murder and coverup. The only thing that's changed in my mind is that now I believe it was much worse than I originally thought. On one of the news shows a medical examiner stated that a head does NOT just disconnect from the body. This makes me think again about the "neck breaking" searches done on the computer. Also, for duct tape to positively be over the mouth or about the head and mouth, that indicates it was likely wrapped all the way around the head--maybe more than once. I originally thought Casey OD'd Caylee on chloro and/or xanax on purpose, but now it looks like poor Caylee may have suffered way way beyond that. Could she have sedated Caylee, wrapped her mouth/head in duct tape in case she woke up and then broke her neck? 'Scuse me while I go puke.
I voted for murder 1,planning and cover up...The person who says the nanny did it? Have they been following the case?
ETA: Cover up in the choices refers to a voter's belief that someone helped Casey to cover up her crime after the fact beit grandparents, brother, friends, etc[/QUOTE]

That's what I get for not reading the instructions thoroughly. I voted planned with coverup, but it should be just planned as I don't think she had an accomplice. Sorry. I do think, however, that she did semi plan what she was gonna do and say when it became known that Caylee was gone.
I voted murder one with planning (alone) and coverup. She premeditated the murder of Caylee, however, Casey isn't a cover-all-bases sort of criminal. Hence, lack of attention to detail will ultimately be her downfall.

She's going down, folks. D-o-w-n, down, DOWN. Can't wait.
I'll wait to see what the evidence shows where the tape was really placed.
I've always thought that there was an accident and that KC was not willing to tell the truth about it; drugs or neglect.
The irony is that KC would have gotten off pretty light if it was an accident. Pretty middle class girls do better in these cases than a poor mother of color living in a housing project would.
The more I think about it, the more I believe my original thought is correct - premeditated murder done by Casey herself and no accomplice at all. Why?

1) Wouldn't an accomplice have thought to dispose of the body much further away than in the perp's own neighborhood? Even if one of her family members helped, would they really place Caylee near their homes?

2) Just whom would she trust? Liars and murderers don't usually trust anyone but themselves.

3) I just can't see anyone else taking part in this because this is a BABY involved.

Of course, like I said above. I could be wrong.
I didn't vote, but my opinion hasn't changed. I'm just not sure what happened yet. I guess since sedating a child with chloroform and accidentally killing them in the process is murder 1, I guess I think it's murder 1 with a cover up. I just don't have all the details to be able to say anything with any degree of certainty. Was it intentional? That I can't say. There is definitely evidence that suggests it was. That right there will determine if I think she should receive LWOP or death.

I do think this child died at the hands of her mother though and I think her mother covered up whatever happened. I also wouldn't be shocked to find out George and Cindy helped in the cover-up, either. I don't think it started out intentional on their part, but it may have become intentional as time went by. For example, it was an honest mistake that they were going with the wrong weekend initially, but by that time, the story might have changed for George to see them on the 16th. I'm not saying it did, just that I won't be shocked if it did. I could name other instances where they may have been involved with a cover-up, but I'll refrain from doing so. I won't be upset if LE decides to charge them with trying to hamper this investigation though. I think they've been quite disingenuous many times and on many different levels.
Me too.

I voted she had cover-up help too. But, by that I meant the Anthony family said they believed Caylee was alive when they knew better.

I think when Cindy called 911 she thought Casey might be hiding Caylee out of spite but feared Casey had done something worse.

Once the science said there was decomposition, everything Cindy and George have lied and obstructed to save Casey. I don't think they knew where Caylee was or had any part in her disposal.

I meant the same.I've always thought KC acted alone and did her own coverup.Parents are trying to save her rotten skin.IMO
I have always believed this was premeditated murder and coverup. The only thing that's changed in my mind is that now I believe it was much worse than I originally thought. On one of the news shows a medical examiner stated that a head does NOT just disconnect from the body. This makes me think again about the "neck breaking" searches done on the computer. Also, for duct tape to positively be over the mouth or about the head and mouth, that indicates it was likely wrapped all the way around the head--maybe more than once. I originally thought Casey OD'd Caylee on chloro and/or xanax on purpose, but now it looks like poor Caylee may have suffered way way beyond that. Could she have sedated Caylee, wrapped her mouth/head in duct tape in case she woke up and then broke her neck? 'Scuse me while I go puke.

Where the detachment occurred will likely yield more clues than the fact that it did detach.

