Poll: Have your thoughts changed since the discovery of remains?

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What happened to Caylee?

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I am in the agreement with Sparpar. Casey is the master munipulator of the Anthony family and has been for more years, more than anyone can recall. Other people have been able to distance themselves to a degree but often where hurt or caught up in her web.

In her excessive use of words, speaking or writing, she does weave in bits of facts but before she is done, she leaves many in a state of confusion. This is expecially true for those who care for her.

We can keep Caylee close to our hearts.

Mind Student
My vote was "accidental murder with a cover up" & this has been my feeling since the beginning.

However...I do think she "intentionally" meant to use a substance to alter her child's consciousness which resulted in an unplanned death. As a result, she went into a panic mode and her ball of lies began a roll like no other.

As much as I hate to hear parents blamed for their child's misdeeds, I do think that lying became a necessary mechanism in order to live with CA...even GA has a history of lying to CA.
My vote was "accidental murder with a cover up" & this has been my feeling since the beginning.

As much as I hate to hear parents blamed for their child's misdeeds, I do think that lying became a necessary mechanism in order to live with CA...even GA has a history of lying to CA.
And GA continues to do so--in one of his interviews with police he said he did not want Cindy or Lee to know he was talking to them !!! A lie by omission is still a lie as far as I am concerned.
My vote was "accidental murder with a cover up" & this has been my feeling since the beginning.

However...I do think she "intentionally" meant to use a substance to alter her child's consciousness which resulted in an unplanned death. As a result, she went into a panic mode and her ball of lies began a roll like no other.

As much as I hate to hear parents blamed for their child's misdeeds, I do think that lying became a necessary mechanism in order to live with CA...even GA has a history of lying to CA.

Update to my original post:

I also believe that KC had help in either the commission of the accident (crime) and or, the disposing of Caylee's remains...the latter, I'd bet hard $$$ on!

My hunch for her "help" in the disposing of Caylee's remains would be TL...something about his interview with LE just doesn't seem 100% honest & because of how KC was adamant about speaking with him during her first stint in jail.

For those who believe that she had "help" in a cover up...who do you think it was & why?
I can't vote as you fail to provide an option for accidental death w cover-up, only "accidental" murder(?) Therefore if by "accidental murder" you mean "negligent homicide," this or manslaughter entail culpable negligence-- ie the "gross and flagrant failure" to use "ordinary care." Since my theory all along has been that a drowning occurred there in the A's pool, I've consistently maintained that, given the failure on the part of these homeowners to provide standard safety measures (including pool fencing, cover, and alarm), it could be argued that even GA and CA themselves failed to use reasonable measures or ordinary care to protect themselves legally from liability for others wandering into their pool--much less safeguard their own two year-old grandchild living at the residence. As her caregiver at the time however, KC is the one whose negligence, if any, were admitted or found could possibly have risen to level of culpable--to which she can now of course add failure to render aid (even if she deemed Caylee beyond hope of revival), failure to report, tampering w evidence, false statements, hindering investigation, abuse of corpse, etc. JMO
I can't vote as you fail to provide an option for accidental death w cover-up, only "accidental" murder(?) Therefore if by "accidental murder" you mean "negligent homicide," this or manslaughter entail culpable negligence--the "gross and flagrant failure" to use "ordinary care." And since my theory all along has been that a drowning occurred there in the A's pool, I've consistently maintained that the failure on the part of these homeowners to provide standard safety measures (including pool fencing, cover, and alarm), it could be argued that even GA and CA themselves failed to use reasonable measures or ordinary care to protect themselves legally from the liability of others wandering into their pool--much less safeguard their own toddler grandchild living at their residence. KC, however, is the one if any who would've most likely risked facing charges of "culpable negligence," should she ever have admitted to this--not to mention failure to render aid (even if she deemed Caylee beyond hope of revival), failure to report, tampering w evidence, false statements, hindering an investigation, abuse of corpse, etc etc... JMO

I voted before I read your post but, yes I meant accidental death. I'm not sure how you accidentally murder somebody.

Also, how could 3 people vote that the "Nanny did it" when it's been proven that the nanny existed in Casey's imagination only?

Not a single person ever saw or spoke to Zanny the imaginary nanny.

3 votes for the nanny

3 members of the Anthony family currently not incarcerated.

Hmmmmm.............I wonder who voted for the nanny?:waitasec:
At first I thought accidental death, no coverup.

But as the Anthonys showed their attitudes on TV I began to believe accidental death with coverup.

