Poll: Have your thoughts changed since the discovery of remains?

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What happened to Caylee?

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I don't believe anyone helped her- I think she acted alone- I believe her parents were told about what she had done and that's where they started their crazy stories- to keep the needle out of her arm.
I do have a question/thought:
Could she have been planning this for a long time- being as she made up Zanny quite a while ago. She had been saying for months that Zanny was watching her (prior to Caylee disappearing) If she had a make-believe nanny- how much thought and planning really went into Caylees murder?
I voted murder one with planning and cover up because of the searches on her puter for the missing children sites. I believe she was looking into previous cases to make it look like someone else did it plus her elaborate lies about the Nanny-kidnap story.
The only reason she dumped her so close to home is IMO she almost got busted with her dead baby in the car the day GA almost went in the trunk so she hauled a$$ down the street and ditched her grusome package. She only went a few feet into the brush because she is familiar with the area that is infested with snakes and such.
Accidental commited alone. She's not a very good liar. She stayed drunk or high for a whole month, stole check, commited identity fraud and didn't care what she did. She also had a whole month to come up with the Zanny story and didn't do a very good job at that.
I truly believe if this was planned the story would be alot more believable than it is. Theres a dozen way to murder a child and it look like an accident. An accidental drowning in the pool or tub and she would walk away from it. This is an unplanned violent crime committed in anger. Casey is cellophane and the world sees right through her.
I have wavered between Murder 1 and Accidental, but I just can't get past the Google searches on chloroform, "neck breaking" etc. Therefore, I erred on the side of Murder 1. That said, I can't say I'm even slightly convinced that anyone else actively participated in any kind of cover up immediately following Caylee's death.
Haven't changed at all, if anything the discovery of the remains strengthens my belief that it was premeditated by Casey.
I also believe her immediate family was in on the cover-up.
I had hoped Caylee's death was an accident. I wanted to believe Casey couldn't actually murder her own child. Since the skull was found with duct tape around it, I'm struggling with the thought that she did murder Caylee.

Guess we'll know more as soon as someone leaks more info from the sheriff's office.
I am cornfused again! We have a lot of threads regarding the remains where we are expressing our thoughts and this says it is a poll thread but there is no poll?
Are you trying to make this a poll thread?

tee hee :laugh:

*she said cornfused*

I am just aboot ready to lean the other way so that I tip and my mind changes.

But I'll vote tomorrow.
I voted murder one with planning and coverup but very poorly planned & covered up. KC lied so much she thought she was an expert at it. Hence the searches in march on the PC.....Missing children sites, chloroform, household items used as weapons, neck-breaking etc. Maybe that's why she had an attraction to men in LE to see how they think etc. Did any of her friends r family ever confront her @ her lies? If not she probably thought everything she lied @ they believed so why not believe her kidnapping story too? JMO
Actually I'll vote now - (Note: I never vote in polls.) and then see if any announcemets change my mind again tomorrow.

I always felt it had to be some sort of accident gone bad. I felt it most likely she had no help.

I now think: Murder One - no help in hiding - it is possible she has told someone most but not all the details.

pssst - JBean - I have come to really enoy your posts.
if you vote coverup it means you think someone helped her to cover the crime...not if she is trying to spin coverups. did that make sense? :blowkiss:

Yes, thank-you.
Then I will have to vote for the 1st choice as I don't think anyone else helped her.

As much as I disapprove of Cindy, George & Lee's behavior, I don't believe they helped her.
I truly believe they cannot fathom their own child doing something so heinous.
(Many of us on here can't fathom the "why" of it all. Imagine being her parents and trying to understand it.)
There are many spoiled rotten children in this world. Most of them don't commit murder.
I have always believed this was a premeditated crime. I think the murder was done by Casey, alone. However I do not think that Cindy and George are the ones that helped her get rid of Caylee's body because from what I have read, they have willingly given their fingerprints to LE but I have not heard if Lee has done the same. So I do have some suspicion that someone may have helped her dispose of the body but she easily could have done it all on her own.
*Murder One ~ aggravated child abuse (capital murder charge)
*Planning, premeditation
*Cover up, her immediate family members ~ Obstruction of justice in a murder investigation, the SA needs the A's testimony for trial, therefore the A's will not be charged before the murder trial (no taking the 5th amendment for them).

ETA: NO, my opinion has not changed since the discovery of Caylee's remains on Thursday.
One thing I have no doubt about and that KC took that babies life. Murder 1 diffently no doubt in my mind.And I do think there was a cover up.
Darn I clicked on the wrong one!:loser:

I chose the second option, not realising it was meant as an accomplice to the coverup.

Murder 1 with planning alone is my opinion.
It has only changed in the fact that I now think this was a more brutal murder than I did at 1st.

I have a feeling that things are going to come out to be waaaay more heinous (sp?).
These grandparents are fakes...just like their daughter. I have been so disgusted with what they have been doing that I have stayed away for days on end unable to digest their silly appearances on various shows. I came back yesterday (for a peek) and am elated that Caylee has decided to show herself (something that I believed she would do from early in this case)...

I am shocked and repeatedly upset by the behavior of this horrible family and am looking forward to the day when the law lets them know what lines will be drawn! They have NO sense of boundary, no idea what is the moral or ethical way to behave and it doesn't surprise me in the least that they have managed to raise a sociopathic murderer. I have never seen anything the likes of these folks in my life!

I felt from the beginning that KC had killed Caylee, but I felt it was accident. Then after a time I decided that she killed her on purpose. Now...I feel that it was on purpose and George sure is squirming! I have now decided he helped in the cover-up!:eek: This is one sick case.
It has only changed in the fact that I now think this was a more brutal murder than I did at 1st.

I have a feeling that things are going to come out to be waaaay more heinous (sp?).

My thoughts exactly. I can't even think of how the duct tape was used. :eek:

She's such a liar, it's difficult to imagine she'd trust anyone, but sometimes I think she must have trusted someone along the way. But I still voted "no accomplice", although I'm probably wrong. Evidence appears to point to assistance.

I adamantly believe she killed the innocent child all by herself, and if someone else gave help, it was after the fact. Got that? :rolleyes: Accidental? No way. If she was drugging the child, that's no accident, even if she didn't intend to "kill" her, just doing the horrid deed is criminal enough, imo.

I can't figure out who would help her considering this was about a little child. Is Casey more important then the baby? :eek: Cindy certainly took Casey's side over Caylee's, so I guess it's not so out there with those people. I believe the "alleged" accomplice was "close to home". We definitely saw an attempt to cover for her, including lots of obstruction of justice.
My thoughts exactly. I can't even think of how the duct tape was used. :eek:

She's such a liar, it's difficult to imagine she'd trust anyone, but sometimes I think she must have trusted someone along the way. But I still voted "no accomplice", although I'm probably wrong. Evidence appears to point to assistance.

I adamantly believe she killed the innocent child all by herself, and if someone else gave help, it was after the fact. Got that? :rolleyes: Accidental? No way. If she was drugging the child, that's no accident, even if she didn't attend to "kill" her, just doing the horrid deed is criminal enough, imo.

I can't figure out who would help her considering this was about a little child. Is Casey more important then the baby? :eek: Cindy certainly took Casey's side over Caylee's, so I guess it's not so out there with those people. I believe the "alleged" accomplice was "close to home".

The more I hear lately, the more nauseas (sp?) I get. This is one of the saddest cases.

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