While she was weighted down, Laci Peterson's body washed ashore after detaching from the rest of the body (or much of). The torso washed ashore with 1 leg I believe. I don't even think it was the entire one leg. I distinctly and will never forget hearing that Sharon Rocha told investigators (after finding out they had her remains) that they'd know right away cause they could compare them to dental records. They of course had to break the sad news to her. I also recall how devastated she was when she found out Laci's arms weren't attached, either. She was buried with Conner and it killed Sharon that she couldn't hold her own son.

It's so funny (not really) to see the differences in emotions when comparing these cases side by side.

The world just doesn't begin to understand this family and I don't know about the rest of you, but I never want to understand them. At least Caylee is with the Lord.
Where the detachment occurred will likely yield more clues than the fact that it did detach.

While she was weighted down, Laci Peterson's body washed ashore after detaching from the rest of the body (or much of). The torso washed ashore with 1 leg I believe. I don't even think it was the entire one leg. I distinctly and will never forget hearing that Sharon Rocha told investigators (after finding out they had her remains) that they'd know right away cause they could compare them to dental records. They of course had to break the sad news to her. I also recall how devastated she was when she found out Laci's arms weren't attached, either. She was buried with Conner and it killed Sharon that she couldn't hold her own son.

It's so funny (not really) to see the differences in emotions when comparing these cases side by side.

The world just doesn't begin to understand this family and I don't know about the rest of you, but I never want to understand them. At least Caylee is with the Lord.

Laci broke apart because of the anchors, IIRC.
Laci broke apart because of the anchors, IIRC.

Yes she did and I had stated that in my post, but I see as I read over it again I must have deleted that part trying to hurry to another area I wanted to cover. I had every intention of pointing that out, but I must have forgot to get back to it.

I recall that case well. There was some sort of doctor on the board I posted on at the time who went out of her way to try and explain to us medical morons (that's me to a tee) how the head separates from the body after death as it becomes more and more decomposed. If this wasn't a natural separation, the ME will pick it up right away and that will become more important than the fact that it separated at all.
The only thing I changed my mind about is giving Casey more credit for diabolical cunning in disposing of Caylee's body.
Now I just think 'It figures.'
Brain damaged ,lazy little cypher.
All along, I've thought it had to be an accident, but with duck tape on the baby's mouth.... If she was dead, she would not need to be kept silent....

Poor baby... I only hope she was passed out and didn't see nothing.
I have always believed this was premeditated murder and coverup. The only thing that's changed in my mind is that now I believe it was much worse than I originally thought. On one of the news shows a medical examiner stated that a head does NOT just disconnect from the body. This makes me think again about the "neck breaking" searches done on the computer. Also, for duct tape to positively be over the mouth or about the head and mouth, that indicates it was likely wrapped all the way around the head--maybe more than once. I originally thought Casey OD'd Caylee on chloro and/or xanax on purpose, but now it looks like poor Caylee may have suffered way way beyond that. Could she have sedated Caylee, wrapped her mouth/head in duct tape in case she woke up and then broke her neck? 'Scuse me while I go puke.
Sadly I think thats exactly what she did.
I voted for murder 1,planning and cover up...The person who says the nanny did it? Have they been following the case?

that would be 3 people now. How much you want to bet Jose's out searching for their IP addresses at this very moment for the jury pool, LOL
I used to think it was accidental; not any more. She truly deserves the death penalty! I hope they bring it back into consideration.:furious:
My opinion of the facts have not changed at all over time. I think KC intended the body to give the impression the babysitter killed her if the body was ever found. I'm not sure she originally planned to dispose of Caylee in that spot, but may have been forced into a panic dumping.

I'm still a little confused about the "cover up" phrase in the poll. I voted #2, but meaning it was a deliberate premeditated murder, with the A's covering up everything they thought was relevant to the babysitter theory, after they decided to protect KC (not as physical accomplices).
Wow... people still believe there's a nanny? Or that somebody else killed this child?

I voted Murder 1, intentional, planned, covered up.
Well I had hoped in the beginning it was an accident and she panicked. Now with all the internet searches and the partying I think she planned it for awhile, which is sickening to even wrap my head and heart around. Seeing those pictures of her and knowing that her mother had some sinister plan hatching. I don't think she had help in covering anything up, well not in hiding the body or anything anyway.

She has never acted like a mother that has had her child taken away (kidnapped) She should have needed to be sedated from day one if it were true that she was abducted.
Just a question...how can it not be a cover-up with all the Zani garbage???


Also, how could 3 people vote that the "Nanny did it" when it's been proven that the nanny existed in Casey's imagination only?

Not a single person ever saw or spoke to Zanny the imaginary nanny.

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