But the more I learn of that family- and especially CA, the more strongly I believe that Casey is capable of murder- and premeditated murder as well.

And I belive this was planned and carried out by Casey and that her family helped her after the fact.
I think it was accidental with cover-up, but I may be wrong. I just cant stand to think about this beautiful little girl suffering at all especially at the hands of her own Mother.:mad:
My thoughts have changed as well. I used to think accidental, with possibly a little bit of help in burying the body, but now I think it was premeditated, and Casey acted alone. I don't think grandpa George would have just tossed a trash bag full of his granddaughter into a vacant swampy lot. I think he would have lovingly buried her somewhere with some sort of tribute. Only the murderer would've so callously ditched the body like that, IMO.
My vote was "accidental murder with a cover up" & this has been my feeling since the beginning.

However...I do think she "intentionally" meant to use a substance to alter her child's consciousness which resulted in an unplanned death. As a result, she went into a panic mode and her ball of lies began a roll like no other.

As much as I hate to hear parents blamed for their child's misdeeds, I do think that lying became a necessary mechanism in order to live with CA...even GA has a history of lying to CA.

I don't believe it was ever accidental. I believe Caylee was like "put down" like some people put down a dog when they become to much trouble. Caylee was talking and telling on KC - KC had to put an end to it.

She is much smarter than people give her credit for, and she deliberately put the body there for a reason. To be found and to be associated with the kidnappers.

The water came up moved the body and when the "helpers" went to find it, it was not in the same place. Yes, I believe others helped her after the fact.
I think it was accidental with cover-up, but I may be wrong. I just cant stand to think about this beautiful little girl suffering at all especially at the hands of her own Mother.:mad:

Happens everyday and some suffer more by being alive than by dying. Because of what I know now about KC and that family, I now believe that her death was a blessing, so she did not have to live the life they provide.
wow.........3 votes for nanny........just.....wow
the duct tape/by her mother

there are no words that I can say.....indescribable......of how I feel....about a mother that could do that to her baby......I can not get the picture of Caylee's eyes watching her mother do this to her.....the panic she must have felt.....there is just no words for it......
Three voted for the famous illusive nanny? Let's see......:waitasec:.......how many members of a certain family is NOT in jail?
I don't believe it was ever accidental. I believe Caylee was like "put down" like some people put down a dog when they become to much trouble. Caylee was talking and telling on KC - KC had to put an end to it.

She is much smarter than people give her credit for, and she deliberately put the body there for a reason. To be found and to be associated with the kidnappers.

The water came up moved the body and when the "helpers" went to find it, it was not in the same place. Yes, I believe others helped her after the fact.


She was given a chance for limited immunity to bring this all to an end by leading LE to Cayee's body--IF it were an accident, she would have given her up. She was so despised--and to her sense of pumped-up self--she'd have thought she could recover some modicom of respect. Not to mention, not spend an "eternity in jail"!

She couldn't because it was Murder--no way to explain duct tape around poor Caylee's head. None. And the web searches. No way to explain those away either--months in advance?? None. Go out with your BF, party-hardy @ the bars--after an accident?? Inexpilicable!

THIRTY-ONE days--and she asks for another? No way to explain so much it's mind boggling. None.

She had no help until after the fact.
SHE had the run of that house. Until Caylee came along. Not CA or GA.

Diabolical. Not a smart murderer, but diabolical and one who thought since her family & friends believed her BS lies--everyone else would too, including LE.

The family has helped the cover up with the ridiculous "nanny" story. It is not their fault Caylee is gone........Casey & Casey alone took her away from them. They have been & will continue to try to save their sick, twisted daughter.

But there WILL be justice for Caylee!
I don't believe it was ever accidental. I believe Caylee was like "put down" like some people put down a dog when they become to much trouble. Caylee was talking and telling on KC - KC had to put an end to it.

She is much smarter than people give her credit for, and she deliberately put the body there for a reason. To be found and to be associated with the kidnappers.

The water came up moved the body and when the "helpers" went to find it, it was not in the same place. Yes, I believe others helped her after the fact.

I think the same thing too. I think she did this to stage a kidnapping. Whether she put the duct tape around Caylee's head (I feel so bad typing that) before or after the crime, I think that it was to look like a kidnapping. We see it in movies all the time where a kidnapped child has duct tape around the mouth (so noone can hear them) and the eyes (so they cannot see anything).
I also believe that she had help but as to when the help comes into play I am still wondering.

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